Remove more dead code (#108)

This commit is contained in:
2022-06-01 15:03:52 +02:00
committed by GitHub
parent 128cf1696c
commit aa095d9525
91 changed files with 8 additions and 14864 deletions

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! enumeration for message box layout flags
//! Flag for the OK button
EMBF_OK = 0x1,
//! Flag for the cancel button
//! Flag for the yes button
EMBF_YES = 0x4,
//! Flag for the no button
EMBF_NO = 0x8,
//! This value is not used. It only forces this enumeration to compile in 32 bit.
EMBF_FORCE_32BIT = 0x7fffffff
} // namespace gui
} // namespace irr

View File

@ -280,18 +280,6 @@ namespace irr
//! A file open dialog has been closed without choosing a file
//! 'Yes' was clicked on a messagebox
//! 'No' was clicked on a messagebox
//! 'OK' was clicked on a messagebox
//! 'Cancel' was clicked on a messagebox
//! In an editbox 'ENTER' was pressed
@ -304,36 +292,14 @@ namespace irr
//! The tab was changed in an tab control
//! A menu item was selected in a (context) menu
//! The selection in a combo box has been changed
//! The value of a spin box has changed
//! A table has changed
//! A tree view node lost selection. See IGUITreeView::getLastEventNode().
//! A tree view node was selected. See IGUITreeView::getLastEventNode().
//! A tree view node was expanded. See IGUITreeView::getLastEventNode().
//! A tree view node was collapsed. See IGUITreeView::getLastEventNode().
//! deprecated - use EGET_TREEVIEW_NODE_COLLAPSE instead. This
//! may be removed by Irrlicht 1.9
//! No real event. Just for convenience to get number of events

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IGUIElement.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! Standard color chooser dialog.
class IGUIColorSelectDialog : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUIColorSelectDialog(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_COLOR_SELECT_DIALOG, environment, parent, id, rectangle) {}
//! get chosen color as usual SColor struct
virtual video::SColor getColor() =0;
//! get chosen color as HSL values
virtual video::SColorHSL getColorHSL() =0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IGUIElement.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! Close behavior.
//! Default is ECMC_REMOVE
//! do nothing - menu stays open
//! remove the gui element
//! call setVisible(false)
// note to implementers - this is planned as bitset, so continue with 4 if you need to add further flags.
//! GUI Context menu interface.
/** \par This element can create the following events of type EGUI_EVENT_TYPE:
class IGUIContextMenu : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUIContextMenu(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_CONTEXT_MENU, environment, parent, id, rectangle) {}
//! set behavior when menus are closed
virtual void setCloseHandling(ECONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE onClose) = 0;
//! get current behavior when the menu will be closed
virtual ECONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE getCloseHandling() const = 0;
//! Get amount of menu items
virtual u32 getItemCount() const = 0;
//! Adds a menu item.
/** \param text: Text of menu item. Set this to 0 to create
an separator instead of a real item, which is the same like
calling addSeparator();
\param commandId: Command id of menu item, a simple id you may
set to whatever you want.
\param enabled: Specifies if the menu item should be enabled.
\param hasSubMenu: Set this to true if there should be a submenu
at this item. You can access this submenu via getSubMenu().
\param checked: Specifies if the menu item should be initially checked.
\param autoChecking: Specifies if the item should be checked by clicking
\return Returns the index of the new item */
virtual u32 addItem(const wchar_t* text, s32 commandId=-1, bool enabled=true,
bool hasSubMenu=false, bool checked=false, bool autoChecking=false) = 0;
//! Insert a menu item at specified position.
/** \param idx: Position to insert the new element,
should be smaller than itemcount otherwise the item is added to the end.
\param text: Text of menu item. Set this to 0 to create
an separator instead of a real item, which is the same like
calling addSeparator();
\param commandId: Command id of menu item, a simple id you may
set to whatever you want.
\param enabled: Specifies if the menu item should be enabled.
\param hasSubMenu: Set this to true if there should be a submenu
at this item. You can access this submenu via getSubMenu().
\param checked: Specifies if the menu item should be initially checked.
\param autoChecking: Specifies if the item should be checked by clicking
\return Returns the index of the new item */
virtual u32 insertItem(u32 idx, const wchar_t* text, s32 commandId=-1, bool enabled=true,
bool hasSubMenu=false, bool checked=false, bool autoChecking=false) = 0;
//! Find an item by its CommandID
\param commandId: We are looking for the first item which has this commandID
\param idxStartSearch: Start searching from this index.
\return Returns the index of the item when found or otherwise -1. */
virtual s32 findItemWithCommandId(s32 commandId, u32 idxStartSearch=0) const = 0;
//! Adds a separator item to the menu
virtual void addSeparator() = 0;
//! Get text of the menu item.
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item */
virtual const wchar_t* getItemText(u32 idx) const = 0;
//! Sets text of the menu item.
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item
\param text: New text of the item. */
virtual void setItemText(u32 idx, const wchar_t* text) = 0;
//! Check if a menu item is enabled
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item */
virtual bool isItemEnabled(u32 idx) const = 0;
//! Sets if the menu item should be enabled.
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item
\param enabled: True if it is enabled, otherwise false. */
virtual void setItemEnabled(u32 idx, bool enabled) = 0;
//! Sets if the menu item should be checked.
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item
\param enabled: True if it is enabled, otherwise false. */
virtual void setItemChecked(u32 idx, bool enabled) = 0;
//! Check if a menu item is checked
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item */
virtual bool isItemChecked(u32 idx) const = 0;
//! Removes a menu item
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item */
virtual void removeItem(u32 idx) = 0;
//! Removes all menu items
virtual void removeAllItems() = 0;
//! Get the selected item in the menu
/** \return Index of the selected item, -1 if none selected. */
virtual s32 getSelectedItem() const = 0;
//! Get the command id of a menu item
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item */
virtual s32 getItemCommandId(u32 idx) const = 0;
//! Sets the command id of a menu item
/** \param idx: Zero based index of the menu item
\param id: Command id of menu item, a simple id you may
set to whatever you want. */
virtual void setItemCommandId(u32 idx, s32 id) = 0;
//! Get a pointer to the submenu of an item.
/** 0 is returned if there is no submenu
\param idx: Zero based index of the menu item
\return Returns a pointer to the submenu of an item. */
virtual IGUIContextMenu* getSubMenu(u32 idx) const = 0;
//! should the element change the checked status on clicking
virtual void setItemAutoChecking(u32 idx, bool autoChecking) = 0;
//! does the element change the checked status on clicking
virtual bool getItemAutoChecking(u32 idx) const = 0;
//! When an eventparent is set it receives events instead of the usual parent element
virtual void setEventParent(IGUIElement *parent) = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

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@ -743,8 +743,7 @@ public:
//! Returns the type name of the gui element.
/** This is needed serializing elements. For serializing your own elements, override this function
and return your own type name which is created by your IGUIElementFactory */
/** This is needed serializing elements. */
virtual const c8* getTypeName() const
return GUIElementTypeNames[Type];

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "EGUIElementTypes.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIElement;
//! Interface making it possible to dynamically create GUI elements
/** To be able to add custom elements to Irrlicht and to make it possible for the
scene manager to save and load them, simply implement this interface and register it
in your gui environment via IGUIEnvironment::registerGUIElementFactory.
Note: When implementing your own element factory, don't call IGUIEnvironment::grab() to
increase the reference counter of the environment. This is not necessary because the
it will grab() the factory anyway, and otherwise cyclic references will be created.
class IGUIElementFactory : public virtual IReferenceCounted
//! adds an element to the gui environment based on its type id
/** \param type: Type of the element to add.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the new element, can be null to add to the root.
\return Pointer to the new element or null if not successful. */
virtual IGUIElement* addGUIElement(EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type, IGUIElement* parent=0) = 0;
//! adds a GUI element to the GUI Environment based on its type name
/** \param typeName: Type name of the element to add.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the new element, can be null to add it to the root.
\return Pointer to the new element or null if not successful. */
virtual IGUIElement* addGUIElement(const c8* typeName, IGUIElement* parent=0) = 0;
//! Get amount of GUI element types this factory is able to create
virtual s32 getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() const = 0;
//! Get type of a creatable element type
/** \param idx: Index of the element type in this factory. Must be a value between 0 and
getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() */
virtual EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE getCreateableGUIElementType(s32 idx) const = 0;
//! Get type name of a creatable GUI element type by index
/** \param idx: Index of the type in this factory. Must be a value between 0 and
getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() */
virtual const c8* getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(s32 idx) const = 0;
//! returns type name of a creatable GUI element
/** \param type: Type of GUI element.
\return Name of the type if this factory can create the type, otherwise 0. */
virtual const c8* getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type) const = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
#include "rect.h"
#include "EMessageBoxFlags.h"
#include "EFocusFlags.h"
#include "IEventReceiver.h"
#include "path.h"
@ -38,27 +37,17 @@ class IGUIFont;
class IGUISpriteBank;
class IGUIScrollBar;
class IGUIImage;
class IGUIMeshViewer;
class IGUICheckBox;
class IGUIListBox;
class IGUITreeView;
class IGUIImageList;
class IGUIFileOpenDialog;
class IGUIColorSelectDialog;
class IGUIInOutFader;
class IGUIStaticText;
class IGUIEditBox;
class IGUISpinBox;
class IGUITabControl;
class IGUITab;
class IGUITable;
class IGUIContextMenu;
class IGUIComboBox;
class IGUIToolBar;
class IGUIButton;
class IGUIWindow;
class IGUIProfiler;
class IGUIElementFactory;
//! GUI Environment. Used as factory and manager of all other GUI elements.
/** \par This element can create the following events of type EGUI_EVENT_TYPE (which are passed on to focused sub-elements):
@ -235,55 +224,6 @@ public:
virtual IGUIButton* addButton(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, const wchar_t* text=0, const wchar_t* tooltiptext = 0) = 0;
//! Adds an empty window element.
/** \param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the window.
\param modal Defines if the dialog is modal. This means, that all other
gui elements which were created before the window cannot be used until
it is removed.
\param text Text displayed as the window title.
\param parent Parent gui element of the window.
\param id Id with which the gui element can be identified.
\return Pointer to the created window. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for
more information. */
virtual IGUIWindow* addWindow(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, bool modal = false,
const wchar_t* text=0, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a modal screen.
/** Input focus stays with children of the modal screen.
If you have some window x which should keep the input focus you
do something like: addModalScreen()->addChild(x). And x will then get the focus
and not lose it anymore.
The modal screen removes itself when it no longer has any children.
Note that it usually works badly to pass the modal screen already as parent when creating
a new element. It's better to add that new element later to the modal screen with addChild.
\param parent Parent gui element of the modal.
\param blinkMode Bitset of when to blink (can be combined)
0 = never
1 = focus changes
2 = Left mouse button pressed down
\return Pointer to the created modal. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for
more information. */
virtual IGUIElement* addModalScreen(IGUIElement* parent, int blinkMode = 3) = 0;
//! Adds a message box.
/** \param caption Text to be displayed the title of the message box.
\param text Text to be displayed in the body of the message box.
\param modal Defines if the dialog is modal. This means, that all other
gui elements which were created before the message box cannot be used
until this messagebox is removed.
\param flags Flags specifying the layout of the message box using ::EMESSAGE_BOX_FLAG.
Create a message box with an OK and CANCEL button for example with (EMBF_OK | EMBF_CANCEL).
\param parent Parent gui element of the message box.
\param id Id with which the gui element can be identified.
\param image Optional texture which will be displayed beside the text as an image
\return Pointer to the created message box. Returns 0 if an error
occurred. This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IGUIWindow* addMessageBox(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* text=0,
bool modal = true, s32 flags = EMBF_OK, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, video::ITexture* image=0) = 0;
//! Adds a scrollbar.
/** \param horizontal Specifies if the scroll bar is drawn horizontal
or vertical.
@ -348,31 +288,6 @@ public:
virtual IGUIListBox* addListBox(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, bool drawBackground=false) = 0;
//! Adds a tree view element.
/** \param rectangle Position and dimension of list box.
\param parent Parent gui element of the list box.
\param id Id to identify the gui element.
\param drawBackground Flag whether the background should be drawn.
\param scrollBarVertical Flag whether a vertical scrollbar should be used
\param scrollBarHorizontal Flag whether a horizontal scrollbar should be used
\return Pointer to the created list box. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for
more information. */
virtual IGUITreeView* addTreeView(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, bool drawBackground=false,
bool scrollBarVertical = true, bool scrollBarHorizontal = false) = 0;
//! Adds a mesh viewer. Not 100% implemented yet.
/** \param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the mesh viewer.
\param parent Parent gui element of the mesh viewer.
\param id Id to identify the gui element.
\param text Title text of the mesh viewer.
\return Pointer to the created mesh viewer. Returns 0 if an error
occurred. This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IGUIMeshViewer* addMeshViewer(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, const wchar_t* text=0) = 0;
//! Adds a file open dialog.
/** \param title Text to be displayed as the title of the dialog.
\param modal Defines if the dialog is modal. This means, that all other
@ -391,19 +306,6 @@ public:
bool modal=true, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
bool restoreCWD=false, io::path::char_type* startDir=0) = 0;
//! Adds a color select dialog.
/** \param title The title of the dialog.
\param modal Defines if the dialog is modal. This means, that all other
gui elements which were created before the dialog cannot be used
until it is removed.
\param parent The parent of the dialog.
\param id The ID of the dialog.
\return Pointer to the created file open dialog. Returns 0 if an error
occurred. This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IGUIColorSelectDialog* addColorSelectDialog(const wchar_t* title = 0,
bool modal=true, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a static text.
/** \param text Text to be displayed. Can be altered after creation by SetText().
\param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the static text
@ -438,30 +340,6 @@ public:
virtual IGUIEditBox* addEditBox(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
bool border=true, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a spin box.
/** An edit box with up and down buttons
\param text Text to be displayed. Can be altered after creation by setText().
\param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the spin box.
\param border Set to true if the spin box should have a 3d border.
\param parent Parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the spin box directly in the environment.
\param id The ID of the element.
\return Pointer to the created spin box. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for
more information. */
virtual IGUISpinBox* addSpinBox(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
bool border=true,IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds an element for fading in or out.
/** \param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the fader.
If the pointer is NULL, the whole screen is used.
\param parent Parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
\param id An identifier for the fader.
\return Pointer to the created in-out-fader. Returns 0 if an error
occurred. This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IGUIInOutFader* addInOutFader(const core::rect<s32>* rectangle=0, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a tab control to the environment.
/** \param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the tab control.
\param parent Parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
@ -493,40 +371,6 @@ public:
virtual IGUITab* addTab(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a context menu to the environment.
/** \param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the menu.
Note that the menu is resizing itself based on what items you add.
\param parent Parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the menu directly in the environment.
\param id An identifier for the menu.
\return Pointer to the created context menu. Returns 0 if an
error occurred. This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IGUIContextMenu* addContextMenu(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a menu to the environment.
/** This is like the menu you can find on top of most windows in modern
graphical user interfaces.
\param parent Parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the menu directly in the environment.
\param id An identifier for the menu.
\return Pointer to the created menu. Returns 0 if an
error occurred. This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IGUIContextMenu* addMenu(IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a toolbar to the environment.
/** It is like a menu that is always placed on top of its parent, and
contains buttons.
\param parent Parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
Set it to 0 to place the tool bar directly in the environment.
\param id An identifier for the tool bar.
\return Pointer to the created tool bar. Returns 0 if an
error occurred. This pointer should not be dropped. See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IGUIToolBar* addToolBar(IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a combo box to the environment.
/** \param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the combo box.
\param parent Parent item of the element, e.g. a window.
@ -538,86 +382,6 @@ public:
virtual IGUIComboBox* addComboBox(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Adds a table to the environment
/** \param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the table.
\param parent Parent item of the element, e.g. a window. Set it to 0
to place the element directly in the environment.
\param id An identifier for the table.
\param drawBackground Flag whether the background should be drawn.
\return Pointer to the created table. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for
more information. */
virtual IGUITable* addTable(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, bool drawBackground=false) =0;
//! Adds an element to display the information from the Irrlicht profiler
/** \param rectangle Rectangle specifying the borders of the element.
\param parent Parent of the element. When 0 the environment itself will
be the parent.
\param id An identifier for the element. */
virtual IGUIProfiler* addProfilerDisplay(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) = 0;
//! Get the default element factory which can create all built-in elements
/** \return Pointer to the factory.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for
more information. */
virtual IGUIElementFactory* getDefaultGUIElementFactory() const = 0;
//! Adds an element factory to the gui environment.
/** Use this to extend the gui environment with new element types which
it should be able to create automatically, for example when loading
data from xml files.
\param factoryToAdd Pointer to new factory. */
virtual void registerGUIElementFactory(IGUIElementFactory* factoryToAdd) = 0;
//! Get amount of registered gui element factories.
/** \return Amount of registered gui element factories. */
virtual u32 getRegisteredGUIElementFactoryCount() const = 0;
//! Get a gui element factory by index
/** \param index Index of the factory.
\return Factory at given index, or 0 if no such factory exists. */
virtual IGUIElementFactory* getGUIElementFactory(u32 index) const = 0;
//! Adds a GUI element by its name
/** Each factory is checked if it can create an element of the given
name. The first match will be created.
\param elementName Name of the element to be created.
\param parent Parent of the new element, if not 0.
\return New GUI element, or 0 if no such element exists. */
virtual IGUIElement* addGUIElement(const c8* elementName, IGUIElement* parent=0) = 0;
//! Saves the current gui into a file.
/** \param filename Name of the file.
\param start The GUIElement to start with. Root if 0.
\return True if saving succeeded, else false. */
virtual bool saveGUI(const io::path& filename, IGUIElement* start=0) = 0;
//! Saves the current gui into a file.
/** \param file The file to write to.
\param start The GUIElement to start with. Root if 0.
\return True if saving succeeded, else false. */
virtual bool saveGUI(io::IWriteFile* file, IGUIElement* start=0) = 0;
//! Loads the gui. Note that the current gui is not cleared before.
/** When a parent is set the elements will be added below the parent, the parent itself does not deserialize.
When the file contains skin-settings from the gui-environment those are always serialized into the
guienvironment independent of the parent setting.
\param filename Name of the file.
\param parent Parent for the loaded GUI, root if 0.
\return True if loading succeeded, else false. */
virtual bool loadGUI(const io::path& filename, IGUIElement* parent=0) = 0;
//! Loads the gui. Note that the current gui is not cleared before.
/** When a parent is set the elements will be added below the parent, the parent itself does not deserialize.
When the file contains skin-settings from the gui-environment those are always serialized into the
guienvironment independent of the parent setting.
\param file The file to load from.
\param parent Parent for the loaded GUI, root if 0.
\return True if loading succeeded, else false. */
virtual bool loadGUI(io::IReadFile* file, IGUIElement* parent=0) = 0;
//! Find the next element which would be selected when pressing the tab-key
/** If you set the focus for the result you can manually force focus-changes like they
would happen otherwise by the tab-keys.

