2020-07-09 04:32:13 +01:00

1.6 KiB

title: Top Packages Algorithm


A package's score is currently equal to a pseudo rolling average of downloads, plus the sum of review scores.

A review score is 100 if positive, -100 if negative.

score  =  avg_downloads + Σ 100 * (positive ? 1 : -1)

Pseudo rolling average of downloads

Every package loses 5% of its score every day, and will gain 1 score for each unique download.

This metric aims to be roughly equivalent to the average downloads.

Seeded using a legacy heuristic

The scoring system was seeded (ie: the scores were initially set to) 20% of an arbitrary legacy heuristic that was previously used to rank packages.

This legacy heuristic is as follows:

forum_score = views / max(years_since_creation, 2 weeks) + 80*clamp(months, 0.5, 6)
forum_bonus = views + posts

multiplier = 1
if no screenshot:
	multiplier *= 0.8

score = multiplier * (max(downloads, forum_score * 0.6) + forum_bonus)

As said, this legacy score is no longer used when ranking mods. It was only used to provide an initial score for the rolling average, which was 20% of the above value.

Manual adjustments

The admin occasionally reduces all packages by a set percentage to speed up convergence. Convergence is when the pseudo-rolling average matches the actual rolling average - the effect of the legacy heuristic is gone.

Transparency and Feedback

You can see all scores using the scores REST API, or by using the Prometheus metrics endpoint.

Consider suggesting improvements.