Rewrite pistons (#362)

This commit is contained in:
DS 2017-10-08 18:21:19 +02:00 committed by Vitaliy
parent c4a1aa0b98
commit 928f04fa9c
2 changed files with 283 additions and 545 deletions

@ -1,65 +1,63 @@
local specs = {
normal = {
offname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off",
onname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_on",
pusher = "mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_normal",
sticky = {
offname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off",
onname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_on",
pusher = "mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_sticky",
sticky = true,
local function get_pistonspec_name(name, part)
if part then
for spec_name, spec in pairs(specs) do
if name == spec[part] then
return spec_name, part
for spec_name, spec in pairs(specs) do
for part, value in pairs(spec) do
if name == value then
return spec_name, part
local function get_pistonspec(name, part)
return specs[get_pistonspec_name(name, part)]
local max_push = mesecon.setting("piston_max_push", 15)
local max_pull = mesecon.setting("piston_max_pull", 15)
-- Get mesecon rules of pistons
local piston_rules = {
{x=0, y=0, z=1}, --everything apart from z- (pusher side)
{x=1, y=0, z=0},
{x=-1, y=0, z=0},
{x=1, y=1, z=0},
{x=1, y=-1, z=0},
{x=-1, y=1, z=0},
{x=-1, y=-1, z=0},
{x=0, y=1, z=1},
{x=0, y=-1, z=1}
local piston_up_rules = {
{x=0, y=0, z=-1}, --everything apart from y+ (pusher side)
{x=1, y=0, z=0},
{x=-1, y=0, z=0},
{x=0, y=0, z=1},
{x=1, y=-1, z=0},
{x=-1, y=-1, z=0},
{x=0, y=-1, z=1},
{x=0, y=-1, z=-1}
local piston_down_rules = {
{x=0, y=0, z=-1}, --everything apart from y- (pusher side)
{x=1, y=0, z=0},
{x=-1, y=0, z=0},
{x=0, y=0, z=1},
{x=1, y=1, z=0},
{x=-1, y=1, z=0},
{x=0, y=1, z=1},
{x=0, y=1, z=-1}
local function piston_get_rules(node)
local rules = piston_rules
for i = 1, node.param2 do
rules = mesecon.rotate_rules_left(rules)
local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2)
for k, v in pairs(dir) do
if v ~= 0 then
dir = {k, -v}
local rules = table.copy(mesecon.rules.default)
for i, rule in ipairs(rules) do
if rule[dir[1]] == dir[2] then
table.remove(rules, i)
return rules
local function piston_facedir_direction(node)
local rules = {{x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}}
for i = 1, node.param2 do
rules = mesecon.rotate_rules_left(rules)
return rules[1]
local function piston_get_direction(dir, node)
if type(dir) == "function" then
return dir(node)
return dir
local piston_remove_pusher = function(pos, node)
local pistonspec = minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons_piston
local dir = piston_get_direction(pistonspec.dir, node)
local function piston_remove_pusher(pos, node)
local pistonspec = get_pistonspec(, "onname")
local dir = vector.multiply(minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2), -1)
local pusherpos = vector.add(pos, dir)
local pushername = minetest.get_node(pusherpos).name
@ -74,67 +72,163 @@ local piston_remove_pusher = function(pos, node)
max_hear_distance = 20,
gain = 0.3,
local piston_on = function(pos, node)
local pistonspec = minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons_piston
local dir = piston_get_direction(pistonspec.dir, node)
local np = vector.add(pos, dir)
local maxpush = mesecon.setting("piston_max_push", 15)
local success, stack, oldstack = mesecon.mvps_push(np, dir, maxpush)
if success then
local pistonspec = get_pistonspec(, "offname")
local dir = vector.multiply(minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2), -1)
local pusher_pos = vector.add(pos, dir)
local success, stack, oldstack = mesecon.mvps_push(pusher_pos, dir, max_push)
if not success then
minetest.set_node(pos, {param2 = node.param2, name = pistonspec.onname})
minetest.set_node(np, {param2 = node.param2, name = pistonspec.pusher})
minetest.set_node(pusher_pos, {param2 = node.param2, name = pistonspec.pusher})
minetest.sound_play("piston_extend", {
pos = pos,
max_hear_distance = 20,
gain = 0.3,
mesecon.mvps_move_objects(np, dir, oldstack)
mesecon.mvps_move_objects(pusher_pos, dir, oldstack)
local piston_off = function(pos, node)
local pistonspec = minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons_piston
local function piston_off(pos, node)
local pistonspec = get_pistonspec(, "onname")
