Update minetest.conf.example and settings_translation_file.cpp

This commit is contained in:
2024-10-28 19:57:02 +01:00
committed by grorp
parent 67740b0e59
commit 47d551d780
2 changed files with 182 additions and 149 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# ../minetest.conf
# ../../minetest.conf
# Any other path can be chosen by passing the path as a parameter
# to the program, eg. "minetest.exe --config ../minetest.conf.example".
# to the program, eg. "luanti.exe --config ../minetest.conf.example".
# Further documentation:
# https://wiki.minetest.net/
@ -85,9 +85,11 @@
## Touchscreen
# Enables touchscreen mode, allowing you to play the game with a touchscreen.
# type: bool
# enable_touch = true
# Enables the touchscreen controls, allowing you to play the game with a touchscreen.
# "auto" means that the touchscreen controls will be enabled and disabled
# automatically depending on the last used input method.
# type: enum values: auto, true, false
# touch_controls = auto
# Touchscreen sensitivity multiplier.
# type: float min: 0.001 max: 10
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@
# Easy to use and well-known from other games that shall not be named.
# * long_tap
# Known from the classic Minetest mobile controls.
# Known from the classic Luanti mobile controls.
# Combat is more or less impossible.
# type: enum values: short_tap, long_tap
# touch_punch_gesture = short_tap
@ -190,37 +192,6 @@
# type: int min: 1 max: 8
# undersampling = 1
### Graphics Effects
# Allows liquids to be translucent.
# type: bool
# translucent_liquids = true
# Leaves style:
# - Fancy: all faces visible
# - Simple: only outer faces, if defined special_tiles are used
# - Opaque: disable transparency
# type: enum values: fancy, simple, opaque
# leaves_style = fancy
# Connects glass if supported by node.
# type: bool
# connected_glass = false
# Enable smooth lighting with simple ambient occlusion.
# Disable for speed or for different looks.
# type: bool
# smooth_lighting = true
# Enables tradeoffs that reduce CPU load or increase rendering performance
# at the expense of minor visual glitches that do not impact game playability.
# type: bool
# performance_tradeoffs = false
# Adds particles when digging a node.
# type: bool
# enable_particles = true
### 3D
# 3D support.
@ -347,6 +318,10 @@
# type: bool
# enable_3d_clouds = true
# Use smooth cloud shading.
# type: bool
# soft_clouds = false
### Filtering and Antialiasing
# Use mipmaps when scaling textures. May slightly increase performance,
@ -411,12 +386,35 @@
# type: bool
# enable_raytraced_culling = true
## Shaders
## Effects
# Shaders allow advanced visual effects and may increase performance on some video
# cards.
# Allows liquids to be translucent.
# type: bool
# enable_shaders = true
# translucent_liquids = true
# Leaves style:
# - Fancy: all faces visible
# - Simple: only outer faces
# - Opaque: disable transparency
# type: enum values: fancy, simple, opaque
# leaves_style = fancy
# Connects glass if supported by node.
# type: bool
# connected_glass = false
# Enable smooth lighting with simple ambient occlusion.
# type: bool
# smooth_lighting = true
# Enables tradeoffs that reduce CPU load or increase rendering performance
# at the expense of minor visual glitches that do not impact game playability.
# type: bool
# performance_tradeoffs = false
# Adds particles when digging a node.
# type: bool
# enable_particles = true
### Waving Nodes
@ -547,41 +545,29 @@
# type: bool
# debanding = true
### Bloom
# Set to true to enable bloom effect.
# Bright colors will bleed over the neighboring objects.
# type: bool
# enable_bloom = false
# Set to true to render debugging breakdown of the bloom effect.
# In debug mode, the screen is split into 4 quadrants:
# top-left - processed base image, top-right - final image
# bottom-left - raw base image, bottom-right - bloom texture.
# type: bool
# enable_bloom_debug = false
# Defines how much bloom is applied to the rendered image
# Smaller values make bloom more subtle
# Range: from 0.01 to 1.0, default: 0.05
# type: float min: 0.01 max: 1
# bloom_intensity = 0.05
# Defines the magnitude of bloom overexposure.
# Range: from 0.1 to 10.0, default: 1.0
# type: float min: 0.1 max: 10
# bloom_strength_factor = 1.0
# Logical value that controls how far the bloom effect spreads
# from the bright objects.
# Range: from 0.1 to 8, default: 1
# type: float min: 0.1 max: 8
# bloom_radius = 1
# Set to true to enable volumetric lighting effect (a.k.a. "Godrays").
# type: bool
# enable_volumetric_lighting = false
### Other Effects
# Simulate translucency when looking at foliage in the sunlight.
# type: bool
# enable_translucent_foliage = false
# Apply specular shading to nodes.
# type: bool
# enable_node_specular = false
# When enabled, liquid reflections are simulated.
# type: bool
# enable_water_reflections = false
## Audio
# Volume of all sounds.
@ -609,6 +595,11 @@
### GUI
# When enabled, the GUI is optimized to be more usable on touchscreens.
# Whether this is enabled by default depends on your hardware form-factor.
# type: bool
# touch_gui = false
# Scale GUI by a user specified value.
# Use a nearest-neighbor-anti-alias filter to scale the GUI.
# This will smooth over some of the rough edges, and blend
@ -617,6 +608,10 @@
