Starbeamrainbowlabs 9dd92dbe70
StagedVoxelRegion: initial save() implementation.
....but it's untested, as usual.
2023-09-24 02:07:08 +01:00

121 lines
4.2 KiB

local weac = worldeditadditions_core
local Vector3 = weac.Vector3
--- Converts data in a VoxelManip to a raw data array for serialisation.
-- TODO: Figure out the specifics of how this fits into StagedVoxelRegion, and whether or not StagedVoxelRegion has too many overrides or not. Then implement the counterpart raw2voxelmanip & integrate into WEA + StagedVoxelRegion
-- @param voxelmanip VoxelManipulator The voxelmanip instance to extract data from.
-- @param pos1 Vector3 Position 1 that defines the region to extract data from.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 Position 2 that defines the region to extract data from.
local function voxelmanip2raw(voxelmanip, pos1, pos2)
local pos1_sort, pos2_sort = Vector3.sort(pos1, pos2)
local size = pos2_sort - pos1_sort
local data = voxelmanip:get_data()
local param2 = voxelmanip:get_param2_data()
local pos1_manip, pos2_manip = voxelmanip:get_emerged_area()
local area = VoxelArea:new({
MinEdge = pos1_manip,
MaxEdge = pos2_manip
pos1_manip = Vector3.clone(pos1_manip)
pos2_manip = Vector3.clone(pos2_manip)
local pos1_manip_sort, pos2_manip_sort = Vector3.sort(pos1_manip, pos2_manip)
local result_data = {}
local result_param2 = {}
for z = pos2_sort.z, pos1_sort.z, -1 do
for x = pos2_sort.x, pos1_sort.x, -1 do
for y = pos2_sort.y, pos1_sort.y, -1 do
local here = Vector3.new(x, y, z)
local here_target = here - pos1_manip_sort
local here_target_i = here_target.z * size.y * size.x + here_target.y * size.x + here_target.x -- Minetest flat arrays start from 1 (I thought they started from 0?!?!?!), but WEA flat arrays start from 0. Hence, we don't +1 here, though at some point we'll hafta update eeeevvvveerrrryyything...... :-(
local here_source_i = area:index(x, y, z)
result_data[here_target_i] = data[here_source_i]
result_param2[here_target_i] = param2[here_source_i]
return result_data, result_param2
--- Makes a node id map for saving to disk based on a given RAW data array of node ids.
-- Also sequentially packs node ids to save space and potentially improve compression ratio, though this is unproven.
-- @param data table The RAW data table to read ids from to build the map.
-- @returns table,table A pair of maps to transform node ids from the world to the schematic file.
-- 1. The sID: number → node_name: string map to be saved in the schematic. sID stands for *schematic* id, which is NOT the same as the node id in the world.
-- 2. The wID → sID node id map. wID = the node id in the current Minetest world, and sID = the *schematic* id as in #1. All world node ids MUST be pushed through this map before being saved to the schematic file.
local function make_id_maps(data)
local map = {}
local id2id = {}
local next_id = 0
for _, wid in pairs(data) do
if id2id[wid] == nil then
id2id[wid] = next_id
next_id = next_id + 1
local sid = id2id[wid]
map[sid] = minetest.get_name_from_content_id(wid)
return map, id2id
--- Encodes a table of numbers (ZERO INDEXED) with run-length encoding.
-- The reason for the existence of this function is avoiding very long strings when serialising / deserialising. Long strings can be a problem in more ways than one.
-- @param tbl number[] The table of numbers to runlength encode.
local function runlength_encode(tbl)
local result = {}
local next = 0
local prev, count = nil, 0
for i, val in pairs(tbl) do
if prev ~= val then
local msg = tostring(prev)
if count > 1 then msg = tostring(count).."x"..msg end
result[next] = msg
next = next + 1
count = 0
prev = val
count = count + 1
local msg_last = tostring(prev)
if count > 1 then msg_last = tostring(count) .. "x" .. msg_last end
result[next] = msg_last
return result
local function runlength_decode(tbl)
local unpacked = {}
local next = 0
for i, val in pairs(tbl) do
local count, sid = string.match(val, "(%d+)x(%d+)")
if count == nil then
unpacked[next] = tonumber(val)
next = next + 1
sid = tonumber(sid)
for _ = 1, count do
unpacked[next] = sid
next = next + 1
return unpacked
return {