minetest.set_node(pos, {param2 = node.param2, name = pistonspec.offname})
piston_remove_pusher(pos, node)
if pistonspec.sticky then
local maxpull = mesecon.setting("piston_max_pull", 15)
local dir = piston_get_direction(pistonspec.dir, node)
if not pistonspec.sticky then
local dir = vector.multiply(minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2), -1)
local pullpos = vector.add(pos, vector.multiply(dir, 2))
local stack = mesecon.mvps_pull_single(pullpos, vector.multiply(dir, -1), maxpull)
local stack = mesecon.mvps_pull_single(pullpos, vector.multiply(dir, -1), max_pull)
mesecon.mvps_process_stack(pos, dir, stack)
local orientations = {
[0] = { 4, 8},
{13, 17},
{10, 6},
{20, 15},
local function piston_orientate(pos, placer)
if not placer then
local piston_orientate = function(pos, placer)
-- not placed by player
if not placer then return end
-- placer pitch in degrees
local pitch = placer:get_look_pitch() * (180 / math.pi)
local pitch = math.deg(placer:get_look_vertical())
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local pistonspec = minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons_piston
-- looking upwards (pitch > 55) / looking downwards (pitch < -55)
local nn = nil
if pitch > 55 then nn = {name = pistonspec.piston_down} end
if pitch < -55 then nn = {name = pistonspec.piston_up} end
if nn then
minetest.set_node(pos, nn)
if pitch > 55 then
node.param2 = orientations[node.param2][1]
elseif pitch < -55 then
node.param2 = orientations[node.param2][2]
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
-- minetest.after, because on_placenode for unoriented piston must be processed first
minetest.after(0, mesecon.on_placenode, pos, nn)
minetest.after(0, mesecon.on_placenode, pos, node)
local rotations = {
{0, 16, 20, 12},
{2, 14, 22, 18},
{1, 5, 23, 9},
{3, 11, 21, 7},
{4, 13, 10, 19},
{6, 15, 8, 17},
local function get_rotation(param2)
for a = 1, #rotations do
for f = 1, #rotations[a] do
if rotations[a][f] == param2 then
return a, f
local function rotate(param2, mode)
local axis, face = get_rotation(param2)
if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then
face = face + 1
if face > 4 then
face = 1
elseif mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then
axis = axis + 1
if axis > 6 then
axis = 1
face = 1
return param2
return rotations[axis][face]
-- Horizontal pistons
local function piston_rotate(pos, node, _, mode)
node.param2 = rotate(node.param2, mode)
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
mesecon.execute_autoconnect_hooks_now(pos, node)
return true
local function piston_rotate_on(pos, node, player, mode)
local pistonspec = get_pistonspec(, "onname")
local dir = vector.multiply(minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2), -1)
local pusher_pos = vector.add(dir, pos)
local pusher_node = minetest.get_node(pusher_pos)
if ~= pistonspec.pusher then
return piston_rotate(pos, node, nil, mode)
if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then
piston_rotate(pusher_pos, pusher_node, nil, mode)
return piston_rotate(pos, node, nil, mode)
elseif mode ~= screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then
return false
local player_name = player and player:is_player() and player:get_player_name() or ""
local ok, dir_after, pusher_pos_after
for i = 1, 5 do
node.param2 = rotate(node.param2, mode)
dir_after = vector.multiply(minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2), -1)
pusher_pos_after = vector.add(dir_after, pos)
local pusher_pos_after_node_name = minetest.get_node(pusher_pos_after).name
local pusher_pos_after_node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[pusher_pos_after_node_name]
if pusher_pos_after_node_def and pusher_pos_after_node_def.buildable_to and
not minetest.is_protected(pusher_pos_after, player_name) then
ok = true
if not ok then
return false
pusher_node.param2 = node.param2
minetest.set_node(pusher_pos_after, pusher_node)
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
mesecon.execute_autoconnect_hooks_now(pos, node)
return true
local function piston_rotate_pusher(pos, node, player, mode)
local pistonspec = get_pistonspec(, "pusher")
local piston_pos = vector.add(pos, minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2))
local piston_node = minetest.get_node(piston_pos)
if ~= pistonspec.onname then
minetest.remove_node(pos) -- Make it possible to remove alone pushers.