# type: float min: 0.5 max: 20
# gui_scaling = 1.0
# Enables smooth scrolling.
# type: bool
# smooth_scrolling = true
# Enables animation of inventory items.
# type: bool
# inventory_items_animations = false
@ -665,6 +660,19 @@
# type: bool
# show_nametag_backgrounds = true
# Whether to show the client debug info (has the same effect as hitting F5).
# type: bool
# show_debug = false
# Radius to use when the block bounds HUD feature is set to near blocks.
# type: int min: 0 max: 1000
# show_block_bounds_radius_near = 4
# Maximum proportion of current window to be used for hotbar.
# Useful if there's something to be displayed right or left of hotbar.
# type: float min: 0.001 max: 1
# hud_hotbar_max_width = 1.0
### Chat
# Maximum number of recent chat messages to show
@ -683,11 +691,6 @@
# type: int min: 0 max: 255
# console_alpha = 200
# Maximum proportion of current window to be used for hotbar.
# Useful if there's something to be displayed right or left of hotbar.
# type: float min: 0.001 max: 1
# hud_hotbar_max_width = 1.0
# Clickable weblinks (middle-click or Ctrl+left-click) enabled in chat console output.
# type: bool
# clickable_chat_weblinks = true
@ -707,7 +710,7 @@
# type: string
# contentdb_url = https://content.minetest.net
# If enabled and you have ContentDB packages installed, Minetest may contact ContentDB to
# If enabled and you have ContentDB packages installed, Luanti may contact ContentDB to
# check for package updates when opening the mainmenu.
# type: bool
# contentdb_enable_updates_indicator = true
@ -716,7 +719,7 @@
# "nonfree" can be used to hide packages which do not qualify as 'free software',
# as defined by the Free Software Foundation.
# You can also specify content ratings.
# These flags are independent from Minetest versions,
# These flags are independent from Luanti versions,
# so see a full list at https://content.minetest.net/help/content_flags/
# type: string
# contentdb_flag_blacklist = nonfree, desktop_default
@ -745,7 +748,7 @@
# type: bool
# enable_split_login_register = true
# URL to JSON file which provides information about the newest Minetest release.
# URL to JSON file which provides information about the newest Luanti release.
# If this is empty the engine will never check for updates.
# type: string
# update_information_url = https://www.minetest.net/release_info.json
@ -762,7 +765,7 @@
# Name of the server, to be displayed when players join and in the serverlist.
# type: string
# server_name = Minetest server
# server_name = Luanti server
# Description of server, to be displayed when players join and in the serverlist.
# type: string
@ -780,6 +783,10 @@
# type: bool
# server_announce = false
# Send names of online players to the serverlist. If disabled only the player count is revealed.
# type: bool
# server_announce_send_players = true
# Announce to this serverlist.
# type: string
# serverlist_url = servers.minetest.net
@ -817,7 +824,7 @@
# Older clients are compatible in the sense that they will not crash when connecting
# to new servers, but they may not support all new features that you are expecting.
# This allows for more fine-grained control than strict_protocol_version_checking.
# Minetest still enforces its own internal minimum, and enabling
# Luanti still enforces its own internal minimum, and enabling
# strict_protocol_version_checking will effectively override this.
# type: int min: 1 max: 65535
# protocol_version_min = 1
@ -854,9 +861,15 @@
# type: string
# basic_privs = interact, shout
# If enabled, disable cheat prevention in multiplayer.
# type: bool
# disable_anticheat = false
# Server anticheat configuration.
# Flags are positive. Uncheck the flag to disable corresponding anticheat module.
# type: flags possible values: digging, interaction, movement
# anticheat_flags = digging,interaction,movement
# Tolerance of movement cheat detector.
# Increase the value if players experience stuttery movement.
# type: float min: 1
# anticheat_movement_tolerance = 1.0
# If enabled, actions are recorded for rollback.
# This option is only read when server starts.
@ -1013,7 +1026,7 @@
# Global map generation attributes.
# In Mapgen v6 the 'decorations' flag controls all decorations except trees
# and jungle grass, in all other mapgens this flag controls all decorations.
# type: flags possible values: caves, dungeons, light, decorations, biomes, ores, nocaves, nodungeons, nolight, nodecorations, nobiomes, noores
# type: flags possible values: caves, dungeons, light, decorations, biomes, ores
# mg_flags = caves,dungeons,light,decorations,biomes,ores
## Biome API
@ -1073,7 +1086,7 @@
## Mapgen V5
# Map generation attributes specific to Mapgen v5.
# type: flags possible values: caverns, nocaverns
# type: flags possible values: caverns
# mgv5_spflags = caverns
# Controls width of tunnels, a smaller value creates wider tunnels.
@ -1240,7 +1253,7 @@
# When the 'snowbiomes' flag is enabled jungles are automatically enabled and
# the 'jungles' flag is ignored.
# The 'temples' flag disables generation of desert temples. Normal dungeons will appear instead.
# type: flags possible values: jungles, biomeblend, mudflow, snowbiomes, flat, trees, temples, nojungles, nobiomeblend, nomudflow, nosnowbiomes, noflat, notrees, notemples
