2024-06-11 19:37:05 +01:00

22 KiB

title: API


Responses and Error Handling

If there is an error, the response will be JSON similar to the following with a non-200 status code:

    "success": false,
    "error": "The error message"

Successful GET requests will return the resource's information directly as a JSON response.

Other successful results will return a dictionary with success equaling true, and often other keys with information. For example:

    "success": true,
    "release": {
        /* same as returned by a GET */

Paginated Results

Some API endpoints returns results in pages. The page number is specified using the page query argument, and the number of items is specified using num

The response will be a dictionary with the following keys:

  • page: page number, integer from 1 to max
  • per_page: number of items per page, same as n
  • page_count: number of pages
  • total: total number of results
  • urls: dictionary containing
    • next: url to next page
    • previous: url to previous page
  • items: array of items


Not all endpoints require authentication, but it is done using Bearer tokens:

curl \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN"

Tokens can be attained by visiting Settings > API Tokens.

  • GET /api/whoami/: JSON dictionary with the following keys:
    • is_authenticated: True on successful API authentication
    • username: Username of the user authenticated as, null otherwise.
    • 4xx status codes will be thrown on unsupported authentication type, invalid access token, or other errors.
  • DELETE /api/delete-token/: Deletes the currently used token.
# Logout 
curl -X DELETE \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN"


  • GET /api/packages/ (List)
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/ (Read)
  • PUT /api/packages/<author>/<name>/ (Update)
    • Requires authentication.
    • JSON dictionary with any of these keys (all are optional, null to delete Nullables):
      • type: One of GAME, MOD, TXP.
      • title: Human-readable title.
      • name: Technical name (needs permission if already approved).
      • short_description
      • tags: List of tag names.
      • content_warnings: List of content warning names.
      • license: A license name.
      • media_license: A license name.
      • long_description: Long markdown description.
      • repo: Source repository (eg: Git)
      • website: Website URL.
      • issue_tracker: Issue tracker URL.
      • forums: forum topic ID.
      • video_url: URL to a video.
      • donate_url: URL to a donation page.
      • translation_url: URL to send users interested in translating your package.
      • game_support: Array of game support information objects. Not currently documented, as subject to change.
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/for-client/
    • Similar to the read endpoint, but optimised for the Minetest client
    • long_description is given as a hypertext object, see /hypertext/ below.
    • info_hypertext is the info sidebar as a hypertext object.
    • Query arguments
      • formspec_version: Required. See /hypertext/ below.
      • include_images: Optional, defaults to true. If true, images use <img>. If false, they're linked.
      • protocol_version: Optional, used to get the correct release.
      • engine_version: Optional, used to get the correct release. Ex: 5.3.0.
  • GET /api/packages/<author>/<name>/hypertext/
    • Converts the long description to Minetest Markup Language to be used in a hypertext formspec element.
    • Query arguments:
      • formspec_version: Required, maximum supported formspec version.
      • include_images: Optional, defaults to true. If true, images use <img>. If false, they're linked.
    • Returns JSON dictionary with following key:
      • head: markup for suggested styling and custom tags, prepend to the body before displaying.
      • body: markup for long description.
      • links: dictionary of anchor name to link URL.
      • images: dictionary of img name to image URL
      • image_tooltips: dictionary of img name to tooltip text.
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/dependencies/
    • Returns dependencies, with suggested candidates
    • If query argument only_hard is present, only hard deps will be returned.
  • GET /api/dependencies/
    • Returns provides and raw dependencies for all packages.
    • Supports Package Queries
    • Paginated result, max 300 results per page
    • Each item in items will be a dictionary with the following keys:
      • type: One of GAME, MOD, TXP.
      • author: Username of the package author.
      • name: Package name.
      • provides: List of technical mod names inside the package.
      • depends: List of hard dependencies.
        • Each dep will either be a modname dependency (name), or a package dependency (author/name).
      • optional_depends: list of optional dependencies
        • Same as above.
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/stats/
    • Returns daily stats for package, or null if there is no data.
    • Daily date is done based on the UTC timezone.
    • EXPERIMENTAL. This API may change without warning.
    • Query args:
      • start: start date, inclusive. Optional. Default: 2022-10-01. UTC.
      • end: end date, inclusive. Optional. Default: today. UTC.
    • An object with the following keys:
      • start: start date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-10-22. M
      • end: end date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-11-05.
      • platform_minetest: list of integers per day.
      • platform_other: list of integers per day.
      • reason_new: list of integers per day.
      • reason_dependency: list of integers per day.
      • reason_update: list of integers per day.
  • GET /api/package_stats/
    • Returns last 30 days of daily stats for all packages.
    • An object with the following keys:
      • start: start date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-10-22.
      • end: end date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-11-05.
      • package_downloads: map from package key to list of download integers.

