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worldedit.register_command("scale", {
params = "<axis> <scale_factor> | <factor_x> [<factor_y> <factor_z> [<anchor_x> <anchor_y> <anchor_z>]]",
description = "Combined scale up / down. Takes either an axis name + a scale factor (e.g. y 3 or -z 2; negative values swap the anchor point for the scale operation), or 3 scale factor values for x, y, and z respectively. In the latter mode, a set of anchors can also be specified, which indicate which size the scale operation should be anchored to.",
privs = { worldedit = true },
require_pos = 2,
parse = function(params_text)
if not params_text then params_text = "" end
local parts = worldeditadditions.split(params_text, "%s+", false)
local scale = vector.new(1, 1, 1)
local direction = vector.new(1, 1, 1)
if #parts == 2 then
if parts[1] ~= "x" or parts[1] ~= "y" or parts[1] ~= "z"
or parts[1] ~= "-x" or parts[1] ~= "-y" or parts[1] ~= "-z" then
return false, "Error: Got 2 arguments, but the first doesn't look like the name of an axis."
local axis = parts[1]
local factor = tonumber(parts[2])
if not factor then return false, "Error: Invalid scale factor." end
if axis:sub(1, 1) == "-" then
axis = axis:sub(2, 2)
direction[axis] = -1
scale[axis] = factor
elseif #parts >= 3 then
local val = tonumber(parts[1])
if not val then return false, "Error: x axis scale factor wasn't a number." end
scale.x = val
val = tonumber(parts[2])
if not val then return false, "Error: y axis scale factor wasn't a number." end
scale.y = val
val = tonumber(parts[3])
if not val then return false, "Error: z axis scale factor wasn't a number." end
scale.z = val
local val = tonumber(parts[1])
if not val then
return false, "Error: scale factor wasn't a number."
scale.x = val
scale.y = val
scale.z = val
if #parts == 6 then
local val = tonumber(parts[4])
if not val then return false, "Error: x axis anchor wasn't a number." end
direction.x = val
val = tonumber(parts[5])
if not val then return false, "Error: y axis anchor wasn't a number." end
direction.y = val
val = tonumber(parts[6])
if not val then return false, "Error: z axis anchor wasn't a number." end
direction.z = val
if scale.x == 0 then return false, "Error: x scale factor was 0" end
if scale.y == 0 then return false, "Error: y scale factor was 0" end
if scale.z == 0 then return false, "Error: z scale factor was 0" end
if direction.x == 0 then return false, "Error: x axis anchor was 0" end
if direction.y == 0 then return false, "Error: y axis anchor was 0" end
if direction.z == 0 then return false, "Error: z axis anchor was 0" end
return true, scale, direction
nodes_needed = function(name, scale, direction)
local volume = worldedit.volume(worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name])
local factor = math.ceil(math.abs(scale.x))
* math.ceil(math.abs(scale.y))
* math.ceil(math.abs(scale.z))
return volume * factor
func = function(name, scale, direction)
local start_time = worldeditadditions.get_ms_time()
local success, stats = worldeditadditions.scale(pos1, pos2, scale, direction)
if not success then return success, stats end
-- TODO read stats here
local time_taken = worldeditadditions.get_ms_time() - start_time
minetest.log("action", name.." used //scale at "..worldeditadditions.vector.tostring(worldedit.pos1[name]).." - "..worldeditadditions.vector.tostring(worldedit.pos2[name])..", updating "..stats.updated.." nodes in "..time_taken.."s")
return true, stats.updated.." nodes updated in " .. worldeditadditions.human_time(time_taken)