
524 lines
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Raw Normal View History

-- internationalization boilerplate
local MP = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
local S, NS = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua")
local dig_dust = function(pos, facing)
local direction = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
return {
amount = 10,
time = 1.0,
minpos = vector.subtract(pos, vector.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
maxpos = vector.add(pos, vector.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
minvel = vector.multiply(direction, -10),
maxvel = vector.multiply(direction, -20),
minacc = {x=0, y=-40, z=0},
maxacc = {x=0, y=-40, z=0},
minexptime = 0.25,
maxexptime = 0.5,
minsize = 2,
maxsize = 5,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "default_item_smoke.png^[colorize:#9F817080",
local burn_smoke = function(pos, amount)
return {
amount = math.min(amount, 40),
time = 1.0,
minpos = vector.subtract(pos, vector.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
maxpos = vector.add(pos, vector.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)),
minvel = {x=0, y=2, z=0},
maxvel = {x=0, y=5, z=0},
minacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
maxacc = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
minexptime = 0.5,
maxexptime = 1.5,
minsize = 8,
maxsize = 12,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "default_item_smoke.png^[colorize:#000000DD",
--Performs various tests on a layout to play warning noises and see if Digtron can move at all.
local function neighbour_test(layout, status_text, dir)
if layout.all == nil then
-- get_all_digtron_neighbours returns nil if the digtron array touches unloaded nodes, too dangerous to do anything in that situation. Abort.
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.25, pos=layout.controller})
return S("Digtron is adjacent to unloaded nodes.") .. "\n" .. status_text, 1
if layout.water_touching == true then
minetest.sound_play("sploosh", {gain=1.0, pos=layout.controller})
if layout.lava_touching == true then
minetest.sound_play("woopwoopwoop", {gain=1.0, pos=layout.controller})
if dir and dir.y ~= -1 and layout.traction * digtron.traction_factor < table.getn(layout.all) then
-- digtrons can't fly, though they can fall
minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=layout.controller})
return string.format("Digtron has %d blocks but only enough traction to move %d blocks.\n", table.getn(layout.all), layout.traction * digtron.traction_factor)
.. status_text, 2
return status_text, 0
-- Checks if a player is within a layout's extents.
local function move_player_test(layout, player)
local player_pos = player:getpos()
if player_pos.x >= layout.extents.min_x - 1 and player_pos.x <= layout.extents.max_x + 1 and
player_pos.y >= layout.extents.min_y - 1 and player_pos.y <= layout.extents.max_y + 1 and
player_pos.z >= layout.extents.min_z - 1 and player_pos.z <= layout.extents.max_z + 1 then
return true
return false
local function test_stop_block(pos, items)
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=pos})
local item_stack = inv:get_stack("stop", 1)
if not item_stack:is_empty() then
for _, item in pairs(items) do
if item == item_stack:get_name() then
return true
return false
-- returns newpos, status string, and a return code indicating why the method returned (so the auto-controller can keep trying if it's due to unloaded nodes)
-- 0 - success
-- 1 - failed due to unloaded nodes
-- 2 - failed due to insufficient traction
-- 3 - obstructed by undiggable node
-- 4 - insufficient fuel
-- 5 - unknown builder error during testing
-- 6 - builder with unset output
-- 7 - insufficient builder materials in inventory
digtron.execute_dig_cycle = function(pos, clicker)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
local fuel_burning = meta:get_float("fuel_burning") -- get amount of burned fuel left over from last cycle
local status_text = string.format(S("Heat remaining in controller furnace: %d"), math.max(0, fuel_burning))
2017-01-10 08:29:09 +01:00
local layout = DigtronLayout.create(pos, clicker)
local status_text, return_code = neighbour_test(layout, status_text, dir)
if return_code ~= 0 then
return pos, status_text, return_code
local controlling_coordinate = digtron.get_controlling_coordinate(pos, facing)
local items_dropped = {}
local digging_fuel_cost = 0
local particle_systems = {}
-- execute the execute_dig method on all digtron components that have one
-- This builds a set of nodes that will be dug and returns a list of products that will be generated
-- but doesn't actually dig the nodes yet. That comes later.