# type: flags possible values: jungles, biomeblend, mudflow, snowbiomes, flat, trees, temples
# mgv6_spflags = jungles,biomeblend,mudflow,snowbiomes,noflat,trees,temples
# Deserts occur when np_biome exceeds this value.
@ -1411,7 +1424,7 @@
# 'ridges': Rivers.
# 'floatlands': Floating land masses in the atmosphere.
# 'caverns': Giant caves deep underground.
# type: flags possible values: mountains, ridges, floatlands, caverns, nomountains, noridges, nofloatlands, nocaverns
# type: flags possible values: mountains, ridges, floatlands, caverns
# mgv7_spflags = mountains,ridges,nofloatlands,caverns
# Y of mountain density gradient zero level. Used to shift mountains vertically.
@ -1705,7 +1718,7 @@
## Mapgen Carpathian
# Map generation attributes specific to Mapgen Carpathian.
# type: flags possible values: caverns, rivers, nocaverns, norivers
# type: flags possible values: caverns, rivers
# mgcarpathian_spflags = caverns,norivers
# Defines the base ground level.
@ -2001,7 +2014,7 @@
# Map generation attributes specific to Mapgen Flat.
# Occasional lakes and hills can be added to the flat world.
# type: flags possible values: lakes, hills, caverns, nolakes, nohills, nocaverns
# type: flags possible values: lakes, hills, caverns
# mgflat_spflags = nolakes,nohills,nocaverns
# Y of flat ground.
@ -2163,7 +2176,7 @@
# Map generation attributes specific to Mapgen Fractal.
# 'terrain' enables the generation of non-fractal terrain:
# ocean, islands and underground.
# type: flags possible values: terrain, noterrain
# type: flags possible values: terrain
# mgfractal_spflags = terrain
# Controls width of tunnels, a smaller value creates wider tunnels.
@ -2366,7 +2379,7 @@
# 'vary_river_depth': If enabled, low humidity and high heat causes rivers
# to become shallower and occasionally dry.
# 'altitude_dry': Reduces humidity with altitude.
# type: flags possible values: altitude_chill, humid_rivers, vary_river_depth, altitude_dry, noaltitude_chill, nohumid_rivers, novary_river_depth, noaltitude_dry
