mirror of
synced 2025-01-21 03:41:31 +01:00
Finally committing this
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,13 +16,10 @@ end
local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core or nil
local Vector3
local key_instance
if worldeditadditions_core then
key_instance = dofile(wea_c.modpath.."/utils/parse/key_instance.lua")
Vector3 = dofile(wea_c.modpath.."/utils/vector3.lua")
Vector3 = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.vector3")
key_instance = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.parse.key_instance")
@ -30,34 +27,34 @@ end
local keywords = {
-- Compass keywords
compass = {
n = "z", north = "z",
["n"] = "z", ["north"] = "z",
["-n"] = "-z", ["-north"] = "-z",
s = "-z", south = "-z",
["s"] = "-z", ["south"] = "-z",
["-s"] = "z", ["-south"] = "z",
e = "x", east = "x",
["e"] = "x", ["east"] = "x",
["-e"] = "-x", ["-east"] = "-x",
w = "-x", west = "-x",
["w"] = "-x", ["west"] = "-x",
["-w"] = "x", ["-west"] = "x",
["u"] = "y", ["up"] = "y",
["d"] = "-y", ["down"] = "-y",
-- Direction keywords
dir = {
["?"] = "front", f = "front",
facing = "front", front = "front",
b = "back", back = "back",
behind = "back", rear = "back",
l = "left", left = "left",
r = "right", right = "right",
u = "up", up = "up",
d = "down", down = "down",
["?"] = "front", ["f"] = "front",
["facing"] = "front", ["front"] = "front",
["b"] = "back", ["back"] = "back",
["behind"] = "back", ["rear"] = "back",
["l"] = "left", ["left"] = "left",
["r"] = "right", ["right"] = "right",
-- Mirroring keywords
mirroring = {
sym = true, symmetrical = true,
mirror = true, mir = true,
rev = true, reverse = true,
["true"] = true
["sym"] = true, ["symmetrical"] = true,
["mirror"] = true, ["mir"] = true,
["rev"] = true, ["reverse"] = true,
["m"] = true, ["true"] = true
@ -69,17 +66,23 @@ local parse = {}
-- @param: str: String: Axis declaration to parse
-- @returns: Table|Bool: axis | axes | false
function parse.axis(str)
local axes, ret = {"x","y","z"}, {}
for i,v in ipairs(axes) do
local ret = {}
if str:match("[^hvxyz]") then return false end
if str:match("v") then
ret["v"] = true
str = "y"..str
if str:match("h") then
ret["h"] = true
str = "xz"..str
for _,v in ipairs({"x", "y", "z"}) do
if str:match(v) then table.insert(ret,v) end
if #ret > 0 and str:match("^[xyz]+$") then
return ret
elseif str == "h" then
return {"x", "z"}
elseif str == "v" then
return {"y"}
else return false end
return ret
--- Processes an number from a string.
@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ end
-- @returns: Key Instance: returns keyword type, processed keyword content and signed number (or nil)
function parse.keyword(str)
if type(str) ~= "string" then
return key_instance.new("err", "Error: \""..tostring(str).."\" is not a string.", 404)
return "err", "Error: \""..tostring(str).."\" is not a string.", 404
elseif keywords.compass[str] then
str = keywords.compass[str]
@ -110,15 +113,17 @@ function parse.keyword(str)
local axes = parse.axis(str)
if axes then
return key_instance.new("axis", axes, sign)
return "axis", axes, sign
elseif keywords.dir[str] then
return key_instance.new("dir", keywords.dir[str], sign)
return "dir", keywords.dir[str], sign
elseif keywords.mirroring[str] then
return key_instance.new("rev", "mirroring")
else return key_instance.new("err", "Error: \""..str.."\" is not a valid axis, direction or keyword.", 422)
return "rev", "mirroring"
return "err", "Error: \""..str.."\" is not a valid axis, direction or keyword.", 422
--- Creates a vector with a length of (@param: value * @param: sign)
-- on each axis in @param: axes.
-- @param: axes: Table: List of axes to set
@ -126,13 +131,16 @@ end
-- @param: sign: Number: sign multiplier for axes
-- @returns: Vector3: processed vector
function parse.vectorize(axes,value,sign)
-- TODO: Add hv compatability
local ret = Vector3.new()
for i,v in ipairs(axes) do
for _,v in ipairs(axes) do
ret[v] = value * sign
return ret
--- Converts Unified Axis Keyword table into Vector3 instances.
-- @param: tbl: Table: Keyword table to parse
-- @param: facing: Table: Output from worldeditadditions_core.player_dir(name)
@ -141,80 +149,76 @@ end
-- if error: @returns: false, String: error message
function parse.keytable(tbl, facing, sum)
local min, max = Vector3.new(), Vector3.new()
local expected, tmp = 1, {axes = {}, num = 0, sign = 1, mirror = false}
function tmp:reset() self.axis, self.sign = "", 1 end
local expected = 1
local tmp = {axes = {}, num = 0, sign = 1, mirror = false}
for i,v in ipairs(tbl) do
if v:sub(1,1) == "+" then v = v:sub(2) end
function tmp:reset()
self.axis, self.sign = "", 1
--- Processes a number and adds it to the min and max vectors.
-- @param num The number to process.
-- @param axes The axes to apply the number to.