-- If we dug them now, sand would fall and some digtron nodes would die.
for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.execute_dig ~= nil then
local fuel_cost, dropped = targetdef.execute_dig(location.pos, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate)
if table.getn(dropped) > 0 then
for _, itemname in pairs(dropped) do
table.insert(items_dropped, itemname)
if digtron.particle_effects then
table.insert(particle_systems, dig_dust(vector.add(location.pos, dir), target.param2))
digging_fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + fuel_cost
minetest.log(string.format("%s has digger group but is missing execute_dig method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
-- test if any digtrons are obstructed by non-digtron nodes that haven't been marked
-- as having been dug.
local can_move = true
for _, location in pairs(layout.all) do
local newpos = vector.add(location.pos, dir)
if not digtron.can_move_to(newpos, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug) then
can_move = false
if test_stop_block(pos, items_dropped) then
can_move = false
if not can_move then
-- mark this node as waiting, will clear this flag in digtron.cycle_time seconds
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
return pos, S("Digtron is obstructed.") .. "\n" .. status_text, 3 --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
-- ask each builder node if it can get what it needs from inventory to build this cycle.
-- This is a complicated test because each builder needs to actually *take* the item it'll
-- need from inventory, and then we put it all back afterward.
-- Note that this test may overestimate the amount of work that will actually need to be done so don't treat its fuel cost as authoritative.
local can_build = true
local test_build_return_code = nil
local test_build_return_item = nil
local test_items = {}
local test_fuel_items = {}
local test_build_fuel_cost = 0
for k, location in pairs(layout.builders) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
local test_location = vector.add(location.pos, dir)
if targetdef.test_build ~= nil then
test_build_return_code, test_build_return_item = targetdef.test_build(location.pos, test_location, layout.inventories, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, layout.controller)
if test_build_return_code > 1 then
can_build = false
if test_build_return_code == 1 then
table.insert(test_items, test_build_return_item)
test_build_fuel_cost = test_build_fuel_cost + digtron.build_cost
minetest.log(string.format("%s has builder group but is missing test_build method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
local test_fuel_needed = test_build_fuel_cost + digging_fuel_cost - fuel_burning
local test_fuel_burned = 0
if test_fuel_needed > 0 then
test_fuel_burned = digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, test_fuel_needed, true)
--Put everything back where it came from
for k, item_return in pairs(test_items) do
digtron.place_in_specific_inventory(item_return.item, item_return.location, layout.inventories, layout.controller)
if test_fuel_needed > fuel_burning + test_fuel_burned then
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
return pos, S("Digtron needs more fuel."), 4 -- abort, don't dig and don't build.
if not can_build then
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
local return_string = nil
local return_code = 5
if test_build_return_code == 3 then
minetest.sound_play("honk", {gain=0.5, pos=pos}) -- A builder is not configured
return_string = S("Digtron connected to at least one builder with no output material assigned.") .. "\n"
return_code = 6
elseif test_build_return_code == 2 then
minetest.sound_play("dingding", {gain=1.0, pos=pos}) -- Insufficient inventory
return_string = string.format(S("Digtron has insufficient building materials. Needed: %s") .. "\n",
return_code = 7
return pos, return_string .. status_text, return_code --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
-- All tests passed, ready to go for real!
minetest.sound_play("construction", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
-- if the player is standing within the array or next to it, move him too.
local move_player = move_player_test(layout, clicker)
-- damage the weak flesh
if digtron.diggers_damage_creatures then
for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.damage_creatures ~= nil then
targetdef.damage_creatures(clicker, location.pos, controlling_coordinate)
--move the array
local oldpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
pos = vector.add(pos, dir)
meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if move_player then
clicker:moveto(vector.add(dir, clicker:getpos()), true)
-- store or drop the products of the digger heads
for _, itemname in pairs(items_dropped) do
digtron.place_in_inventory(itemname, layout.inventories, oldpos)
digtron.award_item_dug(items_dropped, clicker:get_player_name()) -- Achievements mod hook
local building_fuel_cost = 0
local strange_failure = false
-- execute_build on all digtron components that have one
for k, location in pairs(layout.builders) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.execute_build ~= nil then
--using the old location of the controller as fallback so that any leftovers land with the rest of the digger output. Not that there should be any.
local build_return = targetdef.execute_build(location.pos, clicker, layout.inventories, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, oldpos)
if build_return == false then
-- This happens if there's insufficient inventory, but we should have confirmed there was sufficient inventory during test phase.
