2020-09-16 23:32:39 +01:00

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title: Package Configuration and Releases Guide


ContentDB will read configuration files in your package when doing several tasks, including package and release creation. This page details how you can use this to your advantage.

.conf files

What is a content .conf file?

Every type of content can have a .conf file that contains the metadata.

The filename of the .conf file depends on the content type:

  • mod.conf for mods.
  • modpack.conf for mod packs.
  • game.conf for games.
  • texture_pack.conf for texture packs.

The .conf uses a key-value format, separated using equals. Here's a simple example:

name = mymod
description = A short description to show in the client.

Understood values

ContentDB understands the following information:

  • description - A short description to show in the client.
  • depends - Comma-separated hard dependencies.
  • optional_depends - Comma-separated soft dependencies.
  • min_minetest_version - The minimum Minetest version this runs on, see Min and Max Minetest Versions.
  • max_minetest_version - The maximum Minetest version this runs on, see Min and Max Minetest Versions.

and for mods only:

  • name - the mod technical name.

Controlling Release Creation

Git-based Releases and Submodules

ContentDB can create releases from a Git repository. It will include submodules in the resulting archive. Simply set VCS Repository in the package's meta to a Git repository, and then choose Git as the method when creating a release.

Automatic Release Creation

The preferred way is to use webhooks from GitLab or GitHub. You can also use the API to create releases.

Min and Max Minetest Versions

When creating a release, the .conf file will be read to determine what Minetest versions the release supports. If the .conf doesn't specify, then it is assumed that it supports all versions.

This happens when you create a release via the ContentDB web interface, the API, or using a GitLab/GitHub webhook.

Here's an example config:

name = mymod
min_minetest_version = 5.0
max_minetest_version = 5.3

Leaving out min or max to have them set as "None".

Excluding files

When using Git to create releases, you can exclude files from a release by using gitattributes:

.*		export-ignore
sources		export-ignore
*.zip		export-ignore

This will prevent any files from being included if they:

  • Beginning with .
  • or are named sources or are inside any directory named sources.
  • or have an extension of "zip".