-- @param sign The sign of the number.
local function parseNumber(num, axes, sign)
if num * sign >= 0 then
max = max:add(parse.vectorize(axes, num, sign))
min = min:add(parse.vectorize(axes, num, sign))
for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
if v:sub(1, 1) == "+" then
v = v:sub(2)
tmp.num = parse.num(v)
if expected == 1 then -- Mode 1 of state machine
-- State machine expects string
if expected == 1 then
if tmp.num then
-- If this is a number treat as all axes and add to appropriate vector
if tmp.num * tmp.sign >= 0 then
max = max:add(parse.vectorize({"x","y","z"}, tmp.num, tmp.sign))
min = min:add(parse.vectorize({"x","y","z"}, tmp.num, tmp.sign))
-- We are still looking for axes so the state machine should remain
-- in Mode 1 for the next iteration
parseNumber(tmp.num, {"x", "y", "z", h = true, v = true}, tmp.sign)
-- Else parse.keyword
local key_inst = parse.keyword(v)
-- Stop if error and return message
if key_inst:is_error() then return false, key_inst.entry end
-- Check key type and process further
if key_inst.type == "axis" then
tmp.axes = key_inst.entry
tmp.sign = key_inst.sign
elseif key_inst.type == "dir" then
tmp.axes = {facing[key_inst.entry].axis}
tmp.sign = facing[key_inst.entry].sign * key_inst.sign
elseif key_inst.type == "rev" then
local key_type, key_entry, key_sign = parse.keyword(v)
if key_type == "axis" then
tmp.axes = key_entry
tmp.sign = key_sign
elseif key_type == "dir" then
tmp.axes = {facing[key_entry].axis}
tmp.sign = facing[key_entry].sign * key_sign
elseif key_type == "rev" then
tmp.mirror = true
-- If key type is error or unknown throw error and stop
if key_inst.type == "err" then
return false, key_inst.entry
return false, "Error: Unknown Key Instance type \""..
tostring(key_inst.type).."\". Contact the devs!"
return false, key_entry
expected = 2 -- Toggle state machine to expect number (Mode 2)
expected = 2
else -- Mode 2 of state machine
-- State machine expects number
if tmp.num then
-- If this is a number process num and add to appropriate vector
if tmp.num * tmp.sign >= 0 then
max = max:add(parse.vectorize(tmp.axes, tmp.num, tmp.sign))
min = min:add(parse.vectorize(tmp.axes, tmp.num, tmp.sign))
expected = 1 -- Toggle state machine to expect string (Mode 1)
parseNumber(tmp.num, tmp.axes, tmp.sign)
expected = 1
-- Else throw an error and stop everything
return false, "Error: Expected number after \""..tostring(tbl[i-1])..
"\", got \""..tostring(v).."\"."
return false, "Error: Expected number after \""..tostring(tbl[i-1]).."\". Got \""..tostring(v).."\"."
end -- End of state machine
end -- End of main for loop
-- Handle Mirroring
if tmp.mirror and not sum then
max = max:max(min:abs())
min = max:multiply(-1)
if sum then return min:add(max)
else return min, max end
if sum then
return min:add(max)
return min, max
return {
keyword = parse.keyword,
keytable = parse.keytable,
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
--- A container for transmitting (axis table, sign) or (dir, sign) pairs
-- and other data within parsing functions.
-- @internal
-- @class worldeditadditions_core.parse.key_instance
local key_instance = {}
key_instance.__index = key_instance
key_instance.__name = "Key Instance"
-- Allowed values for "type" field
local types = {
err = true, rev = true,
axis = true, dir = true,
replace = {
error = "err",
axes = "axis",
-- Simple function for putting stuff in quotes
local function enquote(take)
if type(take) == "string" then
return '"'..take..'"'
else return tostring(take) end
--- Creates a new Key Instance.
-- This is a table with a "type" string, an entry string or table
-- and an optional signed integer (or code number in the case of errors)
-- @param: type: String: Key type (axis, dir(ection), rev (mirroring) or error).
-- @param: entry: String: The main content of the key.
-- @param: sign: Int: The signed multiplier of the key (if any).
-- @return: Key Instance: The new Key Instance.
function key_instance.new(type,entry,sign)
if types.replace[type] then
type = types.replace[type]
elseif not types[type] then
return key_instance.new("err",
"Key Instance internal error: Invalid type "..enquote(type)..".",
local tbl = {type = type, entry = entry}
if sign and sign ~= 0 then
if type == "err" then tbl.code = sign
else tbl.sign = sign end
return setmetatable(tbl, key_instance)
--- Checks if Key Instance "entry" field is a table.
-- @param: tbl: Key Instance: The Key Instance to check.
-- @return: Bool: Returns true if Key Instance has a non 0 sign value.
function key_instance.entry_table(a)
if type(a.entry) == "table" then
return true
else return false end
--- Checks if Key Instance has a signed multiplier.
-- @param: tbl: Key Instance: The Key Instance to check.
-- @return: Bool: Returns true if Key Instance has a non 0 sign value.
function key_instance.has_sign(a)
if not a.sign or a.sign == 0 then
return false
else return true end
--- Checks if Key Instance is an error.
-- @param: tbl: Key Instance: The Key Instance to check.
-- @return: Bool: Returns true if Key Instance is an error.
function key_instance.is_error(a)
if a.type == "err" then return true
else return false end
function key_instance.__tostring(a)
local ret = "{type = "..enquote(a.type)..", entry = "
if type(a.entry) == "table" and #a.entry <= 3 then
ret = ret.."{"
for _i,v in ipairs(a.entry) do
ret = ret..enquote(v)..", "
ret = ret:sub(1,-3).."}"
else ret = ret..enquote(a.entry) end
if a:is_error() and a.code then ret = ret..", code = "..a.code.."}"
elseif a:has_sign() then ret = ret..", sign = "..a.sign.."}"
else ret = ret.."}" end
return ret
return key_instance
Reference in New Issue
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