
152 lines
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local weac = worldeditadditions_core
local weaschem = weac.parse.file.weaschem
--- A region of the world that is to be or has been saved to/from disk.
-- This class exists to make moving things to/from disk easier and less complicated.
-- In short, use StagedVoxelRegion.NewFromVoxelManip or StagedVoxelRegion.NewFromTable to SAVE data, and StagedVoxelRegion.Load or StagedVoxelRegion.LoadIntoVoxelManip to LOAD data.
-- @class worldeditadditions_core.io.StagedVoxelRegion
local StagedVoxelRegion = {}
StagedVoxelRegion.__index = StagedVoxelRegion
StagedVoxelRegion.__name = "StagedVoxelRegion" -- A hack to allow identification in wea.inspect
local function make_instance(tbl) {
local result = tbl
if result == nil then
result = {}
setmetatable(result, StagedVoxelRegion)
return result
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--- Creates a new StagedVoxelRegion from the data in a VoxelManipulator.
-- To save data, you probably want to call the save() method.
-- @param pos1 Vector3 The position in WORLD SPACE of pos1 of the defined region to stage for saving.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 The position in WORLD SPACE of pos2 of the defined region to stage for saving.
-- @param voxelmanip VoxelManipulator The voxel manipulator to take data from and save to disk.
-- @returns bool,StagedVoxelRegion A success boolean, followed by the new StagedVoxelRegion instance.
function StagedVoxelRegion.NewFromVoxelManip(pos1, pos2, voxelmanip)
--- Creates a new StagedVoxelRegion from the given VoxelManipulator data.
-- To save data, you probably want to call the save() method.
-- @param pos1 Vector3 The position in WORLD SPACE of pos1 of the defined region to stage for saving.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 The position in WORLD SPACE of pos2 of the defined region to stage for saving.
-- @param area VoxelArea The VoxelArea associated with the data.
-- @param data number[] A table of numbers representing the node ids.
-- @param param2 number[] A table of numbers representing the param2 data. Should exactly match the data number[] in size.
-- @returns bool,StagedVoxelRegion A success boolean, followed by the new StagedVoxelRegion instance.
function StagedVoxelRegion.NewFromTable(pos1, pos2, area, data, param2)
--- Creates a new StagedVoxelRegion from raw data/param2 tables.
-- @static
-- @param pos1 Vector3 The position in WORLD SPACE of pos1 of the defined region to stage for saving.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 The position in WORLD SPACE of pos2 of the defined region to stage for saving.
-- @param data number[] A table of numbers representing the node ids. Must be ALREADY TRIMMED, NOT just taken straight from a VoxelManip!
-- @param param2 number[] A table of numbers representing the param2 data. Should exactly match the data number[] in size. Must be ALREADY TRIMMED, NOT just taken straight from a VoxelManip!
-- @returns bool,StagedVoxelRegion A success boolean, followed by the new StagedVoxelRegion instance.
function StagedVoxelRegion.NewFromRaw(pos1, pos2, data, param2)
return make_instance({
name = "untitled",
description = "",
pos1 = pos1:clone()
pos2 = pos2:clone()
tables = {
data = data,
param2 = param2
--- Loads voxel data from disk, returning padded arrays suitable for use with VoxelManipulator instances.
-- **Note:** This function DOES NOT call finish on the VoxelManipulator!
-- @static
-- @param pos1 Vector3 Position 1 in WORLD space to load the data into.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 Position 2 in WORLD space to load the data into.
-- @param voxelmanip VoxelManipulator The VoxelManipulator to load the data into.
-- @param filepath string The filepath to load data from.
-- @param format="auto" string The format that the source data is in. Default: automatic, determine from file extension. See worldeditadditions_core.io.FileFormats for more information.
-- @returns bool,table A success/failure bool, followed by TODO: The format of this table is still to be decided.
function StagedVoxelRegion.LoadIntoVoxelManip(filepath, voxelmanip, pos1, pos2, format)
--- Loads voxel data from disk, returning padded arrays suitable for use with VoxelManipulator instances.
-- **Note:** This function does NOT modify the world.
-- @static
-- @param filepath string The filepath to load data from.
-- @param voxelarea VoxelArea The VoxelArea from the target VoxelManipulator instance.
-- @param pos1 Vector3 Position 1 in WORLD space to load the data into.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 Position 2 in WORLD space to load the data into.
-- @param format="auto" string The format that the source data is in. Default: automatic, determine from file extension. See worldeditadditions_core.io.FileFormats for more information.
-- @returns bool,table A success/failure bool, followed by TODO: The format of this table is still to be decided.
function StagedVoxelRegion.Load(filepath, voxelarea, pos1, pos2, format)
--- Loads voxel data from disk, returning the raw UNPADDED arrays.
-- In other words, the tables returned by this function WILL NOT fit directly into a VoxelManipulator, because VoxelManipulator data/param2 tables also contain padding data (likely because VoxelManip load only chunks at a time).
-- **Note:** This function does NOT modify the world.
-- @static
-- @param filepath string The filepath to load data from.
-- @param pos1 Vector3 Position 1 in WORLD space to load the data into.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 Position 2 in WORLD space to load the data into.
-- @param format="auto" string The format that the source data is in. Default: automatic, determine from file extension. See worldeditadditions_core.io.FileFormats for more information.
-- @returns bool,table A success/failure bool, followed by TODO: The format of this table is still to be decided.
function StagedVoxelRegion.LoadRaw(filepath, pos1, pos2, format)
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--- Saves the StagedVoxelRegion to the filepath.
-- @param filepath string The filepath to save the StagedVoxelRegion to.
-- @param format="auto" string The format to save in. Default: automatic, determine from file extension. See worldeditadditions_core.io.FileFormats for more information.
-- @returns bool Whether the operation was successful or not.
function StagedVoxelRegion.save(filepath, format)
--- Loads a file of the an array.
-- @param filepath string The filepath to load the .weaschem file from.
-- @param format="auto" string The format in which the target is written in.
function StagedVoxelRegion.load(filepath, format)
return StagedVoxelRegion