# type: flags possible values: altitude_chill, humid_rivers, vary_river_depth, altitude_dry
# mgvalleys_spflags = altitude_chill,humid_rivers,vary_river_depth,altitude_dry
# The vertical distance over which heat drops by 20 if 'altitude_chill' is
@ -2687,7 +2700,7 @@
# instrument.chatcommand = true
# Instrument global callback functions on registration.
# (anything you pass to a minetest.register_*() function)
# (anything you pass to a core.register_*() function)
# type: bool
# instrument.global_callback = true
@ -2724,6 +2737,10 @@
### Graphics
# Shaders are a fundamental part of rendering and enable advanced visual effects.
# type: bool
# enable_shaders = true
# Path to shader directory. If no path is defined, default location will be used.
# type: path
# shader_path =
@ -2731,12 +2748,12 @@
# The rendering back-end.
# Note: A restart is required after changing this!
# OpenGL is the default for desktop, and OGLES2 for Android.
# Shaders are supported by everything but OGLES1.
# type: enum values: , opengl, opengl3, ogles1, ogles2
# type: enum values: , opengl, opengl3, ogles2
# video_driver =
# Distance in nodes at which transparency depth sorting is enabled
# Use this to limit the performance impact of transparency depth sorting
# Distance in nodes at which transparency depth sorting is enabled.
# Use this to limit the performance impact of transparency depth sorting.
# Set to 0 to disable it entirely.
# type: int min: 0 max: 128
# transparency_sorting_distance = 16
@ -2750,6 +2767,7 @@
# desynchronize_mapblock_texture_animation = false
# Enables caching of facedir rotated meshes.
# This is only effective with shaders disabled.
# type: bool
# enable_mesh_cache = false
@ -2759,7 +2777,7 @@
# mesh_generation_interval = 0
# Number of threads to use for mesh generation.
# Value of 0 (default) will let Minetest autodetect the number of available threads.
# Value of 0 (default) will let Luanti autodetect the number of available threads.
# type: int min: 0 max: 8
# mesh_generation_threads = 0
@ -2810,6 +2828,13 @@
# type: bool
# opengl_debug = false
# Set to true to render debugging breakdown of the bloom effect.
# In debug mode, the screen is split into 4 quadrants:
# top-left - processed base image, top-right - final image
# bottom-left - raw base image, bottom-right - bloom texture.
# type: bool
# enable_bloom_debug = false
### Sound
# Comma-separated list of AL and ALC extensions that should not be used.
@ -2920,7 +2945,7 @@
### Networking
# Prometheus listener address.
# If Minetest is compiled with ENABLE_PROMETHEUS option enabled,
# If Luanti is compiled with ENABLE_PROMETHEUS option enabled,
# enable metrics listener for Prometheus on that address.
# Metrics can be fetched on
# type: string
@ -2940,10 +2965,6 @@
# type: int min: -1 max: 2147483647
# client_mapblock_limit = 7500
# Whether to show the client debug info (has the same effect as hitting F5).
# type: bool
# show_debug = false
# Maximum number of blocks that are simultaneously sent per client.
# The maximum total count is calculated dynamically:
# max_total = ceil((#clients + max_users) * per_client / 4)
@ -2955,9 +2976,8 @@
# type: float min: 0
# full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building = 2.0
# Maximum number of packets sent per send step, if you have a slow connection
# try reducing it, but don't reduce it to a number below double of targeted
# client number.
# Maximum number of packets sent per send step in the low-level networking code.
# You generally don't need to change this, however busy servers may benefit from a higher number.
# type: int min: 1 max: 65535
# max_packets_per_iteration = 1024
@ -2998,6 +3018,8 @@
# Length of a server tick (the interval at which everything is generally updated),
# stated in seconds.
# Does not apply to sessions hosted from the client menu.
# This is a lower bound, i.e. server steps may not be shorter than this, but
# they are often longer.
# type: float min: 0 max: 1
# dedicated_server_step = 0.09
@ -3174,7 +3196,7 @@
