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# Content Database
Content database for Minetest mods, games, and more.\
Developed by rubenwardy, license GPLv3.0+.
## Getting started (debug/dev)
Docker is the recommended way to develop and deploy ContentDB.
1. Install `docker` and `docker-compose`.
sudo apt install docker-ce docker-compose
2. Copy `config.example.cfg` to `config.cfg`.
1. Set `SECRET_KEY` and `WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY` to different random values.
3. (Optional) Set up mail in config.cfg.
Make sure to set `USER_ENABLE_EMAIL` to True.
4. (Optional) Set up GitHub integration
1. Make a Github OAuth Client at <https://github.com/settings/developers>:
2. Homepage URL - `http://localhost:5123/`
3. Authorization callback URL - `http://localhost:5123/user/github/callback/`
4. Put client id and client secret in `GITHUB_CLIENT_ID` and `GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET` in config.cfg.
5. Create config.env:
6. Start docker images:
docker-compose up --build
7. Setup database:
8. Create initial data
1. `./utils/bash.sh`
2. Either `python utils/setup.py -t` or `python utils/setup.py -o`:
1. `-o` creates just the admin, and static data like tags, and licenses.
2. `-t` will do `-o` and also create test packages. (Recommended)
9. View at <http://localhost:5123>.
The admin username is `rubenwardy` and the password is `tuckfrump`.
In the future, starting CDB is as simple as:
docker-compose up --build
To hot/live update CDB whilst it is running, use:
This will only work with python code and templates, it won't update tasks or config.
## How-tos
# Hot/live reload (only works with FLASK_DEBUG=1)
# Cold update a running version of CDB with minimal downtime (production)
# Enter docker
# Run migrations
# Create new migration
### VSCode: Setting up Linting
* (optional) Install the [Docker extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-azuretools.vscode-docker)
* Install the [Python extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.python)
* Click no to installing pylint (we don't want it to be installed outside of a virtual env)
* Set up a virtual env
* Replace `psycopg2` with `psycopg2_binary` in requirements.txt (because postgresql won't be installed on the system)
* `python3 -m venv env`
* Click yes to prompt to select virtual env for workspace
* Click yes to any prompts about installing pylint
* `source env/bin/activate`
* `pip install -r requirements`
* `pip install pylint` (if a prompt didn't appear)
* Undo changes to requirements.txt
### VSCode: Material Icon Folder Designations
"material-icon-theme.folders.associations": {
"packages": "",
"tasks": "",
"api": "",
"meta": "",
"blueprints": "routes",
"scss": "sass",
"flatpages": "markdown",
"data": "temp",
"migrations": "archive",
"textures": "images",
"sounds": "audio"
## Database
User "1" --> "*" Package
User --> UserEmailVerification
User "1" --> "*" Notification
Package "1" --> "*" Release
Package "1" --> "*" Dependency
Package "1" --> "*" Tag
Package "1" --> "*" MetaPackage : provides
Release --> MinetestVersion
Package --> License
Dependency --> Package
Dependency --> MetaPackage
MetaPackage "1" --> "*" Package
Package "1" --> "*" Screenshot
Package "1" --> "*" Thread
Thread "1" --> "*" Reply
Thread "1" --> "*" User : watchers
User "1" --> "*" Thread
User "1" --> "*" Reply
User "1" --> "*" ForumTopic
User --> "0..1" EmailPreferences
User "1" --> "*" APIToken
APIToken --> Package