return false
return piston_rotate_on(piston_pos, piston_node, player, mode)
-- Boxes:
local pt = 3/16 -- pusher thickness
@ -143,28 +237,18 @@ local piston_pusher_box = {
fixed = {
{-2/16, -2/16, -.5 + pt, 2/16, 2/16, .5 + pt},
{-.5 , -.5 , -.5 , .5 , .5 , -.5 + pt},
local piston_on_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-.5, -.5, -.5 + pt, .5, .5, .5}
-- Normal (non-sticky) ones:
local pistonspec_normal = {
offname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off",
onname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_on",
dir = piston_facedir_direction,
pusher = "mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_normal",
piston_down = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_normal_off",
piston_up = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_normal_off",
-- Normal (non-sticky) Pistons:
-- offstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off", {
description = "Piston",
@ -179,17 +263,18 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off", {
groups = {cracky = 3},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
after_place_node = piston_orientate,
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_normal,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_on = piston_on,
rules = piston_get_rules
rules = piston_get_rules,
on_rotate = piston_rotate,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- onstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_on", {
description = "Activated Piston Base",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
@ -199,8 +284,6 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_on", {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
@ -208,17 +291,18 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_on", {
after_dig_node = piston_remove_pusher,
node_box = piston_on_box,
selection_box = piston_on_box,
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_normal,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_off = piston_off,
rules = piston_get_rules
rules = piston_get_rules,
on_rotate = piston_rotate_on,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- pusher
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_normal", {
description = "Piston Pusher",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
@ -228,27 +312,17 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_normal", {
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
diggable = false,
corresponding_piston = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_on",
selection_box = piston_pusher_box,
node_box = piston_pusher_box,
on_rotate = piston_rotate_pusher,
drop = "",
-- Sticky ones
local pistonspec_sticky = {
offname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off",
onname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_on",
dir = piston_facedir_direction,
pusher = "mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_sticky",
sticky = true,
piston_down = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_sticky_off",
piston_up = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_sticky_off",
-- offstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off", {
description = "Sticky Piston",
@ -263,17 +337,18 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off", {
groups = {cracky = 3},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
after_place_node = piston_orientate,
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_sticky,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_on = piston_on,
rules = piston_get_rules
rules = piston_get_rules,
on_rotate = piston_rotate,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- onstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_on", {
description = "Activated Sticky Piston Base",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
@ -283,8 +358,6 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_on", {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
@ -292,17 +365,18 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_on", {
after_dig_node = piston_remove_pusher,
node_box = piston_on_box,
selection_box = piston_on_box,
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_sticky,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_off = piston_off,
rules = piston_get_rules
rules = piston_get_rules,
on_rotate = piston_rotate_on,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- pusher
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_sticky", {
description = "Sticky Piston Pusher",
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
@ -312,411 +386,35 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_sticky", {
groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
diggable = false,
corresponding_piston = "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_on",
selection_box = piston_pusher_box,
node_box = piston_pusher_box,
drop = "",
-- UP
local piston_up_pusher_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-2/16, -.5 - pt, -2/16, 2/16, .5 - pt, 2/16},
{-.5 , .5 - pt, -.5 , .5 , .5 , .5},
local piston_up_on_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-.5, -.5, -.5 , .5, .5-pt, .5}
-- Normal
local pistonspec_normal_up = {
offname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_normal_off",
onname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_normal_on",
dir = {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