You can download a package by building one of the two URLs:${author}/${name}/download/`${author}/${name}/releases/${release}/download/`


# Edit package
curl -X PUT \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{ "title": "Foo bar", "tags": ["pvp", "survival"], "license": "MIT" }'

# Remove website URL
curl -X PUT \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{ "website": null }'

Package Queries



Filter query parameters:

  • type: Filter by package type (mod, game, txp). Multiple types are OR-ed together.
  • q: Query string.
  • author: Filter by author.
  • tag: Filter by tags. Multiple tags are AND-ed together.
  • flag: Filter to show packages with Content Flags.
  • hide: Hide content based on tags or Content Flags.
  • license: Filter by license name. Multiple licenses are OR-ed together, ie: &license=MIT&license=LGPL-2.1-only
  • game: Filter by Game Support, ex: Wuzzy/mineclone2. (experimental, doesn't show items that support every game currently).
  • lang: Filter by translation support, eg: en/de/ja/zh_TW.
  • protocol_version: Only show packages supported by this Minetest protocol version.
  • engine_version: Only show packages supported by this Minetest engine version, eg: 5.3.0.

Sorting query parameters:

  • sort: Sort by (name, title, score, reviews, downloads, created_at, approved_at, last_release).
  • order: Sort ascending (asc) or descending (desc).
  • random: When present, enable random ordering and ignore sort.

Format query parameters:

  • limit: Return at most limit packages.
  • fmt: How the response is formatted.
    • keys: author/name only.
    • short: stuff needed for the Minetest client.


  • GET /api/releases/ (List)
    • Limited to 30 most recent releases.
    • Optional arguments:
      • author: Filter by author
      • maintainer: Filter by maintainer
    • Returns array of release dictionaries with keys:
      • id: release ID
      • title: human-readable title
      • release_date: Date released
      • url: download URL
      • commit: commit hash or null
      • downloads: number of downloads
      • min_minetest_version: dict or null, minimum supported minetest version (inclusive).
      • max_minetest_version: dict or null, minimum supported minetest version (inclusive).
      • size: size of zip file, in bytes.
      • package
        • author: author username
        • name: technical name
        • type: mod, game, or txp
  • GET /api/updates/ (Look-up table)
    • Returns a look-up table from package key (author/name) to latest release id
    • Query arguments
      • protocol_version: Only show packages supported by this Minetest protocol version.
      • engine_version: Only show packages supported by this Minetest engine version, eg: 5.3.0.
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/releases/ (List)
    • Returns array of release dictionaries, see above, but without package info.
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/releases/<id>/ (Read)
  • POST /api/packages/<username>/<name>/releases/new/ (Create)
    • Requires authentication.
    • Body can be JSON or multipart form data. Zip uploads must be multipart form data.
    • title: human-readable name of the release.
    • For Git release creation:
      • method: must be git.
      • ref: (Optional) git reference, eg: master.
    • For zip upload release creation:
      • file: multipart file to upload, like <input type="file" name="file">.
      • commit: (Optional) Source Git commit hash, for informational purposes.
    • You can set min and max Minetest Versions using the content's .conf file.
  • DELETE /api/packages/<username>/<name>/releases/<id>/ (Delete)
    • Requires authentication.
    • Deletes release.