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "SColor.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! Element for fading out or in
/** Here is a small example on how the class is used. In this example we fade
in from a total red screen in the beginning. As you can see, the fader is not
only useful for dramatic in and out fading, but also to show that the player
is hit in a first person shooter game for example.
gui::IGUIInOutFader* fader = device->getGUIEnvironment()->addInOutFader();
class IGUIInOutFader : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUIInOutFader(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_IN_OUT_FADER, environment, parent, id, rectangle) {}
//! Gets the color to fade out to or to fade in from.
virtual video::SColor getColor() const = 0;
//! Sets the color to fade out to or to fade in from.
/** \param color: Color to where it is faded out od from it is faded in. */
virtual void setColor(video::SColor color) = 0;
virtual void setColor(video::SColor source, video::SColor dest) = 0;
//! Starts the fade in process.
/** In the beginning the whole rect is drawn by the set color
(black by default) and at the end of the overgiven time the
color has faded out.
\param time: Time specifying how long it should need to fade in,
in milliseconds. */
virtual void fadeIn(u32 time) = 0;
//! Starts the fade out process.
/** In the beginning everything is visible, and at the end of
the time only the set color (black by the fault) will be drawn.
\param time: Time specifying how long it should need to fade out,
in milliseconds. */
virtual void fadeOut(u32 time) = 0;
//! Returns if the fade in or out process is done.
virtual bool isReady() const = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IGUIElement.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
class SMaterial;
} // end namespace video
namespace scene
class IAnimatedMesh;
} // end namespace scene
namespace gui
//! 3d mesh viewing GUI element.
class IGUIMeshViewer : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUIMeshViewer(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_MESH_VIEWER, environment, parent, id, rectangle) {}
//! Sets the mesh to be shown
virtual void setMesh(scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh) = 0;
//! Gets the displayed mesh
virtual scene::IAnimatedMesh* getMesh() const = 0;
//! Sets the material
virtual void setMaterial(const video::SMaterial& material) = 0;
//! Gets the material
virtual const video::SMaterial& getMaterial() const = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
// Written by Michael Zeilfelder
#include "IGUIElement.h"
namespace irr
class IProfiler;
namespace gui
class IGUIFont;
//! Element to display profiler information
class IGUIProfiler : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
/** \param profiler You can pass a custom profiler, but typically you can pass 0 in which cases it takes the global profiler from Irrlicht */
IGUIProfiler(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, IProfiler* profiler = NULL)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_PROFILER, environment, parent, id, rectangle)
//! Show first page of profile data
/** \param includeOverview When true show the group-overview page, when false show the profile data of the first group */
virtual void firstPage(bool includeOverview=true) = 0;
//! Show next page of profile data
/** \param includeOverview Include the group-overview page */
virtual void nextPage(bool includeOverview=true) = 0;
//! Show previous page of profile data
/** \param includeOverview Include the group-overview page */
virtual void previousPage(bool includeOverview=true) = 0;
//! Try to show as many group-pages together as possible instead of showing at most one group per page.
/** \param groupsTogether When true show several groups on one page, when false show max. one group per page. Default is false. */
virtual void setShowGroupsTogether(bool groupsTogether) = 0;
//! Can several groups be displayed per page?
virtual bool getShowGroupsTogether() const = 0;
//! Sets another skin independent font.
/** If this is set to zero, the button uses the font of the skin.
\param font: New font to set. */
virtual void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font=0) = 0;
//! Gets the override font (if any)
/** \return The override font (may be 0) */
virtual IGUIFont* getOverrideFont(void) const = 0;
//! Get the font which is used right now for drawing
/** Currently this is the override font when one is set and the
font of the active skin otherwise */
virtual IGUIFont* getActiveFont() const = 0;
//! Sets whether to draw the background. By default disabled,
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
//! Checks if background drawing is enabled
/** \return true if background drawing is enabled, false otherwise */
virtual bool isDrawBackgroundEnabled() const = 0;
//! Allows to freeze updates which makes it easier to read the numbers
/** Numbers are updated once when you switch pages. */
virtual void setFrozen(bool freeze) = 0;
//! Are updates currently frozen
virtual bool getFrozen() const = 0;
//! Filters prevents data that doesn't achieve the conditions from being displayed
virtual void setFilters(irr::u32 minCalls = 0, irr::u32 minTimeSum = 0, irr::f32 minTimeAverage = 0.f, irr::u32 minTimeMax = 0) = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Michael Zeilfelder
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IGUIElement.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIEditBox;
//! Enumeration bitflag for when to validate the text typed into the spinbox
//! Default used by Irrlicht is: (EGUI_SBV_ENTER|EGUI_SBV_LOSE_FOCUS)
//! Does not validate typed text, probably a bad idea setting this usually.
//! Validate on each change. Was default up to Irrlicht 1.8
//! Validate when enter was pressed
//! Validate when the editbox loses the focus
//! Single line edit box + spin buttons
/** \par This element can create the following events of type EGUI_EVENT_TYPE:
class IGUISpinBox : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUISpinBox(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent,
s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_SPIN_BOX, environment, parent, id, rectangle) {}
//! Access the edit box used in the spin control
virtual IGUIEditBox* getEditBox() const = 0;
//! set the current value of the spinbox
/** \param val: value to be set in the spinbox */
virtual void setValue(f32 val) = 0;
//! Get the current value of the spinbox
virtual f32 getValue() const = 0;
//! set the range of values which can be used in the spinbox
/** \param min: minimum value
\param max: maximum value */
virtual void setRange(f32 min, f32 max) = 0;
//! get the minimum value which can be used in the spinbox
virtual f32 getMin() const = 0;
//! get the maximum value which can be used in the spinbox
virtual f32 getMax() const = 0;
//! Step size by which values are changed when pressing the spinbuttons
/** The step size also determines the number of decimal places to display
\param step: stepsize used for value changes when pressing spinbuttons */
virtual void setStepSize(f32 step=1.f) = 0;
//! Sets the number of decimal places to display.
//! Note that this also rounds the range to the same number of decimal places.
/** \param places: The number of decimal places to display, use -1 to reset */
virtual void setDecimalPlaces(s32 places) = 0;
//! get the current step size
virtual f32 getStepSize() const = 0;
//! Sets when the spinbox has to validate entered text.
/** \param validateOn Can be any combination of EGUI_SPINBOX_VALIDATION bit flags */
virtual void setValidateOn(u32 validateOn) = 0;
//! Gets when the spinbox has to validate entered text.
/** \return A combination of EGUI_SPINBOX_VALIDATION bit flags */
virtual u32 getValidateOn() const = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "SColor.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIFont;
class IGUIScrollBar;
//! modes for ordering used when a column header is clicked
//! Do not use ordering
//! Send a EGET_TABLE_HEADER_CHANGED message when a column header is clicked.
//! Sort it ascending by it's ascii value like: a,b,c,...
//! Sort it descending by it's ascii value like: z,x,y,...
//! Sort it ascending on first click, descending on next, etc
//! Not used as mode, only to get maximum value for this enum
//! Names for EGUI_COLUMN_ORDERING types
const c8* const GUIColumnOrderingNames[] =
//! No element ordering
//! Elements are ordered from the smallest to the largest.
//! Elements are ordered from the largest to the smallest.
//! this value is not used, it only specifies the amount of default ordering types
//! available.
const c8* const GUIOrderingModeNames[] =
//! Default list box GUI element.
/** \par This element can create the following events of type EGUI_EVENT_TYPE:
class IGUITable : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUITable(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_TABLE, environment, parent, id, rectangle) {}
//! Adds a column
/** If columnIndex is outside the current range, do push new column at the end */
virtual void addColumn(const wchar_t* caption, s32 columnIndex=-1) = 0;
//! remove a column from the table
virtual void removeColumn(u32 columnIndex) = 0;
//! Returns the number of columns in the table control
virtual s32 getColumnCount() const = 0;
//! Makes a column active. This will trigger an ordering process.
/** \param idx: The id of the column to make active or a negative number to make non active.
\param doOrder: Do also the ordering which depending on mode for active column
\return True when the column could be set active (aka - it did exist). */
virtual bool setActiveColumn(s32 idx, bool doOrder=false) = 0;
//! Returns which header is currently active
virtual s32 getActiveColumn() const = 0;
//! Returns the ordering used by the currently active column
virtual EGUI_ORDERING_MODE getActiveColumnOrdering() const = 0;
//! Set the width of a column
virtual void setColumnWidth(u32 columnIndex, u32 width) = 0;
//! Get the width of a column
virtual u32 getColumnWidth(u32 columnIndex) const = 0;
//! columns can be resized by drag 'n drop
virtual void setResizableColumns(bool resizable) = 0;
//! can columns be resized by drag 'n drop?
virtual bool hasResizableColumns() const = 0;
//! This tells the table control which ordering mode should be used when a column header is clicked.
/** \param columnIndex The index of the column header.
\param mode: One of the modes defined in EGUI_COLUMN_ORDERING */
virtual void setColumnOrdering(u32 columnIndex, EGUI_COLUMN_ORDERING mode) = 0;
//! Returns which row is currently selected
virtual s32 getSelected() const = 0;
//! set which row is currently selected
virtual void setSelected( s32 index ) = 0;
//! Get amount of rows in the tabcontrol
virtual s32 getRowCount() const = 0;
//! adds a row to the table
/** \param rowIndex Zero based index of rows. The row will be
inserted at this position, if a row already exist there, it
will be placed after it. If the row is larger than the actual
number of row by more than one, it won't be created. Note that
if you create a row that's not at the end, there might be
performance issues.
\return index of inserted row. */
virtual u32 addRow(u32 rowIndex) = 0;
//! Remove a row from the table
virtual void removeRow(u32 rowIndex) = 0;
//! clears the table rows, but keeps the columns intact
virtual void clearRows() = 0;
//! Swap two row positions.
virtual void swapRows(u32 rowIndexA, u32 rowIndexB) = 0;
//! This tells the table to start ordering all the rows.
/** You need to explicitly tell the table to re order the rows
when a new row is added or the cells data is changed. This
makes the system more flexible and doesn't make you pay the
cost of ordering when adding a lot of rows.
\param columnIndex: When set to -1 the active column is used.
\param mode Ordering mode of the rows. */
virtual void orderRows(s32 columnIndex=-1, EGUI_ORDERING_MODE mode=EGOM_NONE) = 0;
//! Set the text of a cell
virtual void setCellText(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, const core::stringw& text) = 0;
//! Set the text of a cell, and set a color of this cell.
virtual void setCellText(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, const core::stringw& text, video::SColor color) = 0;
//! Set the data of a cell
virtual void setCellData(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, void *data) = 0;
//! Set the color of a cell text
virtual void setCellColor(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, video::SColor color) = 0;
//! Get the text of a cell
virtual const wchar_t* getCellText(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex ) const = 0;
//! Get the data of a cell
virtual void* getCellData(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex ) const = 0;
//! clears the table, deletes all items in the table
virtual void clear() = 0;
//! Set flags, as defined in ::EGUI_TABLE_DRAW_FLAGS, which influence the layout
virtual void setDrawFlags(s32 flags) = 0;
//! Get the flags, as defined in ::EGUI_TABLE_DRAW_FLAGS, which influence the layout
virtual s32 getDrawFlags() const = 0;
//! Sets another skin independent font.
/** If this is set to zero, the button uses the font of the skin.
\param font: New font to set. */
virtual void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font=0) = 0;
//! Gets the override font (if any)
/** \return The override font (may be 0) */
virtual IGUIFont* getOverrideFont(void) const = 0;
//! Get the font which is used right now for drawing
/** Currently this is the override font when one is set and the
font of the active skin otherwise */
virtual IGUIFont* getActiveFont() const = 0;
//! Get the height of items/rows
virtual s32 getItemHeight() const = 0;
//! Access the vertical scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar* getVerticalScrollBar() const = 0;
//! Access the horizontal scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar* getHorizontalScrollBar() const = 0;
//! Sets whether to draw the background.
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
//! Checks if background drawing is enabled
/** \return true if background drawing is enabled, false otherwise */
virtual bool isDrawBackgroundEnabled() const = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
// written by Reinhard Ostermeier,
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "IGUIImageList.h"
#include "irrTypes.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIFont;
class IGUITreeView;
class IGUIScrollBar;
//! Node for gui tree view
/** \par This element can create the following events of type EGUI_EVENT_TYPE:
class IGUITreeViewNode : public IReferenceCounted
//! returns the owner (tree view) of this node
virtual IGUITreeView* getOwner() const = 0;
//! Returns the parent node of this node.
/** For the root node this will return 0. */
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getParent() const = 0;
//! returns the text of the node
virtual const wchar_t* getText() const = 0;
//! sets the text of the node
virtual void setText( const wchar_t* text ) = 0;
//! returns the icon text of the node
virtual const wchar_t* getIcon() const = 0;
//! sets the icon text of the node
virtual void setIcon( const wchar_t* icon ) = 0;
//! returns the image index of the node
virtual u32 getImageIndex() const = 0;
//! sets the image index of the node
virtual void setImageIndex( u32 imageIndex ) = 0;
//! returns the image index of the node
virtual u32 getSelectedImageIndex() const = 0;
//! sets the image index of the node
virtual void setSelectedImageIndex( u32 imageIndex ) = 0;
//! returns the user data (void*) of this node
virtual void* getData() const = 0;
//! sets the user data (void*) of this node
virtual void setData( void* data ) = 0;
//! returns the user data2 (IReferenceCounted) of this node
virtual IReferenceCounted* getData2() const = 0;
//! sets the user data2 (IReferenceCounted) of this node
virtual void setData2( IReferenceCounted* data ) = 0;
//! returns the child item count
virtual u32 getChildCount() const = 0;
//! removes all children (recursive) from this node
virtual void clearChildren() = 0;
//! removes all children (recursive) from this node
/** \deprecated Deprecated in 1.8, use clearChildren() instead.
This method may be removed by Irrlicht 1.9 */
_IRR_DEPRECATED_ void clearChilds()
return clearChildren();
//! returns true if this node has child nodes
virtual bool hasChildren() const = 0;
//! returns true if this node has child nodes
/** \deprecated Deprecated in 1.8, use hasChildren() instead.
This method may be removed by Irrlicht 1.9 */
_IRR_DEPRECATED_ bool hasChilds() const
return hasChildren();
//! Adds a new node behind the last child node.
/** \param text text of the new node
\param icon icon text of the new node
\param imageIndex index of the image for the new node (-1 = none)
\param selectedImageIndex index of the selected image for the new node (-1 = same as imageIndex)
\param data user data (void*) of the new node
\param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
\return The new node
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* addChildBack(
const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex=-1, s32 selectedImageIndex=-1,
void* data=0, IReferenceCounted* data2=0) =0;
//! Adds a new node before the first child node.
/** \param text text of the new node
\param icon icon text of the new node
\param imageIndex index of the image for the new node (-1 = none)
\param selectedImageIndex index of the selected image for the new node (-1 = same as imageIndex)
\param data user data (void*) of the new node
\param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
\return The new node
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* addChildFront(
const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex=-1, s32 selectedImageIndex=-1,
void* data=0, IReferenceCounted* data2=0 ) =0;
//! Adds a new node behind the other node.
/** The other node has also to be a child node from this node.
\param other Node to insert after
\param text text of the new node
\param icon icon text of the new node
\param imageIndex index of the image for the new node (-1 = none)
\param selectedImageIndex index of the selected image for the new node (-1 = same as imageIndex)
\param data user data (void*) of the new node
\param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
\return The new node or 0 if other is no child node from this
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* insertChildAfter(
IGUITreeViewNode* other,
const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex=-1, s32 selectedImageIndex=-1,
void* data=0, IReferenceCounted* data2=0) =0;
//! Adds a new node before the other node.
/** The other node has also to be a child node from this node.
\param other Node to insert before
\param text text of the new node
\param icon icon text of the new node
\param imageIndex index of the image for the new node (-1 = none)
\param selectedImageIndex index of the selected image for the new node (-1 = same as imageIndex)
\param data user data (void*) of the new node
\param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
\return The new node or 0 if other is no child node from this
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* insertChildBefore(
IGUITreeViewNode* other,
const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex=-1, s32 selectedImageIndex=-1,
void* data=0, IReferenceCounted* data2=0) = 0;
//! Return the first child node from this node.
/** \return The first child node or 0 if this node has no children. */
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getFirstChild() const = 0;
//! Return the last child node from this node.
/** \return The last child node or 0 if this node has no children. */
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getLastChild() const = 0;
//! Returns the previous sibling node from this node.
/** \return The previous sibling node from this node or 0 if this is
the first node from the parent node.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getPrevSibling() const = 0;
//! Returns the next sibling node from this node.
/** \return The next sibling node from this node or 0 if this is
the last node from the parent node.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getNextSibling() const = 0;
//! Returns the next visible (expanded, may be out of scrolling) node from this node.
/** \return The next visible node from this node or 0 if this is
the last visible node. */
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getNextVisible() const = 0;
//! Deletes a child node.
/** \return Returns true if the node was found as a child and is deleted. */
virtual bool deleteChild( IGUITreeViewNode* child ) = 0;
//! Moves a child node one position up.
/** \return True if the node was found as a child node and was not already the first child. */
virtual bool moveChildUp( IGUITreeViewNode* child ) = 0;
//! Moves a child node one position down.
/** \return True if the node was found as a child node and was not already the last child. */
virtual bool moveChildDown( IGUITreeViewNode* child ) = 0;
//! Returns true if the node is expanded (children are visible).
virtual bool getExpanded() const = 0;
//! Sets if the node is expanded.
virtual void setExpanded( bool expanded ) = 0;
//! Returns true if the node is currently selected.
virtual bool getSelected() const = 0;
//! Sets this node as selected.
virtual void setSelected( bool selected ) = 0;
//! Returns true if this node is the root node.
virtual bool isRoot() const = 0;
//! Returns the level of this node.
/** The root node has level 0. Direct children of the root has level 1 ... */
virtual s32 getLevel() const = 0;
//! Returns true if this node is visible (all parents are expanded).
virtual bool isVisible() const = 0;
//! Default tree view GUI element.
/** Displays a windows like tree buttons to expand/collapse the child
nodes of an node and optional tree lines. Each node consists of an
text, an icon text and a void pointer for user data. */
class IGUITreeView : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUITreeView(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent,
s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement( EGUIET_TREE_VIEW, environment, parent, id, rectangle ) {}
//! returns the root node (not visible) from the tree.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getRoot() const = 0;
//! returns the selected node of the tree or 0 if none is selected
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getSelected() const = 0;
//! returns true if the tree lines are visible
virtual bool getLinesVisible() const = 0;
//! sets if the tree lines are visible
/** \param visible true for visible, false for invisible */
virtual void setLinesVisible( bool visible ) = 0;
//! Sets the font which should be used as icon font.
/** This font is set to the Irrlicht engine built-in-font by
default. Icons can be displayed in front of every list item.
An icon is a string, displayed with the icon font. When using
the build-in-font of the Irrlicht engine as icon font, the icon
strings defined in GUIIcons.h can be used.
virtual void setIconFont( IGUIFont* font ) = 0;
//! Sets a skin independent font.
/** \param font: New font to set or 0 to use the skin-font. */
virtual void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font=0) = 0;
//! Gets the override font (if any)
/** \return The override font (may be 0) */
virtual IGUIFont* getOverrideFont(void) const = 0;
//! Get the font which is used for drawing
/** This is the override font when one is set and the
font of the skin otherwise. */
virtual IGUIFont* getActiveFont() const = 0;
//! Sets the image list which should be used for the image and selected image of every node.
/** The default is 0 (no images). */
virtual void setImageList( IGUIImageList* imageList ) = 0;
//! Returns the image list which is used for the nodes.
virtual IGUIImageList* getImageList() const = 0;
//! Sets if the image is left of the icon. Default is true.
virtual void setImageLeftOfIcon( bool bLeftOf ) = 0;
//! Returns if the Image is left of the icon. Default is true.
virtual bool getImageLeftOfIcon() const = 0;
//! Returns the node which is associated to the last event.
/** This pointer is only valid inside the OnEvent call! */
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getLastEventNode() const = 0;
//! Access the vertical scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar* getVerticalScrollBar() const = 0;
//! Access the horizontal scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar* getHorizontalScrollBar() const = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "EMessageBoxFlags.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIButton;
//! Default moveable window GUI element with border, caption and close icons.
/** \par This element can create the following events of type EGUI_EVENT_TYPE:
class IGUIWindow : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
IGUIWindow(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_WINDOW, environment, parent, id, rectangle) {}
//! Returns pointer to the close button
/** You can hide the button by calling setVisible(false) on the result. */
virtual IGUIButton* getCloseButton() const = 0;
//! Returns pointer to the minimize button
/** You can hide the button by calling setVisible(false) on the result. */
virtual IGUIButton* getMinimizeButton() const = 0;
//! Returns pointer to the maximize button
/** You can hide the button by calling setVisible(false) on the result. */
virtual IGUIButton* getMaximizeButton() const = 0;
//! Returns true if the window can be dragged with the mouse, false if not
virtual bool isDraggable() const = 0;
//! Sets whether the window can be dragged by the mouse
virtual void setDraggable(bool draggable) = 0;
//! Set if the window background will be drawn
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) = 0;
//! Get if the window background will be drawn
virtual bool getDrawBackground() const = 0;
//! Set if the window titlebar will be drawn
//! Note: If the background is not drawn, then the titlebar is automatically also not drawn
virtual void setDrawTitlebar(bool draw) = 0;
//! Get if the window titlebar will be drawn
virtual bool getDrawTitlebar() const = 0;
//! Returns the rectangle of the drawable area (without border and without titlebar)
/** The coordinates are given relative to the top-left position of the gui element.<br>
So to get absolute positions you have to add the resulting rectangle to getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.<br>
To get it relative to the parent element you have to add the resulting rectangle to getRelativePosition().UpperLeftCorner.
Beware that adding a menu will not change the clientRect as menus are own gui elements, so in that case you might want to subtract
the menu area additionally. */
virtual core::rect<s32> getClientRect() const = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -30,44 +30,6 @@ namespace scene
//! Flips the direction of surfaces.
/** Changes backfacing triangles to frontfacing
triangles and vice versa.
\param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed. */
virtual void flipSurfaces(IMesh* mesh) const = 0;
//! Sets the alpha vertex color value of the whole mesh to a new value.
/** \param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param alpha New alpha value. Must be a value between 0 and 255. */
void setVertexColorAlpha(IMesh* mesh, s32 alpha) const
apply(scene::SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator(alpha), mesh);
//! Sets the alpha vertex color value of the whole mesh to a new value.
/** \param buffer Meshbuffer on which the operation is performed.
\param alpha New alpha value. Must be a value between 0 and 255. */
void setVertexColorAlpha(IMeshBuffer* buffer, s32 alpha) const
apply(scene::SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator(alpha), buffer);
//! Sets the colors of all vertices to one color
/** \param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param color New color. */
void setVertexColors(IMesh* mesh, video::SColor color) const
apply(scene::SVertexColorSetManipulator(color), mesh);
//! Sets the colors of all vertices to one color
/** \param buffer Meshbuffer on which the operation is performed.
\param color New color. */
void setVertexColors(IMeshBuffer* buffer, video::SColor color) const
apply(scene::SVertexColorSetManipulator(color), buffer);
//! Recalculates all normals of the mesh.
/** \param mesh: Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param smooth: If the normals shall be smoothed.
@ -82,26 +44,6 @@ namespace scene
virtual void recalculateNormals(IMeshBuffer* buffer,
bool smooth = false, bool angleWeighted = false) const=0;
//! Recalculates tangents, requires a tangent mesh
/** \param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param recalculateNormals If the normals shall be recalculated, otherwise original normals of the mesh are used unchanged.
\param smooth If the normals shall be smoothed.
\param angleWeighted If the normals shall be smoothed in relation to their angles. More expensive, but also higher precision.
virtual void recalculateTangents(IMesh* mesh,
bool recalculateNormals=false, bool smooth=false,
bool angleWeighted=false) const=0;
//! Recalculates tangents, requires a tangent mesh buffer
/** \param buffer Meshbuffer on which the operation is performed.
\param recalculateNormals If the normals shall be recalculated, otherwise original normals of the buffer are used unchanged.
\param smooth If the normals shall be smoothed.
\param angleWeighted If the normals shall be smoothed in relation to their angles. More expensive, but also higher precision.
virtual void recalculateTangents(IMeshBuffer* buffer,
bool recalculateNormals=false, bool smooth=false,
bool angleWeighted=false) const=0;
//! Scales the actual mesh, not a scene node.
/** \param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param factor Scale factor for each axis. */
@ -118,116 +60,6 @@ namespace scene
apply(SVertexPositionScaleManipulator(factor), buffer, true);
//! Scales the actual mesh, not a scene node.
/** \deprecated Use scale() instead. This method may be removed by Irrlicht 1.9
\param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param factor Scale factor for each axis. */
_IRR_DEPRECATED_ void scaleMesh(IMesh* mesh, const core::vector3df& factor) const {return scale(mesh,factor);}
//! Scale the texture coords of a mesh.
/** \param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param factor Vector which defines the scale for each axis.
\param level Number of texture coord, starting from 1. Support for level 2 exists for LightMap buffers. */
void scaleTCoords(scene::IMesh* mesh, const core::vector2df& factor, u32 level=1) const
apply(SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator(factor, level), mesh);
//! Scale the texture coords of a meshbuffer.
/** \param buffer Meshbuffer on which the operation is performed.
\param factor Vector which defines the scale for each axis.
\param level Number of texture coord, starting from 1. Support for level 2 exists for LightMap buffers. */
void scaleTCoords(scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer, const core::vector2df& factor, u32 level=1) const
apply(SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator(factor, level), buffer);
//! Applies a transformation to a mesh
/** \param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param m transformation matrix.
\param normalsUpdate When 0 - don't update normals.
When 1 - update normals with inverse transposed of the transformation matrix
void transform(IMesh* mesh, const core::matrix4& m, u32 normalsUpdate = 0) const
apply(SVertexPositionTransformManipulator(m), mesh, true);
if ( normalsUpdate == 1 )
core::matrix4 invT;
if ( m.getInverse(invT) )
invT = invT.getTransposed();
apply(SVertexNormalTransformManipulator(invT), mesh, false);
//! Applies a transformation to a meshbuffer
/** \param buffer Meshbuffer on which the operation is performed.
\param m transformation matrix.
\param normalsUpdate When 0 - don't update normals.
When 1 - update normals with inverse transposed of the transformation matrix
void transform(IMeshBuffer* buffer, const core::matrix4& m, u32 normalsUpdate = 0) const
apply(SVertexPositionTransformManipulator(m), buffer, true);
if ( normalsUpdate == 1 )
core::matrix4 invT;
if ( m.getInverse(invT) )
invT = invT.getTransposed();
apply(SVertexNormalTransformManipulator(invT), buffer, false);
//! Applies a transformation to a mesh
/** \deprecated Use transform() instead. This method may be removed by Irrlicht 1.9
\param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param m transformation matrix. */
_IRR_DEPRECATED_ virtual void transformMesh(IMesh* mesh, const core::matrix4& m) const {return transform(mesh,m);}
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the mesh
/** \param mesh: Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param resolution: resolution of the planar mapping. This is
the value specifying which is the relation between world space
and texture coordinate space. */
virtual void makePlanarTextureMapping(IMesh* mesh, f32 resolution=0.001f) const=0;
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the meshbuffer
/** \param meshbuffer: Buffer on which the operation is performed.
\param resolution: resolution of the planar mapping. This is
the value specifying which is the relation between world space
and texture coordinate space. */
virtual void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMeshBuffer* meshbuffer, f32 resolution=0.001f) const=0;
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the buffer
/** This method is currently implemented towards the LWO planar mapping. A more general biasing might be required.
\param mesh Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param resolutionS Resolution of the planar mapping in horizontal direction. This is the ratio between object space and texture space.
\param resolutionT Resolution of the planar mapping in vertical direction. This is the ratio between object space and texture space.
\param axis The axis along which the texture is projected. The allowed values are 0 (X), 1(Y), and 2(Z).
\param offset Vector added to the vertex positions (in object coordinates).
virtual void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMesh* mesh,
f32 resolutionS, f32 resolutionT,
u8 axis, const core::vector3df& offset) const=0;
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the meshbuffer
/** This method is currently implemented towards the LWO planar mapping. A more general biasing might be required.
\param buffer Buffer on which the operation is performed.
\param resolutionS Resolution of the planar mapping in horizontal direction. This is the ratio between object space and texture space.
\param resolutionT Resolution of the planar mapping in vertical direction. This is the ratio between object space and texture space.
\param axis The axis along which the texture is projected. The allowed values are 0 (X), 1(Y), and 2(Z).
\param offset Vector added to the vertex positions (in object coordinates).
virtual void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer,
f32 resolutionS, f32 resolutionT,
u8 axis, const core::vector3df& offset) const=0;
//! Clones a static IMesh into a modifiable SMesh.
/** All meshbuffers in the returned SMesh
are of type SMeshBuffer or SMeshBufferLightMap.
@ -237,59 +69,6 @@ namespace scene
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual SMesh* createMeshCopy(IMesh* mesh) const = 0;
//! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertexTangents vertices.
/** This is useful if you want to draw tangent space normal
mapped geometry because it calculates the tangent and binormal
data which is needed there.
\param mesh Input mesh
\param recalculateNormals The normals are recalculated if set,
otherwise the original ones are kept. Note that keeping the
normals may introduce inaccurate tangents if the normals are
very different to those calculated from the faces.
\param smooth The normals/tangents are smoothed across the
meshbuffer's faces if this flag is set.
\param angleWeighted Improved smoothing calculation used
\param recalculateTangents Whether are actually calculated, or just the mesh with proper type is created.
\return Mesh consisting only of S3DVertexTangents vertices. If
you no longer need the cloned mesh, you should call
IMesh::drop(). See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more
information. */
virtual IMesh* createMeshWithTangents(IMesh* mesh,
bool recalculateNormals=false, bool smooth=false,
bool angleWeighted=false, bool recalculateTangents=true) const=0;
//! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertex2TCoord vertices.
/** \param mesh Input mesh
\return Mesh consisting only of S3DVertex2TCoord vertices. If
you no longer need the cloned mesh, you should call
IMesh::drop(). See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more
information. */
virtual IMesh* createMeshWith2TCoords(IMesh* mesh) const = 0;
//! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertex vertices.
/** \param mesh Input mesh
\return Mesh consisting only of S3DVertex vertices. If
you no longer need the cloned mesh, you should call
IMesh::drop(). See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more
information. */
virtual IMesh* createMeshWith1TCoords(IMesh* mesh) const = 0;
//! Creates a copy of a mesh with all vertices unwelded
/** \param mesh Input mesh
\return Mesh consisting only of unique faces. All vertices
which were previously shared are now duplicated. If you no
longer need the cloned mesh, you should call IMesh::drop(). See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IMesh* createMeshUniquePrimitives(IMesh* mesh) const = 0;
//! Creates a copy of a mesh with vertices welded
/** \param mesh Input mesh
\param tolerance The threshold for vertex comparisons.
\return Mesh without redundant vertices. If you no longer need
the cloned mesh, you should call IMesh::drop(). See
IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual IMesh* createMeshWelded(IMesh* mesh, f32 tolerance=core::ROUNDING_ERROR_f32) const = 0;
//! Get amount of polygons in mesh.
/** \param mesh Input mesh
\return Number of polygons in mesh. */
@ -310,43 +89,6 @@ namespace scene
virtual IAnimatedMesh * createAnimatedMesh(IMesh* mesh,
scene::E_ANIMATED_MESH_TYPE type = scene::EAMT_UNKNOWN) const = 0;
//! Vertex cache optimization according to the Forsyth paper
/** More information can be found at
The function is thread-safe (read: you can optimize several
meshes in different threads).
\param mesh Source mesh for the operation.
\return A new mesh optimized for the vertex cache. */
virtual IMesh* createForsythOptimizedMesh(const IMesh *mesh) const = 0;
//! Optimize the mesh with an algorithm tuned for heightmaps.
This differs from usual simplification methods in two ways:
- it's intended to be lossless
- it has special care for the borders, which are useful with heightmap tiles
This function is thread-safe. Remember to weld afterwards - this
function only moves vertices, it does not weld.
\param mesh Mesh to operate on.
virtual void heightmapOptimizeMesh(IMesh * const mesh, const f32 tolerance = core::ROUNDING_ERROR_f32) const = 0;
//! Optimize the meshbuffer with an algorithm tuned for heightmaps.
This differs from usual simplification methods in two ways:
- it's intended to be lossless
- it has special care for the borders, which are useful with heightmap tiles
This function is thread-safe. Remember to weld afterward - this
function only moves vertices, it does not weld.
\param mb Meshbuffer to operate on.
virtual void heightmapOptimizeMesh(IMeshBuffer * const mb, const f32 tolerance = core::ROUNDING_ERROR_f32) const = 0;
//! Apply a manipulator on the Meshbuffer
/** \param func A functor defining the mesh manipulation.
\param buffer The Meshbuffer to apply the manipulator to.

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
namespace irr
//! Interface for generating random numbers
class IRandomizer : public virtual IReferenceCounted
//! resets the randomizer
/** \param value Initialization value (seed) */
virtual void reset(s32 value=0x0f0f0f0f) =0;
//! generates a pseudo random number in the range 0..randMax()
virtual s32 rand() const =0;
//! get maxmimum number generated by rand()
virtual s32 randMax() const =0;
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -602,32 +602,6 @@ namespace scene
pass currently is active they can render the correct part of their geometry. */
virtual E_SCENE_NODE_RENDER_PASS getSceneNodeRenderPass() const = 0;
//! Get the default scene node factory which can create all built in scene nodes
/** \return Pointer to the default scene node factory
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ISceneNodeFactory* getDefaultSceneNodeFactory() = 0;
//! Adds a scene node factory to the scene manager.
/** Use this to extend the scene manager with new scene node types which it should be
able to create automatically, for example when loading data from xml files. */
virtual void registerSceneNodeFactory(ISceneNodeFactory* factoryToAdd) = 0;
//! Get amount of registered scene node factories.
virtual u32 getRegisteredSceneNodeFactoryCount() const = 0;
//! Get a scene node factory by index
/** \return Pointer to the requested scene node factory, or 0 if it does not exist.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ISceneNodeFactory* getSceneNodeFactory(u32 index) = 0;
//! Get typename from a scene node type or null if not found
virtual const c8* getSceneNodeTypeName(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type) = 0;
//! Adds a scene node to the scene by name
/** \return Pointer to the scene node added by a factory
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ISceneNode* addSceneNode(const char* sceneNodeTypeName, ISceneNode* parent=0) = 0;
//! Creates a new scene manager.
/** This can be used to easily draw and/or store two
independent scenes at the same time. The mesh cache will be

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "ESceneNodeTypes.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
class ISceneNode;
//! Interface for dynamic creation of scene nodes
/** To be able to add custom scene nodes to Irrlicht and to make it possible for the
scene manager to save and load those external scene nodes, simply implement this
interface and register it in you scene manager via ISceneManager::registerSceneNodeFactory.
Note: When implementing your own scene node factory, don't call ISceneNodeManager::grab() to
increase the reference counter of the scene node manager. This is not necessary because the
scene node manager will grab() the factory anyway, and otherwise cyclic references will
be created and the scene manager and all its nodes won't get deallocated.
class ISceneNodeFactory : public virtual IReferenceCounted
//! adds a scene node to the scene graph based on its type id
/** \param type: Type of the scene node to add.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the new node, can be null to add the scene node to the root.
\return Returns pointer to the new scene node or null if not successful.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ISceneNode* addSceneNode(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type, ISceneNode* parent=0) = 0;
//! adds a scene node to the scene graph based on its type name
/** \param typeName: Type name of the scene node to add.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the new node, can be null to add the scene node to the root.
\return Returns pointer to the new scene node or null if not successful.
This pointer should not be dropped. See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
virtual ISceneNode* addSceneNode(const c8* typeName, ISceneNode* parent=0) = 0;
//! returns amount of scene node types this factory is able to create
virtual u32 getCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount() const = 0;
//! returns type of a creatable scene node type
/** \param idx: Index of scene node type in this factory. Must be a value between 0 and
getCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount() */
virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getCreateableSceneNodeType(u32 idx) const = 0;
//! returns type name of a creatable scene node type by index
/** \param idx: Index of scene node type in this factory. Must be a value between 0 and
getCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount() */
virtual const c8* getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(u32 idx) const = 0;
//! returns type name of a creatable scene node type
/** \param type: Type of scene node.
\return: Returns name of scene node type if this factory can create the type, otherwise 0. */
virtual const c8* getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type) const = 0;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ namespace video
struct S3DVertex;
struct S3DVertex2TCoords;
struct S3DVertexTangents;
struct SLight;
class IImageLoader;
class IImageWriter;
class IMaterialRenderer;
@ -1053,33 +1052,6 @@ namespace video
\return Amount of primitives drawn in the last frame. */
virtual u32 getPrimitiveCountDrawn( u32 mode =0 ) const =0;
//! Deletes all dynamic lights which were previously added with addDynamicLight().
virtual void deleteAllDynamicLights() =0;
//! adds a dynamic light, returning an index to the light
//! \param light: the light data to use to create the light
//! \return An index to the light, or -1 if an error occurs
virtual s32 addDynamicLight(const SLight& light) =0;
//! Returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
/** \return Maximal amount of dynamic lights. */
virtual u32 getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const =0;
//! Returns amount of dynamic lights currently set
/** \return Amount of dynamic lights currently set */
virtual u32 getDynamicLightCount() const =0;
//! Returns light data which was previously set by IVideoDriver::addDynamicLight().
/** \param idx Zero based index of the light. Must be 0 or
greater and smaller than IVideoDriver::getDynamicLightCount.
\return Light data. */
virtual const SLight& getDynamicLight(u32 idx) const =0;
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
virtual void turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn) =0;
//! Gets name of this video driver.
/** \return Returns the name of the video driver, e.g. in case
of the Direct3D8 driver, it would return "Direct3D 8.1". */

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "dimension2d.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
//! A list of all available video modes.
/** You can get a list via IrrlichtDevice::getVideoModeList().
You only need the null device (EDT_NULL) to get the video-modes. */
class IVideoModeList : public virtual IReferenceCounted
//! Gets amount of video modes in the list.
/** \return Returns amount of video modes. */
virtual s32 getVideoModeCount() const = 0;
//! Get the screen size of a video mode in pixels.
/** \param modeNumber: zero based index of the video mode.
\return Size of screen in pixels of the specified video mode. */
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getVideoModeResolution(s32 modeNumber) const = 0;
//! Get a supported screen size with certain constraints.
/** \param minSize: Minimum dimensions required.
\param maxSize: Maximum dimensions allowed.
\return Size of screen in pixels which matches the requirements.
as good as possible. */
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getVideoModeResolution(const core::dimension2d<u32>& minSize, const core::dimension2d<u32>& maxSize) const = 0;
//! Get the pixel depth of a video mode in bits.
/** \param modeNumber: zero based index of the video mode.
\return Size of each pixel of the specified video mode in bits. */
virtual s32 getVideoModeDepth(s32 modeNumber) const = 0;
//! Get current desktop screen resolution.
/** \return Size of screen in pixels of the current desktop video mode. */
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getDesktopResolution() const = 0;
//! Get the pixel depth of a video mode in bits.
/** \return Size of each pixel of the current desktop video mode in bits. */
virtual s32 getDesktopDepth() const = 0;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
#include "EDeviceTypes.h"
#include "IEventReceiver.h"
#include "ICursorControl.h"
#include "IVideoModeList.h"
#include "ITimer.h"
#include "IOSOperator.h"
@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ namespace irr
class ILogger;
class IEventReceiver;
class IRandomizer;
namespace io {
class IFileSystem;
@ -111,14 +109,6 @@ namespace irr
/** \return Pointer to the logger. */
virtual ILogger* getLogger() = 0;
//! Gets a list with all video modes available.
/** You only need a null driver (ED_NULL) to access
those video modes. So you can get the available modes
before starting any other video driver.
\return Pointer to a list with all video modes supported
by the gfx adapter. */
virtual video::IVideoModeList* getVideoModeList() = 0;
//! Get context manager
virtual video::IContextManager* getContextManager() = 0;
@ -136,22 +126,6 @@ namespace irr
\return Pointer to the ITimer object. */
virtual ITimer* getTimer() = 0;
//! Provides access to the engine's currently set randomizer.
/** \return Pointer to the IRandomizer object. */
virtual IRandomizer* getRandomizer() const =0;
//! Sets a new randomizer.
/** \param r Pointer to the new IRandomizer object. This object is
grab()'ed by the engine and will be released upon the next setRandomizer
call or upon device destruction. */
virtual void setRandomizer(IRandomizer* r) =0;
//! Creates a new default randomizer.
/** The default randomizer provides the random sequence known from previous
Irrlicht versions and is the initial randomizer set on device creation.
\return Pointer to the default IRandomizer object. */
virtual IRandomizer* createDefaultRandomizer() const =0;
//! Sets the caption of the window.
/** \param text: New text of the window caption. */
virtual void setWindowCaption(const wchar_t* text) = 0;
@ -342,24 +316,6 @@ namespace irr
case video::EDT_NULL:
return true;
case video::EDT_SOFTWARE:
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
case video::EDT_DIRECT3D9:
return true;
return false;
case video::EDT_OPENGL:
return true;

View File

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#ifndef __S_LIGHT_H_INCLUDED__
#define __S_LIGHT_H_INCLUDED__
#include "SColor.h"
#include "vector3d.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
//! Enumeration for different types of lights
//! point light, it has a position in space and radiates light in all directions
//! spot light, it has a position in space, a direction, and a limited cone of influence
//! directional light, coming from a direction from an infinite distance
//! Only used for counting the elements of this enum
//! Names for light types
const c8* const LightTypeNames[] =
//! structure for holding data describing a dynamic point light.
/** Irrlicht supports point lights, spot lights, and directional lights.
struct SLight
SLight() : AmbientColor(0.f,0.f,0.f), DiffuseColor(1.f,1.f,1.f),
SpecularColor(1.f,1.f,1.f), Attenuation(1.f,0.f,0.f),
OuterCone(45.f), InnerCone(0.f), Falloff(2.f),
Position(0.f,0.f,0.f), Direction(0.f,0.f,1.f),
Radius(100.f), Type(ELT_POINT), CastShadows(true)
//! Ambient color emitted by the light
SColorf AmbientColor;
//! Diffuse color emitted by the light.
/** This is the primary color you want to set. */
SColorf DiffuseColor;
//! Specular color emitted by the light.
/** For details how to use specular highlights, see SMaterial::Shininess */
SColorf SpecularColor;
//! Attenuation factors (constant, linear, quadratic)
/** Changes the light strength fading over distance.
Can also be altered by setting the radius, Attenuation will change to
(0,1.f/radius,0). Can be overridden after radius was set. */
core::vector3df Attenuation;
//! The angle of the spot's outer cone. Ignored for other lights.
f32 OuterCone;
//! The angle of the spot's inner cone. Ignored for other lights.
f32 InnerCone;
//! The light strength's decrease between Outer and Inner cone. Only for spot lights
f32 Falloff;
//! Read-ONLY! Position of the light.
/** If Type is ELT_DIRECTIONAL, it is ignored. Changed via light scene node's position. */
core::vector3df Position;
//! Read-ONLY! Direction of the light.
/** If Type is ELT_POINT, it is ignored. Changed via light scene node's rotation. */
core::vector3df Direction;
//! Read-ONLY! Radius of light. Everything within this radius will be lighted.
/** On OpenGL light doesn't stop at radius. To get same light as in OpenGL in other drivers
do set the radius to a large value like sqrt(FLT_MAX) and then set the Attenuation afterwards.
f32 Radius;
//! Read-ONLY! Type of the light. Default: ELT_POINT
//! Read-ONLY! Does the light cast shadows?
bool CastShadows:1;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr

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@ -24,199 +24,6 @@ namespace scene
struct IVertexManipulator
//! Vertex manipulator to set color to a fixed color for all vertices
class SVertexColorSetManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorSetManipulator(video::SColor color) : Color(color) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
video::SColor Color;
//! Vertex manipulator to set the alpha value of the vertex color to a fixed value
class SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator(u32 alpha) : Alpha(alpha) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
u32 Alpha;
//! Vertex manipulator which inverts the RGB values
class SVertexColorInvertManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
//! Vertex manipulator to set vertex color to one of two values depending on a given threshold
/** If average of the color value is >Threshold the High color is chosen, else Low. */
class SVertexColorThresholdManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorThresholdManipulator(u8 threshold, video::SColor low,
video::SColor high) : Threshold(threshold), Low(low), High(high) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
vertex.Color = ((u8)vertex.Color.getAverage()>Threshold)?High:Low;
u8 Threshold;
video::SColor Low;
video::SColor High;
//! Vertex manipulator which adjusts the brightness by the given amount
/** A positive value increases brightness, a negative value darkens the colors. */
class SVertexColorBrightnessManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorBrightnessManipulator(s32 amount) : Amount(amount) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(vertex.Color.getRed()+Amount, 0u, 255u));
vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(vertex.Color.getGreen()+Amount, 0u, 255u));
vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(vertex.Color.getBlue()+Amount, 0u, 255u));
s32 Amount;
//! Vertex manipulator which adjusts the contrast by the given factor
/** Factors over 1 increase contrast, below 1 reduce it. */
class SVertexColorContrastManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorContrastManipulator(f32 factor) : Factor(factor) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getRed()-128)*Factor)+128, 0, 255));
vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getGreen()-128)*Factor)+128, 0, 255));
vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getBlue()-128)*Factor)+128, 0, 255));
f32 Factor;
//! Vertex manipulator which adjusts the contrast by the given factor and brightness by a signed amount.
/** Factors over 1 increase contrast, below 1 reduce it.
A positive amount increases brightness, a negative one darkens the colors. */
class SVertexColorContrastBrightnessManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorContrastBrightnessManipulator(f32 factor, s32 amount) : Factor(factor), Amount(amount+128) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getRed()-128)*Factor)+Amount, 0, 255));
vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getGreen()-128)*Factor)+Amount, 0, 255));
vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32((vertex.Color.getBlue()-128)*Factor)+Amount, 0, 255));
f32 Factor;
s32 Amount;
//! Vertex manipulator which adjusts the brightness by a gamma operation
/** A value over one increases brightness, one below darkens the colors. */
class SVertexColorGammaManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorGammaManipulator(f32 gamma) : Gamma(1.f)
if (gamma != 0.f)
Gamma = 1.f/gamma;
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32(powf((f32)(vertex.Color.getRed()),Gamma)), 0, 255));
vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32(powf((f32)(vertex.Color.getGreen()),Gamma)), 0, 255));
vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32(powf((f32)(vertex.Color.getBlue()),Gamma)), 0, 255));
f32 Gamma;
//! Vertex manipulator which scales the color values
/** Can e.g be used for white balance, factor would be 255.f/brightest color. */
class SVertexColorScaleManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorScaleManipulator(f32 factor) : Factor(factor) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
vertex.Color.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32(vertex.Color.getRed()*Factor), 0, 255));
vertex.Color.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32(vertex.Color.getGreen()*Factor), 0, 255));
vertex.Color.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32(vertex.Color.getBlue()*Factor), 0, 255));
f32 Factor;
//! Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values
/** Uses the lightness value of the color. */
class SVertexColorDesaturateToLightnessManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
//! Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values
/** Uses the average value of the color. */
class SVertexColorDesaturateToAverageManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
//! Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values
/** Uses the luminance value of the color. */
class SVertexColorDesaturateToLuminanceManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
//! Vertex manipulator which interpolates the color values
/** Uses linear interpolation. */
class SVertexColorInterpolateLinearManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorInterpolateLinearManipulator(video::SColor color, f32 factor) :
Color(color), Factor(factor) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
vertex.Color=vertex.Color.getInterpolated(Color, Factor);
video::SColor Color;
f32 Factor;
//! Vertex manipulator which interpolates the color values
/** Uses linear interpolation. */
class SVertexColorInterpolateQuadraticManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexColorInterpolateQuadraticManipulator(video::SColor color1, video::SColor color2, f32 factor) :
Color1(color1), Color2(color2), Factor(factor) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex& vertex) const
vertex.Color=vertex.Color.getInterpolated_quadratic(Color1, Color2, Factor);
video::SColor Color1;
video::SColor Color2;
f32 Factor;
//! Vertex manipulator which scales the position of the vertex
class SVertexPositionScaleManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
@ -232,74 +39,6 @@ namespace scene
core::vector3df Factor;
//! Vertex manipulator which scales the position of the vertex along the normals
/** This can look more pleasing than the usual Scale operator, but
depends on the mesh geometry.
class SVertexPositionScaleAlongNormalsManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexPositionScaleAlongNormalsManipulator(const core::vector3df& factor) : Factor(factor) {}
template <typename VType>
void operator()(VType& vertex) const
vertex.Pos += vertex.Normal*Factor;
core::vector3df Factor;
//! Vertex manipulator which transforms the position of the vertex
class SVertexPositionTransformManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexPositionTransformManipulator(const core::matrix4& m) : Transformation(m) {}
template <typename VType>
void operator()(VType& vertex) const
core::matrix4 Transformation;
//! Vertex manipulator which transforms the normal of the vertex
class SVertexNormalTransformManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexNormalTransformManipulator(const core::matrix4& m) : Transformation(m) {}
template <typename VType>
void operator()(VType& vertex) const
core::matrix4 Transformation;
//! Vertex manipulator which scales the TCoords of the vertex
class SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator : public IVertexManipulator
SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator(const core::vector2df& factor, u32 uvSet=1) : Factor(factor), UVSet(uvSet) {}
void operator()(video::S3DVertex2TCoords& vertex) const
if (1==UVSet)
vertex.TCoords *= Factor;
else if (2==UVSet)
vertex.TCoords2 *= Factor;
template <typename VType>
void operator()(VType& vertex) const
if (1==UVSet)
vertex.TCoords *= Factor;
core::vector2df Factor;
u32 UVSet;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Christian Stehno
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include "EDriverTypes.h"
#include "IrrlichtDevice.h"
namespace irr
//! ask user for driver
static irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverChoiceConsole(bool allDrivers=false)
#if defined (_IRR_IPHONE_PLATFORM_) || defined (_IRR_ANDROID_PLATFORM_)
return irr::video::EDT_OGLES2;
printf("Please select the driver you want:\n");
irr::u32 i=0;
char c = 'a';
for (i=irr::video::EDT_COUNT; i>0; --i)
if ( allDrivers || irr::IrrlichtDevice::isDriverSupported(irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE(i-1)) )
printf(" (%c) %s\n", c, irr::video::DRIVER_TYPE_NAMES[i-1]);
char userSelection;
std::cin >> userSelection;
c = 'a';
for (i=irr::video::EDT_COUNT; i>0; --i)
if ( allDrivers || irr::IrrlichtDevice::isDriverSupported(irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE(i-1)) )
if (userSelection == c)
return irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE(i-1);
return irr::video::EDT_COUNT;
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
#include "EMaterialFlags.h"
#include "EMaterialTypes.h"
#include "EMeshWriterEnums.h"
#include "EMessageBoxFlags.h"
#include "ESceneNodeTypes.h"
#include "fast_atof.h"
#include "IAnimatedMesh.h"
@ -65,31 +64,21 @@
#include "IGPUProgrammingServices.h"
#include "IGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUICheckBox.h"
#include "IGUIColorSelectDialog.h"
#include "IGUIComboBox.h"
#include "IGUIContextMenu.h"
#include "IGUIEditBox.h"
#include "IGUIElement.h"
#include "IGUIElementFactory.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IGUIFileOpenDialog.h"
#include "IGUIFont.h"
#include "IGUIFontBitmap.h"
#include "IGUIImage.h"
#include "IGUIInOutFader.h"
#include "IGUIListBox.h"
#include "IGUIMeshViewer.h"
#include "IGUIScrollBar.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
#include "IGUISpinBox.h"
#include "IGUISpriteBank.h"
#include "IGUIStaticText.h"
#include "IGUITabControl.h"
#include "IGUITable.h"
#include "IGUIToolbar.h"
#include "IGUIWindow.h"
#include "IGUITreeView.h"
#include "IGUIProfiler.h"
#include "IImage.h"
#include "IImageLoader.h"
#include "IImageWriter.h"
@ -108,7 +97,6 @@
#include "IReadFile.h"
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
#include "IRandomizer.h"
#include "IRenderTarget.h"
#include "IrrlichtDevice.h"
#include "irrMath.h"
@ -118,14 +106,12 @@
#include "ISceneCollisionManager.h"
#include "ISceneManager.h"
#include "ISceneNode.h"
#include "ISceneNodeFactory.h"
#include "IShaderConstantSetCallBack.h"
#include "ISkinnedMesh.h"
#include "ITexture.h"
#include "ITimer.h"
#include "IVertexBuffer.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "IVideoModeList.h"
#include "IWriteFile.h"
#include "Keycodes.h"
#include "line2d.h"
@ -141,7 +127,6 @@
#include "SColor.h"
#include "SExposedVideoData.h"
#include "SIrrCreationParameters.h"
#include "SLight.h"
#include "SMaterial.h"
#include "SMesh.h"
#include "SMeshBuffer.h"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#define MAX_LIGHTS 8
/* Attributes */
attribute vec3 inVertexPosition;
@ -22,15 +20,6 @@ uniform vec4 uMaterialEmissive;
uniform vec4 uMaterialSpecular;
uniform float uMaterialShininess;
uniform int uLightCount;
uniform int uLightType[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightPosition[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightDirection[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightAmbient[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightDiffuse[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightSpecular[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform float uThickness;
/* Varyings */
@ -41,58 +30,6 @@ varying vec4 vVertexColor;
varying vec4 vSpecularColor;
varying float vFogCoord;
void dirLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
vec3 L = normalize(-(uNMatrix * vec4(uLightDirection[index], 0.0)).xyz);
ambient += uLightAmbient[index];
float NdotL = dot(normal, L);
if (NdotL > 0.0)
diffuse += uLightDiffuse[index] * NdotL;
vec3 E = normalize(-position);
vec3 HalfVector = normalize(L + E);
float NdotH = max(0.0, dot(normal, HalfVector));
float SpecularFactor = pow(NdotH, uMaterialShininess);
specular += uLightSpecular[index] * SpecularFactor;
void pointLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
vec3 L = uLightPosition[index] - position;
float D = length(L);
L = normalize(L);
float Attenuation = 1.0 / (uLightAttenuation[index].x + uLightAttenuation[index].y * D +
uLightAttenuation[index].z * D * D);
ambient += uLightAmbient[index] * Attenuation;
float NdotL = dot(normal, L);
if (NdotL > 0.0)
diffuse += uLightDiffuse[index] * NdotL * Attenuation;
vec3 E = normalize(-position);
vec3 HalfVector = normalize(L + E);
float NdotH = max(0.0, dot(normal, HalfVector));
float SpecularFactor = pow(NdotH, uMaterialShininess);
specular += uLightSpecular[index] * SpecularFactor * Attenuation;
void spotLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
// TO-DO
void main()
gl_Position = uWVPMatrix * vec4(inVertexPosition, 1.0);
@ -112,48 +49,5 @@ void main()
vVertexColor = inVertexColor.bgra;
vSpecularColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (uLightCount > 0)
vec3 Normal = normalize((uNMatrix * vec4(inVertexNormal, 0.0)).xyz);
vec4 Ambient = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec4 Diffuse = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount ) // can't use uniform as loop-counter directly in glsl
if (uLightType[i] == 0)
pointLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount )
if (uLightType[i] == 1)
spotLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount )
if (uLightType[i] == 2)
dirLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
vec4 LightColor = Ambient * uMaterialAmbient + Diffuse * uMaterialDiffuse;
LightColor = clamp(LightColor, 0.0, 1.0);
LightColor.w = 1.0;
vVertexColor *= LightColor;
vVertexColor += uMaterialEmissive;
vVertexColor += uGlobalAmbient * uMaterialAmbient;
vVertexColor = clamp(vVertexColor, 0.0, 1.0);
vSpecularColor *= uMaterialSpecular;
vFogCoord = length(Position);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#define MAX_LIGHTS 8
/* Attributes */
attribute vec3 inVertexPosition;
@ -21,15 +19,6 @@ uniform vec4 uMaterialEmissive;
uniform vec4 uMaterialSpecular;
uniform float uMaterialShininess;
uniform int uLightCount;
uniform int uLightType[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightPosition[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightDirection[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightAmbient[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightDiffuse[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightSpecular[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform float uThickness;
/* Varyings */
@ -39,58 +28,6 @@ varying vec4 vVertexColor;
varying vec4 vSpecularColor;
varying float vFogCoord;
void dirLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
vec3 L = normalize(-(uNMatrix * vec4(uLightDirection[index], 0.0)).xyz);
ambient += uLightAmbient[index];
float NdotL = dot(normal, L);
if (NdotL > 0.0)
diffuse += uLightDiffuse[index] * NdotL;
vec3 E = normalize(-position);
vec3 HalfVector = normalize(L + E);
float NdotH = max(0.0, dot(normal, HalfVector));
float SpecularFactor = pow(NdotH, uMaterialShininess);
specular += uLightSpecular[index] * SpecularFactor;
void pointLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
vec3 L = uLightPosition[index] - position;
float D = length(L);
L = normalize(L);
float Attenuation = 1.0 / (uLightAttenuation[index].x + uLightAttenuation[index].y * D +
uLightAttenuation[index].z * D * D);
ambient += uLightAmbient[index] * Attenuation;
float NdotL = dot(normal, L);
if (NdotL > 0.0)
diffuse += uLightDiffuse[index] * NdotL * Attenuation;
vec3 E = normalize(-position);
vec3 HalfVector = normalize(L + E);
float NdotH = max(0.0, dot(normal, HalfVector));
float SpecularFactor = pow(NdotH, uMaterialShininess);
specular += uLightSpecular[index] * SpecularFactor * Attenuation;
void spotLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
// TO-DO
void main()
gl_Position = uWVPMatrix * vec4(inVertexPosition, 1.0);
@ -104,48 +41,5 @@ void main()
vec3 Position = (uWVMatrix * vec4(inVertexPosition, 1.0)).xyz;
if (uLightCount > 0)
vec3 Normal = normalize((uNMatrix * vec4(inVertexNormal, 0.0)).xyz);
vec4 Ambient = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec4 Diffuse = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount ) // can't use uniform as loop-counter directly in glsl
if (uLightType[i] == 0)
pointLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount )
if (uLightType[i] == 1)
spotLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount )
if (uLightType[i] == 2)
dirLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
vec4 LightColor = Ambient * uMaterialAmbient + Diffuse * uMaterialDiffuse;
LightColor = clamp(LightColor, 0.0, 1.0);
LightColor.w = 1.0;
vVertexColor *= LightColor;
vVertexColor += uMaterialEmissive;
vVertexColor += uGlobalAmbient * uMaterialAmbient;
vVertexColor = clamp(vVertexColor, 0.0, 1.0);
vSpecularColor *= uMaterialSpecular;
vFogCoord = length(Position);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#define MAX_LIGHTS 8
/* Attributes */
attribute vec3 inVertexPosition;
@ -23,15 +21,6 @@ uniform vec4 uMaterialEmissive;
uniform vec4 uMaterialSpecular;
uniform float uMaterialShininess;
uniform int uLightCount;
uniform int uLightType[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightPosition[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightDirection[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightAmbient[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightDiffuse[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightSpecular[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform float uThickness;
/* Varyings */
@ -42,58 +31,6 @@ varying vec4 vVertexColor;
varying vec4 vSpecularColor;
varying float vFogCoord;
void dirLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
vec3 L = normalize(-(uNMatrix * vec4(uLightDirection[index], 0.0)).xyz);
ambient += uLightAmbient[index];
float NdotL = dot(normal, L);
if (NdotL > 0.0)
diffuse += uLightDiffuse[index] * NdotL;
vec3 E = normalize(-position);
vec3 HalfVector = normalize(L + E);
float NdotH = max(0.0, dot(normal, HalfVector));
float SpecularFactor = pow(NdotH, uMaterialShininess);
specular += uLightSpecular[index] * SpecularFactor;
void pointLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
vec3 L = uLightPosition[index] - position;
float D = length(L);
L = normalize(L);
float Attenuation = 1.0 / (uLightAttenuation[index].x + uLightAttenuation[index].y * D +
uLightAttenuation[index].z * D * D);
ambient += uLightAmbient[index] * Attenuation;
float NdotL = dot(normal, L);
if (NdotL > 0.0)
diffuse += uLightDiffuse[index] * NdotL * Attenuation;
vec3 E = normalize(-position);
vec3 HalfVector = normalize(L + E);
float NdotH = max(0.0, dot(normal, HalfVector));
float SpecularFactor = pow(NdotH, uMaterialShininess);
specular += uLightSpecular[index] * SpecularFactor * Attenuation;
void spotLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
// TO-DO
void main()
gl_Position = uWVPMatrix * vec4(inVertexPosition, 1.0);
@ -110,48 +47,5 @@ void main()
vec3 Position = (uWVMatrix * vec4(inVertexPosition, 1.0)).xyz;
if (uLightCount > 0)
vec3 Normal = normalize((uNMatrix * vec4(inVertexNormal, 0.0)).xyz);
vec4 Ambient = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec4 Diffuse = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount ) // can't use uniform as loop-counter directly in glsl
if (uLightType[i] == 0)
pointLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount )
if (uLightType[i] == 1)
spotLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount )
if (uLightType[i] == 2)
dirLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
vec4 LightColor = Ambient * uMaterialAmbient + Diffuse * uMaterialDiffuse;
LightColor = clamp(LightColor, 0.0, 1.0);
LightColor.w = 1.0;
vVertexColor *= LightColor;
vVertexColor += uMaterialEmissive;
vVertexColor += uGlobalAmbient * uMaterialAmbient;
vVertexColor = clamp(vVertexColor, 0.0, 1.0);
vSpecularColor *= uMaterialSpecular;
vFogCoord = length(Position);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
#define MAX_LIGHTS 8
/* Attributes */
attribute vec3 inVertexPosition;
@ -21,15 +19,6 @@ uniform vec4 uMaterialEmissive;
uniform vec4 uMaterialSpecular;
uniform float uMaterialShininess;
uniform int uLightCount;
uniform int uLightType[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightPosition[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightDirection[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec3 uLightAttenuation[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightAmbient[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightDiffuse[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 uLightSpecular[MAX_LIGHTS];
uniform float uThickness;
/* Varyings */
@ -39,58 +28,6 @@ varying vec4 vVertexColor;
varying vec4 vSpecularColor;
varying float vFogCoord;
void dirLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
vec3 L = normalize(-(uNMatrix * vec4(uLightDirection[index], 0.0)).xyz);
ambient += uLightAmbient[index];
float NdotL = dot(normal, L);
if (NdotL > 0.0)
diffuse += uLightDiffuse[index] * NdotL;
vec3 E = normalize(-position);
vec3 HalfVector = normalize(L + E);
float NdotH = max(0.0, dot(normal, HalfVector));
float SpecularFactor = pow(NdotH, uMaterialShininess);
specular += uLightSpecular[index] * SpecularFactor;
void pointLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
vec3 L = uLightPosition[index] - position;
float D = length(L);
L = normalize(L);
float Attenuation = 1.0 / (uLightAttenuation[index].x + uLightAttenuation[index].y * D +
uLightAttenuation[index].z * D * D);
ambient += uLightAmbient[index] * Attenuation;
float NdotL = dot(normal, L);
if (NdotL > 0.0)
diffuse += uLightDiffuse[index] * NdotL * Attenuation;
vec3 E = normalize(-position);
vec3 HalfVector = normalize(L + E);
float NdotH = max(0.0, dot(normal, HalfVector));
float SpecularFactor = pow(NdotH, uMaterialShininess);
specular += uLightSpecular[index] * SpecularFactor * Attenuation;
void spotLight(in int index, in vec3 position, in vec3 normal, inout vec4 ambient, inout vec4 diffuse, inout vec4 specular)
// TO-DO
void main()
gl_Position = uWVPMatrix * vec4(inVertexPosition, 1.0);
@ -107,48 +44,5 @@ void main()
vVertexColor = inVertexColor.bgra;
vSpecularColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (uLightCount > 0)
vec3 Normal = normalize((uNMatrix * vec4(inVertexNormal, 0.0)).xyz);
vec4 Ambient = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec4 Diffuse = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount ) // can't use uniform as loop-counter directly in glsl
if (uLightType[i] == 0)
pointLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount )
if (uLightType[i] == 1)
spotLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
for (int i = 0; i < int(MAX_LIGHTS); i++)
if( i >= uLightCount )
if (uLightType[i] == 2)
dirLight(i, Position, Normal, Ambient, Diffuse, vSpecularColor);
vec4 LightColor = Ambient * uMaterialAmbient + Diffuse * uMaterialDiffuse;
LightColor = clamp(LightColor, 0.0, 1.0);
LightColor.w = 1.0;
vVertexColor *= LightColor;
vVertexColor += uMaterialEmissive;
vVertexColor += uGlobalAmbient * uMaterialAmbient;
vVertexColor = clamp(vVertexColor, 0.0, 1.0);
vSpecularColor *= uMaterialSpecular;
vFogCoord = length(Position);

View File

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CDefaultGUIElementFactory.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUICheckBox.h"
#include "IGUIColorSelectDialog.h"
#include "IGUIComboBox.h"
#include "IGUIContextMenu.h"
#include "IGUIEditBox.h"
#include "IGUIFileOpenDialog.h"
#include "IGUIInOutFader.h"
#include "IGUIImage.h"
#include "IGUIListBox.h"
#include "IGUIMeshViewer.h"
#include "IGUIScrollBar.h"
#include "IGUISpinBox.h"
#include "IGUIStaticText.h"
#include "IGUITabControl.h"
#include "IGUITable.h"
#include "IGUIToolbar.h"
#include "IGUIWindow.h"
#include "IGUITreeView.h"
#include "IGUIProfiler.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
CDefaultGUIElementFactory::CDefaultGUIElementFactory(IGUIEnvironment* env)
: Environment(env)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// don't grab the gui environment here to prevent cyclic references
//! adds an element to the env based on its type id
IGUIElement* CDefaultGUIElementFactory::addGUIElement(EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type, IGUIElement* parent)
return Environment->addButton(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addCheckBox(false, core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100), parent);
return Environment->addColorSelectDialog(0,true,parent);
return Environment->addComboBox(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addContextMenu(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addMenu(parent);
return Environment->addEditBox(0,core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),true, parent);
return Environment->addFileOpenDialog(0,true,parent);
return Environment->addImage(0,core::position2di(0,0), true, parent);
return Environment->addInOutFader(0,parent);
return Environment->addListBox(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addMeshViewer(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addModalScreen(parent);
return Environment->addMessageBox(0,0,false,0,parent);
return Environment->addScrollBar(false,core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addStaticText(0,core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),false,true,parent);
return Environment->addTab(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addTabControl(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addTable(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100), parent);
return Environment->addToolBar(parent);
return Environment->addWindow(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),false,0,parent);
return Environment->addSpinBox(L"0.0", core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100), true, parent);
return Environment->addTreeView(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100),parent);
return Environment->addProfilerDisplay(core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100), parent);
return 0;
//! adds an element to the environment based on its type name
IGUIElement* CDefaultGUIElementFactory::addGUIElement(const c8* typeName, IGUIElement* parent)
return addGUIElement( getTypeFromName(typeName), parent );
//! Returns the amount of element types this factory is able to create.
s32 CDefaultGUIElementFactory::getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() const
//! Returns the type of a creatable element type.
EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE CDefaultGUIElementFactory::getCreateableGUIElementType(s32 idx) const
if (idx>=0 && idx<EGUIET_COUNT)
return (EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE)idx;
//! Returns the type name of a creatable element type.
const c8* CDefaultGUIElementFactory::getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(s32 idx) const
if (idx>=0 && idx<EGUIET_COUNT)
return GUIElementTypeNames[idx];
return 0;
//! Returns the type name of a creatable element type.
const c8* CDefaultGUIElementFactory::getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type) const
// for this factory, type == index
if (type>=0 && type<EGUIET_COUNT)
return GUIElementTypeNames[type];
return 0;
EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE CDefaultGUIElementFactory::getTypeFromName(const c8* name) const
for ( u32 i=0; GUIElementTypeNames[i]; ++i)
if (!strcmp(name, GUIElementTypeNames[i]) )
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIElementFactory.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIElement;
class IGUIEnvironment;
//! This interface makes it possible to dynamically create gui elements.
class CDefaultGUIElementFactory : public IGUIElementFactory
CDefaultGUIElementFactory(IGUIEnvironment* env);
//! Adds an element to the gui environment based on its type id.
/** \param type: Type of the element to add.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the new element. A value of 0 adds it to the root.
\return Returns pointer to the new element or 0 if unsuccessful. */
virtual IGUIElement* addGUIElement(EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type, IGUIElement* parent=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a GUI element to the GUI Environment based on its type name.
/** \param typeName: Type name of the element to add. Taken from the GUIElementTypeNames c8* array.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the new element. A value of 0 adds it to the root.
\return Returns pointer to the new element or 0 if unsuccessful. */
virtual IGUIElement* addGUIElement(const c8* typeName, IGUIElement* parent=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the amount of GUI element types this factory is able to create.
virtual s32 getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the type of a createable GUI element type based on the index.
/** \param idx: Index of the element type in this factory. The value must be equal or greater than 0
and lower than getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount(). */
virtual EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE getCreateableGUIElementType(s32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the type name of a createable GUI element type based on the index.
/** \param idx: Index of the element type in this factory. The value must be equal or greater than 0
and lower than getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount(). */
virtual const c8* getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(s32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the type name of a createable GUI element based on its type.
/** \param type: Type of the GUI element.
\return: Returns the name of the type if this factory can create it, otherwise it returns 0. */
virtual const c8* getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE getTypeFromName(const c8* name) const;
IGUIEnvironment* Environment;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CDefaultSceneNodeFactory.h"
#include "ISceneManager.h"
#include "IDummyTransformationSceneNode.h"
#include "ICameraSceneNode.h"
#include "IBillboardSceneNode.h"
#include "IAnimatedMeshSceneNode.h"
#include "IMeshSceneNode.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
CDefaultSceneNodeFactory::CDefaultSceneNodeFactory(ISceneManager* mgr)
: Manager(mgr)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// don't grab the scene manager here to prevent cyclic references
SupportedSceneNodeTypes.push_back(SSceneNodeTypePair(ESNT_MESH, "mesh"));
SupportedSceneNodeTypes.push_back(SSceneNodeTypePair(ESNT_EMPTY, "empty"));
SupportedSceneNodeTypes.push_back(SSceneNodeTypePair(ESNT_DUMMY_TRANSFORMATION, "dummyTransformation"));
SupportedSceneNodeTypes.push_back(SSceneNodeTypePair(ESNT_CAMERA, "camera"));
SupportedSceneNodeTypes.push_back(SSceneNodeTypePair(ESNT_BILLBOARD, "billBoard"));
SupportedSceneNodeTypes.push_back(SSceneNodeTypePair(ESNT_ANIMATED_MESH, "animatedMesh"));
//! adds a scene node to the scene graph based on its type id
ISceneNode* CDefaultSceneNodeFactory::addSceneNode(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type, ISceneNode* parent)
return Manager->addMeshSceneNode(0, parent, -1, core::vector3df(),
core::vector3df(), core::vector3df(1,1,1), true);
return Manager->addEmptySceneNode(parent);
return Manager->addDummyTransformationSceneNode(parent);
return Manager->addCameraSceneNode(parent);
return Manager->addBillboardSceneNode(parent);
return Manager->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(0, parent, -1, core::vector3df(),
core::vector3df(), core::vector3df(1,1,1), true);
return 0;
//! adds a scene node to the scene graph based on its type name
ISceneNode* CDefaultSceneNodeFactory::addSceneNode(const c8* typeName, ISceneNode* parent)
return addSceneNode( getTypeFromName(typeName), parent );
//! returns amount of scene node types this factory is able to create
u32 CDefaultSceneNodeFactory::getCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount() const
return SupportedSceneNodeTypes.size();
//! returns type of a creatable scene node type
ESCENE_NODE_TYPE CDefaultSceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeType(u32 idx) const
if (idx<SupportedSceneNodeTypes.size())
return SupportedSceneNodeTypes[idx].Type;
//! returns type name of a creatable scene node type
const c8* CDefaultSceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(u32 idx) const
if (idx<SupportedSceneNodeTypes.size())
return SupportedSceneNodeTypes[idx].TypeName.c_str();
return 0;
//! returns type name of a creatable scene node type
const c8* CDefaultSceneNodeFactory::getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type) const
for (u32 i=0; i<SupportedSceneNodeTypes.size(); ++i)
if (SupportedSceneNodeTypes[i].Type == type)
return SupportedSceneNodeTypes[i].TypeName.c_str();
return 0;
ESCENE_NODE_TYPE CDefaultSceneNodeFactory::getTypeFromName(const c8* name) const
for (u32 i=0; i<SupportedSceneNodeTypes.size(); ++i)
if (SupportedSceneNodeTypes[i].TypeName == name)
return SupportedSceneNodeTypes[i].Type;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "ISceneNodeFactory.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
#include "irrString.h"
namespace irr
namespace scene
class ISceneNode;
class ISceneManager;
//! Interface making it possible to dynamicly create scene nodes and animators
class CDefaultSceneNodeFactory : public ISceneNodeFactory
CDefaultSceneNodeFactory(ISceneManager* mgr);
//! adds a scene node to the scene graph based on its type id
/** \param type: Type of the scene node to add.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the new node, can be null to add the scene node to the root.
\return Returns pointer to the new scene node or null if not successful. */
virtual ISceneNode* addSceneNode(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type, ISceneNode* parent=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a scene node to the scene graph based on its type name
/** \param typeName: Type name of the scene node to add.
\param parent: Parent scene node of the new node, can be null to add the scene node to the root.
\return Returns pointer to the new scene node or null if not successful. */
virtual ISceneNode* addSceneNode(const c8* typeName, ISceneNode* parent=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns amount of scene node types this factory is able to create
virtual u32 getCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns type name of a creatable scene node type by index
/** \param idx: Index of scene node type in this factory. Must be a value between 0 and
uetCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount() */
virtual const c8* getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns type of a creatable scene node type
/** \param idx: Index of scene node type in this factory. Must be a value between 0 and
getCreatableSceneNodeTypeCount() */
virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getCreateableSceneNodeType(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns type name of a creatable scene node type
/** \param idx: Type of scene node.
\return: Returns name of scene node type if this factory can create the type, otherwise 0. */
virtual const c8* getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getTypeFromName(const c8* name) const;
struct SSceneNodeTypePair
SSceneNodeTypePair(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type, const c8* name)
: Type(type), TypeName(name)
core::stringc TypeName;
core::array<SSceneNodeTypePair> SupportedSceneNodeTypes;
ISceneManager* Manager;
} // end namespace scene
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include "IReadFile.h"
#include "IWriteFile.h"
#include "CZipReader.h"
#include "CMountPointReader.h"
#include "CFileList.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "os.h"
@ -55,26 +54,6 @@ CFileSystem::CFileSystem()
//! reset current working directory
ArchiveLoader.push_back(new CArchiveLoaderPAK(this));
ArchiveLoader.push_back(new CArchiveLoaderNPK(this));
ArchiveLoader.push_back(new CArchiveLoaderTAR(this));
ArchiveLoader.push_back(new CArchiveLoaderWAD(this));
ArchiveLoader.push_back(new CArchiveLoaderMount(this));
ArchiveLoader.push_back(new CArchiveLoaderZIP(this));
@ -219,8 +198,6 @@ bool CFileSystem::addFileArchive(const io::path& filename, bool ignoreCase,
bool ret = false;
// see if archive is already added
if (changeArchivePassword(filename, password, retArchive))
return true;
s32 i;
@ -316,29 +293,6 @@ bool CFileSystem::addFileArchive(const io::path& filename, bool ignoreCase,
return ret;
// don't expose!
bool CFileSystem::changeArchivePassword(const path& filename,
const core::stringc& password,
IFileArchive** archive)
for (s32 idx = 0; idx < (s32)FileArchives.size(); ++idx)
// TODO: This should go into a path normalization method
// We need to check for directory names with trailing slash and without
const path absPath = getAbsolutePath(filename);
const path arcPath = FileArchives[idx]->getFileList()->getPath();
if ((absPath == arcPath) || ((absPath+_IRR_TEXT("/")) == arcPath))
if (password.size())
if (archive)
*archive = FileArchives[idx];
return true;
return false;
bool CFileSystem::addFileArchive(IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase,
bool ignorePaths, E_FILE_ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType,
@ -349,9 +303,6 @@ bool CFileSystem::addFileArchive(IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase,
if (file)
if (changeArchivePassword(file->getFileName(), password, retArchive))
return true;
IFileArchive* archive = 0;
s32 i;

View File

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ namespace io
class CZipReader;
class CPakReader;
class CMountPointReader;
FileSystem which uses normal files and one zipfile
@ -129,11 +127,6 @@ public:
// don't expose, needs refactoring
bool changeArchivePassword(const path& filename,
const core::stringc& password,
IFileArchive** archive = 0);
//! Currently used FileSystemType
EFileSystemType FileSystemType;
//! WorkingDirectory for Native and Virtual filesystems

