hopper:add_container({ {"where_from", "node_name", "inventory_name", get_inventory = function get_inventory(node_pos)}, })
This option allows you to use a different inventory instead of the inventory of this node. Unlike others, this parameter does not have to be set.
## hopper:set_extra_container_info
hopper:set_extra_container_info({ {"node_name", EXTRA PARAMETERS}, })
The function adds additional information about the container, which does not depend on where the items arrive. Before using it, you need to add a container.
Of course, it is not necessary to use it.
### EXTRA PARAMETER: set_hopper_param2 function
hopper:set_extra_container_info({ {"node_name", set_hopper_param2 = function set_hopper_param2(hopper_pos, node_pos)}, })
When we place the hopper, we have the position of the node we are looking at and the position of the funnel.
When other nodes get into the nodebox of one node, the information becomes insufficient, see [minetest 9147 issue](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9147). In particular, this feature was useful for adding [connected chests](https://github.com/HybridDog/connected_chests/pull/14) support.
This function takes priority over the usual installation of the hopper.