Emeraldbank and Shops (MineClone2)
Code under GPLv3 License
EmeraldBank Mod is Libre/Free Software, copy and share.
This is not open source!
Keep your Emeralds in a bank!
Why Emeralds? In MineClone the emerald is money to trade with villagers!
Multiplayer compat!
Add a crafteable Emerald bank node. Craft can be disable in mod settings.
If rightclick on bank, you can keep your Emeralds (or emeraldblocks) inside.
If punch the bank, get back your Emeralds.
Put items in emerald shops, set a price and the item count in the shop GUI.
And ready, the players can will buy your items.
The shop keep your earned money in your bank account.
You can craft the shops.
User /pay command. Pay emeralds to another player:
/pay <player> <num>
Admin command to add emeralds in bank accounts:
/emeralds <player> <num>
If num is 0 return emeralds in player account.
This mod is for MineClone2 Game, dont work with MTG
Feel free to contribute, send MR/PR or issues.