View File

@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIColorSelectDialog.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "IGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUIStaticText.h"
#include "IGUIFont.h"
#include "IGUISpriteBank.h"
#include "IFileList.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "fast_atof.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
const s32 CSD_WIDTH = 350;
const s32 CSD_HEIGHT = 300;
struct subElementPredefines
const wchar_t *pre;
const wchar_t *init;
const wchar_t *post;
int x, y;
int range_down ,range_up;
static const subElementPredefines Template [] =
{ L"A:", L"0", 0,50,165, 0, 255 },
{ L"R:", L"0", 0,20,205, 0, 255 },
{ L"G:", L"0", 0,20,230, 0, 255 },
{ L"B:", L"0", 0,20,255, 0, 255 },
{ L"H:", L"0", L"°",80,205, 0, 360 },
{ L"S:", L"0", L"%",80,230, 0, 100 },
{ L"L:", L"0", L"%",80,255, 0, 100 },
//! constructor
CGUIColorSelectDialog::CGUIColorSelectDialog(const wchar_t* title, IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
: IGUIColorSelectDialog(environment, parent, id,
#ifdef _DEBUG
Text = title;
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
const s32 buttonw = environment->getSkin()->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH);
const s32 posx = RelativeRect.getWidth() - buttonw - 4;
CloseButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect<s32>(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw),
this, -1, L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_CLOSE) : L"Close");
if (skin && skin->getSpriteBank())
CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), skin->getColor(EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL));
CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), skin->getColor(EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL));
OKButton = Environment->addButton(
core::rect<s32>(RelativeRect.getWidth()-80, 30, RelativeRect.getWidth()-10, 50),
this, -1, skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_OK) : L"OK");
CancelButton = Environment->addButton(
core::rect<s32>(RelativeRect.getWidth()-80, 55, RelativeRect.getWidth()-10, 75),
this, -1, skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_CANCEL) : L"Cancel");
video::IVideoDriver* driver = Environment->getVideoDriver();
ColorRing.Texture = driver->getTexture ( "#colorring" );
if ( 0 == ColorRing.Texture )
buildColorRing(core::dimension2d<u32>(128, 128), 1,
core::rect<s32> r(20,20, 0,0);
ColorRing.Control = Environment->addImage(ColorRing.Texture, r.UpperLeftCorner, true, this);
for ( u32 i = 0; i != sizeof (Template) / sizeof ( subElementPredefines ); ++i )
if ( Template[i].pre )
r.UpperLeftCorner.X = Template[i].x;
r.UpperLeftCorner.Y = Template[i].y;
r.LowerRightCorner.X = r.UpperLeftCorner.X + 15;
r.LowerRightCorner.Y = r.UpperLeftCorner.Y + 20;
IGUIElement *t = Environment->addStaticText(Template[i].pre, r, false, false, this);
if ( Template[i].post )
r.UpperLeftCorner.X = Template[i].x + 56;
r.UpperLeftCorner.Y = Template[i].y;
r.LowerRightCorner.X = r.UpperLeftCorner.X + 15;
r.LowerRightCorner.Y = r.UpperLeftCorner.Y + 20;
IGUIElement *t = Environment->addStaticText( Template[i].post, r, false, false, this);
r.UpperLeftCorner.X = Template[i].x + 15;
r.UpperLeftCorner.Y = Template[i].y-2;
r.LowerRightCorner.X = r.UpperLeftCorner.X + 40;
r.LowerRightCorner.Y = r.UpperLeftCorner.Y + 20;
gui::IGUISpinBox* spin = Environment->addSpinBox( Template[i].init, r, true, this);
spin->setRange((f32)Template[i].range_down, (f32)Template[i].range_up);
//! destructor
if (CloseButton)
if (OKButton)
if (CancelButton)
for (u32 i = 0; i != Battery.size(); ++i)
if (ColorRing.Control)
//! renders a antialiased, colored ring
void CGUIColorSelectDialog::buildColorRing( const core::dimension2d<u32> & dim, s32 supersample, const video::SColor& borderColor )
const core::dimension2d<u32> d(dim.Width * supersample, dim.Height * supersample);
video::IVideoDriver* driver = Environment->getVideoDriver();
video::IImage *RawTexture = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, d);
RawTexture->fill ( 0x00808080 );
const s32 radiusOut = ( d.Width / 2 ) - 4;
const s32 fullR2 = radiusOut * radiusOut;
video::SColorf rgb(0,0,0);
video::SColorHSL hsl;
hsl.Luminance = 50;
hsl.Saturation = 100;
core::position2d<s32> p;
for ( p.Y = -radiusOut; p.Y <= radiusOut; p.Y += 1 )
s32 y2 = p.Y * p.Y;
for (p.X = -radiusOut; p.X <= radiusOut; p.X += 1)
s32 r2 = y2 + ( p.X * p.X );
// test point in circle
s32 testa = r2 - fullR2;
if ( testa < 0 )
// dotproduct u ( x,y ) * v ( 1, 0 ) = cosinus(a)
const f32 r = sqrtf((f32) r2);
// normalize, dotproduct = xnorm
const f32 xn = r == 0.f ? 0.f : -p.X * core::reciprocal(r);
hsl.Hue = acosf(xn)*core::RADTODEG;
if ( p.Y > 0 )
hsl.Hue = 360 - hsl.Hue;
hsl.Hue -= 90;
const f32 rTest = r / radiusOut;
#if 0
if (rTest < 0.33f)
// luminance from 0 to 50
hsl.Luminance = 50*(rTest/0.33);
hsl.Saturation = 0.f;
if ( rTest < 0.66f )
// saturation from 0 to 100
hsl.Saturation = 100*(( rTest - 0.33f ) / 0.33f);
hsl.Luminance = 50;
// luminance from 50 to 100
hsl.Luminance = 100*(0.5f + ( ( rTest - 0.66f ) / .66f ));
hsl.Saturation = 100;
// borders should be slightly transparent
if ( rTest >= 0.95f )
rgb.a = (1.f-rTest)*20;
if ( rTest > 0.5f )
hsl.Saturation = 100;
hsl.Luminance = 50;
// borders should be slightly transparent
if ( rTest < 0.5f )
rgb.a = 0;
else if ( rTest >= 0.95f )
rgb.a = (1.f-rTest)*20;
else if ( rTest <= 0.55f )
rgb.a = (rTest-0.5f)*20;
RawTexture->setPixel(4+p.X+radiusOut, 4+p.Y+radiusOut, rgb.toSColor());
if ( supersample > 1 )
video::IImage * filter = driver->createImage(video::ECF_A8R8G8B8, dim );
RawTexture = filter;
bool generateMipLevels = driver->getTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS);
driver->setTextureCreationFlag( video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, false);
ColorRing.Texture = driver->addTexture ( "#colorring", RawTexture);
driver->setTextureCreationFlag(video::ETCF_CREATE_MIP_MAPS, generateMipLevels);
//! called if an event happened.
bool CGUIColorSelectDialog::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (isEnabled())
for ( u32 i = 0; i!= Battery.size (); ++i )
if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == Battery[i] )
if (i<4)
video::SColor rgb((u32)Battery[0]->getValue(), (u32)Battery[1]->getValue(),
(u32)Battery[2]->getValue(), (u32)Battery[3]->getValue());
video::SColorHSL hsl;
video::SColorf rgb2(rgb);
video::SColorHSL hsl(Battery[4]->getValue(), Battery[5]->getValue(),
video::SColorf rgb2;
video::SColor rgb = rgb2.toSColor();
return true;
Dragging = false;
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == CloseButton ||
event.GUIEvent.Caller == CancelButton)
return true;
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == OKButton)
return true;
DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X;
DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y;
Dragging = true;
return true;
Dragging = false;
return true;
if (Dragging)
// gui window should not be dragged outside its parent
if (Parent)
if (event.MouseInput.X < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.X +1 ||
event.MouseInput.Y < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.Y +1 ||
event.MouseInput.X > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.X -1 ||
event.MouseInput.Y > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.Y -1)
return true;
move(core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X - DragStart.X, event.MouseInput.Y - DragStart.Y));
DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X;
DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y;
return true;
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
//! draws the element and its children
void CGUIColorSelectDialog::draw()
if (!IsVisible)
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
core::rect<s32> rect = skin->draw3DWindowBackground(this, true, skin->getColor(EGDC_ACTIVE_BORDER),
AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
if (Text.size())
rect.UpperLeftCorner.X += 2;
rect.LowerRightCorner.X -= skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH) + 5;
IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont(EGDF_WINDOW);
if (font)
font->draw(Text.c_str(), rect, skin->getColor(EGDC_ACTIVE_CAPTION), false, true,
// draw color selector after the window elements
core::vector2di pos(ColorRing.Control->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner);
pos.X += ColorRing.Texture->getOriginalSize().Width/2;
pos.Y += ColorRing.Texture->getOriginalSize().Height/2;
#if 0
const f32 h = Battery[4]->getValue();
const f32 s = Battery[5]->getValue();
const f32 l = Battery[6]->getValue();
const f32 factor = 58.f*(((s==0)&&(l<50))?(l*0.33f/50):(
const f32 factor = 44;
pos.X += core::round32(sinf(Battery[4]->getValue()*core::DEGTORAD)*factor);
pos.Y -= core::round32(cosf(Battery[4]->getValue()*core::DEGTORAD)*factor);
Environment->getVideoDriver()->draw2DPolygon(pos, 4, 0xffffffff, 4);
video::SColor CGUIColorSelectDialog::getColor()
return video::SColor((u32)Battery[0]->getValue(), (u32)Battery[1]->getValue(),
(u32)Battery[2]->getValue(), (u32)Battery[3]->getValue());
video::SColorHSL CGUIColorSelectDialog::getColorHSL()
return video::SColorHSL(Battery[4]->getValue(), Battery[5]->getValue(),
//! sends the event that the file has been selected.
void CGUIColorSelectDialog::sendSelectedEvent()
SEvent event;
event.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT;
event.GUIEvent.Caller = this;
event.GUIEvent.Element = 0;
event.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_FILE_SELECTED;
//! sends the event that the file choose process has been canceld
void CGUIColorSelectDialog::sendCancelEvent()
SEvent event;
event.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT;
event.GUIEvent.Caller = this;
event.GUIEvent.Element = 0;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIColorSelectDialog.h"
#include "IGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUISpinBox.h"
#include "IGUIImage.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class CGUIColorSelectDialog : public IGUIColorSelectDialog
//! constructor
CGUIColorSelectDialog(const wchar_t* title, IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id);
//! destructor
virtual ~CGUIColorSelectDialog();
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
virtual video::SColor getColor() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
virtual video::SColorHSL getColorHSL() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! sends the event that the file has been selected.
void sendSelectedEvent();
//! sends the event that the file choose process has been canceld
void sendCancelEvent();
core::position2d<s32> DragStart;
bool Dragging;
IGUIButton* CloseButton;
IGUIButton* OKButton;
IGUIButton* CancelButton;
core::array<IGUISpinBox*> Battery;
struct SColorCircle
IGUIImage * Control;
video::ITexture * Texture;
SColorCircle ColorRing;
void buildColorRing( const core::dimension2d<u32> & dim, s32 supersample, const video::SColor& borderColor );
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,773 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIContextMenu.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "IGUIFont.h"
#include "IGUISpriteBank.h"
#include "os.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIContextMenu::CGUIContextMenu(IGUIEnvironment* environment,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id,
core::rect<s32> rectangle, bool getFocus, bool allowFocus)
: IGUIContextMenu(environment, parent, id, rectangle), EventParent(0), LastFont(0),
CloseHandling(ECMC_REMOVE), HighLighted(-1), ChangeTime(0), AllowFocus(allowFocus)
#ifdef _DEBUG
Pos = rectangle.UpperLeftCorner;
if (getFocus)
//! destructor
for (u32 i=0; i<Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].SubMenu)
if (LastFont)
//! set behavior when menus are closed
void CGUIContextMenu::setCloseHandling(ECONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE onClose)
CloseHandling = onClose;
//! get current behavior when the menue will be closed
ECONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE CGUIContextMenu::getCloseHandling() const
return CloseHandling;
//! Returns amount of menu items
u32 CGUIContextMenu::getItemCount() const
return Items.size();
//! Adds a menu item.
u32 CGUIContextMenu::addItem(const wchar_t* text, s32 commandId, bool enabled, bool hasSubMenu, bool checked, bool autoChecking)
return insertItem(Items.size(), text, commandId, enabled, hasSubMenu, checked, autoChecking);
//! Insert a menu item at specified position.
u32 CGUIContextMenu::insertItem(u32 idx, const wchar_t* text, s32 commandId, bool enabled,
bool hasSubMenu, bool checked, bool autoChecking)
SItem s;
s.Enabled = enabled;
s.Checked = checked;
s.AutoChecking = autoChecking;
s.Text = text;
s.IsSeparator = (text == 0);
s.SubMenu = 0;
s.CommandId = commandId;
s.PosY = 0;
if (hasSubMenu)
s.SubMenu = new CGUIContextMenu(Environment, this, commandId,
core::rect<s32>(0,0,100,100), false, false);
u32 result = idx;
if ( idx < Items.size() )
Items.insert(s, idx);
result = Items.size() - 1;
return result;
s32 CGUIContextMenu::findItemWithCommandId(s32 commandId, u32 idxStartSearch) const
for ( u32 i=idxStartSearch; i<Items.size(); ++i )
if ( Items[i].CommandId == commandId )
return (s32)i;
return -1;
//! Adds a sub menu from an element that already exists.
void CGUIContextMenu::setSubMenu(u32 index, CGUIContextMenu* menu)
if (index >= Items.size())
if (menu)
if (Items[index].SubMenu)
Items[index].SubMenu = menu;
if (menu)
menu->AllowFocus = false;
if ( Environment->getFocus() == menu )
Environment->setFocus( this );
//! Adds a separator item to the menu
void CGUIContextMenu::addSeparator()
addItem(0, -1, true, false, false, false);
//! Returns text of the menu item.
const wchar_t* CGUIContextMenu::getItemText(u32 idx) const
if (idx >= Items.size())
return 0;
return Items[idx].Text.c_str();
//! Sets text of the menu item.
void CGUIContextMenu::setItemText(u32 idx, const wchar_t* text)
if (idx >= Items.size())
Items[idx].Text = text;
//! should the element change the checked status on clicking
void CGUIContextMenu::setItemAutoChecking(u32 idx, bool autoChecking)
if ( idx >= Items.size())
Items[idx].AutoChecking = autoChecking;
//! does the element change the checked status on clicking
bool CGUIContextMenu::getItemAutoChecking(u32 idx) const
if (idx >= Items.size())
return false;
return Items[idx].AutoChecking;
//! Returns if a menu item is enabled
bool CGUIContextMenu::isItemEnabled(u32 idx) const
if (idx >= Items.size())
return false;
return Items[idx].Enabled;
//! Returns if a menu item is checked
bool CGUIContextMenu::isItemChecked(u32 idx) const
if (idx >= Items.size())
return false;
return Items[idx].Checked;
//! Sets if the menu item should be enabled.
void CGUIContextMenu::setItemEnabled(u32 idx, bool enabled)
if (idx >= Items.size())
Items[idx].Enabled = enabled;
//! Sets if the menu item should be checked.
void CGUIContextMenu::setItemChecked(u32 idx, bool checked )
if (idx >= Items.size())
Items[idx].Checked = checked;
//! Removes a menu item
void CGUIContextMenu::removeItem(u32 idx)
if (idx >= Items.size())
if (Items[idx].SubMenu)
Items[idx].SubMenu = 0;
//! Removes all menu items
void CGUIContextMenu::removeAllItems()
for (u32 i=0; i<Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].SubMenu)
//! called if an event happened.
bool CGUIContextMenu::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (isEnabled())
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this && !isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Element) && AllowFocus)
// set event parent of submenus
IGUIElement * p = EventParent ? EventParent : Parent;
if ( p ) // can be 0 when element got removed already
SEvent eventClose;
eventClose.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT;
eventClose.GUIEvent.Caller = this;
eventClose.GUIEvent.Element = 0;
eventClose.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_ELEMENT_CLOSED;
if ( !p->OnEvent(eventClose) )
if ( CloseHandling & ECMC_HIDE )
if ( CloseHandling & ECMC_REMOVE )
return false;
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this && !AllowFocus)
return true;
// menu might be removed if it loses focus in sendClick, so grab a reference
const u32 t = sendClick(core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y));
if ((t==0 || t==1) && Environment->hasFocus(this))
return true;
return true;
if (Environment->hasFocus(this))
highlight(core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y), true);
return true;
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
//! Sets the visible state of this element.
void CGUIContextMenu::setVisible(bool visible)
HighLighted = -1;
ChangeTime = os::Timer::getTime();
for (u32 j=0; j<Items.size(); ++j)
if (Items[j].SubMenu)
//! sends a click Returns:
//! 0 if click went outside of the element,
//! 1 if a valid button was clicked,
//! 2 if a nonclickable element was clicked
u32 CGUIContextMenu::sendClick(const core::position2d<s32>& p)
u32 t = 0;
// get number of open submenu
s32 openmenu = -1;
s32 j;
for (j=0; j<(s32)Items.size(); ++j)
if (Items[j].SubMenu && Items[j].SubMenu->isVisible())
openmenu = j;
// delegate click operation to submenu
if (openmenu != -1)
t = Items[j].SubMenu->sendClick(p);
if (t != 0)
return t; // clicked something
// check click on myself
if (isPointInside(p) &&
(u32)HighLighted < Items.size())
if (!Items[HighLighted].Enabled ||
Items[HighLighted].IsSeparator ||
return 2;
if ( Items[HighLighted].AutoChecking )
Items[HighLighted].Checked = Items[HighLighted].Checked ? false : true;
SEvent event;
event.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT;
event.GUIEvent.Caller = this;
event.GUIEvent.Element = 0;
if (EventParent)
else if (Parent)
return 1;
return 0;
//! returns true, if an element was highligted
bool CGUIContextMenu::highlight(const core::position2d<s32>& p, bool canOpenSubMenu)
if (!isEnabled())
return false;
// get number of open submenu
s32 openmenu = -1;
s32 i;
for (i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].Enabled && Items[i].SubMenu && Items[i].SubMenu->isVisible())
openmenu = i;
// delegate highlight operation to submenu
if (openmenu != -1)
if (Items[openmenu].Enabled && Items[openmenu].SubMenu->highlight(p, canOpenSubMenu))
HighLighted = openmenu;
ChangeTime = os::Timer::getTime();
return true;
// highlight myself
for (i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].Enabled && getHRect(Items[i], AbsoluteRect).isPointInside(p))
HighLighted = i;
ChangeTime = os::Timer::getTime();
// make submenus visible/invisible
for (s32 j=0; j<(s32)Items.size(); ++j)
if (Items[j].SubMenu)
if ( j == i && canOpenSubMenu && Items[j].Enabled )
else if ( j != i )
return true;
HighLighted = openmenu;
return false;
//! returns the item highlight-area
core::rect<s32> CGUIContextMenu::getHRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect<s32>& absolute) const
core::rect<s32> r = absolute;
r.UpperLeftCorner.Y += i.PosY;
r.LowerRightCorner.Y = r.UpperLeftCorner.Y + i.Dim.Height;
return r;
//! Gets drawing rect of Item
core::rect<s32> CGUIContextMenu::getRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect<s32>& absolute) const
core::rect<s32> r = absolute;
r.UpperLeftCorner.Y += i.PosY;
r.LowerRightCorner.Y = r.UpperLeftCorner.Y + i.Dim.Height;
r.UpperLeftCorner.X += 20;
return r;
//! draws the element and its children
void CGUIContextMenu::draw()
if (!IsVisible)
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
if (!skin)
IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont(EGDF_MENU);
if (font != LastFont)
if (LastFont)
LastFont = font;
if (LastFont)
IGUISpriteBank* sprites = skin->getSpriteBank();
core::rect<s32> rect = AbsoluteRect;
core::rect<s32>* clip = 0;
// draw frame
skin->draw3DMenuPane(this, AbsoluteRect, clip);
// loop through all menu items
rect = AbsoluteRect;
s32 y = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
for (s32 i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].IsSeparator)
// draw separator
rect = AbsoluteRect;
rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += Items[i].PosY + 3;
rect.LowerRightCorner.Y = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + 1;
rect.UpperLeftCorner.X += 5;
rect.LowerRightCorner.X -= 5;
skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_SHADOW), rect, clip);
rect.LowerRightCorner.Y += 1;
rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += 1;
skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT), rect, clip);
y += 10;
rect = getRect(Items[i], AbsoluteRect);
// draw highlighted
if (i == HighLighted && Items[i].Enabled)
core::rect<s32> r = AbsoluteRect;
r.LowerRightCorner.Y = rect.LowerRightCorner.Y;
r.UpperLeftCorner.Y = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
r.LowerRightCorner.X -= 5;
r.UpperLeftCorner.X += 5;
skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_HIGH_LIGHT), r, clip);
// draw text
if (i == HighLighted)
if (!Items[i].Enabled)
if (font)
font->draw(Items[i].Text.c_str(), rect,
skin->getColor(c), false, true, clip);
// draw submenu symbol
if (Items[i].SubMenu && sprites)
core::rect<s32> r = rect;
r.UpperLeftCorner.X = r.LowerRightCorner.X - 15;
r.getCenter(), clip, skin->getColor(c),
(i == HighLighted) ? ChangeTime : 0,
(i == HighLighted) ? os::Timer::getTime() : 0,
(i == HighLighted), true);
// draw checked symbol
if (Items[i].Checked && sprites)
core::rect<s32> r = rect;
r.LowerRightCorner.X = r.UpperLeftCorner.X - 15;
r.UpperLeftCorner.X = r.LowerRightCorner.X + 15;
r.getCenter(), clip, skin->getColor(c),
(i == HighLighted) ? ChangeTime : 0,
(i == HighLighted) ? os::Timer::getTime() : 0,
(i == HighLighted), true);
void CGUIContextMenu::recalculateSize()
IGUIFont* font = Environment->getSkin()->getFont(EGDF_MENU);
if (!font)
core::rect<s32> rect;
rect.UpperLeftCorner = RelativeRect.UpperLeftCorner;
u32 width = 100;
u32 height = 3;
u32 i;
for (i=0; i<Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].IsSeparator)
Items[i].Dim.Width = 100;
Items[i].Dim.Height = 10;
Items[i].Dim = font->getDimension(Items[i].Text.c_str());
Items[i].Dim.Width += 40;
if (Items[i].Dim.Width > width)
width = Items[i].Dim.Width;
Items[i].PosY = height;
height += Items[i].Dim.Height;
height += 5;
if (height < 10)
height = 10;
rect.LowerRightCorner.X = RelativeRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + width;
rect.LowerRightCorner.Y = RelativeRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + height;
// recalculate submenus
for (i=0; i<Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].SubMenu)
// move submenu
const s32 w = Items[i].SubMenu->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth();
const s32 h = Items[i].SubMenu->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight();
core::rect<s32> subRect(width-5, Items[i].PosY, width+w-5, Items[i].PosY+h);
gui::IGUIElement * root = Environment->getRootGUIElement();
if ( root )
core::rect<s32> rectRoot( root->getAbsolutePosition() );
// if it would be drawn beyond the right border, then add it to the left side
if ( getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.X+subRect.LowerRightCorner.X > rectRoot.LowerRightCorner.X )
subRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = -w;
subRect.LowerRightCorner.X = 0;
// if it would be drawn below bottom border, move it up, but not further than to top.
irr::s32 belowBottom = getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.Y+subRect.LowerRightCorner.Y - rectRoot.LowerRightCorner.Y;
if ( belowBottom > 0 )
irr::s32 belowTop = getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.Y+subRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
irr::s32 moveUp = belowBottom < belowTop ? belowBottom : belowTop;
subRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y -= moveUp;
subRect.LowerRightCorner.Y -= moveUp;
//! Returns the selected item in the menu
s32 CGUIContextMenu::getSelectedItem() const
return HighLighted;
//! \return Returns a pointer to the submenu of an item.
IGUIContextMenu* CGUIContextMenu::getSubMenu(u32 idx) const
if (idx >= Items.size())
return 0;
return Items[idx].SubMenu;
//! Returns command id of a menu item
s32 CGUIContextMenu::getItemCommandId(u32 idx) const
if (idx >= Items.size())
return -1;
return Items[idx].CommandId;
//! Sets the command id of a menu item
void CGUIContextMenu::setItemCommandId(u32 idx, s32 id)
if (idx >= Items.size())
Items[idx].CommandId = id;
// because sometimes the element has no parent at click time
void CGUIContextMenu::setEventParent(IGUIElement *parent)
EventParent = parent;
for (u32 i=0; i<Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].SubMenu)
bool CGUIContextMenu::hasOpenSubMenu() const
for (u32 i=0; i<Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].SubMenu && Items[i].SubMenu->isVisible())
return true;
return false;
void CGUIContextMenu::closeAllSubMenus()
for (u32 i=0; i<Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].SubMenu)
//HighLighted = -1;
} // end namespace
} // end namespace