pusher = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_pusher_normal"
-- offstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_normal_off", {
tiles = {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off",
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_normal_up,
mesecons = {effector={
action_on = piston_on,
rules = piston_up_rules,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- onstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_normal_on", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off",
after_dig_node = piston_remove_pusher,
node_box = piston_up_on_box,
selection_box = piston_up_on_box,
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_normal_up,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_off = piston_off,
rules = piston_up_rules,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- pusher
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_pusher_normal", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
diggable = false,
corresponding_piston = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_normal_on",
selection_box = piston_up_pusher_box,
node_box = piston_up_pusher_box,
drop = "",
-- Sticky
local pistonspec_sticky_up = {
offname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_sticky_off",
onname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_sticky_on",
dir = {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
pusher = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_pusher_sticky",
sticky = true
-- offstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_sticky_off", {
tiles = {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off",
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_sticky_up,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_on = piston_on,
rules = piston_up_rules,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- onstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_sticky_on", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off",
after_dig_node = piston_remove_pusher,
node_box = piston_up_on_box,
selection_box = piston_up_on_box,
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_sticky_up,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_off = piston_off,
rules = piston_up_rules,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- pusher
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_pusher_sticky", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
diggable = false,
corresponding_piston = "mesecons_pistons:piston_up_sticky_on",
selection_box = piston_up_pusher_box,
node_box = piston_up_pusher_box,
drop = "",
local piston_down_pusher_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-2/16, -.5 + pt, -2/16, 2/16, .5 + pt, 2/16},
{-.5 , -.5 , -.5 , .5 , -.5 + pt, .5},
local piston_down_on_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-.5, -.5+pt, -.5 , .5, .5, .5}
-- Normal
local pistonspec_normal_down = {
offname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_normal_off",
onname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_normal_on",
dir = {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0},
pusher = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_pusher_normal",
-- offstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_normal_off", {
tiles = {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off",
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_normal_down,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_on = piston_on,
rules = piston_down_rules,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- onstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_normal_on", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off",
after_dig_node = piston_remove_pusher,
node_box = piston_down_on_box,
selection_box = piston_down_on_box,
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_normal_down,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_off = piston_off,
rules = piston_down_rules,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- pusher
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_pusher_normal", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
diggable = false,
corresponding_piston = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_normal_on",
selection_box = piston_down_pusher_box,
node_box = piston_down_pusher_box,
drop = "",
-- Sticky
local pistonspec_sticky_down = {
onname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_sticky_on",
offname = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_sticky_off",
dir = {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0},
pusher = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_pusher_sticky",
sticky = true
-- offstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_sticky_off", {
tiles = {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off",
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_sticky_down,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_on = piston_on,
rules = piston_down_rules,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- onstate
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_sticky_on", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
inventory_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
wield_image = "mesecons_piston_top.png",
groups = {cracky = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
drop = "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off",