-- So this should never happen. However, "should never happens" happen sometimes. So
-- don't interrupt the build cycle as a whole, we've already moved so might as well try to complete as much as possible.
strange_failure = true
elseif build_return == true and not digtron.creative_mode == true then
building_fuel_cost = building_fuel_cost + digtron.build_cost
minetest.log(string.format("%s has builder group but is missing execute_build method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
local status_text = ""
if strange_failure then
-- We weren't able to detect this build failure ahead of time, so make a big noise now. This is strange, shouldn't happen.
minetest.sound_play("dingding", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
status_text = S("Digtron unexpectedly failed to execute one or more build operations, likely due to an inventory error.") .. "\n"
-- acutally burn the fuel needed
local fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + building_fuel_cost
fuel_burning = fuel_burning - fuel_cost
if digtron.particle_effects then
table.insert(particle_systems, burn_smoke(pos, fuel_cost))
if fuel_burning < 0 then
fuel_burning = fuel_burning + digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, -fuel_burning, false)
meta:set_float("fuel_burning", fuel_burning)
status_text = status_text .. string.format(S("Heat remaining in controller furnace: %d"), math.max(0, fuel_burning))
-- Eyecandy
for _, particles in pairs(particle_systems) do
-- finally, dig out any nodes remaining to be dug. Some of these will have had their flag revoked because
-- a builder put something there or because they're another digtron node.
local node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = layout.nodes_dug:pop()
while node_to_dig ~= nil do
if whether_to_dig == true then
minetest.log("action", string.format(S("%s uses Digtron to dig %s at (%d, %d, %d)"), clicker:get_player_name(), minetest.get_node(node_to_dig).name, node_to_dig.x, node_to_dig.y, node_to_dig.z))
-- all of the digtron's nodes wind up in nodes_dug, so this is an ideal place to stick
-- a check to make sand fall after the digtron has passed.
minetest.check_for_falling({x=node_to_dig.x, y=node_to_dig.y+1, z=node_to_dig.z})
node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = layout.nodes_dug:pop()
return pos, status_text, 0
-- Simplified version of the above method that only moves, and doesn't execute diggers or builders.
digtron.execute_move_cycle = function(pos, clicker)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
2017-01-10 08:29:09 +01:00
local layout = DigtronLayout.create(pos, clicker)
local status_text = ""
local status_text, return_code = neighbour_test(layout, status_text, nil) -- skip traction check for pusher by passing nil for direction
if return_code ~= 0 then
return pos, status_text, return_code
local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facing)
local controlling_coordinate = digtron.get_controlling_coordinate(pos, facing)
-- if the player is standing within the array or next to it, move him too.
local move_player = move_player_test(layout, clicker)
-- test if any digtrons are obstructed by non-digtron nodes
if not layout:can_write_layout_image() then
-- mark this node as waiting, will clear this flag in digtron.cycle_time seconds
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
return pos, S("Digtron is obstructed.") .. "\n" .. status_text, 3 --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
minetest.sound_play("truck", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
--move the array
pos = vector.add(pos, dir)
if move_player then
clicker:moveto(vector.add(clicker:getpos(), dir), true)
return pos, "", 0
-- Simplified version of the dig cycle that moves laterally relative to the controller's orientation ("downward")
-- Does the dig portion of the cycle, but skips the build portion.
-- returns newpos, status string, and a return code indicating why the method returned (so the auto-controller can keep trying if it's due to unloaded nodes)
-- 0 - success
-- 1 - failed due to unloaded nodes
-- 2 - failed due to insufficient traction
-- 3 - obstructed by undiggable node
-- 4 - insufficient fuel
digtron.execute_downward_dig_cycle = function(pos, clicker)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local facing = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
local dir = digtron.facedir_to_down_dir(facing)
local fuel_burning = meta:get_float("fuel_burning") -- get amount of burned fuel left over from last cycle
local status_text = string.format(S("Heat remaining in controller furnace: %d"), math.max(0, fuel_burning))
local layout = DigtronLayout.create(pos, clicker)
local status_text, return_code = neighbour_test(layout, status_text, dir)
if return_code ~= 0 then
return pos, status_text, return_code
local controlling_coordinate = digtron.get_controlling_coordinate(pos, facing)
local items_dropped = {}
local digging_fuel_cost = 0
local particle_systems = {}
-- execute the execute_dig method on all digtron components that have one
-- This builds a set of nodes that will be dug and returns a list of products that will be generated
-- but doesn't actually dig the nodes yet. That comes later.