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIContextMenu.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
#include "IGUIFont.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! GUI Context menu interface.
class CGUIContextMenu : public IGUIContextMenu
//! constructor
CGUIContextMenu(IGUIEnvironment* environment,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle,
bool getFocus = true, bool allowFocus = true);
//! destructor
virtual ~CGUIContextMenu();
//! set behavior when menus are closed
virtual void setCloseHandling(ECONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE onClose) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! get current behavior when the menue will be closed
virtual ECONTEXT_MENU_CLOSE getCloseHandling() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns amount of menu items
virtual u32 getItemCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a menu item.
virtual u32 addItem(const wchar_t* text, s32 commandid,
bool enabled, bool hasSubMenu, bool checked, bool autoChecking) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Insert a menu item at specified position.
virtual u32 insertItem(u32 idx, const wchar_t* text, s32 commandId, bool enabled,
bool hasSubMenu, bool checked, bool autoChecking) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Find a item which has the given CommandId starting from given index
virtual s32 findItemWithCommandId(s32 commandId, u32 idxStartSearch) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a separator item to the menu
virtual void addSeparator() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns text of the menu item.
virtual const wchar_t* getItemText(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets text of the menu item.
virtual void setItemText(u32 idx, const wchar_t* text) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns if a menu item is enabled
virtual bool isItemEnabled(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets if the menu item should be enabled.
virtual void setItemEnabled(u32 idx, bool enabled) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns if a menu item is checked
virtual bool isItemChecked(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets if the menu item should be checked.
virtual void setItemChecked(u32 idx, bool enabled) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Removes a menu item
virtual void removeItem(u32 idx) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Removes all menu items
virtual void removeAllItems() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the selected item in the menu
virtual s32 getSelectedItem() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns a pointer to the submenu of an item.
//! \return Pointer to the submenu of an item.
virtual IGUIContextMenu* getSubMenu(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the visible state of this element.
virtual void setVisible(bool visible) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! should the element change the checked status on clicking
virtual void setItemAutoChecking(u32 idx, bool autoChecking) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! does the element change the checked status on clicking
virtual bool getItemAutoChecking(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns command id of a menu item
virtual s32 getItemCommandId(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the command id of a menu item
virtual void setItemCommandId(u32 idx, s32 id) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a sub menu from an element that already exists.
virtual void setSubMenu(u32 index, CGUIContextMenu* menu);
//! When an eventparent is set it receives events instead of the usual parent element
virtual void setEventParent(IGUIElement *parent) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
void closeAllSubMenus();
bool hasOpenSubMenu() const;
struct SItem
core::stringw Text;
bool IsSeparator;
bool Enabled;
bool Checked;
bool AutoChecking;
core::dimension2d<u32> Dim;
s32 PosY;
CGUIContextMenu* SubMenu;
s32 CommandId;
virtual void recalculateSize();
//! returns true, if an element was highlighted
virtual bool highlight(const core::position2d<s32>& p, bool canOpenSubMenu);
//! sends a click Returns:
//! 0 if click went outside of the element,
//! 1 if a valid button was clicked,
//! 2 if a nonclickable element was clicked
virtual u32 sendClick(const core::position2d<s32>& p);
//! returns the item highlight-area
virtual core::rect<s32> getHRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect<s32>& absolute) const;
//! Gets drawing rect of Item
virtual core::rect<s32> getRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect<s32>& absolute) const;
core::array<SItem> Items;
core::position2d<s32> Pos;
IGUIElement* EventParent;
IGUIFont *LastFont;
s32 HighLighted;
u32 ChangeTime;
bool AllowFocus;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -11,33 +11,19 @@
#include "CGUISkin.h"
#include "CGUIButton.h"
#include "CGUIWindow.h"
#include "CGUIScrollBar.h"
#include "CGUIFont.h"
#include "CGUISpriteBank.h"
#include "CGUIImage.h"
#include "CGUIMeshViewer.h"
#include "CGUICheckBox.h"
#include "CGUIListBox.h"
#include "CGUITreeView.h"
#include "CGUIImageList.h"
#include "CGUIFileOpenDialog.h"
#include "CGUIColorSelectDialog.h"
#include "CGUIStaticText.h"
#include "CGUIEditBox.h"
#include "CGUISpinBox.h"
#include "CGUIInOutFader.h"
#include "CGUIMessageBox.h"
#include "CGUIModalScreen.h"
#include "CGUITabControl.h"
#include "CGUIContextMenu.h"
#include "CGUIComboBox.h"
#include "CGUIMenu.h"
#include "CGUIToolBar.h"
#include "CGUITable.h"
#include "CGUIProfiler.h"
#include "CDefaultGUIElementFactory.h"
#include "IWriteFile.h"
#include "BuiltInFont.h"
@ -69,11 +55,6 @@ CGUIEnvironment::CGUIEnvironment(io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver* drive
// gui factory
IGUIElementFactory* factory = new CDefaultGUIElementFactory(this);
IGUISkin* skin = createSkin( gui::EGST_WINDOWS_METALLIC );
@ -140,10 +121,6 @@ CGUIEnvironment::~CGUIEnvironment()
for (i=0; i<Fonts.size(); ++i)
// remove all factories
for (i=0; i<GUIElementFactoryList.size(); ++i)
if (Operator)
@ -707,106 +684,6 @@ IGUISkin* CGUIEnvironment::createSkin(EGUI_SKIN_TYPE type)
//! Returns the default element factory which can create all built in elements
IGUIElementFactory* CGUIEnvironment::getDefaultGUIElementFactory() const
return getGUIElementFactory(0);
//! Adds an element factory to the gui environment.
/** Use this to extend the gui environment with new element types which it should be
able to create automatically, for example when loading data from xml files. */
void CGUIEnvironment::registerGUIElementFactory(IGUIElementFactory* factoryToAdd)
if (factoryToAdd)
//! Returns amount of registered scene node factories.
u32 CGUIEnvironment::getRegisteredGUIElementFactoryCount() const
return GUIElementFactoryList.size();
//! Returns a scene node factory by index
IGUIElementFactory* CGUIEnvironment::getGUIElementFactory(u32 index) const
if (index < GUIElementFactoryList.size())
return GUIElementFactoryList[index];
return 0;
//! adds a GUI Element using its name
IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::addGUIElement(const c8* elementName, IGUIElement* parent)
IGUIElement* node=0;
if (!parent)
parent = this;
for (s32 i=GUIElementFactoryList.size()-1; i>=0 && !node; --i)
node = GUIElementFactoryList[i]->addGUIElement(elementName, parent);
return node;
//! Saves the current gui into a file.
//! \param filename: Name of the file .
bool CGUIEnvironment::saveGUI(const io::path& filename, IGUIElement* start)
io::IWriteFile* file = FileSystem->createAndWriteFile(filename);
if (!file)
return false;
bool ret = saveGUI(file, start);
return ret;
//! Saves the current gui into a file.
bool CGUIEnvironment::saveGUI(io::IWriteFile* file, IGUIElement* start)
return false;
//! Loads the gui. Note that the current gui is not cleared before.
//! \param filename: Name of the file.
bool CGUIEnvironment::loadGUI(const io::path& filename, IGUIElement* parent)
io::IReadFile* read = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile(filename);
if (!read)
os::Printer::log("Unable to open gui file", filename, ELL_ERROR);
return false;
bool ret = loadGUI(read, parent);
return ret;
//! Loads the gui. Note that the current gui is not cleared before.
bool CGUIEnvironment::loadGUI(io::IReadFile* file, IGUIElement* parent)
return false;
//! adds a button. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
IGUIButton* CGUIEnvironment::addButton(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text, const wchar_t *tooltiptext)
@ -822,83 +699,6 @@ IGUIButton* CGUIEnvironment::addButton(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIEle
//! adds a window. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
IGUIWindow* CGUIEnvironment::addWindow(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, bool modal,
const wchar_t* text, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
parent = parent ? parent : this;
IGUIWindow* win = new CGUIWindow(this, parent, id, rectangle);
if (text)
if (modal)
// Careful, don't just set the modal as parent above. That will mess up the focus (and is hard to change because we have to be very
// careful not to get virtual function call, like OnEvent, in the window.
CGUIModalScreen * modalScreen = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1);
return win;
//! adds a modal screen. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::addModalScreen(IGUIElement* parent, int blinkMode)
parent = parent ? parent : this;
CGUIModalScreen *win = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1);
return win;
//! Adds a message box.
IGUIWindow* CGUIEnvironment::addMessageBox(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* text,
bool modal, s32 flag, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, video::ITexture* image)
if (!CurrentSkin)
return 0;
parent = parent ? parent : this;
core::rect<s32> rect;
core::dimension2d<u32> screenDim, msgBoxDim;
screenDim.Width = parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth();
screenDim.Height = parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight();
msgBoxDim.Width = 2;
msgBoxDim.Height = 2;
rect.UpperLeftCorner.X = (screenDim.Width - msgBoxDim.Width) / 2;
rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (screenDim.Height - msgBoxDim.Height) / 2;
rect.LowerRightCorner.X = rect.UpperLeftCorner.X + msgBoxDim.Width;
rect.LowerRightCorner.Y = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + msgBoxDim.Height;
IGUIWindow* win = new CGUIMessageBox(this, caption, text, flag,
parent, id, rect, image);
if (modal)
// Careful, don't just set the modal as parent above. That will mess up the focus (and is hard to change because we have to be very
// careful not to get virtual function call, like OnEvent, in the CGUIMessageBox.
CGUIModalScreen * modalScreen = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1);
modalScreen->addChild( win );
return win;
//! adds a scrollbar. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
IGUIScrollBar* CGUIEnvironment::addScrollBar(bool horizontal, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
@ -907,21 +707,6 @@ IGUIScrollBar* CGUIEnvironment::addScrollBar(bool horizontal, const core::rect<s
return bar;
//! Adds a table to the environment
IGUITable* CGUIEnvironment::addTable(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, bool drawBackground)
CGUITable* b = new CGUITable(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle, true, drawBackground, false);
return b;
//! Adds an element to display the information from the Irrlicht profiler
IGUIProfiler* CGUIEnvironment::addProfilerDisplay(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
CGUIProfiler* p = new CGUIProfiler(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle, NULL);
return p;
//! Adds an image element.
IGUIImage* CGUIEnvironment::addImage(video::ITexture* image, core::position2d<s32> pos,
@ -965,20 +750,6 @@ IGUIImage* CGUIEnvironment::addImage(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIEleme
//! adds an mesh viewer. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
IGUIMeshViewer* CGUIEnvironment::addMeshViewer(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text)
IGUIMeshViewer* v = new CGUIMeshViewer(this, parent ? parent : this,
id, rectangle);
if (text)
return v;
//! adds a checkbox
IGUICheckBox* CGUIEnvironment::addCheckBox(bool checked, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const wchar_t* text)
@ -1013,19 +784,6 @@ IGUIListBox* CGUIEnvironment::addListBox(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
return b;
//! adds a tree view
IGUITreeView* CGUIEnvironment::addTreeView(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id,
bool drawBackground,
bool scrollBarVertical, bool scrollBarHorizontal)
IGUITreeView* b = new CGUITreeView(this, parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle,
true, drawBackground, scrollBarVertical, scrollBarHorizontal);
b->setIconFont ( getBuiltInFont () );
return b;
//! adds a file open dialog. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
IGUIFileOpenDialog* CGUIEnvironment::addFileOpenDialog(const wchar_t* title,
@ -1034,42 +792,13 @@ IGUIFileOpenDialog* CGUIEnvironment::addFileOpenDialog(const wchar_t* title,
parent = parent ? parent : this;
if (modal)
return nullptr;
IGUIFileOpenDialog* d = new CGUIFileOpenDialog(title, this, parent, id,
restoreCWD, startDir);
if (modal)
// Careful, don't just set the modal as parent above. That will mess up the focus (and is hard to change because we have to be very
// careful not to get virtual function call, like OnEvent, in the window.
CGUIModalScreen * modalScreen = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1);
return d;
//! adds a color select dialog. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
IGUIColorSelectDialog* CGUIEnvironment::addColorSelectDialog(const wchar_t* title,
bool modal, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
parent = parent ? parent : this;
IGUIColorSelectDialog* d = new CGUIColorSelectDialog( title,
this, parent, id);
if (modal)
// Careful, don't just set the modal as parent above. That will mess up the focus (and is hard to change because we have to be very
// careful not to get virtual function call, like OnEvent, in the window.
CGUIModalScreen * modalScreen = new CGUIModalScreen(this, parent, -1);
return d;
@ -1103,19 +832,6 @@ IGUIEditBox* CGUIEnvironment::addEditBox(const wchar_t* text,
//! Adds a spin box to the environment
IGUISpinBox* CGUIEnvironment::addSpinBox(const wchar_t* text,
const core::rect<s32> &rectangle,
bool border,IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
IGUISpinBox* d = new CGUISpinBox(text, border,this,
parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle);
return d;
//! Adds a tab control to the environment.
IGUITabControl* CGUIEnvironment::addTabControl(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent, bool fillbackground, bool border, s32 id)
@ -1138,65 +854,6 @@ IGUITab* CGUIEnvironment::addTab(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
//! Adds a context menu to the environment.
IGUIContextMenu* CGUIEnvironment::addContextMenu(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
IGUIContextMenu* c = new CGUIContextMenu(this,
parent ? parent : this, id, rectangle, true);
return c;
//! Adds a menu to the environment.
IGUIContextMenu* CGUIEnvironment::addMenu(IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
if (!parent)
parent = this;
IGUIContextMenu* c = new CGUIMenu(this,
parent, id, core::rect<s32>(0,0,
return c;
//! Adds a toolbar to the environment. It is like a menu is always placed on top
//! in its parent, and contains buttons.
IGUIToolBar* CGUIEnvironment::addToolBar(IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
if (!parent)
parent = this;
IGUIToolBar* b = new CGUIToolBar(this, parent, id, core::rect<s32>(0,0,10,10));
return b;
//! Adds an element for fading in or out.
IGUIInOutFader* CGUIEnvironment::addInOutFader(const core::rect<s32>* rectangle, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
core::rect<s32> rect;
if (rectangle)
rect = *rectangle;
else if (Driver)
rect = core::rect<s32>(core::dimension2di(Driver->getScreenSize()));
if (!parent)
parent = this;
IGUIInOutFader* fader = new CGUIInOutFader(this, parent, id, rect);
return fader;
//! Adds a combo box to the environment.
IGUIComboBox* CGUIEnvironment::addComboBox(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)

View File

@ -92,17 +92,6 @@ public:
//! adds an button. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
virtual IGUIButton* addButton(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, const wchar_t* text=0,const wchar_t* tooltiptext = 0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a window. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
virtual IGUIWindow* addWindow(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, bool modal = false,
const wchar_t* text=0, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a modal screen. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
virtual IGUIElement* addModalScreen(IGUIElement* parent, int blinkMode) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a message box.
virtual IGUIWindow* addMessageBox(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* text=0,
bool modal = true, s32 flag = EMBF_OK, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, video::ITexture* image=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a scrollbar. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
virtual IGUIScrollBar* addScrollBar(bool horizontal, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -123,24 +112,11 @@ public:
virtual IGUIListBox* addListBox(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, bool drawBackground=false) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a tree view
virtual IGUITreeView* addTreeView(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, bool drawBackground=false,
bool scrollBarVertical = true, bool scrollBarHorizontal = false) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds an mesh viewer. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
virtual IGUIMeshViewer* addMeshViewer(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, const wchar_t* text=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a file open dialog.
virtual IGUIFileOpenDialog* addFileOpenDialog(const wchar_t* title = 0,
bool modal=true, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1,
bool restoreCWD=false, io::path::char_type* startDir=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a color select dialog.
virtual IGUIColorSelectDialog* addColorSelectDialog(const wchar_t* title = 0,
bool modal=true, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a static text. The returned pointer must not be dropped.
virtual IGUIStaticText* addStaticText(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
bool border=false, bool wordWrap=true, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, bool drawBackground = false) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -149,10 +125,6 @@ public:
virtual IGUIEditBox* addEditBox(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
bool border=false, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a spin box to the environment
virtual IGUISpinBox* addSpinBox(const wchar_t* text, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
bool border=false,IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a tab control to the environment.
virtual IGUITabControl* addTabControl(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, bool fillbackground=false, bool border=true, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -161,29 +133,10 @@ public:
virtual IGUITab* addTab(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a context menu to the environment.
virtual IGUIContextMenu* addContextMenu(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a menu to the environment.
virtual IGUIContextMenu* addMenu(IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a toolbar to the environment. It is like a menu is always placed on top
//! in its parent, and contains buttons.
virtual IGUIToolBar* addToolBar(IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a combo box to the environment.
virtual IGUIComboBox* addComboBox(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a table element.
virtual IGUITable* addTable(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1, bool drawBackground=false) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds an element to display the information from the Irrlicht profiler
virtual IGUIProfiler* addProfilerDisplay(const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! sets the focus to an element
virtual bool setFocus(IGUIElement* element) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -199,55 +152,11 @@ public:
//! Returns the element last known to be under the mouse
virtual IGUIElement* getHovered() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds an element for fading in or out.
virtual IGUIInOutFader* addInOutFader(const core::rect<s32>* rectangle=0, IGUIElement* parent=0, s32 id=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the root gui element.
virtual IGUIElement* getRootGUIElement() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
virtual void OnPostRender( u32 time ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the default element factory which can create all built in elements
virtual IGUIElementFactory* getDefaultGUIElementFactory() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds an element factory to the gui environment.
/** Use this to extend the gui environment with new element types which it should be
able to create automatically, for example when loading data from xml files. */
virtual void registerGUIElementFactory(IGUIElementFactory* factoryToAdd) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns amount of registered scene node factories.
virtual u32 getRegisteredGUIElementFactoryCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns a scene node factory by index
virtual IGUIElementFactory* getGUIElementFactory(u32 index) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a GUI Element by its name
virtual IGUIElement* addGUIElement(const c8* elementName, IGUIElement* parent=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Saves the current gui into a file.
/** \param filename: Name of the file.
\param start: The element to start saving from.
if not specified, the root element will be used */
virtual bool saveGUI( const io::path& filename, IGUIElement* start=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Saves the current gui into a file.
/** \param file: The file to save the GUI to.
\param start: The element to start saving from.
if not specified, the root element will be used */
virtual bool saveGUI(io::IWriteFile* file, IGUIElement* start=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Loads the gui. Note that the current gui is not cleared before.
/** \param filename: Name of the file.
\param parent: The parent of all loaded GUI elements,
if not specified, the root element will be used */
virtual bool loadGUI(const io::path& filename, IGUIElement* parent=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Loads the gui. Note that the current gui is not cleared before.
/** \param file: IReadFile to load the GUI from
\param parent: The parent of all loaded GUI elements,
if not specified, the root element will be used */
virtual bool loadGUI(io::IReadFile* file, IGUIElement* parent=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Find the next element which would be selected when pressing the tab-key
virtual IGUIElement* getNextElement(bool reverse=false, bool group=false) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -302,8 +211,6 @@ private:
SToolTip ToolTip;
core::array<IGUIElementFactory*> GUIElementFactoryList;
core::array<SFont> Fonts;
core::array<SSpriteBank> Banks;
video::IVideoDriver* Driver;

View File

@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIInOutFader.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "os.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIInOutFader::CGUIInOutFader(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIInOutFader(environment, parent, id, rectangle)
#ifdef _DEBUG
StartTime = 0;
EndTime = 0;
//! draws the element and its children
void CGUIInOutFader::draw()
if (!IsVisible || !Action)
u32 now = os::Timer::getTime();
if (now > EndTime && Action == EFA_FADE_IN)
video::IVideoDriver* driver = Environment->getVideoDriver();
if (driver)
f32 d;
if (now > EndTime)
d = 0.0f;
d = (EndTime - now) / (f32)(EndTime - StartTime);
video::SColor newCol = FullColor.getInterpolated(TransColor, d);
driver->draw2DRectangle(newCol, AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
//! Gets the color to fade out to or to fade in from.
video::SColor CGUIInOutFader::getColor() const
return Color[1];
//! Sets the color to fade out to or to fade in from.
void CGUIInOutFader::setColor(video::SColor color)
video::SColor s = color;
video::SColor d = color;
s.setAlpha ( 255 );
d.setAlpha ( 0 );
setColor ( s,d );
Color[0] = color;
FullColor = Color[0];
TransColor = Color[0];
if (Action == EFA_FADE_OUT)
if (Action == EFA_FADE_IN)
void CGUIInOutFader::setColor(video::SColor source, video::SColor dest)
Color[0] = source;
Color[1] = dest;
if (Action == EFA_FADE_OUT)
FullColor = Color[1];
TransColor = Color[0];
if (Action == EFA_FADE_IN)
FullColor = Color[0];
TransColor = Color[1];
//! Returns if the fade in or out process is done.
bool CGUIInOutFader::isReady() const
u32 now = os::Timer::getTime();
bool ret = (now > EndTime);
return ret;
//! Starts the fade in process.
void CGUIInOutFader::fadeIn(u32 time)
StartTime = os::Timer::getTime();
EndTime = StartTime + time;
Action = EFA_FADE_IN;
//! Starts the fade out process.
void CGUIInOutFader::fadeOut(u32 time)
StartTime = os::Timer::getTime();
EndTime = StartTime + time;
Action = EFA_FADE_OUT;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIInOutFader.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class CGUIInOutFader : public IGUIInOutFader
//! constructor
CGUIInOutFader(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent,
s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle);
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Gets the color to fade out to or to fade in from.
virtual video::SColor getColor() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the color to fade out to or to fade in from.
virtual void setColor(video::SColor color ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
virtual void setColor(video::SColor source, video::SColor dest) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Starts the fade in process.
virtual void fadeIn(u32 time) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Starts the fade out process.
virtual void fadeOut(u32 time) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns if the fade in or out process is done.
virtual bool isReady() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
enum EFadeAction
u32 StartTime;
u32 EndTime;
EFadeAction Action;
video::SColor Color[2];
video::SColor FullColor;
video::SColor TransColor;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIMenu.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "IGUIFont.h"
#include "IGUIWindow.h"
#include "os.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIMenu::CGUIMenu(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent,
s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: CGUIContextMenu(environment, parent, id, rectangle, false, true)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//! draws the element and its children
void CGUIMenu::draw()
if (!IsVisible)
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont(EGDF_MENU);
if (font != LastFont)
if (LastFont)
LastFont = font;
if (LastFont)
core::rect<s32> rect = AbsoluteRect;
// draw frame
skin->draw3DToolBar(this, rect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
// loop through all menu items
rect = AbsoluteRect;
for (s32 i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i)
if (!Items[i].IsSeparator)
rect = getRect(Items[i], AbsoluteRect);
// draw highlighted
if (i == HighLighted && Items[i].Enabled)
skin->draw3DSunkenPane(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_DARK_SHADOW),
true, true, rect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
// draw text
if (i == HighLighted)
if (!Items[i].Enabled)
if (font)
font->draw(Items[i].Text.c_str(), rect,
skin->getColor(c), true, true, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
//! called if an event happened.
bool CGUIMenu::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (isEnabled())
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this && !isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Element))
HighLighted = -1;
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this && Parent)
if (Parent)
core::position2d<s32> p(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y);
bool shouldCloseSubMenu = hasOpenSubMenu();
if (!AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside(p))
shouldCloseSubMenu = false;
highlight(core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y), true);
if ( shouldCloseSubMenu )
return true;
core::position2d<s32> p(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y);
if (!AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside(p))
s32 t = sendClick(p);
if ((t==0 || t==1) && Environment->hasFocus(this))
return true;
if (Environment->hasFocus(this) && HighLighted >= 0)
s32 oldHighLighted = HighLighted;
highlight(core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y), true);
if ( HighLighted < 0 )
HighLighted = oldHighLighted; // keep last hightlight active when moving outside the area
return true;
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
void CGUIMenu::recalculateSize()
core::rect<s32> clientRect; // client rect of parent
if ( Parent && Parent->hasType(EGUIET_WINDOW) )
clientRect = static_cast<IGUIWindow*>(Parent)->getClientRect();
else if ( Parent )
clientRect = core::rect<s32>(0,0, Parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth(),
clientRect = RelativeRect;
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont(EGDF_MENU);
if (!font)
if (Parent && skin)
RelativeRect = core::rect<s32>(clientRect.UpperLeftCorner.X, clientRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y,
clientRect.LowerRightCorner.X, clientRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y+skin->getSize(EGDS_MENU_HEIGHT));
core::rect<s32> rect;
rect.UpperLeftCorner = clientRect.UpperLeftCorner;
s32 height = font->getDimension(L"A").Height + 5;
//if (skin && height < skin->getSize ( EGDS_MENU_HEIGHT ))
// height = skin->getSize(EGDS_MENU_HEIGHT);
s32 width = rect.UpperLeftCorner.X;
s32 i;
for (i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].IsSeparator)
Items[i].Dim.Width = 0;
Items[i].Dim.Height = height;
Items[i].Dim = font->getDimension(Items[i].Text.c_str());
Items[i].Dim.Width += 20;
Items[i].PosY = width;
width += Items[i].Dim.Width;
width = clientRect.getWidth();
rect.LowerRightCorner.X = rect.UpperLeftCorner.X + width;
rect.LowerRightCorner.Y = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + height;
// recalculate submenus
for (i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i)
if (Items[i].SubMenu)
// move submenu
s32 w = Items[i].SubMenu->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth();
s32 h = Items[i].SubMenu->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight();
core::rect<s32>(Items[i].PosY, height ,
Items[i].PosY+w-5, height+h));
//! returns the item highlight-area
core::rect<s32> CGUIMenu::getHRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect<s32>& absolute) const
core::rect<s32> r = absolute;
r.UpperLeftCorner.X += i.PosY;
r.LowerRightCorner.X = r.UpperLeftCorner.X + i.Dim.Width;
return r;
//! Gets drawing rect of Item
core::rect<s32> CGUIMenu::getRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect<s32>& absolute) const
return getHRect(i, absolute);
void CGUIMenu::updateAbsolutePosition()
if (Parent)
DesiredRect.LowerRightCorner.X = Parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth();
} // end namespace
} // end namespace

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "CGUIContextMenu.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! GUI menu interface.
class CGUIMenu : public CGUIContextMenu
//! constructor
CGUIMenu(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle);
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Updates the absolute position.
virtual void updateAbsolutePosition() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
virtual void recalculateSize() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the item highlight-area
virtual core::rect<s32> getHRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect<s32>& absolute) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Gets drawing rect of Item
virtual core::rect<s32> getRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect<s32>& absolute) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr
#endif // __C_GUI_MENU_H_INCLUDED__

