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--- Javascript Promises, implemented in Lua
-- In other words, a wrapper to manage asynchronous operations.
-- Due to limitations of Lua, while this Promise API is similar it isn't exactly the same as in JS.
--- @class worldeditadditions_core.Promise
local Promise = {}
setmetatable(Promise, {__tostring = function(self) return "Promise" end})
Promise.__index = Promise
Promise.__name = "Promise" -- A hack to allow identification in wea.inspect
Promise.__tostring = function(self) return "Promise: " .. self.state end
--- Creates a new Promise instance.
-- @param fn <function>: The function to wrap into a promise.
Promise.new = function(fn)
-- resolve must be a function
if type(fn) ~= "function" then
error("Error (Promise.new): Argument @position 1 (fn) must be a function")
local result = {
-- State can be "pending", "fulfilled", or "rejected"
-- Any state other than "pending" means the promise has been settled
-- and become "locked" enable to be acted on again
state = "pending",
-- The force_reject flag is to be used to facilitate non error rejections
-- If set to true this flag will be passed to child promises
force_reject = false,
-- The function to execute when the promise is settled
fn = fn
setmetatable(result, Promise)
return result
Local helpers
--- A dummy function
local f = function(val) end
-- Table tweaks (because this is for Minetest)
--- @class table
local table = table
-- @diagnostic disable-next-line
if not table.unpack then table.unpack = unpack end --luacheck: ignore
-- @diagnostic disable-next-line
table.join = function(tbl, sep) --luacheck: ignore
local function fn_iter(tbl_inner,sep_inner,i)
if i < #tbl_inner then
return (tostring(tbl_inner[i]) or "").. sep_inner .. fn_iter(tbl_inner,sep_inner,i+1)
else return (tostring(tbl_inner[i]) or "") end
return fn_iter(tbl,sep,1)
--- Warning wrapper
local warn = warn
if warn then warn("@on")
else warn = minetest and function(...)
minetest.log("warning", table.concat(arg,"\t"))
end or print
-- A handler for erors where a function is expected
-- @param called_from <string>: The function of Promise that called the error
-- @param position <string>: The position of the argument that caused the error (e.g. "First" or "Second")
-- @param arg_name <string>: The name of the argument that caused the error (e.g. "onFulfilled")
-- @param must_be <string>: The type of the argument that caused the error (e.g. "function" or "function or nil")
-- @param self_problem <bool>: Whether the error is a self-promblem or not (if called_from is supposed to be used with ":" instead of ".")
-- @return <string>: The error/warning message
local function_type_warn = function(called_from, position, arg_name, must_be, self_problem)
local cat = self_problem and ":" or "."
local err_str = string.format(
"Error (Promise%s%s): Argument @position %s (%s) must be a %s",
cat, called_from, position, arg_name, must_be)
-- local err_str = "Error (Promise" .. cat .. called_from .. "): " .. position .. " argument (" .. arg_name .. ") must be " .. must_be
if self_problem then
err_str = string.format(
"%s\nAre you using .%s() instead of :%s()?",
err_str, called_from, called_from)
return err_str
local type_enforce = function(called_from, args)
local err_str
for i, arg in ipairs(args) do
local is_err = true
for _, should_be in ipairs(arg.should_be) do
-- First handle metatables
if type(arg.val) == "table" and type(should_be) == "table" and getmetatable(arg.val) == should_be then
is_err = false
elseif type(arg.val) == should_be then
is_err = false
if is_err then
err_str = function_type_warn(called_from, i, arg.name, table.join(arg.should_be, " or "), arg.name == "self" and true or false) --luacheck: ignore
if arg.error then error(err_str)
else warn(err_str) end
Instance methods
--- Then function for promises
-- @param onFulfilled <function | nil>: The function to call if the promise is fulfilled
-- @param onRejected <function | nil>: The function to call if the promise is rejected
-- @return A promise object containing a table of results
Promise.then_ = function(self, onFulfilled, onRejected)
{name = "self", val = self, should_be = {Promise}, error = true},
{name = "onFulfilled", val = onFulfilled, should_be = {"function", "nil"}, error = true},
{name = "onRejected", val = onRejected, should_be = {"function", "nil"}, error = true},
-- onFulfilled must be a function or nil
if onFulfilled == nil then onFulfilled = f end
-- onRejected must be a function or nil
if onRejected == nil then onRejected = f end
-- If self.state is not "pending" then error
if self.state ~= "pending" then
return Promise.reject("Error (Promise.then_): Promise is already " .. self.state)
-- Make locals to collect the results of self.fn
local result = {
val = nil,
force_reject = self.force_reject,
success = true,
err = nil