# Create release from Git
curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{ "method": "git", "title": "My Release", "ref": "master" }'

# Create release from zip upload
curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \
    -F title="My Release" -F file=@path/to/

# Create release from zip upload with commit hash
curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \
    -F title="My Release" -F commit="8ef74deec170a8ce789f6055a59d43876d16a7ea" -F file=@path/to/

# Delete release
curl -X DELETE \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN"


  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/screenshots/ (List)
    • Returns array of screenshot dictionaries with keys:
      • id: screenshot ID
      • approved: true if approved and visible.
      • title: human-readable name for the screenshot, shown as a caption and alt text.
      • url: absolute URL to screenshot.
      • created_at: ISO time.
      • order: Number used in ordering.
      • is_cover_image: true for cover image.
  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/screenshots/<id>/ (Read)
    • Returns screenshot dictionary like above.
  • POST /api/packages/<username>/<name>/screenshots/new/ (Create)
    • Requires authentication.
    • Body is multipart form data.
    • title: human-readable name for the screenshot, shown as a caption and alt text.
    • file: multipart file to upload, like <input type=file>.
    • is_cover_image: set cover image to this.
  • DELETE /api/packages/<username>/<name>/screenshots/<id>/ (Delete)
    • Requires authentication.
    • Deletes screenshot.
  • POST /api/packages/<username>/<name>/screenshots/order/
    • Requires authentication.
    • Body is a JSON array containing the screenshot IDs in their order.
  • POST /api/packages/<username>/<name>/screenshots/cover-image/
    • Requires authentication.
    • Body is a JSON dictionary with "cover_image" containing the screenshot ID.

Currently, to get a different size of thumbnail you can replace the number in /thumbnails/1/ with any number from 1-3. The resolutions returned may change in the future, and we may move to a more capable thumbnail generation.


# Create screenshot
curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \
    -F title="My Release" -F file=@path/to/screnshot.png

# Create screenshot and set it as the cover image
curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" \
    -F title="My Release" -F file=@path/to/screnshot.png -F is_cover_image="true"

# Delete screenshot
curl -X DELETE \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN"

# Reorder screenshots
curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "[13, 2, 5, 7]"

# Set cover image
curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "{ 'cover_image': 123 }"


  • GET /api/packages/<username>/<name>/reviews/ (List)
    • Returns array of review dictionaries with keys:
      • user: dictionary with display_name and username.
      • title: review title
      • comment: the text
      • rating: 1 for negative, 3 for neutral, 5 for positive
      • is_positive: boolean
      • created_at: iso timestamp
      • votes: dictionary with helpful and unhelpful,
  • GET /api/reviews/ (List)
    • Returns a paginated response. This is a dictionary with page, url, and items.
      • Paginated result
      • items: array of review dictionaries, like above
        • Each review also has a package dictionary with type, author and name
      • Ordered by created at, newest to oldest.
    • Query arguments:
      • page: page number, integer from 1 to max
      • n: number of results per page, max 200
      • author: filter by review author username
      • for_user: filter by package author
      • rating: 1 for negative, 3 for neutral, 5 for positive
      • is_positive: true or false. Default: null
      • q: filter by title (case-insensitive, no fulltext search)


    "comment": "This is a really good mod!",
    "created_at": "2021-11-24T16:18:33.764084",
    "is_positive": true,
    "title": "Really good",
    "user": {
      "display_name": "rubenwardy",
      "username": "rubenwardy"
    "votes": {
      "helpful": 0,
      "unhelpful": 0


  • GET /api/users/<username>/
    • username
    • display_name: human-readable name to be displayed in GUIs.
    • rank: ContentDB rank.
    • profile_pic_url: URL to profile picture, or null.
    • website_url: URL to website, or null.
    • donate_url: URL to donate page, or null.
    • connections: object
      • github: GitHub username, or null.
      • forums: forums username, or null.
    • links: object
      • api_packages: URL to API to list this user's packages.
      • profile: URL to the HTML profile page.
  • GET /api/users/<username>/stats/
    • Returns daily stats for the user's packages, or null if there is no data.
    • Daily date is done based on the UTC timezone.
    • EXPERIMENTAL. This API may change without warning.
    • Query args:
      • start: start date, inclusive. Optional. Default: 2022-10-01. UTC.
      • end: end date, inclusive. Optional. Default: today. UTC.
    • A table with the following keys:
      • from: start date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-10-22.
      • end: end date, inclusive. Ex: 2022-11-05.
      • package_downloads: map of package title to list of integers per day.
      • platform_minetest: list of integers per day.
      • platform_other: list of integers per day.
      • reason_new: list of integers per day.
      • reason_dependency: list of integers per day.
      • reason_update: list of integers per day.