View File

@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIMeshViewer.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "IAnimatedMesh.h"
#include "IMesh.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIMeshViewer::CGUIMeshViewer(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIMeshViewer(environment, parent, id, rectangle), Mesh(0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//! destructor
if (Mesh)
//! sets the mesh to be shown
void CGUIMeshViewer::setMesh(scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh)
if (mesh)
if (Mesh)
Mesh = mesh;
/* This might be used for proper transformation etc.
core::vector3df center(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
core::aabbox3d<f32> box;
box = Mesh->getMesh(0)->getBoundingBox();
center = (box.MaxEdge + box.MinEdge) / 2;
//! Gets the displayed mesh
scene::IAnimatedMesh* CGUIMeshViewer::getMesh() const
return Mesh;
//! sets the material
void CGUIMeshViewer::setMaterial(const video::SMaterial& material)
Material = material;
//! gets the material
const video::SMaterial& CGUIMeshViewer::getMaterial() const
return Material;
//! called if an event happened.
bool CGUIMeshViewer::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
//! draws the element and its children
void CGUIMeshViewer::draw()
if (!IsVisible)
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
video::IVideoDriver* driver = Environment->getVideoDriver();
core::rect<s32> viewPort = AbsoluteRect;
viewPort.LowerRightCorner.X -= 1;
viewPort.LowerRightCorner.Y -= 1;
viewPort.UpperLeftCorner.X += 1;
viewPort.UpperLeftCorner.Y += 1;
// draw the frame
core::rect<s32> frameRect(AbsoluteRect);
frameRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = frameRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + 1;
skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_SHADOW), frameRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
frameRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.Y;
frameRect.LowerRightCorner.X = frameRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + 1;
skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_SHADOW), frameRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
frameRect = AbsoluteRect;
frameRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = frameRect.LowerRightCorner.X - 1;
skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT), frameRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
frameRect = AbsoluteRect;
frameRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = AbsoluteRect.LowerRightCorner.Y - 1;
skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT), frameRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
// draw the mesh
if (Mesh)
//TODO: if outside of screen, dont draw.
// - why is the absolute clipping rect not already the screen?
core::rect<s32> oldViewPort = driver->getViewPort();
core::matrix4 mat;
//driver->setTransform(video::TS_PROJECTION, mat);
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, mat);
//driver->setTransform(video::TS_VIEW, mat);
u32 frame = 0;
frame = (os::Timer::getTime()/20)%Mesh->getFrameCount();
const scene::IMesh* const m = Mesh->getMesh(frame);
for (u32 i=0; i<m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++i)
scene::IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(i);
mb->getVertexCount(), mb->getIndices(),
mb->getPrimitiveCount(), mb->getVertexType(),
mb->getPrimitiveType(), mb->getIndexType());
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIMeshViewer.h"
#include "SMaterial.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class CGUIMeshViewer : public IGUIMeshViewer
//! constructor
CGUIMeshViewer(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle);
//! destructor
virtual ~CGUIMeshViewer();
//! sets the mesh to be shown
virtual void setMesh(scene::IAnimatedMesh* mesh) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Gets the displayed mesh
virtual scene::IAnimatedMesh* getMesh() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! sets the material
virtual void setMaterial(const video::SMaterial& material) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! gets the material
virtual const video::SMaterial& getMaterial() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
video::SMaterial Material;
scene::IAnimatedMesh* Mesh;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIMessageBox.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUIFont.h"
#include "ITexture.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIMessageBox::CGUIMessageBox(IGUIEnvironment* environment, const wchar_t* caption,
const wchar_t* text, s32 flags,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, video::ITexture* image)
: CGUIWindow(environment, parent, id, rectangle),
OkButton(0), CancelButton(0), YesButton(0), NoButton(0), StaticText(0),
Icon(0), IconTexture(image),
Flags(flags), MessageText(text), Pressed(false)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// set element type
// remove focus
// remove buttons
if (caption)
if ( IconTexture )
//! destructor
if (StaticText)
if (OkButton)
if (CancelButton)
if (YesButton)
if (NoButton)
if (Icon)
if ( IconTexture )
void CGUIMessageBox::setButton(IGUIButton*& button, bool isAvailable, const core::rect<s32> & btnRect, const wchar_t * text, IGUIElement*& focusMe)
// add/remove ok button
if (isAvailable)
if (!button)
button = Environment->addButton(btnRect, this);
focusMe = button;
else if (button)
button =0;
void CGUIMessageBox::refreshControls()
// Layout can be seen as 4 boxes (a layoutmanager would be nice)
// One box at top over the whole width for title
// Two boxes with same height at the middle beside each other for icon and for text
// One box at the bottom for the buttons
const IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
const s32 buttonHeight = skin->getSize(EGDS_BUTTON_HEIGHT);
const s32 buttonWidth = skin->getSize(EGDS_BUTTON_WIDTH);
const s32 titleHeight = skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH)+2; // titlebar has no own constant
const s32 buttonDistance = skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH);
const s32 borderWidth = skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_GAP_SPACE);
// add the static text for the message
core::rect<s32> staticRect;
staticRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = borderWidth;
staticRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = titleHeight + borderWidth;
staticRect.LowerRightCorner.X = staticRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MAX_TEXT_WIDTH);
staticRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = staticRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MAX_TEXT_HEIGHT);
if (!StaticText)
StaticText = Environment->addStaticText(MessageText.c_str(), staticRect, false, false, this);
s32 textHeight = StaticText->getTextHeight();
s32 textWidth = StaticText->getTextWidth() + 6; // +6 because the static itself needs that
const s32 iconHeight = IconTexture ? IconTexture->getOriginalSize().Height : 0;
if ( textWidth < skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MIN_TEXT_WIDTH) )
textWidth = skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MIN_TEXT_WIDTH) + 6;
// no neeed to check for max because it couldn't get larger due to statictextbox.
if ( textHeight < skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MIN_TEXT_HEIGHT) )
textHeight = skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MIN_TEXT_HEIGHT);
if ( textHeight > skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MAX_TEXT_HEIGHT) )
textHeight = skin->getSize(EGDS_MESSAGE_BOX_MAX_TEXT_HEIGHT);
// content is text + icons + borders (but not titlebar)
s32 contentHeight = textHeight > iconHeight ? textHeight : iconHeight;
contentHeight += borderWidth;
s32 contentWidth = 0;
// add icon
if ( IconTexture )
core::position2d<s32> iconPos;
iconPos.Y = titleHeight + borderWidth;
if ( iconHeight < textHeight )
iconPos.Y += (textHeight-iconHeight) / 2;
iconPos.X = borderWidth;
if (!Icon)
Icon = Environment->addImage(IconTexture, iconPos, true, this);
core::rect<s32> iconRect( iconPos.X, iconPos.Y, iconPos.X + IconTexture->getOriginalSize().Width, iconPos.Y + IconTexture->getOriginalSize().Height );
contentWidth += borderWidth + IconTexture->getOriginalSize().Width;
else if ( Icon )
Icon = 0;
// position text
core::rect<s32> textRect;
textRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = contentWidth + borderWidth;
textRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = titleHeight + borderWidth;
if ( textHeight < iconHeight )
textRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += (iconHeight-textHeight) / 2;
textRect.LowerRightCorner.X = textRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + textWidth;
textRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = textRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + textHeight;
contentWidth += 2*borderWidth + textWidth;
StaticText->setRelativePosition( textRect );
// find out button size needs
s32 countButtons = 0;
if (Flags & EMBF_OK)
if (Flags & EMBF_CANCEL)
if (Flags & EMBF_YES)
if (Flags & EMBF_NO)
s32 buttonBoxWidth = countButtons * buttonWidth + 2 * borderWidth;
if ( countButtons > 1 )
buttonBoxWidth += (countButtons-1) * buttonDistance;
s32 buttonBoxHeight = buttonHeight + 2 * borderWidth;
// calc new message box sizes
core::rect<s32> tmp = getRelativePosition();
s32 msgBoxHeight = titleHeight + contentHeight + buttonBoxHeight;
s32 msgBoxWidth = contentWidth > buttonBoxWidth ? contentWidth : buttonBoxWidth;
// adjust message box position
tmp.UpperLeftCorner.Y = (Parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight() - msgBoxHeight) / 2;
tmp.LowerRightCorner.Y = tmp.UpperLeftCorner.Y + msgBoxHeight;
tmp.UpperLeftCorner.X = (Parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth() - msgBoxWidth) / 2;
tmp.LowerRightCorner.X = tmp.UpperLeftCorner.X + msgBoxWidth;
// add buttons
core::rect<s32> btnRect;
btnRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = titleHeight + contentHeight + borderWidth;
btnRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = btnRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + buttonHeight;
btnRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = borderWidth;
if ( contentWidth > buttonBoxWidth )
btnRect.UpperLeftCorner.X += (contentWidth - buttonBoxWidth) / 2; // center buttons
btnRect.LowerRightCorner.X = btnRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + buttonWidth;
IGUIElement* focusMe = 0;
setButton(OkButton, (Flags & EMBF_OK) != 0, btnRect, skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_OK), focusMe);
if ( Flags & EMBF_OK )
btnRect += core::position2d<s32>(buttonWidth + buttonDistance, 0);
setButton(CancelButton, (Flags & EMBF_CANCEL) != 0, btnRect, skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_CANCEL), focusMe);
if ( Flags & EMBF_CANCEL )
btnRect += core::position2d<s32>(buttonWidth + buttonDistance, 0);
setButton(YesButton, (Flags & EMBF_YES) != 0, btnRect, skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_YES), focusMe);
if ( Flags & EMBF_YES )
btnRect += core::position2d<s32>(buttonWidth + buttonDistance, 0);
setButton(NoButton, (Flags & EMBF_NO) != 0, btnRect, skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_NO), focusMe);
if (Environment->hasFocus(this) && focusMe)
//! called if an event happened.
bool CGUIMessageBox::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (isEnabled())
SEvent outevent;
outevent.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT;
outevent.GUIEvent.Caller = this;
outevent.GUIEvent.Element = 0;
if (event.KeyInput.PressedDown)
switch (event.KeyInput.Key)
if (OkButton)
Pressed = true;
case KEY_KEY_Y:
if (YesButton)
Pressed = true;
case KEY_KEY_N:
if (NoButton)
Pressed = true;
if (Pressed)
// cancel press
if (OkButton) OkButton->setPressed(false);
if (YesButton) YesButton->setPressed(false);
if (NoButton) NoButton->setPressed(false);
Pressed = false;
if (CancelButton)
Pressed = true;
if (CloseButton && CloseButton->isVisible())
Pressed = true;
default: // no other key is handled here
if (Pressed)
if (OkButton && event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_RETURN)
setVisible(false); // this is a workaround to make sure it's no longer the hovered element, crashes on pressing 1-2 times ESC
outevent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MESSAGEBOX_OK;
return true;
if ((CancelButton || CloseButton) && event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_ESCAPE)
setVisible(false); // this is a workaround to make sure it's no longer the hovered element, crashes on pressing 1-2 times ESC
outevent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL;
return true;
if (YesButton && event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_KEY_Y)
setVisible(false); // this is a workaround to make sure it's no longer the hovered element, crashes on pressing 1-2 times ESC
outevent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MESSAGEBOX_YES;
return true;
if (NoButton && event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_KEY_N)
setVisible(false); // this is a workaround to make sure it's no longer the hovered element, crashes on pressing 1-2 times ESC
outevent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MESSAGEBOX_NO;
return true;
if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED)
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == OkButton)
setVisible(false); // this is a workaround to make sure it's no longer the hovered element, crashes on pressing 1-2 times ESC
outevent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MESSAGEBOX_OK;
return true;
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == CancelButton ||
event.GUIEvent.Caller == CloseButton)
setVisible(false); // this is a workaround to make sure it's no longer the hovered element, crashes on pressing 1-2 times ESC
outevent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MESSAGEBOX_CANCEL;
return true;
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == YesButton)
setVisible(false); // this is a workaround to make sure it's no longer the hovered element, crashes on pressing 1-2 times ESC
outevent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MESSAGEBOX_YES;
return true;
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == NoButton)
setVisible(false); // this is a workaround to make sure it's no longer the hovered element, crashes on pressing 1-2 times ESC
outevent.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MESSAGEBOX_NO;
return true;
return CGUIWindow::OnEvent(event);
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "CGUIWindow.h"
#include "IGUIStaticText.h"
#include "IGUIImage.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class CGUIMessageBox : public CGUIWindow
//! constructor
CGUIMessageBox(IGUIEnvironment* environment, const wchar_t* caption,
const wchar_t* text, s32 flag,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, video::ITexture* image=0);
//! destructor
virtual ~CGUIMessageBox();
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
void refreshControls();
void setButton(IGUIButton*& button, bool isAvailable, const core::rect<s32> & btnRect, const wchar_t * text, IGUIElement*& focusMe);
IGUIButton* OkButton;
IGUIButton* CancelButton;
IGUIButton* YesButton;
IGUIButton* NoButton;
IGUIStaticText* StaticText;
IGUIImage * Icon;
video::ITexture * IconTexture;
s32 Flags;
core::stringw MessageText;
bool Pressed;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIModalScreen.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIModalScreen::CGUIModalScreen(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id)
: IGUIElement(EGUIET_MODAL_SCREEN, environment, parent, id, core::recti(0, 0, parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth(), parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight()) ),
#ifdef _DEBUG
// this element is a tab group
bool CGUIModalScreen::canTakeFocus(IGUIElement* target) const
return (target && ((const IGUIElement*)target == this // this element can take it
|| isMyChild(target) // own children also
|| (target->getType() == EGUIET_MODAL_SCREEN ) // other modals also fine (is now on top or explicitely requested)
|| (target->getParent() && target->getParent()->getType() == EGUIET_MODAL_SCREEN ))) // children of other modals will do
bool CGUIModalScreen::isVisible() const
// any parent invisible?
IGUIElement * parentElement = getParent();
while ( parentElement )
if ( !parentElement->isVisible() )
return false;
parentElement = parentElement->getParent();
// if we have no children then the modal is probably abused as a way to block input
if ( Children.empty() )
return IGUIElement::isVisible();
// any child visible?
for (const auto& child : Children)
if ( child->isVisible() )
return true;
return false;
bool CGUIModalScreen::isPointInside(const core::position2d<s32>& point) const
return true;
//! called if an event happened.
bool CGUIModalScreen::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (!isEnabled() || !isVisible() )
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == this && isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Element) )
Environment->removeFocus(0); // can't setFocus otherwise at it still has focus here
if ( BlinkMode&1 )
MouseDownTime = os::Timer::getTime();
return true;
if ( !canTakeFocus(event.GUIEvent.Caller))
if ( !Children.empty() )
return false;
if ( !canTakeFocus(event.GUIEvent.Element))
if ( isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Caller) )
if ( !Children.empty() )
else if ( BlinkMode&1 )
MouseDownTime = os::Timer::getTime();
return true;
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
// do not interfere with children being removed
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
if (event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN && (BlinkMode & 2))
MouseDownTime = os::Timer::getTime();
// CAREFUL when changing - there's an identical check in CGUIEnvironment::postEventFromUser
if (Environment->getFocusBehavior() & EFF_SET_ON_TAB &&
event.KeyInput.PressedDown &&
event.KeyInput.Key == KEY_TAB)
IGUIElement* next = Environment->getNextElement(event.KeyInput.Shift, event.KeyInput.Control);
if ( next && isMyChild(next) )
// Pass on the TAB-key, otherwise focus-tabbing inside modal screens breaks
return false;
IGUIElement::OnEvent(event); // anyone knows why events are passed on here? Causes p.e. problems when this is child of a CGUIWindow.
return true; // absorb everything else
//! draws the element and its children
void CGUIModalScreen::draw()
IGUISkin *skin = Environment->getSkin();
if (!skin)
u32 now = os::Timer::getTime();
if (BlinkMode && now - MouseDownTime < 300 && (now / 70)%2)
core::rect<s32> r;
video::SColor c = Environment->getSkin()->getColor(gui::EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT);
for (auto child : Children)
if (child->isVisible())
r = child->getAbsolutePosition();
r.LowerRightCorner.X += 1;
r.LowerRightCorner.Y += 1;
r.UpperLeftCorner.X -= 1;
r.UpperLeftCorner.Y -= 1;
skin->draw2DRectangle(this, c, r, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
//! Removes a child.
void CGUIModalScreen::removeChild(IGUIElement* child)
if (Children.empty())
//! adds a child
void CGUIModalScreen::addChild(IGUIElement* child)
void CGUIModalScreen::updateAbsolutePosition()
core::rect<s32> parentRect(0,0,0,0);
if (Parent)
parentRect = Parent->getAbsolutePosition();
RelativeRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = 0;
RelativeRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y = 0;
RelativeRect.LowerRightCorner.X = parentRect.getWidth();
RelativeRect.LowerRightCorner.Y = parentRect.getHeight();
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIElement.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class CGUIModalScreen : public IGUIElement
//! constructor
CGUIModalScreen(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id);
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Removes a child.
virtual void removeChild(IGUIElement* child) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a child
virtual void addChild(IGUIElement* child) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Updates the absolute position.
virtual void updateAbsolutePosition() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Modalscreen is not a typical element, but rather acts like a state for it's children.
//! isVisible is overriden to give this a useful behavior, so that a modal will no longer
//! be active when its parent is invisible or all its children are invisible.
virtual bool isVisible() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Modals are infinite so every point is inside
virtual bool isPointInside(const core::position2d<s32>& point) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Set when to blink.
//! Bitset of following values (can be combined)
//! 0 = never
//! 1 = focus changes
//! 2 = Left mouse button pressed down
void setBlinkMode(u32 blink)
BlinkMode = blink;
u32 getBlinkMode() const
return BlinkMode;
virtual bool canTakeFocus(IGUIElement* target) const;
u32 BlinkMode;
u32 MouseDownTime;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
// Written by Michael Zeilfelder
#include "CGUIProfiler.h"
#include "IGUITable.h"
#include "IGUIScrollBar.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "CProfiler.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIProfiler::CGUIProfiler(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, IProfiler* profiler)
: IGUIProfiler(environment, parent, id, rectangle, profiler)
, Profiler(profiler)
, DisplayTable(0), CurrentGroupIdx(0), CurrentGroupPage(0), NumGroupPages(1)
, DrawBackground(false), Frozen(false), UnfreezeOnce(false), ShowGroupsTogether(false)
, MinCalls(0), MinTimeSum(0), MinTimeAverage(0.f), MinTimeMax(0)
if ( !Profiler )
Profiler = &getProfiler();
core::recti r(0, 0, rectangle.getWidth(), rectangle.getHeight());
// Really just too lazy to code a complete new element for this.
// If anyone can do this nicer he's welcome.
DisplayTable = Environment->addTable(r, this, -1, DrawBackground);
void CGUIProfiler::fillRow(u32 rowIndex, const SProfileData& data, bool overviewTitle, bool groupTitle)
DisplayTable->setCellText(rowIndex, 0, data.getName());
if ( !overviewTitle )
DisplayTable->setCellText(rowIndex, 1, core::stringw(data.getCallsCounter()));
if ( data.getCallsCounter() > 0 )
DisplayTable->setCellText(rowIndex, 2, core::stringw(data.getTimeSum()));
DisplayTable->setCellText(rowIndex, 3, core::stringw((u32)((f32)data.getTimeSum()/(f32)data.getCallsCounter())));
DisplayTable->setCellText(rowIndex, 4, core::stringw(data.getLongestTime()));
if ( overviewTitle || groupTitle )
const video::SColor titleColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
DisplayTable->setCellColor(rowIndex, 0, titleColor);
void CGUIProfiler::rebuildColumns()
if ( DisplayTable )
DisplayTable->addColumn(L"name ");
DisplayTable->addColumn(L"count calls");
DisplayTable->addColumn(L"time(max) ");
u32 CGUIProfiler::addDataToTable(u32 rowIndex, u32 dataIndex, u32 groupIndex)
const SProfileData& data = Profiler->getProfileDataByIndex(dataIndex);
if ( data.getGroupIndex() == groupIndex
&& data.getCallsCounter() >= MinCalls
&& ( data.getCallsCounter() == 0 ||
(data.getTimeSum() >= MinTimeSum &&
(f32)data.getTimeSum()/(f32)data.getCallsCounter() >= MinTimeAverage &&
data.getLongestTime() >= MinTimeMax))
rowIndex = DisplayTable->addRow(rowIndex);
fillRow(rowIndex, data, false, false);
return rowIndex;
void CGUIProfiler::updateDisplay()
if ( DisplayTable )
if ( CurrentGroupIdx < Profiler->getGroupCount() )
bool overview = CurrentGroupIdx == 0;
u32 rowIndex = 0;
// show description row (overview or name of the following group)
const SProfileData& groupData = Profiler->getGroupData(CurrentGroupIdx);
if ( !ShowGroupsTogether && (overview || groupData.getCallsCounter() >= MinCalls) )
rowIndex = DisplayTable->addRow(rowIndex);
fillRow(rowIndex, groupData, overview, true);
// show overview over all groups?
if ( overview )
for ( u32 i=1; i<Profiler->getGroupCount(); ++i )
const SProfileData& groupDataOv = Profiler->getGroupData(i);
if (groupDataOv.getCallsCounter() >= MinCalls )
rowIndex = DisplayTable->addRow(rowIndex);
fillRow(rowIndex, groupDataOv, false, false);
// show data for all elements in current group
for ( u32 i=0; i < Profiler->getProfileDataCount(); ++i )
rowIndex = addDataToTable(rowIndex, i, CurrentGroupIdx);
// Show the rest of the groups
if (ShowGroupsTogether)
for ( u32 groupIdx = CurrentGroupIdx+1; groupIdx < Profiler->getGroupCount(); ++groupIdx)
for ( u32 i=0; i < Profiler->getProfileDataCount(); ++i )
rowIndex = addDataToTable(rowIndex, i, groupIdx);
// IGUITable has no page-wise scrolling yet. The following code can be replaced when we add that.
// For now we use some CGUITable implementation info to figure this out.
// (If you wonder why I didn't code page-scrolling directly in CGUITable ... because then it needs to be a
// public interface and I don't have enough time currently to design & implement that well)
s32 itemsTotalHeight = DisplayTable->getRowCount() * DisplayTable->getItemHeight();
s32 tableHeight = DisplayTable->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight();
s32 heightTitleRow = DisplayTable->getItemHeight()+1;
if ( itemsTotalHeight+heightTitleRow < tableHeight )
NumGroupPages = 1;
s32 heightHScrollBar = DisplayTable->getHorizontalScrollBar() ? DisplayTable->getHorizontalScrollBar()->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight() : 0;
s32 pageHeight = tableHeight - (heightTitleRow+heightHScrollBar);
if ( pageHeight > 0 )
NumGroupPages = (itemsTotalHeight/pageHeight);
if ( itemsTotalHeight % pageHeight )
else // won't see anything, but that's up to the user
NumGroupPages = DisplayTable->getRowCount();
if ( NumGroupPages < 1 )
NumGroupPages = 1;
if ( CurrentGroupPage < 0 )
CurrentGroupPage = (s32)NumGroupPages-1;
IGUIScrollBar* vScrollBar = DisplayTable->getVerticalScrollBar();
if ( vScrollBar )
if ( NumGroupPages < 2 )
f32 factor = (f32)CurrentGroupPage/(f32)(NumGroupPages-1);
vScrollBar->setPos( s32(factor * (f32)vScrollBar->getMax()) );
void CGUIProfiler::draw()
if ( isVisible() )
if (!Frozen || UnfreezeOnce)
UnfreezeOnce = false;
void CGUIProfiler::nextPage(bool includeOverview)
UnfreezeOnce = true;
if ( CurrentGroupPage < NumGroupPages-1 )
CurrentGroupPage = 0;
if ( ++CurrentGroupIdx >= Profiler->getGroupCount() )
if ( includeOverview )
CurrentGroupIdx = 0;
CurrentGroupIdx = 1; // can be invalid
void CGUIProfiler::previousPage(bool includeOverview)
UnfreezeOnce = true;
if ( CurrentGroupPage > 0 )
CurrentGroupPage = -1; // unknown because NumGroupPages has to be re-calculated first
if ( CurrentGroupIdx > 0 )
CurrentGroupIdx = Profiler->getGroupCount()-1;
if ( CurrentGroupIdx == 0 && !includeOverview )
if ( Profiler->getGroupCount() )
CurrentGroupIdx = Profiler->getGroupCount()-1;
if ( CurrentGroupIdx == 0 )
CurrentGroupIdx = 1; // invalid to avoid showing the overview
void CGUIProfiler::setShowGroupsTogether(bool groupsTogether)
ShowGroupsTogether = groupsTogether;
bool CGUIProfiler::getShowGroupsTogether() const
return ShowGroupsTogether;
void CGUIProfiler::firstPage(bool includeOverview)
UnfreezeOnce = true;
if ( includeOverview )
CurrentGroupIdx = 0;
CurrentGroupIdx = 1; // can be invalid
CurrentGroupPage = 0;
//! Sets another skin independent font.
void CGUIProfiler::setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font)
if ( DisplayTable )
//! Gets the override font (if any)
IGUIFont * CGUIProfiler::getOverrideFont() const
if ( DisplayTable )
return DisplayTable->getOverrideFont();
return 0;
//! Get the font which is used right now for drawing
IGUIFont* CGUIProfiler::getActiveFont() const
if ( DisplayTable )
return DisplayTable->getActiveFont();
return 0;
//! Sets whether to draw the background. By default disabled,
void CGUIProfiler::setDrawBackground(bool draw)
DrawBackground = draw;
if ( DisplayTable )
//! Checks if background drawing is enabled
bool CGUIProfiler::isDrawBackgroundEnabled() const
return DrawBackground;
//! Allows to freeze updates which makes it easier to read the numbers
void CGUIProfiler::setFrozen(bool freeze)
Frozen = freeze;
//! Are updates currently frozen
bool CGUIProfiler::getFrozen() const
return Frozen;
void CGUIProfiler::setFilters(irr::u32 minCalls, irr::u32 minTimeSum, irr::f32 minTimeAverage, irr::u32 minTimeMax)
MinCalls = minCalls;
MinTimeSum = minTimeSum;
MinTimeAverage = minTimeAverage;
MinTimeMax = minTimeMax;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
// Written by Michael Zeilfelder
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIProfiler.h"
namespace irr
class IProfiler;
struct SProfileData;
namespace gui
class IGUITable;
//! Element to display profiler information
class CGUIProfiler : public IGUIProfiler
//! constructor
CGUIProfiler(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, IProfiler* profiler);
//! Show first page of profile data
virtual void firstPage(bool includeOverview) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Show next page of profile data
virtual void nextPage(bool includeOverview) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Show previous page of profile data
virtual void previousPage(bool includeOverview) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Try to show as many group-pages together as possible instead of showing at most one group per page.
/** \param groupsTogether When true show several groups on one page, when false show max. one group per page. Default is false. */
virtual void setShowGroupsTogether(bool groupsTogether) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Can several groups be displayed per page?
virtual bool getShowGroupsTogether() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets another skin independent font.
virtual void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Gets the override font (if any)
virtual IGUIFont* getOverrideFont() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the font which is used right now for drawing
virtual IGUIFont* getActiveFont() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets whether to draw the background. By default disabled,
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Checks if background drawing is enabled
/** \return true if background drawing is enabled, false otherwise */
virtual bool isDrawBackgroundEnabled() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Allows to freeze updates which makes it easier to read the numbers
virtual void setFrozen(bool freeze) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Are updates currently frozen
virtual bool getFrozen() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Filters prevents data that doesn't achieve the conditions from being displayed
virtual void setFilters(irr::u32 minCalls, irr::u32 minTimeSum, irr::f32 minTimeAverage, irr::u32 minTimeMax) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
virtual IGUIElement* getElementFromPoint(const core::position2d<s32>& point) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
// This element should never get focus from mouse-clicks
return 0;
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
void updateDisplay();
void fillRow(u32 rowIndex, const SProfileData& data, bool overviewTitle, bool groupTitle);
u32 addDataToTable(u32 rowIndex, u32 dataIndex, u32 groupIndex);
void rebuildColumns();
IProfiler * Profiler;
irr::gui::IGUITable* DisplayTable;
irr::u32 CurrentGroupIdx;
irr::s32 CurrentGroupPage;
irr::s32 NumGroupPages;
bool DrawBackground;
bool Frozen;
bool UnfreezeOnce;
bool ShowGroupsTogether;
irr::u32 MinCalls;
irr::u32 MinTimeSum;
irr::f32 MinTimeAverage;
irr::u32 MinTimeMax;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr
#endif // __C_GUI_IMAGE_H_INCLUDED__