after_dig_node = piston_remove_pusher,
node_box = piston_down_on_box,
selection_box = piston_down_on_box,
mesecons_piston = pistonspec_sticky_down,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
mesecons = {effector={
action_off = piston_off,
rules = piston_down_rules,
on_blast = mesecon.on_blastnode,
-- pusher
minetest.register_node("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_pusher_sticky", {
drawtype = "nodebox",
tiles = {
paramtype = "light",
paramtype2 = "facedir",
diggable = false,
corresponding_piston = "mesecons_pistons:piston_down_sticky_on",
selection_box = piston_down_pusher_box,
node_box = piston_down_pusher_box,
on_rotate = piston_rotate_pusher,
drop = "",
-- Register pushers as stoppers if they would be seperated from the piston
local piston_pusher_get_stopper = function (node, dir, stack, stackid)
local function piston_pusher_get_stopper(node, dir, stack, stackid)
if (stack[stackid + 1]
and stack[stackid + 1] == minetest.registered_nodes[].corresponding_piston
and stack[stackid + 1] == get_pistonspec(, "pusher").onname
and stack[stackid + 1].node.param2 == node.param2)
or (stack[stackid - 1]
and stack[stackid - 1] == minetest.registered_nodes[].corresponding_piston
and stack[stackid - 1] == get_pistonspec(, "pusher").onname
and stack[stackid - 1].node.param2 == node.param2) then
return false
return true
local piston_pusher_up_down_get_stopper = function (node, dir, stack, stackid)
local function piston_pusher_up_down_get_stopper(node, dir, stack, stackid)
if (stack[stackid + 1]
and stack[stackid + 1] == minetest.registered_nodes[].corresponding_piston)
and stack[stackid + 1] == get_pistonspec(, "pusher").onname)
or (stack[stackid - 1]
and stack[stackid - 1] == minetest.registered_nodes[].corresponding_piston) then
and stack[stackid - 1] == get_pistonspec(, "pusher").onname) then
return false
return true
@ -725,31 +423,24 @@ end
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_normal", piston_pusher_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_pusher_sticky", piston_pusher_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_pusher_normal", piston_pusher_up_down_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_pusher_sticky", piston_pusher_up_down_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_pusher_normal", piston_pusher_up_down_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_pusher_sticky", piston_pusher_up_down_get_stopper)
-- Register pistons as stoppers if they would be seperated from the stopper
local piston_up_down_get_stopper = function (node, dir, stack, stackid)
if (stack[stackid + 1]
and stack[stackid + 1] == minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons_piston.pusher)
and stack[stackid + 1] == get_pistonspec(, "onname").pusher)
or (stack[stackid - 1]
and stack[stackid - 1] == minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons_piston.pusher) then
and stack[stackid - 1] == get_pistonspec(, "onname").pusher) then
return false
return true
local piston_get_stopper = function (node, dir, stack, stackid)
pistonspec = minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons_piston
dir = piston_get_direction(pistonspec.dir, node)
local function piston_get_stopper(node, dir, stack, stackid)
local pistonspec = get_pistonspec(, "onname")
local dir = vector.multiply(minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2), -1)
local pusherpos = vector.add(stack[stackid].pos, dir)
local pushernode = minetest.get_node(pusherpos)
if minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons_piston.pusher == then
if pistonspec.pusher == then
for _, s in ipairs(stack) do
if vector.equals(s.pos, pusherpos) -- pusher is also to be pushed
and s.node.param2 == node.param2 then
@ -763,11 +454,6 @@ end
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_on", piston_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_on", piston_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_normal_on", piston_up_down_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_up_sticky_on", piston_up_down_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_normal_on", piston_up_down_get_stopper)
mesecon.register_mvps_stopper("mesecons_pistons:piston_down_sticky_on", piston_up_down_get_stopper)
--craft recipes
@ -786,3 +472,7 @@ minetest.register_craft({
-- load legacy code

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
local ground_dir = {
[0] = {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0},
{x = 0, y = 0, z = -1},
{x = 0, y = 0, z = 1},
{x = -1, y = 0, z = 0},
{x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},
{x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
label = "Upgrade legacy pistons pointing up",
name = "mesecons_pistons:replace_legacy_piston_up",
nodenames = {
run_at_every_load = false,
action = function(pos, node)
local dir = ground_dir[math.floor(node.param2/4)]
node.param2 = minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir, true) =, 24)
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
label = "Upgrade legacy pistons pointing down",
name = "mesecons_pistons:replace_legacy_piston_down",
nodenames = {
run_at_every_load = false,
action = function(pos, node)
local dir = vector.multiply(ground_dir[math.floor(node.param2/4)], -1)
node.param2 = minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir, true) =, 24)
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)