-- If we dug them now, sand would fall and some digtron nodes would die.
for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.execute_dig ~= nil then
local fuel_cost, dropped = targetdef.execute_dig(location.pos, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug, controlling_coordinate, true)
if table.getn(dropped) > 0 then
for _, itemname in pairs(dropped) do
table.insert(items_dropped, itemname)
if digtron.particle_effects then
table.insert(particle_systems, dig_dust(vector.add(location.pos, dir), target.param2))
digging_fuel_cost = digging_fuel_cost + fuel_cost
minetest.log(string.format("%s has digger group but is missing execute_dig method! This is an error in mod programming, file a bug.", targetdef.name))
-- test if any digtrons are obstructed by non-digtron nodes that haven't been marked
-- as having been dug.
local can_move = true
for _, location in pairs(layout.all) do
local newpos = vector.add(location.pos, dir)
if not digtron.can_move_to(newpos, layout.protected, layout.nodes_dug) then
can_move = false
if test_stop_block(pos, items_dropped) then
can_move = false
if not can_move then
-- mark this node as waiting, will clear this flag in digtron.cycle_time seconds
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("waiting", "true")
minetest.sound_play("squeal", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
minetest.sound_play("buzzer", {gain=0.5, pos=pos})
return pos, S("Digtron is obstructed.") .. "\n" .. status_text, 3 --Abort, don't dig and don't build.
-- All tests passed, ready to go for real!
minetest.sound_play("construction", {gain=1.0, pos=pos})
-- if the player is standing within the array or next to it, move him too.
local move_player = move_player_test(layout, clicker)
-- damage the weak flesh
if digtron.diggers_damage_creatures then
for k, location in pairs(layout.diggers) do
local target = minetest.get_node(location.pos)
local targetdef = minetest.registered_nodes[target.name]
if targetdef.damage_creatures ~= nil then
targetdef.damage_creatures(clicker, location.pos, controlling_coordinate)
--move the array
local oldpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z}
pos = vector.add(pos, dir)
meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
if move_player then
clicker:moveto(vector.add(clicker:getpos(), dir), true)
-- store or drop the products of the digger heads
for _, itemname in pairs(items_dropped) do
digtron.place_in_inventory(itemname, layout.inventories, oldpos)
digtron.award_item_dug(items_dropped, clicker:get_player_name()) -- Achievements mod hook
local status_text = ""
-- acutally burn the fuel needed
fuel_burning = fuel_burning - digging_fuel_cost
if digtron.particle_effects then
table.insert(particle_systems, burn_smoke(pos, digging_fuel_cost))
if fuel_burning < 0 then
fuel_burning = fuel_burning + digtron.burn(layout.fuelstores, -fuel_burning, false)
meta:set_float("fuel_burning", fuel_burning)
status_text = status_text .. string.format(S("Heat remaining in controller furnace: %d"), math.max(0, fuel_burning))
-- Eyecandy
for _, particles in pairs(particle_systems) do
-- finally, dig out any nodes remaining to be dug. Some of these will have had their flag revoked because
-- a builder put something there or because they're another digtron node.
local node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = layout.nodes_dug:pop()
while node_to_dig ~= nil do
if whether_to_dig == true then
minetest.log("action", string.format(S("%s uses Digtron to dig %s at (%d, %d, %d)"), clicker:get_player_name(), minetest.get_node(node_to_dig).name, node_to_dig.x, node_to_dig.y, node_to_dig.z))
-- all of the digtron's nodes wind up in nodes_dug, so this is an ideal place to stick
-- a check to make sand fall after the digtron has passed.
--minetest.check_for_falling({x=node_to_dig.x, y=node_to_dig.y+1, z=node_to_dig.z})
node_to_dig, whether_to_dig = layout.nodes_dug:pop()
return pos, status_text, 0