result.update = function(val, rej)
if result.val == nil then
result.val = val
if rej == true then result.force_reject = true end
-- Local resolve and reject functions
local _resolve = function(value) result.update(value) end
local _reject = function(value) result.update(value, true) end
-- Call self.fn
result.success, result.err = pcall(self.fn, _resolve, _reject)
-- Return a new promise with the results
if result.success and not result.force_reject then
self.state = "fulfilled"
return Promise.resolve(result.val)
self.state = "rejected"
return Promise.reject(result.success and result.val or result.err)
tmp = Promise.new(function(resolve, reject)
-- In 10 seconds call resolve(20)
setTimeout(10, resolve, 20)
tmp:then_(function(value) print("Value", value) end, function(err) print("Error", err) end)
--- Catch function for promises
-- @param onRejected <function>: The function to call if the promise is rejected
-- @return A promise object
Promise.catch = function(self, onRejected)
-- onRejected must be a function
if type(onRejected) ~= "function" then
function_type_warn("catch", "First", "onRejected", "a function", true)
return Promise.then_(self, nil, onRejected)
--- Finally function for promises
-- Can be used to clone the current promise as it does not settle it
-- @param onFinally <function>: The function to call if the promise becomes settled
-- @return A promise object containing the function of the current promise
Promise.finally = function(self, onFinally)
-- onFinally must be a function
if type(onFinally) ~= "function" then
function_type_warn("finally", "First", "onFinally", "a function", true)
return Promise.new(self.fn)
Static methods
--- Resolve function for promises
-- @param value <any>: The value to resolve the promise with
-- @return A promise object
Promise.resolve = function(value)
return Promise.new(function(resolve, reject)
--- Reject function for promises
-- @param value <any>: The value to reject the promise with
-- @return A promise object
Promise.reject = function(value)
local promise = Promise.new(function(resolve, reject)
promise.force_reject = true
return promise
-- TODO: Implement static methods (all, any, race etc.)
Non JS methods
--- Poke a promise with a debug stick and see what happens
-- Also for those who want a table returned instead of a promise
-- @param promise <promise>: The promise to poke
-- @return boolean, table: true if no error, the settled state and value of the promise
Promise.poke = function(promise)
local result = {value=nil, state=nil}
-- Check that the argument is a promise
if not Promise.is_promise(promise) then
local _, err = pcall(function_type_warn, "poke", "First", "promise", "a Promise instance")
result.value = err
return false, result -- Stop execution and return the error
local set_result_value = function(value) result.value = value end
-- Operate on the promise based on its state and force_reject flag
if promise.state ~= "pending" then
result.state = promise.state
return false, result
elseif promise.force_reject then
result.state = promise.state
promise:then_(set_result_value, set_result_value)
result.state = promise.state
return true, result
return Promise
Promise = require "promise_tech"
tmp = Promise.resolve(5)
tmp:then_(print, nil):then_(print, nil):then_(print, nil)
tmp = Promise.reject(7)
tmp:then_(nil, print):then_(nil, print):then_(nil, print)
function test()
return Promise.new(function(resolve, reject)
local value = math.random() -- imagine this was async
if value > 0.5 then
function do_if_passes(val)
print("I passed!")
print("My value was " .. tostring(val))
function do_if_fails(err)
print("I failed!")
print("My error was " .. tostring(err))
test():then_(do_if_passes, do_if_fails)
Vx2 = 0
test():then_(function(value) Vx2 = value end, function(value) print("caught rejection, value", value) end):
then_(function(value) print("Sqrt is", math.sqrt(value)) end)
if Vx2 ~= 0 then print("Vx2", Vx2) end
-- Security test
tmp = {val = nil, err = nil}
tmp_set = function(val)
tmp["val"] = val
print("DEBUG tmp_set val", val)
tmp_err = function(err)
tmp["err"] = err
print("DEBUG tmp_err err", err)
tmp1 = Promise.resolve(3)
tmp1:then_(tmp_set, tmp_err)
-- Prints "DEBUG tmp_set val 3"
print(tmp.val, tmp.err)
-- Prints "3 nil"
tmp1:then_(tmp_set, tmp_err)
-- Prints nothing
print(tmp.val, tmp.err)
-- Still returns "3 nil"
-- But there was no DEBUG print
tmp1:then_(tmp_set, tmp_err):catch(tmp_err)
-- Prints "DEBUG tmp_err err Error (Promise.then_): Promise is already fulfilled"
print(tmp.val, tmp.err)
-- Prints "3 Error (Promise.then_): Promise is already fulfilled"
Now we get our error: "Error (Promise.then_): Promise is already fulfilled"
This functionality is a safeguard against executing the function of a promise more than once
The promise will simply "short-circuit" the return a new promise with the error without evaluating anything