View File

@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Michael Zeilfelder
// This file uses the licence of the Irrlicht Engine.
#include "CGUISpinBox.h"
#include "CGUIEditBox.h"
#include "CGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IEventReceiver.h"
#include "fast_atof.h"
#include <wchar.h>
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUISpinBox::CGUISpinBox(const wchar_t* text, bool border,IGUIEnvironment* environment,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle)
: IGUISpinBox(environment, parent, id, rectangle),
EditBox(0), ButtonSpinUp(0), ButtonSpinDown(0), StepSize(1.f),
RangeMin(-FLT_MAX), RangeMax(FLT_MAX), FormatString(L"%f"),
DecimalPlaces(-1), ValidateOn(EGUI_SBV_ENTER|EGUI_SBV_LOSE_FOCUS)
#ifdef _DEBUG
CurrentIconColor = video::SColor(255,255,255,255);
s32 ButtonWidth = 16;
ButtonSpinDown = Environment->addButton(
core::rect<s32>(rectangle.getWidth() - ButtonWidth, rectangle.getHeight()/2 +1,
rectangle.getWidth(), rectangle.getHeight()), this);
ButtonSpinUp = Environment->addButton(
core::rect<s32>(rectangle.getWidth() - ButtonWidth, 0,
rectangle.getWidth(), rectangle.getHeight()/2), this);
const core::rect<s32> rectEdit(0, 0, rectangle.getWidth() - ButtonWidth - 1, rectangle.getHeight());
EditBox = Environment->addEditBox(text, rectEdit, border, this, -1);
//! destructor
if (ButtonSpinUp)
if (ButtonSpinDown)
if (EditBox)
void CGUISpinBox::refreshSprites()
IGUISpriteBank *sb = 0;
if (Environment && Environment->getSkin())
sb = Environment->getSkin()->getSpriteBank();
if (sb)
IGUISkin * skin = Environment->getSkin();
CurrentIconColor = skin->getColor(isEnabled() ? EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL : EGDC_GRAY_WINDOW_SYMBOL);
ButtonSpinDown->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_SMALL_CURSOR_DOWN), CurrentIconColor);
ButtonSpinDown->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_SMALL_CURSOR_DOWN), CurrentIconColor);
ButtonSpinUp->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_SMALL_CURSOR_UP), CurrentIconColor);
ButtonSpinUp->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_SMALL_CURSOR_UP), CurrentIconColor);
IGUIEditBox* CGUISpinBox::getEditBox() const
return EditBox;
void CGUISpinBox::setValue(f32 val)
wchar_t str[100];
swprintf_irr(str, 99, FormatString.c_str(), val);
f32 CGUISpinBox::getValue() const
const wchar_t* val = EditBox->getText();
if ( !val )
return 0.f;
core::stringc tmp(val);
return core::fast_atof(tmp.c_str());
void CGUISpinBox::setRange(f32 min, f32 max)
if (max<min)
core::swap(min, max);
RangeMin = min;
RangeMax = max;
// we have to round the range - otherwise we can get into an infinte setValue/verifyValueRange cycle.
wchar_t str[100];
swprintf_irr(str, 99, FormatString.c_str(), RangeMin);
RangeMin = core::fast_atof(core::stringc(str).c_str());
swprintf_irr(str, 99, FormatString.c_str(), RangeMax);
RangeMax = core::fast_atof(core::stringc(str).c_str());
f32 CGUISpinBox::getMin() const
return RangeMin;
f32 CGUISpinBox::getMax() const
return RangeMax;
f32 CGUISpinBox::getStepSize() const
return StepSize;
void CGUISpinBox::setStepSize(f32 step)
StepSize = step;
//! Sets the number of decimal places to display.
void CGUISpinBox::setDecimalPlaces(s32 places)
DecimalPlaces = places;
if (places == -1)
FormatString = "%f";
FormatString = "%.";
FormatString += places;
FormatString += "f";
setRange( RangeMin, RangeMax );
//! Sets when the spinbox has to validate entered text.
void CGUISpinBox::setValidateOn(u32 validateOn)
ValidateOn = validateOn;
//! Gets when the spinbox has to validate entered text.
u32 CGUISpinBox::getValidateOn() const
return ValidateOn;
bool CGUISpinBox::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (IsEnabled)
bool changeEvent = false;
bool eatEvent = false;
f32 val = getValue() + (StepSize * (event.MouseInput.Wheel < 0 ? -1.f : 1.f));
changeEvent = true;
eatEvent = true;
if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED)
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == ButtonSpinUp)
f32 val = getValue();
val += StepSize;
changeEvent = true;
else if ( event.GUIEvent.Caller == ButtonSpinDown)
f32 val = getValue();
val -= StepSize;
changeEvent = true;
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == EditBox)
if ( (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_EDITBOX_CHANGED && ValidateOn & EGUI_SBV_CHANGE)
|| (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER && ValidateOn & EGUI_SBV_ENTER)
|| (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST && ValidateOn & EGUI_SBV_LOSE_FOCUS)
changeEvent = true;
if ( changeEvent )
SEvent e;
e.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT;
e.GUIEvent.Caller = this;
e.GUIEvent.Element = 0;
if ( Parent )
if ( eatEvent )
return true;
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
void CGUISpinBox::draw()
if ( !isVisible() )
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
if (!skin)
video::SColor iconColor = skin->getColor(isEnabled() ? EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL : EGDC_GRAY_WINDOW_SYMBOL);
if ( iconColor != CurrentIconColor )
void CGUISpinBox::verifyValueRange()
f32 val = getValue();
if ( val+core::ROUNDING_ERROR_f32 < RangeMin )
val = RangeMin;
else if ( val-core::ROUNDING_ERROR_f32 > RangeMax )
val = RangeMax;
//! Sets the new caption of the element
void CGUISpinBox::setText(const wchar_t* text)
//! Returns caption of this element.
const wchar_t* CGUISpinBox::getText() const
return EditBox->getText();
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Michael Zeilfelder
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUISpinBox.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIEditBox;
class IGUIButton;
class CGUISpinBox : public IGUISpinBox
//! constructor
CGUISpinBox(const wchar_t* text, bool border, IGUIEnvironment* environment,
IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle);
//! destructor
virtual ~CGUISpinBox();
//! Access the edit box used in the spin control
/** \param enable: If set to true, the override color, which can be set
with IGUIEditBox::setOverrideColor is used, otherwise the
EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT color of the skin. */
virtual IGUIEditBox* getEditBox() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! set the current value of the spinbox
/** \param val: value to be set in the spinbox */
virtual void setValue(f32 val) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the current value of the spinbox
virtual f32 getValue() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! set the range of values which can be used in the spinbox
/** \param min: minimum value
\param max: maximum value */
virtual void setRange(f32 min, f32 max) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! get the minimum value which can be used in the spinbox
virtual f32 getMin() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! get the maximum value which can be used in the spinbox
virtual f32 getMax() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! step size by which values are changed when pressing the spin buttons
/** \param step: stepsize used for value changes when pressing spin buttons */
virtual void setStepSize(f32 step=1.f) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the step size
virtual f32 getStepSize() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Draws the element and its children.
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the new caption of the element
virtual void setText(const wchar_t* text) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns caption of this element.
virtual const wchar_t* getText() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the number of decimal places to display.
//! Note that this also rounds the range to the same number of decimal places.
/** \param places: The number of decimal places to display, use -1 to reset */
virtual void setDecimalPlaces(s32 places) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets when the spinbox has to validate entered text.
/** \param validateOn Can be any combination of EGUI_SPINBOX_VALIDATION bit flags */
virtual void setValidateOn(u32 validateOn) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Gets when the spinbox has to validate entered text.
virtual u32 getValidateOn() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
virtual void verifyValueRange();
void refreshSprites();
IGUIEditBox * EditBox;
IGUIButton * ButtonSpinUp;
IGUIButton * ButtonSpinDown;
video::SColor CurrentIconColor;
f32 StepSize;
f32 RangeMin;
f32 RangeMax;
core::stringw FormatString;
s32 DecimalPlaces;
u32 ValidateOn; // combination of EGUI_SPINBOX_VALIDATION bit-flags
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
// 07.10.2005 - Multicolor-Listbox addet by A. Buschhueter (Acki)
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUITable.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIFont;
class IGUIScrollBar;
class CGUITable : public IGUITable
//! constructor
CGUITable(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent,
s32 id, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle, bool clip=true,
bool drawBack=false, bool moveOverSelect=true);
//! destructor
//! Adds a column
//! If columnIndex is outside the current range, do push new column at the end
virtual void addColumn(const wchar_t* caption, s32 columnIndex=-1) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! remove a column from the table
virtual void removeColumn(u32 columnIndex) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the number of columns in the table control
virtual s32 getColumnCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Makes a column active. This will trigger an ordering process.
/** \param idx: The id of the column to make active.
\return True if successful. */
virtual bool setActiveColumn(s32 columnIndex, bool doOrder=false) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns which header is currently active
virtual s32 getActiveColumn() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the ordering used by the currently active column
virtual EGUI_ORDERING_MODE getActiveColumnOrdering() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! set a column width
virtual void setColumnWidth(u32 columnIndex, u32 width) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the width of a column
virtual u32 getColumnWidth(u32 columnIndex) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! columns can be resized by drag 'n drop
virtual void setResizableColumns(bool resizable) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! can columns be resized by drag 'n drop?
virtual bool hasResizableColumns() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! This tells the table control which ordering mode should be used when
//! a column header is clicked.
/** \param columnIndex: The index of the column header.
\param state: If true, a EGET_TABLE_HEADER_CHANGED message will be sent and you can order the table data as you whish.*/
//! \param mode: One of the modes defined in EGUI_COLUMN_ORDERING
virtual void setColumnOrdering(u32 columnIndex, EGUI_COLUMN_ORDERING mode) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns which row is currently selected
virtual s32 getSelected() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! set currently selected row
virtual void setSelected( s32 index ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns amount of rows in the tab control
virtual s32 getRowCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a row to the table
/** \param rowIndex: zero based index of rows. The row will be
inserted at this position. If a row already exists
there, it will be placed after it. If the row is larger
than the actual number of rows by more than one, it
won't be created. Note that if you create a row that is
not at the end, there might be performance issues*/
virtual u32 addRow(u32 rowIndex) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Remove a row from the table
virtual void removeRow(u32 rowIndex) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! clear the table rows, but keep the columns intact
virtual void clearRows() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Swap two row positions. This is useful for a custom ordering algo.
virtual void swapRows(u32 rowIndexA, u32 rowIndexB) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! This tells the table to start ordering all the rows. You
//! need to explicitly tell the table to reorder the rows when
//! a new row is added or the cells data is changed. This makes
//! the system more flexible and doesn't make you pay the cost
//! of ordering when adding a lot of rows.
//! \param columnIndex: When set to -1 the active column is used.
virtual void orderRows(s32 columnIndex=-1, EGUI_ORDERING_MODE mode=EGOM_NONE) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Set the text of a cell
virtual void setCellText(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, const core::stringw& text) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Set the text of a cell, and set a color of this cell.
virtual void setCellText(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, const core::stringw& text, video::SColor color) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Set the data of a cell
//! data will not be serialized.
virtual void setCellData(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, void *data) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Set the color of a cell text
virtual void setCellColor(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex, video::SColor color) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the text of a cell
virtual const wchar_t* getCellText(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex ) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the data of a cell
virtual void* getCellData(u32 rowIndex, u32 columnIndex ) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! clears the table, deletes all items in the table
virtual void clear() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent &event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Set flags, as defined in EGUI_TABLE_DRAW_FLAGS, which influence the layout
virtual void setDrawFlags(s32 flags) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the flags, as defined in EGUI_TABLE_DRAW_FLAGS, which influence the layout
virtual s32 getDrawFlags() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets another skin independent font.
virtual void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Gets the override font (if any)
virtual IGUIFont* getOverrideFont() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the font which is used right now for drawing
virtual IGUIFont* getActiveFont() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the height of items/rows
virtual s32 getItemHeight() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Access the vertical scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar* getVerticalScrollBar() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Access the horizontal scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar* getHorizontalScrollBar() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets whether to draw the background.
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Checks if background drawing is enabled
/** \return true if background drawing is enabled, false otherwise */
virtual bool isDrawBackgroundEnabled() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
void refreshControls();
void checkScrollbars();
struct Cell
Cell() : IsOverrideColor(false), Data(0) {}
core::stringw Text;
core::stringw BrokenText;
bool IsOverrideColor;
video::SColor Color;
void *Data;
struct Row
Row() {}
core::array<Cell> Items;
struct Column
Column() : Width(0), OrderingMode(EGCO_NONE) {}
core::stringw Name;
u32 Width;
void breakText(const core::stringw &text, core::stringw & brokenText, u32 cellWidth);
void selectNew(s32 ypos, bool onlyHover=false);
bool selectColumnHeader(s32 xpos, s32 ypos);
bool dragColumnStart(s32 xpos, s32 ypos);
bool dragColumnUpdate(s32 xpos);
void recalculateHeights();
void recalculateWidths();
core::array< Column > Columns;
core::array< Row > Rows;
gui::IGUIScrollBar* VerticalScrollBar;
gui::IGUIScrollBar* HorizontalScrollBar;
bool Clip;
bool DrawBack;
bool MoveOverSelect;
bool Selecting;
s32 CurrentResizedColumn;
s32 ResizeStart;
bool ResizableColumns;
s32 ItemHeight;
s32 TotalItemHeight;
s32 TotalItemWidth;
s32 Selected;
s32 CellHeightPadding;
s32 CellWidthPadding;
s32 ActiveTab;
s32 DrawFlags;
s32 ScrollBarSize;
gui::IGUIFont* OverrideFont;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIToolBar.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "IGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUIFont.h"
#include "CGUIButton.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIToolBar::CGUIToolBar(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
:IGUIToolBar(environment, parent, id, rectangle), ButtonX(5)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// calculate position and find other menubars
s32 y = 0;
s32 parentwidth = 100;
if (parent)
parentwidth = Parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth();
s32 parentheight = Parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight();
for (const auto& e : parent->getChildren())
if ( e->hasType(EGUIET_CONTEXT_MENU)
|| e->hasType(EGUIET_MENU)
|| e->hasType(EGUIET_TOOL_BAR) )
core::rect<s32> r = e->getAbsolutePosition();
if (r.UpperLeftCorner.X == 0 && r.UpperLeftCorner.Y <= y &&
r.LowerRightCorner.X == parentwidth
&& parentheight > r.LowerRightCorner.Y )
y = r.LowerRightCorner.Y;
core::rect<s32> rr;
rr.UpperLeftCorner.X = 0;
rr.UpperLeftCorner.Y = y;
s32 height = Environment->getSkin()->getSize ( EGDS_MENU_HEIGHT );
/*IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont();
if (font)
s32 t = font->getDimension(L"A").Height + 5;
if (t > height)
height = t;
rr.LowerRightCorner.X = parentwidth;
rr.LowerRightCorner.Y = rr.UpperLeftCorner.Y + height;
//! called if an event happened.
bool CGUIToolBar::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (isEnabled())
if (event.EventType == EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT &&
event.MouseInput.Event == EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN)
if (AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside(core::position2di(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y)))
return true;
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
//! draws the element and its children
void CGUIToolBar::draw()
if (!IsVisible)
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
if (!skin)
core::rect<s32> rect = AbsoluteRect;
core::rect<s32>* clip = &AbsoluteClippingRect;
// draw frame
skin->draw3DToolBar(this, rect, clip);
//! Updates the absolute position.
void CGUIToolBar::updateAbsolutePosition()
if (Parent)
DesiredRect.UpperLeftCorner.X = 0;
DesiredRect.LowerRightCorner.X = Parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth();
//! Adds a button to the tool bar
IGUIButton* CGUIToolBar::addButton(s32 id, const wchar_t* text,const wchar_t* tooltiptext,
video::ITexture* img, video::ITexture* pressed, bool isPushButton,
bool useAlphaChannel)
ButtonX += 3;
core::rect<s32> rectangle(ButtonX,2,ButtonX+1,3);
if ( img )
const core::dimension2du &size = img->getOriginalSize();
rectangle.LowerRightCorner.X = rectangle.UpperLeftCorner.X + size.Width + 8;
rectangle.LowerRightCorner.Y = rectangle.UpperLeftCorner.Y + size.Height + 6;
if ( text )
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
IGUIFont * font = skin->getFont(EGDF_BUTTON);
if ( font )
core::dimension2d<u32> dim = font->getDimension(text);
if ( (s32)dim.Width > rectangle.getWidth() )
rectangle.LowerRightCorner.X = rectangle.UpperLeftCorner.X + dim.Width + 8;
if ( (s32)dim.Height > rectangle.getHeight() )
rectangle.LowerRightCorner.Y = rectangle.UpperLeftCorner.Y + dim.Height + 6;
ButtonX += rectangle.getWidth();
IGUIButton* button = new CGUIButton(Environment, this, id, rectangle);
if (text)
if (tooltiptext)
if (img)
if (pressed)
if (isPushButton)
if (useAlphaChannel)
return button;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIToolbar.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! Stays at the top of its parent like the menu bar and contains tool buttons
class CGUIToolBar : public IGUIToolBar
//! constructor
CGUIToolBar(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle);
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Updates the absolute position.
virtual void updateAbsolutePosition() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a button to the tool bar
virtual IGUIButton* addButton(s32 id=-1, const wchar_t* text=0,const wchar_t* tooltiptext=0,
video::ITexture* img=0, video::ITexture* pressed=0,
bool isPushButton=false, bool useAlphaChannel=false) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
s32 ButtonX;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// written by Reinhard Ostermeier,
#include "IGUITreeView.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
// forward declarations
class IGUIFont;
class IGUIScrollBar;
class CGUITreeView;
//! Node for gui tree view
class CGUITreeViewNode : public IGUITreeViewNode
friend class CGUITreeView;
//! constructor
CGUITreeViewNode( CGUITreeView* owner, CGUITreeViewNode* parent );
//! destructor
//! returns the owner (tree view) of this node
virtual IGUITreeView* getOwner() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the parent node of this node.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getParent() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the text of the node
virtual const wchar_t* getText() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return Text.c_str(); }
//! sets the text of the node
virtual void setText( const wchar_t* text ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the icon text of the node
virtual const wchar_t* getIcon() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return Icon.c_str(); }
//! sets the icon text of the node
virtual void setIcon( const wchar_t* icon ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the image index of the node
virtual u32 getImageIndex() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return ImageIndex; }
//! sets the image index of the node
virtual void setImageIndex( u32 imageIndex ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ ImageIndex = imageIndex; }
//! returns the image index of the node
virtual u32 getSelectedImageIndex() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return SelectedImageIndex; }
//! sets the image index of the node
virtual void setSelectedImageIndex( u32 imageIndex ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ SelectedImageIndex = imageIndex; }
//! returns the user data (void*) of this node
virtual void* getData() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return Data; }
//! sets the user data (void*) of this node
virtual void setData( void* data ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ Data = data; }
//! returns the user data2 (IReferenceCounted) of this node
virtual IReferenceCounted* getData2() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return Data2; }
//! sets the user data2 (IReferenceCounted) of this node
virtual void setData2( IReferenceCounted* data ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
if( Data2 )
Data2 = data;
if( Data2 )
//! returns the child item count
virtual u32 getChildCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return Children.size(); }
//! removes all children (recursive) from this node
virtual void clearChildren() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns true if this node has child nodes
virtual bool hasChildren() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return !Children.empty(); }
//! Adds a new node behind the last child node.
//! \param text text of the new node
//! \param icon icon text of the new node
//! \param imageIndex index of the image for the new node (-1 = none)
//! \param selectedImageIndex index of the selected image for the new node (-1 = same as imageIndex)
//! \param data user data (void*) of the new node
//! \param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
//! \return
//! returns the new node
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* addChildBack(
const wchar_t* text,
const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex = -1,
s32 selectedImageIndex = -1,
void* data = 0,
IReferenceCounted* data2 = 0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a new node before the first child node.
//! \param text text of the new node
//! \param icon icon text of the new node
//! \param imageIndex index of the image for the new node (-1 = none)
//! \param selectedImageIndex index of the selected image for the new node (-1 = same as imageIndex)
//! \param data user data (void*) of the new node
//! \param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
//! \return
//! returns the new node
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* addChildFront(
const wchar_t* text,
const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex = -1,
s32 selectedImageIndex = -1,
void* data = 0,
IReferenceCounted* data2 = 0 ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a new node behind the other node.
//! The other node has also te be a child node from this node.
//! \param text text of the new node
//! \param icon icon text of the new node
//! \param imageIndex index of the image for the new node (-1 = none)
//! \param selectedImageIndex index of the selected image for the new node (-1 = same as imageIndex)
//! \param data user data (void*) of the new node
//! \param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
//! \return
//! returns the new node or 0 if other is no child node from this
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* insertChildAfter(
IGUITreeViewNode* other,
const wchar_t* text,
const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex = -1,
s32 selectedImageIndex = -1,
void* data = 0,
IReferenceCounted* data2 = 0 ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a new node before the other node.
//! The other node has also te be a child node from this node.
//! \param text text of the new node
//! \param icon icon text of the new node
//! \param imageIndex index of the image for the new node (-1 = none)
//! \param selectedImageIndex index of the selected image for the new node (-1 = same as imageIndex)
//! \param data user data (void*) of the new node
//! \param data2 user data2 (IReferenceCounted*) of the new node
//! \return
//! returns the new node or 0 if other is no child node from this
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* insertChildBefore(
IGUITreeViewNode* other,
const wchar_t* text,
const wchar_t* icon = 0,
s32 imageIndex = -1,
s32 selectedImageIndex = -1,
void* data = 0,
IReferenceCounted* data2 = 0 ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Return the first child note from this node.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getFirstChild() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Return the last child note from this node.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getLastChild() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the preverse sibling node from this node.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getPrevSibling() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the next sibling node from this node.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getNextSibling() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the next visible (expanded, may be out of scrolling) node from this node.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getNextVisible() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Deletes a child node.
virtual bool deleteChild( IGUITreeViewNode* child ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Moves a child node one position up.
virtual bool moveChildUp( IGUITreeViewNode* child ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Moves a child node one position down.
virtual bool moveChildDown( IGUITreeViewNode* child ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns true if the node is expanded (children are visible).
virtual bool getExpanded() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return Expanded; }
//! Sets if the node is expanded.
virtual void setExpanded( bool expanded ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns true if the node is currently selected.
virtual bool getSelected() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets this node as selected.
virtual void setSelected( bool selected ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns true if this node is the root node.
virtual bool isRoot() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the level of this node.
virtual s32 getLevel() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns true if this node is visible (all parents are expanded).
virtual bool isVisible() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
CGUITreeView* Owner;
CGUITreeViewNode* Parent;
core::stringw Text;
core::stringw Icon;
s32 ImageIndex;
s32 SelectedImageIndex;
void* Data;
IReferenceCounted* Data2;
bool Expanded;
std::list<CGUITreeViewNode*> Children;
// Position of this node in Parent->Children.
// Only valid when Parent != NULL
std::list<CGUITreeViewNode*>::iterator ParentPos;
//! Default tree view GUI element.
class CGUITreeView : public IGUITreeView
friend class CGUITreeViewNode;
//! constructor
CGUITreeView( IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent,
s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle, bool clip = true,
bool drawBack = false, bool scrollBarVertical = true, bool scrollBarHorizontal = true );
//! destructor
virtual ~CGUITreeView();
//! returns the root node (not visible) from the tree.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getRoot() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return Root; }
//! returns the selected node of the tree or 0 if none is selected
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getSelected() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return Selected; }
//! returns true if the tree lines are visible
virtual bool getLinesVisible() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return LinesVisible; }
//! sets if the tree lines are visible
virtual void setLinesVisible( bool visible ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ LinesVisible = visible; }
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent( const SEvent &event ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the font which should be used as icon font. This font is set to the Irrlicht engine
//! built-in-font by default. Icons can be displayed in front of every list item.
//! An icon is a string, displayed with the icon font. When using the build-in-font of the
//! Irrlicht engine as icon font, the icon strings defined in GUIIcons.h can be used.
virtual void setIconFont( IGUIFont* font ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets a skin independent font.
/** \param font: New font to set or 0 to use the skin-font. */
virtual void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Gets the override font (if any)
/** \return The override font (may be 0) */
virtual IGUIFont* getOverrideFont(void) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get the font which is used for drawing
/** This is the override font when one is set and the
font of the skin otherwise. */
virtual IGUIFont* getActiveFont() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the image list which should be used for the image and selected image of every node.
//! The default is 0 (no images).
virtual void setImageList( IGUIImageList* imageList ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the image list which is used for the nodes.
virtual IGUIImageList* getImageList() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return ImageList; }
//! Sets if the image is left of the icon. Default is true.
virtual void setImageLeftOfIcon( bool bLeftOf ) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ ImageLeftOfIcon = bLeftOf; }
//! Returns if the Image is left of the icon. Default is true.
virtual bool getImageLeftOfIcon() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return ImageLeftOfIcon; }
//! Returns the node which is associated to the last event.
virtual IGUITreeViewNode* getLastEventNode() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
{ return LastEventNode; }
//! Access the vertical scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar* getVerticalScrollBar() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Access the horizontal scrollbar
virtual IGUIScrollBar* getHorizontalScrollBar() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! calculates the heigth of an node and of all visible nodes.
void recalculateItemHeight();
//! Resize scrollbars when their size in the skin has changed
void updateScrollBarSize(s32 size);
//! executes an mouse action (like selectNew of CGUIListBox)
void mouseAction( s32 xpos, s32 ypos, bool onlyHover = false );
CGUITreeViewNode* Root;
IGUITreeViewNode* Selected;
s32 ItemHeight;
s32 IndentWidth;
s32 TotalItemHeight;
s32 TotalItemWidth;
s32 ScrollBarSize;
IGUIFont* Font;
gui::IGUIFont* OverrideFont;
IGUIFont* IconFont;
IGUIScrollBar* ScrollBarH;
IGUIScrollBar* ScrollBarV;
IGUIImageList* ImageList;
IGUITreeViewNode* LastEventNode;
bool LinesVisible;
bool Selecting;
bool Clip;
bool DrawBack;
bool ImageLeftOfIcon;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CGUIWindow.h"
#include "IGUISkin.h"
#include "IGUIEnvironment.h"
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "IGUIButton.h"
#include "IGUIFont.h"
#include "IGUIFontBitmap.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
//! constructor
CGUIWindow::CGUIWindow(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle)
: IGUIWindow(environment, parent, id, rectangle), Dragging(false), IsDraggable(true), DrawBackground(true), DrawTitlebar(true), IsActive(false)
#ifdef _DEBUG
IGUISkin* skin = 0;
if (environment)
skin = environment->getSkin();
CurrentIconColor = video::SColor(255,255,255,255);
s32 buttonw = 15;
if (skin)
buttonw = skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH);
s32 posx = RelativeRect.getWidth() - buttonw - 4;
CloseButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect<s32>(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw), this, -1,
L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_CLOSE) : L"Close" );
posx -= buttonw + 2;
RestoreButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect<s32>(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw), this, -1,
L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_RESTORE) : L"Restore" );
posx -= buttonw + 2;
MinButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect<s32>(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw), this, -1,
L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_MINIMIZE) : L"Minimize" );
// this element is a tab group
//! destructor
if (MinButton)
if (RestoreButton)
if (CloseButton)
void CGUIWindow::refreshSprites()
if (!Environment)
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
if ( !skin )
IGUISpriteBank* sprites = skin->getSpriteBank();
if ( !sprites )
CurrentIconColor = skin->getColor(isEnabled() ? EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL : EGDC_GRAY_WINDOW_SYMBOL);
if (sprites)
CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), CurrentIconColor);
CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), CurrentIconColor);
RestoreButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_RESTORE), CurrentIconColor);
RestoreButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_RESTORE), CurrentIconColor);
MinButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_MINIMIZE), CurrentIconColor);
MinButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_MINIMIZE), CurrentIconColor);
//! called if an event happened.
bool CGUIWindow::OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if (isEnabled())
if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST)
Dragging = false;
IsActive = false;
if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUSED)
if (Parent && ((event.GUIEvent.Caller == this) || isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Caller)))
IsActive = true;
IsActive = false;
if (event.GUIEvent.EventType == EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED)
if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == CloseButton)
if (Parent)
// send close event to parent
SEvent e;
e.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT;
e.GUIEvent.Caller = this;
e.GUIEvent.Element = 0;
// if the event was not absorbed
if (!Parent->OnEvent(e))
return true;
return true;
DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X;
DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y;
Dragging = IsDraggable;
if (Parent)
return true;
Dragging = false;
return true;
if (!event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed())
Dragging = false;
if (Dragging)
// gui window should not be dragged outside its parent
if (Parent &&
(event.MouseInput.X < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.X +1 ||
event.MouseInput.Y < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.Y +1 ||
event.MouseInput.X > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.X -1 ||
event.MouseInput.Y > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.Y -1))
return true;
move(core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X - DragStart.X, event.MouseInput.Y - DragStart.Y));
DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X;
DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y;
return true;
return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event);
//! Updates the absolute position.
void CGUIWindow::updateAbsolutePosition()
//! draws the element and its children
void CGUIWindow::draw()
if (IsVisible)
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
// update each time because the skin is allowed to change this always.
if ( CurrentIconColor != skin->getColor(isEnabled() ? EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL : EGDC_GRAY_WINDOW_SYMBOL) )
core::rect<s32> rect = AbsoluteRect;
// draw body fast
if (DrawBackground)
rect = skin->draw3DWindowBackground(this, DrawTitlebar,
AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
if (DrawTitlebar && Text.size())
rect.UpperLeftCorner.X += skin->getSize(EGDS_TITLEBARTEXT_DISTANCE_X);
rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += skin->getSize(EGDS_TITLEBARTEXT_DISTANCE_Y);
rect.LowerRightCorner.X -= skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH) + 5;
IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont(EGDF_WINDOW);
if (font)
font->draw(Text.c_str(), rect,
false, true, &AbsoluteClippingRect);
//! Returns pointer to the close button
IGUIButton* CGUIWindow::getCloseButton() const
return CloseButton;
//! Returns pointer to the minimize button
IGUIButton* CGUIWindow::getMinimizeButton() const
return MinButton;
//! Returns pointer to the maximize button
IGUIButton* CGUIWindow::getMaximizeButton() const
return RestoreButton;
//! Returns true if the window is draggable, false if not
bool CGUIWindow::isDraggable() const
return IsDraggable;
//! Sets whether the window is draggable
void CGUIWindow::setDraggable(bool draggable)
IsDraggable = draggable;
if (Dragging && !IsDraggable)
Dragging = false;
//! Set if the window background will be drawn
void CGUIWindow::setDrawBackground(bool draw)
DrawBackground = draw;
//! Get if the window background will be drawn
bool CGUIWindow::getDrawBackground() const
return DrawBackground;
//! Set if the window titlebar will be drawn
void CGUIWindow::setDrawTitlebar(bool draw)
DrawTitlebar = draw;
//! Get if the window titlebar will be drawn
bool CGUIWindow::getDrawTitlebar() const
return DrawTitlebar;
void CGUIWindow::updateClientRect()
if (! DrawBackground )
ClientRect = core::rect<s32>(0,0, AbsoluteRect.getWidth(), AbsoluteRect.getHeight());
IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin();
skin->draw3DWindowBackground(this, DrawTitlebar,
AbsoluteRect, &AbsoluteClippingRect, &ClientRect);
ClientRect -= AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner;
//! Returns the rectangle of the drawable area (without border, without titlebar and without scrollbars)
core::rect<s32> CGUIWindow::getClientRect() const
return ClientRect;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IGUIWindow.h"
namespace irr
namespace gui
class IGUIButton;
class CGUIWindow : public IGUIWindow
//! constructor
CGUIWindow(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect<s32> rectangle);
//! destructor
virtual ~CGUIWindow();
//! called if an event happened.
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! update absolute position
virtual void updateAbsolutePosition() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! draws the element and its children
virtual void draw() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns pointer to the close button
virtual IGUIButton* getCloseButton() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns pointer to the minimize button
virtual IGUIButton* getMinimizeButton() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns pointer to the maximize button
virtual IGUIButton* getMaximizeButton() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns true if the window is draggable, false if not
virtual bool isDraggable() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets whether the window is draggable
virtual void setDraggable(bool draggable) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Set if the window background will be drawn
virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get if the window background will be drawn
virtual bool getDrawBackground() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Set if the window titlebar will be drawn
//! Note: If the background is not drawn, then the titlebar is automatically also not drawn
virtual void setDrawTitlebar(bool draw) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Get if the window titlebar will be drawn
virtual bool getDrawTitlebar() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the rectangle of the drawable area (without border and without titlebar)
virtual core::rect<s32> getClientRect() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
void updateClientRect();
void refreshSprites();
IGUIButton* CloseButton;
IGUIButton* MinButton;
IGUIButton* RestoreButton;
core::rect<s32> ClientRect;
video::SColor CurrentIconColor;
core::position2d<s32> DragStart;
bool Dragging, IsDraggable;
bool DrawBackground;
bool DrawTitlebar;
bool IsActive;
} // end namespace gui
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
#include "CTimer.h"
#include "CLogger.h"
#include "irrString.h"
#include "IRandomizer.h"
namespace irr
@ -21,8 +20,8 @@ namespace irr
CIrrDeviceStub::CIrrDeviceStub(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& params)
: IrrlichtDevice(), VideoDriver(0), GUIEnvironment(0), SceneManager(0),
Timer(0), CursorControl(0), UserReceiver(params.EventReceiver),
Logger(0), Operator(0), Randomizer(0), FileSystem(0),
InputReceivingSceneManager(0), VideoModeList(0), ContextManager(0),
Logger(0), Operator(0), FileSystem(0),
InputReceivingSceneManager(0), ContextManager(0),
CreationParams(params), Close(false)
Timer = new CTimer(params.UsePerformanceTimer);
@ -40,10 +39,8 @@ CIrrDeviceStub::CIrrDeviceStub(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& params)
os::Printer::Logger = Logger;
Randomizer = createDefaultRandomizer();
FileSystem = io::createFileSystem();
VideoModeList = new video::CVideoModeList();
core::stringc s = "Irrlicht Engine version ";
@ -55,8 +52,6 @@ CIrrDeviceStub::CIrrDeviceStub(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& params)
if (GUIEnvironment)
@ -81,9 +76,6 @@ CIrrDeviceStub::~CIrrDeviceStub()
if (Operator)
if (Randomizer)
CursorControl = 0;
if (Timer)
@ -159,13 +151,6 @@ gui::ICursorControl* CIrrDeviceStub::getCursorControl()
//! \return Returns a pointer to a list with all video modes supported
//! by the gfx adapter.
video::IVideoModeList* CIrrDeviceStub::getVideoModeList()
return VideoModeList;
//! return the context manager
video::IContextManager* CIrrDeviceStub::getContextManager()
@ -275,56 +260,6 @@ IOSOperator* CIrrDeviceStub::getOSOperator()
//! Provides access to the engine's currently set randomizer.
IRandomizer* CIrrDeviceStub::getRandomizer() const
return Randomizer;
//! Sets a new randomizer.
void CIrrDeviceStub::setRandomizer(IRandomizer* r)
if (r!=Randomizer)
if (Randomizer)
if (Randomizer)
struct SDefaultRandomizer : public IRandomizer
virtual void reset(s32 value=0x0f0f0f0f) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
virtual s32 rand() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
return os::Randomizer::rand();
virtual s32 randMax() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
return os::Randomizer::randMax();
//! Creates a new default randomizer.
IRandomizer* CIrrDeviceStub::createDefaultRandomizer() const
IRandomizer* r = new SDefaultRandomizer();
if (r)
return r;
//! Sets the input receiving scene manager.
void CIrrDeviceStub::setInputReceivingSceneManager(scene::ISceneManager* sceneManager)

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include "IrrlichtDevice.h"
#include "IImagePresenter.h"
#include "SIrrCreationParameters.h"
#include "CVideoModeList.h"
#include "IContextManager.h"
namespace irr
@ -16,7 +15,6 @@ namespace irr
// lots of prototypes:
class ILogger;
class CLogger;
class IRandomizer;
namespace gui
@ -74,9 +72,6 @@ namespace irr
//! \return Returns a pointer to the mouse cursor control interface.
virtual gui::ICursorControl* getCursorControl() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns a pointer to a list with all video modes supported by the gfx adapter.
virtual video::IVideoModeList* getVideoModeList() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! return the context manager
virtual video::IContextManager* getContextManager() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -102,15 +97,6 @@ namespace irr
//! Returns a pointer to the logger.
virtual ILogger* getLogger() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Provides access to the engine's currently set randomizer.
virtual IRandomizer* getRandomizer() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets a new randomizer.
virtual void setRandomizer(IRandomizer* r) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a new default randomizer.
virtual IRandomizer* createDefaultRandomizer() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the operation system opertator object.
virtual IOSOperator* getOSOperator() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -205,7 +191,6 @@ namespace irr
IEventReceiver* UserReceiver;
CLogger* Logger;
IOSOperator* Operator;
IRandomizer* Randomizer;
io::IFileSystem* FileSystem;
scene::ISceneManager* InputReceivingSceneManager;
@ -222,7 +207,6 @@ namespace irr
SMouseMultiClicks MouseMultiClicks;
video::CVideoModeList* VideoModeList;
video::IContextManager* ContextManager;
SIrrlichtCreationParameters CreationParams;
bool Close;

View File

@ -167,7 +167,6 @@ add_library(IRROBJ OBJECT
@ -204,7 +203,6 @@ set(IRRIMAGEOBJ
@ -218,7 +216,6 @@ add_library(IRRIOOBJ OBJECT
@ -257,32 +254,18 @@ add_library(IRRGUIOBJ OBJECT
# Library

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -20,11 +20,6 @@ not intended for doing mesh modifications and/or animations during runtime.
class CMeshManipulator : public IMeshManipulator
//! Flips the direction of surfaces.
/** Changes backfacing triangles to frontfacing triangles and vice versa.
\param mesh: Mesh on which the operation is performed. */
virtual void flipSurfaces(scene::IMesh* mesh) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Recalculates all normals of the mesh.
/** \param mesh: Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param smooth: Whether to use smoothed normals. */
@ -38,43 +33,6 @@ public:
//! Clones a static IMesh into a modifiable SMesh.
virtual SMesh* createMeshCopy(scene::IMesh* mesh) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the mesh
/** \param mesh: Mesh on which the operation is performed.
\param resolution: resolution of the planar mapping. This is the value
specifying which is the relation between world space and
texture coordinate space. */
virtual void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMesh* mesh, f32 resolution=0.001f) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the meshbuffer
virtual void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMeshBuffer* meshbuffer, f32 resolution=0.001f) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the meshbuffer
void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMeshBuffer* buffer, f32 resolutionS, f32 resolutionT, u8 axis, const core::vector3df& offset) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a planar texture mapping on the mesh
void makePlanarTextureMapping(scene::IMesh* mesh, f32 resolutionS, f32 resolutionT, u8 axis, const core::vector3df& offset) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Recalculates tangents, requires a tangent mesh buffer
virtual void recalculateTangents(IMeshBuffer* buffer, bool recalculateNormals=false, bool smooth=false, bool angleWeighted=false) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Recalculates tangents, requires a tangent mesh
virtual void recalculateTangents(IMesh* mesh, bool recalculateNormals=false, bool smooth=false, bool angleWeighted=false) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertexTangents vertices.
virtual IMesh* createMeshWithTangents(IMesh* mesh, bool recalculateNormals=false, bool smooth=false, bool angleWeighted=false, bool recalculateTangents=true) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3D2TCoords vertices.
virtual IMesh* createMeshWith2TCoords(IMesh* mesh) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertex vertices.
virtual IMesh* createMeshWith1TCoords(IMesh* mesh) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of unique triangles, i.e. no vertices are shared.
virtual IMesh* createMeshUniquePrimitives(IMesh* mesh) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates a copy of the mesh, which will have all duplicated vertices removed, i.e. maximal amount of vertices are shared via indexing.
virtual IMesh* createMeshWelded(IMesh *mesh, f32 tolerance=core::ROUNDING_ERROR_f32) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns amount of polygons in mesh.
virtual s32 getPolyCount(scene::IMesh* mesh) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -83,15 +41,6 @@ public:
//! create a new AnimatedMesh and adds the mesh to it
virtual IAnimatedMesh * createAnimatedMesh(scene::IMesh* mesh,scene::E_ANIMATED_MESH_TYPE type) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! create a mesh optimized for the vertex cache
virtual IMesh* createForsythOptimizedMesh(const scene::IMesh *mesh) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Optimizes the mesh using an algorithm tuned for heightmaps
virtual void heightmapOptimizeMesh(IMesh * const m, const f32 tolerance = core::ROUNDING_ERROR_f32) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Optimizes the mesh using an algorithm tuned for heightmaps
virtual void heightmapOptimizeMesh(IMeshBuffer * const m, const f32 tolerance = core::ROUNDING_ERROR_f32) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
} // end namespace scene

View File

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CMountPointReader.h"
#include "CReadFile.h"
#include "os.h"
namespace irr
namespace io
//! Constructor
CArchiveLoaderMount::CArchiveLoaderMount( io::IFileSystem* fs)
: FileSystem(fs)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
bool CArchiveLoaderMount::isALoadableFileFormat(const io::path& filename) const
io::path fname(filename);
if (!fname.size())
return true;
IFileList* list = FileSystem->createFileList();
bool ret = false;
if (list)
// check if name is found as directory
if (list->findFile(filename, true))
return ret;
//! Check to see if the loader can create archives of this type.
bool CArchiveLoaderMount::isALoadableFileFormat(E_FILE_ARCHIVE_TYPE fileType) const
return fileType == EFAT_FOLDER;
//! Check if the file might be loaded by this class
bool CArchiveLoaderMount::isALoadableFileFormat(io::IReadFile* file) const
return false;
//! Creates an archive from the filename
IFileArchive* CArchiveLoaderMount::createArchive(const io::path& filename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const
IFileArchive *archive = 0;
EFileSystemType current = FileSystem->setFileListSystem(FILESYSTEM_NATIVE);
const io::path save = FileSystem->getWorkingDirectory();
io::path fullPath = FileSystem->getAbsolutePath(filename);
if (FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo(fullPath))
archive = new CMountPointReader(FileSystem, fullPath, ignoreCase, ignorePaths);
return archive;
//! creates/loads an archive from the file.
//! \return Pointer to the created archive. Returns 0 if loading failed.
IFileArchive* CArchiveLoaderMount::createArchive(io::IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const
return 0;
//! compatible Folder Architecture
CMountPointReader::CMountPointReader(IFileSystem * parent, const io::path& basename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths)
: CFileList(basename, ignoreCase, ignorePaths), Parent(parent)
//! ensure CFileList path ends in a slash
if (Path.lastChar() != '/' )
const io::path& work = Parent->getWorkingDirectory();
//! returns the list of files
const IFileList* CMountPointReader::getFileList() const
return this;
void CMountPointReader::buildDirectory()
IFileList * list = Parent->createFileList();
if (!list)
const u32 size = list->getFileCount();
for (u32 i=0; i < size; ++i)
io::path full = list->getFullFileName(i);
full = full.subString(Path.size(), full.size() - Path.size());
if (!list->isDirectory(i))
addItem(full, list->getFileOffset(i), list->getFileSize(i), false, RealFileNames.size());
const io::path rel = list->getFileName(i);
io::path pwd = Parent->getWorkingDirectory();
if (pwd.lastChar() != '/')
if ( rel != "." && rel != ".." )
addItem(full, 0, 0, true, 0);
//! opens a file by index
IReadFile* CMountPointReader::createAndOpenFile(u32 index)
if (index >= Files.size())
return 0;
return CReadFile::createReadFile(RealFileNames[Files[index].ID]);
//! opens a file by file name
IReadFile* CMountPointReader::createAndOpenFile(const io::path& filename)
s32 index = findFile(filename, false);
if (index != -1)
return createAndOpenFile(index);
return 0;
} // io
} // irr

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "IFileSystem.h"
#include "CFileList.h"
namespace irr
namespace io
//! Archiveloader capable of loading MountPoint Archives
class CArchiveLoaderMount : public IArchiveLoader
//! Constructor
CArchiveLoaderMount(io::IFileSystem* fs);
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class
//! based on the file extension (e.g. ".zip")
virtual bool isALoadableFileFormat(const io::path& filename) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Check if the file might be loaded by this class
/** Check might look into the file.
\param file File handle to check.
\return True if file seems to be loadable. */
virtual bool isALoadableFileFormat(io::IReadFile* file) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Check to see if the loader can create archives of this type.
/** Check based on the archive type.
\param fileType The archive type to check.
\return True if the archile loader supports this type, false if not */
virtual bool isALoadableFileFormat(E_FILE_ARCHIVE_TYPE fileType) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Creates an archive from the filename
/** \param file File handle to check.
\return Pointer to newly created archive, or 0 upon error. */
virtual IFileArchive* createArchive(const io::path& filename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! creates/loads an archive from the file.
//! \return Pointer to the created archive. Returns 0 if loading failed.
virtual IFileArchive* createArchive(io::IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
io::IFileSystem* FileSystem;
//! A File Archive which uses a mountpoint
class CMountPointReader : public virtual IFileArchive, virtual CFileList
//! Constructor
CMountPointReader(IFileSystem *parent, const io::path& basename,
bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths);
//! opens a file by index
virtual IReadFile* createAndOpenFile(u32 index) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! opens a file by file name
virtual IReadFile* createAndOpenFile(const io::path& filename) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the list of files
virtual const IFileList* getFileList() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! get the class Type
virtual E_FILE_ARCHIVE_TYPE getType() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { return EFAT_FOLDER; }
//! return the name (id) of the file Archive
virtual const io::path& getArchiveName() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ {return Path;}
core::array<io::path> RealFileNames;
IFileSystem *Parent;
void buildDirectory();
} // io
} // irr

View File

@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ CNullDriver::CNullDriver(io::IFileSystem* io, const core::dimension2d<u32>& scre
DriverAttributes = new io::CAttributes();
DriverAttributes->addInt("MaxTextures", _IRR_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES_);
DriverAttributes->addInt("MaxSupportedTextures", _IRR_MATERIAL_MAX_TEXTURES_);
DriverAttributes->addInt("MaxLights", getMaximalDynamicLightAmount());
DriverAttributes->addInt("MaxAnisotropy", 1);
// DriverAttributes->addInt("MaxUserClipPlanes", 0);
// DriverAttributes->addInt("MaxAuxBuffers", 0);
@ -1095,61 +1094,6 @@ void CNullDriver::drawStencilShadow(bool clearStencilBuffer,
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
void CNullDriver::deleteAllDynamicLights()
//! adds a dynamic light
s32 CNullDriver::addDynamicLight(const SLight& light)
return Lights.size() - 1;
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
void CNullDriver::turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn)
// Do nothing
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
u32 CNullDriver::getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const
return 0;
//! Returns current amount of dynamic lights set
//! \return Current amount of dynamic lights set
u32 CNullDriver::getDynamicLightCount() const
return Lights.size();
//! Returns light data which was previously set by IVideoDriver::addDynamicLight().
//! \param idx: Zero based index of the light. Must be greater than 0 and smaller
//! than IVideoDriver()::getDynamicLightCount.
//! \return Light data.
const SLight& CNullDriver::getDynamicLight(u32 idx) const
if ( idx < Lights.size() )
return Lights[idx];
static const SLight dummy;
return dummy;
//! Creates a boolean alpha channel of the texture based of an color key.
void CNullDriver::makeColorKeyTexture(video::ITexture* texture,
video::SColor color,