Topic Queries



Supported query parameters:

  • q: Query string.
  • type: Package types (mod, game, txp).
  • sort: Sort by (name, views, created_at).
  • show_added: Show topics that have an existing package.
  • limit: Return at most limit topics.


  • GET /api/collections/
    • Query args:
      • author: collection author username.
      • package: collections that contain the package.
    • Returns JSON array of collection entries:
      • author: author username.
      • name: collection name.
      • title
      • short_description
      • created_at: creation time in iso format.
      • private: whether collection is private, boolean.
      • package_count: number of packages, integer.
  • GET /api/collections/<username>/<name>/
    • Returns JSON object for collection:
      • author: author username.
      • name: collection name.
      • title
      • short_description
      • long_description
      • created_at: creation time in iso format.
      • private: whether collection is private, boolean.
      • items: array of item objects:
        • package: short info about the package.
        • description: custom short description.
        • created_at: when the package was added to the collection.
        • order: integer.



  • GET /api/tags/ (View)
    • List of objects with:
      • name: technical name.
      • title: human-readable title.
      • description: tag description or null.
      • views: number of views of this tag.

Content Warnings

  • GET /api/content_warnings/ (View)
    • List of objects with
      • name: technical name
      • title: human-readable title
      • description: tag description or null


  • GET /api/licenses/ (View)
    • List of objects with:
      • name
      • is_foss: whether the license is foss

Minetest Versions

  • GET /api/minetest_versions/ (View)
    • List of objects with:
      • name: Version name.
      • is_dev: boolean, is dev version.
      • protocol_version: protocol version number.


  • GET /api/languages/ (View)
    • List of objects with:
      • id: language code.
      • title: native language name.
      • has_contentdb_translation: whether ContentDB has been translated into this language.


  • GET /api/scores/ (View)
    • See Top Packages Algorithm.
    • Supports Package Queries.
    • Returns list of:
      • author: package author name.
      • name: package technical name.
      • downloads: number of downloads.
      • score: total package score.
      • score_reviews: score from reviews.
      • score_downloads: score from downloads.
      • reviews: a dictionary of
        • positive: int, number of positive reviews.
        • neutral: int, number of neutral reviews.
        • negative: int, number of negative reviews.
  • GET /api/homepage/ (View) - get contents of homepage.
    • count: number of packages
    • downloads: get number of downloads
    • new: new packages
    • updated: recently updated packages
    • pop_mod: popular mods
    • pop_txp: popular textures
    • pop_game: popular games
    • high_reviewed: highest reviewed
  • GET /api/welcome/v1/ (View) - in-menu welcome dialog. Experimental (may change without warning)
    • featured: featured games
  • GET /api/cdb_schema/ (View)
    • Get JSON Schema of .cdb.json, including licenses, tags and content warnings.
    • See JSON Schema Reference.
  • POST /api/hypertext/
    • Converts HTML or Markdown to Minetest Markup Language to be used in a hypertext formspec element.
    • Post data: HTML or Markdown as plain text.
    • Content-Type: text/html or text/markdown.
    • Query arguments:
      • formspec_version: Required, maximum supported formspec version. Ie: 6
      • include_images: Optional, defaults to true. If true, images use <img>. If false, they're linked.
    • Returns JSON dictionary with following key:
      • head: markup for suggested styling and custom tags, prepend to the body before displaying.
      • body: markup for long description.
      • links: dictionary of anchor name to link URL.
      • images: dictionary of img name to image URL
      • image_tooltips: dictionary of img name to tooltip text.