2021-02-02 17:09:23 +00:00

4.4 KiB

title: API


Not all endpoints require authentication. Authentication is done using Bearer tokens:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN"

Tokens can be attained by visiting Settings > API Tokens.



  • GET /api/whoami/ - Json dictionary with the following keys:
    • is_authenticated - True on successful API authentication
    • username - Username of the user authenticated as, null otherwise.
    • 4xx status codes will be thrown on unsupported authentication type, invalid access token, or other errors.


  • GET /api/packages/ - See Package Queries
  • GET /api/scores/ - See Package Queries
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/dependencies/
    • If query argument only_hard is present, only hard deps will be returned.
  • GET /api/tags/ - List of:
    • name - technical name
    • title - human-readable title
    • description - tag description or null
  • GET /api/homepage/
    • count - number of packages
    • downloads - get number of downloads
    • new - new packages
    • updated - recently updated packages
    • pop_mod - popular mods
    • pop_txp - popular textures
    • pop_game - popular games
    • high_reviewed - highest reviewed


  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/releases/ (List)
  • POST /api/packages/<username>/<name>/releases/new/ (Create)
    • Requires authentication.
    • Body is multipart form if zip upload, JSON otherwise.
    • title: human-readable name of the release.
    • For Git release creation:
      • method: must be git.
      • ref: (Optional) git reference, eg: master.
    • For zip upload release creation:
      • file: multipart file to upload, like <input type=file>.
    • You can set min and max Minetest Versions using the content's .conf file.


# Create release from Git
curl -X POST \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-d "{\"method\": \"git\", \"title\": \"My Release\", \"ref\": \"master\" }"

# Create release from zip upload
curl \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \
	-F title="My Release" -F file=@path/to/


  • POST /api/packages/<username>/<name>/screenshots/new/ (Create)
    • Requires authentication.
    • Body is multipart form data.
    • title: human-readable name for the screenshot, shown as a caption and alt text.
    • file: multipart file to upload, like <input type=file>.


curl \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \
	-F title="My Release" -F file=@path/to/screnshot.png


  • GET /api/topics/ - Supports Package Queries, and the following two options:
    • show_added - Show topics which exist as packages, default true.
    • show_discarded - Show topics which have been marked as outdated, default false.


  • GET /api/minetest_versions/

Package Queries



Supported query parameters:

  • type - Package types (mod, game, txp).
  • q - Query string.
  • author - Filter by author.
  • tag - Filter by tags.
  • random - When present, enable random ordering and ignore sort.
  • limit - Return at most limit packages.
  • hide - Hide content based on Content Flags.
  • sort - Sort by (name, title, score, reviews, downloads, created_at, approved_at, last_release).
  • order - Sort ascending (asc) or descending (desc).
  • protocol_version - Only show packages supported by this Minetest protocol version.
  • engine_version - Only show packages supported by this Minetest engine version, eg: 5.3.0.
  • fmt - How the response is formated.
    • keys - author/name only.
    • short - stuff needed for the Minetest client.

Topic Queries



Supported query parameters:

  • q - Query string.
  • sort - Sort by (name, views, date).
  • order - Sort ascending (asc) or descending (desc).
  • show_added - Show topics that have an existing package.
  • show_discarded - Show topics marked as discarded.
  • limit - Return at most limit topics.