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#include "CFPSCounter.h"
#include "S3DVertex.h"
#include "SVertexIndex.h"
#include "SLight.h"
#include "SExposedVideoData.h"
#include <list>
@ -249,22 +248,6 @@ namespace video
//! very useful method for statistics.
virtual u32 getPrimitiveCountDrawn( u32 param = 0 ) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
virtual void deleteAllDynamicLights() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a dynamic light, returning an index to the light
//! \param light: the light data to use to create the light
//! \return An index to the light, or -1 if an error occurs
virtual s32 addDynamicLight(const SLight& light) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
virtual void turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
virtual u32 getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! \return Returns the name of the video driver. Example: In case of the DIRECT3D8
//! driver, it would return "Direct3D8.1".
virtual const wchar_t* getName() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -298,15 +281,6 @@ namespace video
video::SColor leftDownEdge = video::SColor(0,0,0,0),
video::SColor rightDownEdge = video::SColor(0,0,0,0)) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns current amount of dynamic lights set
//! \return Current amount of dynamic lights set
virtual u32 getDynamicLightCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns light data which was previously set with IVideDriver::addDynamicLight().
//! \param idx: Zero based index of the light. Must be greater than 0 and smaller
//! than IVideoDriver()::getDynamicLightCount.
//! \return Light data.
virtual const SLight& getDynamicLight(u32 idx) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Removes a texture from the texture cache and deletes it, freeing lot of
//! memory.
@ -819,7 +793,6 @@ namespace video
core::array<video::IImageLoader*> SurfaceLoader;
core::array<video::IImageWriter*> SurfaceWriter;
core::array<SLight> Lights;
core::array<SMaterialRenderer> MaterialRenderers;
std::list<SHWBufferLink*> HWBufferList;

View File

@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ COGLES2Driver::COGLES2Driver(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& params, io::IFil
@ -2007,46 +2005,6 @@ COGLES2Driver::~COGLES2Driver()
return Name.c_str();
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
void COGLES2Driver::deleteAllDynamicLights()
//! adds a dynamic light
s32 COGLES2Driver::addDynamicLight(const SLight& light)
u32 newLightIndex = RequestedLights.size() - 1;
return (s32)newLightIndex;
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
void COGLES2Driver::turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn)
if (lightIndex < 0 || lightIndex >= (s32)RequestedLights.size())
RequestedLight & requestedLight = RequestedLights[lightIndex];
requestedLight.DesireToBeOn = turnOn;
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
u32 COGLES2Driver::getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const
return 8;
void COGLES2Driver::setViewPort(const core::rect<s32>& area)
core::rect<s32> vp = area;

View File

@ -19,14 +19,6 @@
#include "COGLES2ExtensionHandler.h"
#include "IContextManager.h"
#if defined(_IRR_WINDOWS_API_)
// include windows headers for HWND
#include <windows.h>
namespace irr
namespace video
@ -158,20 +150,6 @@ namespace video
//! Returns the name of the video driver.
virtual const wchar_t* getName() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
virtual void deleteAllDynamicLights() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a dynamic light
virtual s32 addDynamicLight(const SLight& light) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
/** \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
\param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off */
virtual void turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
virtual u32 getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the maximum texture size supported.
virtual core::dimension2du getMaxTextureSize() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -421,19 +399,6 @@ private:
//! Color buffer format
//! All the lights that have been requested; a hardware limited
//! number of them will be used at once.
struct RequestedLight
RequestedLight(SLight const & lightData)
: LightData(lightData), DesireToBeOn(true) { }
SLight LightData;
bool DesireToBeOn;
core::array<RequestedLight> RequestedLights;
IContextManager* ContextManager;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include "IVideoDriver.h"
#include "SLight.h"
namespace irr
@ -17,21 +16,11 @@ namespace video
// Base callback
COGLES2MaterialBaseCB::COGLES2MaterialBaseCB() :
FirstUpdateBase(true), WVPMatrixID(-1), WVMatrixID(-1), NMatrixID(-1), GlobalAmbientID(-1), MaterialAmbientID(-1), MaterialDiffuseID(-1), MaterialEmissiveID(-1), MaterialSpecularID(-1), MaterialShininessID(-1), LightCountID(-1), LightTypeID(-1),
LightPositionID(-1), LightDirectionID(-1), LightAttenuationID(-1), LightAmbientID(-1), LightDiffuseID(-1), LightSpecularID(-1), FogEnableID(-1), FogTypeID(-1), FogColorID(-1), FogStartID(-1),
FirstUpdateBase(true), WVPMatrixID(-1), WVMatrixID(-1), NMatrixID(-1), GlobalAmbientID(-1), MaterialAmbientID(-1), MaterialDiffuseID(-1), MaterialEmissiveID(-1), MaterialSpecularID(-1), MaterialShininessID(-1),
FogEnableID(-1), FogTypeID(-1), FogColorID(-1), FogStartID(-1),
FogEndID(-1), FogDensityID(-1), ThicknessID(-1), LightEnable(false), MaterialAmbient(SColorf(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)), MaterialDiffuse(SColorf(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)), MaterialEmissive(SColorf(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)), MaterialSpecular(SColorf(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)),
MaterialShininess(0.f), FogEnable(0), FogType(1), FogColor(SColorf(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)), FogStart(0.f), FogEnd(0.f), FogDensity(0.f), Thickness(1.f)
for (u32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
LightType[i] = 0;
LightPosition[i] = core::vector3df(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
LightDirection[i] = core::vector3df(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
LightAttenuation[i] = core::vector3df(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
LightAmbient[i] = SColorf(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
LightDiffuse[i] = SColorf(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
LightSpecular[i] = SColorf(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
void COGLES2MaterialBaseCB::OnSetMaterial(const SMaterial& material)
@ -63,14 +52,6 @@ void COGLES2MaterialBaseCB::OnSetConstants(IMaterialRendererServices* services,
MaterialEmissiveID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uMaterialEmissive");
MaterialSpecularID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uMaterialSpecular");
MaterialShininessID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uMaterialShininess");
LightCountID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uLightCount");
LightTypeID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uLightType");
LightPositionID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uLightPosition");
LightDirectionID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uLightDirection");
LightAttenuationID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uLightAttenuation");
LightAmbientID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uLightAmbient");
LightDiffuseID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uLightDiffuse");
LightSpecularID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uLightSpecular");
FogEnableID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uFogEnable");
FogTypeID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uFogType");
FogColorID = services->getVertexShaderConstantID("uFogColor");
@ -95,60 +76,6 @@ void COGLES2MaterialBaseCB::OnSetConstants(IMaterialRendererServices* services,
services->setPixelShaderConstant(NMatrixID, Matrix.getTransposed().pointer(), 16);
s32 LightCount = LightEnable ? driver->getDynamicLightCount() : 0;
services->setPixelShaderConstant(LightCountID, &LightCount, 1);
if (LightCount > 0)
video::SColorf globalAmbient(driver->getAmbientLight());
services->setVertexShaderConstant(GlobalAmbientID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&globalAmbient), 4);
// TODO: this are all vertex shader constants, why are they all set as pixel shader constants? (it currently works so I'm scared to change it...)
services->setPixelShaderConstant(MaterialAmbientID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&MaterialAmbient), 4);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(MaterialDiffuseID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&MaterialDiffuse), 4);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(MaterialEmissiveID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&MaterialEmissive), 4);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(MaterialSpecularID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&MaterialSpecular), 4);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(MaterialShininessID, &MaterialShininess, 1);
Matrix = V;
for (s32 i = 0; i < LightCount; ++i)
SLight CurrentLight = driver->getDynamicLight(i);
switch (CurrentLight.Type)
LightType[i] = 2;
case ELT_SPOT:
LightType[i] = 1;
default: // ELT_POINT
LightType[i] = 0;
LightPosition[i] = CurrentLight.Position;
LightDirection[i] = CurrentLight.Direction;
LightAttenuation[i] = CurrentLight.Attenuation;
LightAmbient[i] = CurrentLight.AmbientColor;
LightDiffuse[i] = CurrentLight.DiffuseColor;
LightSpecular[i] = CurrentLight.SpecularColor;
const int MAX_SHADER_LIGHTS = 8; // must be the same as MAX_LIGHTS define in the shader
services->setPixelShaderConstant(LightTypeID, LightType, MAX_SHADER_LIGHTS);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(LightPositionID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(LightPosition), 3*MAX_SHADER_LIGHTS);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(LightDirectionID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(LightDirection), 3*MAX_SHADER_LIGHTS);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(LightAttenuationID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(LightAttenuation), 3*MAX_SHADER_LIGHTS);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(LightAmbientID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(LightAmbient), 4*MAX_SHADER_LIGHTS);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(LightDiffuseID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(LightDiffuse), 4*MAX_SHADER_LIGHTS);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(LightSpecularID, reinterpret_cast<f32*>(LightSpecular), 4*MAX_SHADER_LIGHTS);
services->setPixelShaderConstant(FogEnableID, &FogEnable, 1);
if (FogEnable)

View File

@ -39,15 +39,6 @@ protected:
s32 MaterialSpecularID;
s32 MaterialShininessID;
s32 LightCountID;
s32 LightTypeID;
s32 LightPositionID;
s32 LightDirectionID;
s32 LightAttenuationID;
s32 LightAmbientID;
s32 LightDiffuseID;
s32 LightSpecularID;
s32 FogEnableID;
s32 FogTypeID;
s32 FogColorID;
@ -65,14 +56,6 @@ protected:
SColorf MaterialSpecular;
f32 MaterialShininess;
s32 LightType[8];
core::vector3df LightPosition[8];
core::vector3df LightDirection[8];
core::vector3df LightAttenuation[8];
SColorf LightAmbient[8];
SColorf LightDiffuse[8];
SColorf LightSpecular[8];
s32 FogEnable;
s32 FogType;
SColorf FogColor;

View File

@ -56,8 +56,6 @@ COGLES1Driver::COGLES1Driver(const SIrrlichtCreationParameters& params, io::IFil
@ -2122,177 +2120,6 @@ const wchar_t* COGLES1Driver::getName() const
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
void COGLES1Driver::deleteAllDynamicLights()
for (s32 i=0; i<MaxLights; ++i)
glDisable(GL_LIGHT0 + i);
//! adds a dynamic light
s32 COGLES1Driver::addDynamicLight(const SLight& light)
u32 newLightIndex = RequestedLights.size() - 1;
// Try and assign a hardware light just now, but don't worry if I can't
return (s32)newLightIndex;
void COGLES1Driver::assignHardwareLight(u32 lightIndex)
setTransform(ETS_WORLD, core::matrix4());
s32 lidx;
for (lidx=GL_LIGHT0; lidx < GL_LIGHT0 + MaxLights; ++lidx)
RequestedLights[lightIndex].HardwareLightIndex = lidx;
if(lidx == GL_LIGHT0 + MaxLights) // There's no room for it just now
GLfloat data[4];
const SLight & light = RequestedLights[lightIndex].LightData;
switch (light.Type)
case video::ELT_SPOT:
data[0] = light.Direction.X;
data[1] = light.Direction.Y;
data[2] = light.Direction.Z;
data[3] = 0.0f;
glLightfv(lidx, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, data);
// set position
data[0] = light.Position.X;
data[1] = light.Position.Y;
data[2] = light.Position.Z;
data[3] = 1.0f; // 1.0f for positional light
glLightfv(lidx, GL_POSITION, data);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, light.Falloff);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, light.OuterCone);
case video::ELT_POINT:
// set position
data[0] = light.Position.X;
data[1] = light.Position.Y;
data[2] = light.Position.Z;
data[3] = 1.0f; // 1.0f for positional light
glLightfv(lidx, GL_POSITION, data);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, 0.0f);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 180.0f);
case video::ELT_DIRECTIONAL:
// set direction
data[0] = -light.Direction.X;
data[1] = -light.Direction.Y;
data[2] = -light.Direction.Z;
data[3] = 0.0f; // 0.0f for directional light
glLightfv(lidx, GL_POSITION, data);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, 0.0f);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 180.0f);
case video::ELT_COUNT:
// set diffuse color
data[0] = light.DiffuseColor.r;
data[1] = light.DiffuseColor.g;
data[2] = light.DiffuseColor.b;
data[3] = light.DiffuseColor.a;
glLightfv(lidx, GL_DIFFUSE, data);
// set specular color
data[0] = light.SpecularColor.r;
data[1] = light.SpecularColor.g;
data[2] = light.SpecularColor.b;
data[3] = light.SpecularColor.a;
glLightfv(lidx, GL_SPECULAR, data);
// set ambient color
data[0] = light.AmbientColor.r;
data[1] = light.AmbientColor.g;
data[2] = light.AmbientColor.b;
data[3] = light.AmbientColor.a;
glLightfv(lidx, GL_AMBIENT, data);
// 1.0f / (constant + linear * d + quadratic*(d*d);
// set attenuation
glLightf(lidx, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, light.Attenuation.X);
glLightf(lidx, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, light.Attenuation.Y);
glLightf(lidx, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, light.Attenuation.Z);
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
void COGLES1Driver::turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn)
if(lightIndex < 0 || lightIndex >= (s32)RequestedLights.size())
RequestedLight & requestedLight = RequestedLights[lightIndex];
requestedLight.DesireToBeOn = turnOn;
if(-1 == requestedLight.HardwareLightIndex)
if(-1 != requestedLight.HardwareLightIndex)
// It's currently assigned, so free up the hardware light
requestedLight.HardwareLightIndex = -1;
// Now let the first light that's waiting on a free hardware light grab it
for(u32 requested = 0; requested < RequestedLights.size(); ++requested)
-1 == RequestedLights[requested].HardwareLightIndex)
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
u32 COGLES1Driver::getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const
return MaxLights;
//! Sets the dynamic ambient light color.
void COGLES1Driver::setAmbientLight(const SColorf& color)

View File

@ -18,14 +18,6 @@
#include "COGLESExtensionHandler.h"
#include "IContextManager.h"
#if defined(_IRR_WINDOWS_API_)
// include windows headers for HWND
#include <windows.h>
namespace irr
namespace video
@ -149,20 +141,6 @@ namespace video
//! Returns the name of the video driver.
virtual const wchar_t* getName() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
virtual void deleteAllDynamicLights() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a dynamic light
virtual s32 addDynamicLight(const SLight& light) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
virtual void turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
virtual u32 getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the dynamic ambient light color.
virtual void setAmbientLight(const SColorf& color) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -374,19 +352,6 @@ namespace video
SIrrlichtCreationParameters Params;
//! All the lights that have been requested; a hardware limited
//! number of them will be used at once.
struct RequestedLight
RequestedLight(SLight const & lightData)
: LightData(lightData), HardwareLightIndex(-1), DesireToBeOn(true) { }
SLight LightData;
s32 HardwareLightIndex; // GL_LIGHT0 - GL_LIGHT7
bool DesireToBeOn;
core::array<RequestedLight> RequestedLights;
IContextManager* ContextManager;

View File

@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ bool COpenGLDriver::initDriver()
//! destructor
@ -2984,177 +2982,6 @@ const wchar_t* COpenGLDriver::getName() const
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
void COpenGLDriver::deleteAllDynamicLights()
for (s32 i=0; i<MaxLights; ++i)
glDisable(GL_LIGHT0 + i);
//! adds a dynamic light
s32 COpenGLDriver::addDynamicLight(const SLight& light)
u32 newLightIndex = RequestedLights.size() - 1;
// Try and assign a hardware light just now, but don't worry if I can't
return (s32)newLightIndex;
void COpenGLDriver::assignHardwareLight(u32 lightIndex)
setTransform(ETS_WORLD, core::matrix4());
s32 lidx;
for (lidx=GL_LIGHT0; lidx < GL_LIGHT0 + MaxLights; ++lidx)
RequestedLights[lightIndex].HardwareLightIndex = lidx;
if(lidx == GL_LIGHT0 + MaxLights) // There's no room for it just now
GLfloat data[4];
const SLight & light = RequestedLights[lightIndex].LightData;
switch (light.Type)
case video::ELT_SPOT:
data[0] = light.Direction.X;
data[1] = light.Direction.Y;
data[2] = light.Direction.Z;
data[3] = 0.0f;
glLightfv(lidx, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, data);
// set position
data[0] = light.Position.X;
data[1] = light.Position.Y;
data[2] = light.Position.Z;
data[3] = 1.0f; // 1.0f for positional light
glLightfv(lidx, GL_POSITION, data);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, light.Falloff);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, light.OuterCone);
case video::ELT_POINT:
// set position
data[0] = light.Position.X;
data[1] = light.Position.Y;
data[2] = light.Position.Z;
data[3] = 1.0f; // 1.0f for positional light
glLightfv(lidx, GL_POSITION, data);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, 0.0f);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 180.0f);
case video::ELT_DIRECTIONAL:
// set direction
data[0] = -light.Direction.X;
data[1] = -light.Direction.Y;
data[2] = -light.Direction.Z;
data[3] = 0.0f; // 0.0f for directional light
glLightfv(lidx, GL_POSITION, data);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, 0.0f);
glLightf(lidx, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 180.0f);
// set diffuse color
data[0] = light.DiffuseColor.r;
data[1] = light.DiffuseColor.g;
data[2] = light.DiffuseColor.b;
data[3] = light.DiffuseColor.a;
glLightfv(lidx, GL_DIFFUSE, data);
// set specular color
data[0] = light.SpecularColor.r;
data[1] = light.SpecularColor.g;
data[2] = light.SpecularColor.b;
data[3] = light.SpecularColor.a;
glLightfv(lidx, GL_SPECULAR, data);
// set ambient color
data[0] = light.AmbientColor.r;
data[1] = light.AmbientColor.g;
data[2] = light.AmbientColor.b;
data[3] = light.AmbientColor.a;
glLightfv(lidx, GL_AMBIENT, data);
// 1.0f / (constant + linear * d + quadratic*(d*d);
// set attenuation
glLightf(lidx, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, light.Attenuation.X);
glLightf(lidx, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, light.Attenuation.Y);
glLightf(lidx, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, light.Attenuation.Z);
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
void COpenGLDriver::turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn)
if(lightIndex < 0 || lightIndex >= (s32)RequestedLights.size())
RequestedLight & requestedLight = RequestedLights[lightIndex];
requestedLight.DesireToBeOn = turnOn;
if(-1 == requestedLight.HardwareLightIndex)
if(-1 != requestedLight.HardwareLightIndex)
// It's currently assigned, so free up the hardware light
requestedLight.HardwareLightIndex = -1;
// Now let the first light that's waiting on a free hardware light grab it
for(u32 requested = 0; requested < RequestedLights.size(); ++requested)
-1 == RequestedLights[requested].HardwareLightIndex)
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
u32 COpenGLDriver::getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const
return MaxLights;
//! Sets the dynamic ambient light color. The default color is
//! (0,0,0,0) which means it is dark.
//! \param color: New color of the ambient light.

View File

@ -210,22 +210,6 @@ namespace video
//! driver, it would return "Direct3D8.1".
virtual const wchar_t* getName() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! deletes all dynamic lights there are
virtual void deleteAllDynamicLights() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a dynamic light, returning an index to the light
//! \param light: the light data to use to create the light
//! \return An index to the light, or -1 if an error occurs
virtual s32 addDynamicLight(const SLight& light) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Turns a dynamic light on or off
//! \param lightIndex: the index returned by addDynamicLight
//! \param turnOn: true to turn the light on, false to turn it off
virtual void turnLightOn(s32 lightIndex, bool turnOn) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the maximal amount of dynamic lights the device can handle
virtual u32 getMaximalDynamicLightAmount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Sets the dynamic ambient light color. The default color is
//! (0,0,0,0) which means it is dark.
//! \param color: New color of the ambient light.
@ -497,19 +481,6 @@ namespace video
SIrrlichtCreationParameters Params;
//! All the lights that have been requested; a hardware limited
//! number of them will be used at once.
struct RequestedLight
RequestedLight(SLight const & lightData)
: LightData(lightData), HardwareLightIndex(-1), DesireToBeOn(true) { }
SLight LightData;
s32 HardwareLightIndex; // GL_LIGHT0 - GL_LIGHT7
bool DesireToBeOn;
core::array<RequestedLight> RequestedLights;
//! Built-in 2D quad for 2D rendering.
S3DVertex Quad2DVertices[4];
static const u16 Quad2DIndices[4];

View File

@ -44,8 +44,6 @@
#include "CDummyTransformationSceneNode.h"
#include "CEmptySceneNode.h"
#include "CDefaultSceneNodeFactory.h"
#include "CSceneCollisionManager.h"
namespace irr
@ -110,11 +108,6 @@ CSceneManager::CSceneManager(video::IVideoDriver* driver, io::IFileSystem* fs,
MeshLoaderList.push_back(new CB3DMeshFileLoader(this));
// factories
ISceneNodeFactory* factory = new CDefaultSceneNodeFactory(this);
static bool initProfile = false;
if (!initProfile )
@ -173,9 +166,6 @@ CSceneManager::~CSceneManager()
if (Parameters)
for (i=0; i<SceneNodeFactoryList.size(); ++i)
// remove all nodes before dropping the driver
// as render targets may be destroyed twice
@ -998,62 +988,6 @@ ISceneManager* CSceneManager::createNewSceneManager(bool cloneContent)
//! Returns the default scene node factory which can create all built in scene nodes
ISceneNodeFactory* CSceneManager::getDefaultSceneNodeFactory()
return getSceneNodeFactory(0);
//! Adds a scene node factory to the scene manager.
void CSceneManager::registerSceneNodeFactory(ISceneNodeFactory* factoryToAdd)
if (factoryToAdd)
//! Returns amount of registered scene node factories.
u32 CSceneManager::getRegisteredSceneNodeFactoryCount() const
return SceneNodeFactoryList.size();
//! Returns a scene node factory by index
ISceneNodeFactory* CSceneManager::getSceneNodeFactory(u32 index)
if (index < SceneNodeFactoryList.size())
return SceneNodeFactoryList[index];
return 0;
//! Returns a typename from a scene node type or null if not found
const c8* CSceneManager::getSceneNodeTypeName(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type)
const char* name = 0;
for (s32 i=(s32)SceneNodeFactoryList.size()-1; !name && i>=0; --i)
name = SceneNodeFactoryList[i]->getCreateableSceneNodeTypeName(type);
return name;
//! Adds a scene node to the scene by name
ISceneNode* CSceneManager::addSceneNode(const char* sceneNodeTypeName, ISceneNode* parent)
ISceneNode* node = 0;
for (s32 i=(s32)SceneNodeFactoryList.size()-1; i>=0 && !node; --i)
node = SceneNodeFactoryList[i]->addSceneNode(sceneNodeTypeName, parent);
return node;
//! Sets ambient color of the scene
void CSceneManager::setAmbientLight(const video::SColorf &ambientColor)

View File

@ -180,26 +180,6 @@ namespace scene
//! Returns type of the scene node
virtual ESCENE_NODE_TYPE getType() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_ { return ESNT_SCENE_MANAGER; }
//! Returns the default scene node factory which can create all built in scene nodes
virtual ISceneNodeFactory* getDefaultSceneNodeFactory() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a scene node factory to the scene manager.
/** Use this to extend the scene manager with new scene node types which it should be
able to create automatically, for example when loading data from xml files. */
virtual void registerSceneNodeFactory(ISceneNodeFactory* factoryToAdd) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns amount of registered scene node factories.
virtual u32 getRegisteredSceneNodeFactoryCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns a scene node factory by index
virtual ISceneNodeFactory* getSceneNodeFactory(u32 index) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns a typename from a scene node type or null if not found
virtual const c8* getSceneNodeTypeName(ESCENE_NODE_TYPE type) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Adds a scene node to the scene by name
virtual ISceneNode* addSceneNode(const char* sceneNodeTypeName, ISceneNode* parent=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns a mesh writer implementation if available
virtual IMeshWriter* createMeshWriter(EMESH_WRITER_TYPE type) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
@ -324,7 +304,6 @@ namespace scene
core::array<IMeshLoader*> MeshLoaderList;
core::array<ISceneNode*> DeletionList;
core::array<ISceneNodeFactory*> SceneNodeFactoryList;
//! current active camera
ICameraSceneNode* ActiveCamera;

View File

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "CVideoModeList.h"
#include "irrMath.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
//! constructor
#ifdef _DEBUG
Desktop.depth = 0;
Desktop.size = core::dimension2d<u32>(0,0);
void CVideoModeList::setDesktop(s32 desktopDepth, const core::dimension2d<u32>& desktopSize)
Desktop.depth = desktopDepth;
Desktop.size = desktopSize;
//! Gets amount of video modes in the list.
s32 CVideoModeList::getVideoModeCount() const
return (s32)VideoModes.size();
//! Returns the screen size of a video mode in pixels.
core::dimension2d<u32> CVideoModeList::getVideoModeResolution(s32 modeNumber) const
if (modeNumber < 0 || modeNumber > (s32)VideoModes.size())
return core::dimension2d<u32>(0,0);
return VideoModes[modeNumber].size;
core::dimension2d<u32> CVideoModeList::getVideoModeResolution(
const core::dimension2d<u32>& minSize,
const core::dimension2d<u32>& maxSize) const
u32 best=VideoModes.size();
// if only one or no mode
if (best<2)
return getVideoModeResolution(0);
u32 i;
for (i=0; i<VideoModes.size(); ++i)
if (VideoModes[i].size.Width>=minSize.Width &&
VideoModes[i].size.Height>=minSize.Height &&
VideoModes[i].size.Width<=maxSize.Width &&
// we take the last one found, the largest one fitting
if (best<VideoModes.size())
return VideoModes[best].size;
const u32 minArea = minSize.getArea();
const u32 maxArea = maxSize.getArea();
u32 minDist = 0xffffffff;
for (i=0; i<VideoModes.size(); ++i)
const u32 area = VideoModes[i].size.getArea();
const u32 dist = core::min_(abs(int(minArea-area)), abs(int(maxArea-area)));
if (dist<minDist)
return VideoModes[best].size;
//! Returns the pixel depth of a video mode in bits.
s32 CVideoModeList::getVideoModeDepth(s32 modeNumber) const
if (modeNumber < 0 || modeNumber > (s32)VideoModes.size())
return 0;
return VideoModes[modeNumber].depth;
//! Returns current desktop screen resolution.
const core::dimension2d<u32>& CVideoModeList::getDesktopResolution() const
return Desktop.size;
//! Returns the pixel depth of a video mode in bits.
s32 CVideoModeList::getDesktopDepth() const
return Desktop.depth;
//! adds a new mode to the list
void CVideoModeList::addMode(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size, s32 depth)
SVideoMode m;
m.depth = depth;
m.size = size;
for (u32 i=0; i<VideoModes.size(); ++i)
if (VideoModes[i] == m)
VideoModes.sort(); // TODO: could be replaced by inserting into right place
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IVideoModeList.h"
#include "dimension2d.h"
#include "irrArray.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
class CVideoModeList : public IVideoModeList
//! constructor
//! Gets amount of video modes in the list.
virtual s32 getVideoModeCount() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the screen size of a video mode in pixels.
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getVideoModeResolution(s32 modeNumber) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the screen size of an optimal video mode in pixels.
virtual core::dimension2d<u32> getVideoModeResolution(const core::dimension2d<u32>& minSize, const core::dimension2d<u32>& maxSize) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the pixel depth of a video mode in bits.
virtual s32 getVideoModeDepth(s32 modeNumber) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns current desktop screen resolution.
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getDesktopResolution() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! Returns the pixel depth of a video mode in bits.
virtual s32 getDesktopDepth() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! adds a new mode to the list
void addMode(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size, s32 depth);
void setDesktop(s32 desktopDepth, const core::dimension2d<u32>& desktopSize);
struct SVideoMode
core::dimension2d<u32> size;
s32 depth;
bool operator==(const SVideoMode& other) const
return size == other.size && depth == other.depth;
bool operator <(const SVideoMode& other) const
return (size.Width < other.size.Width ||
(size.Width == other.size.Width &&
size.Height < other.size.Height) ||
(size.Width == other.size.Width &&
size.Height == other.size.Height &&
depth < other.depth));
core::array<SVideoMode> VideoModes;
SVideoMode Desktop;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"
#include "CZBuffer.h"
#include "irrString.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
//! constructor
CZBuffer::CZBuffer(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size)
: Buffer(0), BufferEnd(0), Size(0,0), TotalSize(0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
//! destructor
delete [] Buffer;
//! clears the zbuffer
void CZBuffer::clear()
memset(Buffer, 0, (BufferEnd-Buffer)*sizeof(TZBufferType));
//! sets the new size of the zbuffer
void CZBuffer::setSize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size)
if (size == Size)
Size = size;
delete [] Buffer;
TotalSize = size.Width * size.Height;
Buffer = new TZBufferType[TotalSize];
BufferEnd = Buffer + TotalSize;
//! returns the size of the zbuffer
const core::dimension2d<u32>& CZBuffer::getSize() const
return Size;
//! locks the zbuffer
TZBufferType* CZBuffer::lock()
return Buffer;
//! unlocks the zbuffer
void CZBuffer::unlock()
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr
namespace irr
namespace video
//! creates a ZBuffer
IZBuffer* createZBuffer(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size)
return new CZBuffer(size);
return 0;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IZBuffer.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
class CZBuffer : public IZBuffer
//! constructor
CZBuffer(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size);
//! destructor
virtual ~CZBuffer();
//! clears the zbuffer
virtual void clear() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! sets the new size of the zbuffer
virtual void setSize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size) _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! returns the size of the zbuffer
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getSize() const _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! locks the zbuffer
virtual TZBufferType* lock() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
//! unlocks the zbuffer
virtual void unlock() _IRR_OVERRIDE_;
TZBufferType* Buffer;
TZBufferType* BufferEnd;
core::dimension2d<u32> Size;
s32 TotalSize;
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "S2DVertex.h"
#include "rect.h"
#include "IZBuffer.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
class IImage;
enum ETriangleRenderer
class ITriangleRenderer : public virtual IReferenceCounted
//! sets a render target
virtual void setRenderTarget(video::IImage* surface, const core::rect<s32>& viewPort) = 0;
//! en or disables the backface culling
virtual void setBackfaceCulling(bool enabled = true) = 0;
//! sets the Texture
virtual void setTexture(video::IImage* texture) = 0;
//! draws an indexed triangle list
virtual void drawIndexedTriangleList(S2DVertex* vertices, s32 vertexCount, const u16* indexList, s32 triangleCount) = 0;
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererTextureGouraud(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererTextureGouraudWire(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererGouraud(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererGouraudWire(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererTextureFlat(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererTextureFlatWire(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererFlat(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererFlatWire(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererTextureGouraudNoZ();
ITriangleRenderer* createTriangleRendererTextureGouraudAdd(IZBuffer* zbuffer);
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "dimension2d.h"
#include "S2DVertex.h"
namespace irr
namespace video
class IZBuffer : public virtual IReferenceCounted
//! destructor
virtual ~IZBuffer() {};
//! clears the zbuffer
virtual void clear() = 0;
//! sets the new size of the zbuffer
virtual void setSize(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size) = 0;
//! returns the size of the zbuffer
virtual const core::dimension2d<u32>& getSize() const = 0;
//! locks the zbuffer
virtual TZBufferType* lock() = 0;
//! unlocks the zbuffer
virtual void unlock() = 0;
//! creates a ZBuffer
IZBuffer* createZBuffer(const core::dimension2d<u32>& size);
} // end namespace video
} // end namespace irr

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@ -289,40 +289,6 @@ namespace os
Logger->log(message, hint.c_str(), ll);
// our Randomizer is not really os specific, so we
// code one for all, which should work on every platform the same,
// which is desirable.
s32 Randomizer::seed = 0x0f0f0f0f;
//! generates a pseudo random number
s32 Randomizer::rand()
// (a*seed)%m with Schrage's method
seed = a * (seed%q) - r* (seed/q);
if (seed<1)
seed += m;
return seed-1; // -1 because we want it to start at 0
s32 Randomizer::randMax()
return rMax;
//! resets the randomizer
void Randomizer::reset(s32 value)
if (value<0)
seed = value+m;
else if ( value == 0 || value == m)
seed = 1;
seed = value;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// virtual timer implementation

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@ -44,37 +44,6 @@ namespace os
static ILogger* Logger;
// congruential pseudo-random generator
// numbers identical to std::minstd_rand0
// period is somewhere around m-1
class Randomizer
//! resets the randomizer
static void reset(s32 value=0x0f0f0f0f);
//! generates a pseudo random number in the range 0..randMax()
static s32 rand();
//! get maximum number generated by rand()
static s32 randMax();
static s32 seed;
static const s32 m = 2147483647; // a Mersenne prime (2^31-1)
static const s32 a = 16807; // another spectral success story
static const s32 q = m/a;
static const s32 r = m%a; // again less than q
static const s32 rMax = m-2;
class Timer

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
// Used by Irrlicht.rc
// Nächste Standardwerte für neue Objekte