Optimize light updates when turning conductors on and off (#578)

This commit is contained in:
Jude Melton-Houghton
2021-11-27 10:28:13 -05:00
committed by GitHub
parent 9323445182
commit ecea0a2896
2 changed files with 70 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -368,11 +368,66 @@ function mesecon.is_power_off(pos, rulename)
return false
-- The set of conductor states which require light updates when they change.
local light_update_conductors
-- Calculate the contents of the above set if they have not been calculated.
-- This must be called before get_update_light_conductor.
local function find_light_update_conductors()
-- The expensive calculation is only done the first time.
if light_update_conductors then return end
light_update_conductors = {}
-- Find conductors whose lighting characteristics change depending on their state.
local checked = {}
for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
local conductor = mesecon.get_conductor(name)
if conductor and not checked[name] then
-- Find the other states of the conductor besides the current one.
local other_states
if conductor.onstate then
other_states = {conductor.onstate}
elseif conductor.offstate then
other_states = {conductor.offstate}
other_states = conductor.states
-- Check the conductor. Other states are marked as checked.
for _, other_state in ipairs(other_states) do
local other_def = minetest.registered_nodes[other_state]
if (def.paramtype == "light") ~= (other_def.paramtype == "light")
or def.sunlight_propagates ~= other_def.sunlight_propagates
or def.light_source ~= other_def.light_source then
-- The light characteristics change depending on the state.
-- The states are added to the set.
light_update_conductors[name] = true
for _, other_state in ipairs(other_states) do
light_update_conductors[other_state] = true
checked[other_state] = true
checked[other_state] = true
-- This is the callback for swap_node_force in turnon and turnoff. It determines
-- whether a conductor node necessitates a lighting update.
local function get_update_light_conductor(pos, name)
return light_update_conductors[name] ~= nil
-- Turn off an equipotential section starting at `pos`, which outputs in the direction of `link`.
-- Breadth-first search. Map is abstracted away in a voxelmanip.
-- Follow all all conductor paths replacing conductors that were already
-- looked at, activating / changing all effectors along the way.
function mesecon.turnon(pos, link)
local frontiers = fifo_queue.new()
frontiers:add({pos = pos, link = link})
local pos_can_be_skipped = {}
@ -398,7 +453,7 @@ function mesecon.turnon(pos, link)
mesecon.swap_node_force(f.pos, mesecon.get_conductor_on(node, f.link))
mesecon.swap_node_force(f.pos, mesecon.get_conductor_on(node, f.link), get_update_light_conductor)
-- Only conductors with flat rules can be reliably skipped later
@ -434,6 +489,8 @@ end
-- depth = indicates order in which signals wire fired, higher is later
-- }
function mesecon.turnoff(pos, link)
local frontiers = fifo_queue.new()
frontiers:add({pos = pos, link = link})
local signals = {}
@ -470,7 +527,7 @@ function mesecon.turnoff(pos, link)
mesecon.swap_node_force(f.pos, mesecon.get_conductor_off(node, f.link))
mesecon.swap_node_force(f.pos, mesecon.get_conductor_off(node, f.link), get_update_light_conductor)
-- Only conductors with flat rules can be reliably skipped later

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@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ function mesecon.vm_commit()
if tbl.dirty then
local vm = tbl.vm
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ local function vm_get_or_create_entry(pos)
local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip(pos, pos)
local min_pos, max_pos = vm:get_emerged_area()
local va = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge = min_pos, MaxEdge = max_pos}
tbl = {vm = vm, va = va, data = vm:get_data(), param1 = vm:get_light_data(), param2 = vm:get_param2_data(), dirty = false}
tbl = {vm = vm, va = va, data = vm:get_data(), param1 = vm:get_light_data(), param2 = vm:get_param2_data(), dirty = false, update_light = false}
vm_cache[hash] = tbl
return tbl
@ -388,8 +388,11 @@ end
-- Sets a nodes name during a VoxelManipulator-based transaction.
-- Existing param1, param2, and metadata are left alone.
function mesecon.vm_swap_node(pos, name)
-- See mesecon.swap_node_force for documentation about get_update_light.
function mesecon.vm_swap_node(pos, name, get_update_light)
local tbl = vm_get_or_create_entry(pos)
tbl.update_light = tbl.update_light or (get_update_light == nil or get_update_light(pos, name))
local index = tbl.va:indexp(pos)
tbl.data[index] = minetest.get_content_id(name)
tbl.dirty = true
@ -423,13 +426,15 @@ end
-- Outside a VM transaction, if the mapblock is not loaded, it is pulled into
-- the servers main map data cache and then accessed from there.
-- Inside a VM transaction, the transactions VM cache is used.
-- Inside a VM transaction, the transactions VM cache is used. If a third
-- argument is supplied, it may be called. If it returns false, the swap does
-- not necessitate a lighting update.
-- This function can only be used to change the nodes name, not its parameters
-- or metadata.
function mesecon.swap_node_force(pos, name)
function mesecon.swap_node_force(pos, name, get_update_light)
if vm_cache then
return mesecon.vm_swap_node(pos, name)
return mesecon.vm_swap_node(pos, name, get_update_light)
-- This serves to both ensure the mapblock is loaded and also hand us
-- the old node table so we can preserve param2.