Add "sendpacked" and "loadpacked" commands to GPU

These allow converting images to/from string representations that are much easier and faster for Luacontrollers to store and handle.
This commit is contained in:
2021-03-05 17:09:39 -06:00
parent 7446451b1b
commit 4a3c741fb3
2 changed files with 119 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -147,3 +147,26 @@ y1 [integer 1-64]: The Y position of the start of the line.
y2 [integer 1-64]: The Y position of the end of the line.
color [hex color, default "000000"]: The nominal color of the line (may not be the color of every pixel, see the "antialias" setting)
antialias [boolean, default false]: Whether to apply a (very) crude smoothing algorithm to the line to reduce jagged edges at the expense of making the line slightly blurry.
Command: sendpacked
Converts the image in a buffer into a string representation that can be loaded again later with the "loadpacked" command.
The result uses 4 bytes per pixel and consists entirely of printable characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, and /).
buffer [integer 0-7]: The buffer to convert.
channel [string]: The digilines channel to send the packed image on.
Command: loadpacked
Load a string representation of an image (created by the "sendpacked" command) back into a buffer.
buffer [integer 0-7]: The buffer to load the image into.
x [integer 1-64]: The X position of the left side of the image.
y [integer 1-64]: The Y position of the top of the image.
xsize [integer 1-64]: The width of the image. Must be the same as the original image or the image will be severely distorted.
ysize [integer 1-64]: The height of the image. Should be the same as the original image.
data [string]: The packed image to load.

View File

@ -1,21 +1,70 @@
local font = dofile(minetest.get_modpath("digistuff")..DIR_DELIM.."gpu-font.lua")
local function explodebits(input)
local function explodebits(input,count)
local output = {}
for i=0,7,1 do
if not count then count = 8 end
for i=0,count-1,1 do
output[i] = input%(2^(i+1)) >= 2^i
return output
local function implodebits(input)
local function implodebits(input,count)
local output = 0
for i=0,7,1 do
if not count then count = 8 end
for i=0,count-1,1 do
output = output + (input[i] and 2^i or 0)
return output
local packtable = {}
local unpacktable = {}
for i=0,25,1 do
packtable[i] = string.char(i+65)
packtable[i+26] = string.char(i+97)
unpacktable[string.char(i+65)] = i
unpacktable[string.char(i+97)] = i+26
for i=0,9,1 do
packtable[i+52] = tostring(i)
unpacktable[tostring(i)] = i+52
packtable[62] = "+"
packtable[63] = "/"
unpacktable["+"] = 62
unpacktable["/"] = 63
local function packpixel(pixel)
pixel = tonumber(pixel,16)
if not pixel then return "AAAA" end
local bits = explodebits(pixel,24)
local block1 = {}
local block2 = {}
local block3 = {}
local block4 = {}
for i=0,5,1 do
block1[i] = bits[i]
block2[i] = bits[i+6]
block3[i] = bits[i+12]
block4[i] = bits[i+18]
local char1 = packtable[implodebits(block1,6)] or "A"
local char2 = packtable[implodebits(block2,6)] or "A"
local char3 = packtable[implodebits(block3,6)] or "A"
local char4 = packtable[implodebits(block4,6)] or "A"
return char1..char2..char3..char4
local function unpackpixel(pack)
local block1 = unpacktable[pack:sub(1,1)] or 0
local block2 = unpacktable[pack:sub(2,2)] or 0
local block3 = unpacktable[pack:sub(3,3)] or 0
local block4 = unpacktable[pack:sub(4,4)] or 0
local out = block1+(2^6*block2)+(2^12*block3)+(2^18*block4)
return string.format("%06X",out)
local function rgbtohsv(r,g,b)
r = r/255
g = g/255
@ -416,6 +465,49 @@ local function runcommand(pos,meta,command)
elseif command.command == "sendpacked" then
if type(command.buffer) ~= "number" or type( ~= "string" then return end
local bufnum = math.floor(command.buffer)
if bufnum < 0 or bufnum > 7 then return end
local buffer = meta:get_string("buffer"..bufnum)
if string.len(buffer) == 0 then return end
buffer = minetest.deserialize(buffer)
if type(buffer) == "table" then
local packeddata = ""
for y=1,buffer.ysize,1 do
for x=1,buffer.xsize,1 do
packeddata = packeddata..packpixel(buffer[y][x])
elseif command.command == "loadpacked" then
if type(command.buffer) ~= "number" or type( ~= "string" then return end
if type(command.x) ~= "number" or type(command.y) ~= "number" or type(command.xsize) ~= "number" or type(command.ysize) ~= "number" then return end
command.x = math.floor(command.x)
command.y = math.floor(command.y)
command.xsize = math.floor(command.xsize)
command.ysize = math.floor(command.ysize)
if command.x < 1 or command.y < 1 or command.xsize < 1 or command.ysize < 1 then return end
local bufnum = math.floor(command.buffer)
if bufnum < 0 or bufnum > 7 then return end
local buffer = meta:get_string("buffer"..bufnum)
if string.len(buffer) == 0 then return end
buffer = minetest.deserialize(buffer)
if type(buffer) == "table" then
if command.x + command.xsize - 1 > buffer.xsize then return end
if command.y + command.ysize - 1 > buffer.ysize then return end
for y=0,command.ysize-1,1 do
local dsty = command.y+y
for x=0,command.xsize-1,1 do
local dstx = command.x+x
local packidx = (y*command.xsize+x)*4+1
local packeddata = string.sub(,packidx,packidx+3)
buffer[dsty][dstx] = unpackpixel(packeddata)