# type: float min: 0.5 max: 5
# display_density_factor = 1
# Windows systems only: Start Minetest with the command line window in the background.
# Windows systems only: Start Luanti with the command line window in the background.
# Contains the same information as the file debug.txt (default name).
# type: bool
# enable_console = false

View File

@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Hotbar: Invert mouse wheel direction");
gettext("Invert mouse wheel (scroll) direction for item selection in hotbar.");
gettext("Enable touchscreen");
gettext("Enables touchscreen mode, allowing you to play the game with a touchscreen.");
gettext("Touchscreen controls");
gettext("Enables the touchscreen controls, allowing you to play the game with a touchscreen.\n\"auto\" means that the touchscreen controls will be enabled and disabled\nautomatically depending on the last used input method.");
gettext("Touchscreen sensitivity");
gettext("Touchscreen sensitivity multiplier.");
gettext("Movement threshold");
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Virtual joystick triggers Aux1 button");
gettext("Use virtual joystick to trigger \"Aux1\" button.\nIf enabled, virtual joystick will also tap \"Aux1\" button when out of main circle.");
gettext("Punch gesture");
gettext("The gesture for punching players/entities.\nThis can be overridden by games and mods.\n\n* short_tap\nEasy to use and well-known from other games that shall not be named.\n\n* long_tap\nKnown from the classic Minetest mobile controls.\nCombat is more or less impossible.");
gettext("The gesture for punching players/entities.\nThis can be overridden by games and mods.\n\n* short_tap\nEasy to use and well-known from other games that shall not be named.\n\n* long_tap\nKnown from the classic Luanti mobile controls.\nCombat is more or less impossible.");
gettext("Graphics and Audio");
@ -77,19 +77,6 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("View distance in nodes.");
gettext("Undersampling is similar to using a lower screen resolution, but it applies\nto the game world only, keeping the GUI intact.\nIt should give a significant performance boost at the cost of less detailed image.\nHigher values result in a less detailed image.");
gettext("Graphics Effects");
gettext("Translucent liquids");
gettext("Allows liquids to be translucent.");
gettext("Leaves style");
gettext("Leaves style:\n- Fancy: all faces visible\n- Simple: only outer faces, if defined special_tiles are used\n- Opaque: disable transparency");
gettext("Connect glass");
gettext("Connects glass if supported by node.");
gettext("Smooth lighting");
gettext("Enable smooth lighting with simple ambient occlusion.\nDisable for speed or for different looks.");
gettext("Tradeoffs for performance");
gettext("Enables tradeoffs that reduce CPU load or increase rendering performance\nat the expense of minor visual glitches that do not impact game playability.");
gettext("Digging particles");
gettext("Adds particles when digging a node.");
gettext("3D mode");
gettext("3D support.\nCurrently supported:\n- none: no 3d output.\n- anaglyph: cyan/magenta color 3d.\n- interlaced: odd/even line based polarization screen support.\n- topbottom: split screen top/bottom.\n- sidebyside: split screen side by side.\n- crossview: Cross-eyed 3d\nNote that the interlaced mode requires shaders to be enabled.");
@ -141,6 +128,8 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Clouds are a client-side effect.");
gettext("3D clouds");
gettext("Use 3D cloud look instead of flat.");
gettext("Soft clouds");
gettext("Use smooth cloud shading.");
gettext("Filtering and Antialiasing");
gettext("Use mipmaps when scaling textures. May slightly increase performance,\nespecially when using a high-resolution texture pack.\nGamma-correct downscaling is not supported.");
@ -159,9 +148,19 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Type of occlusion_culler\n\n\"loops\" is the legacy algorithm with nested loops and O(n³) complexity\n\"bfs\" is the new algorithm based on breadth-first-search and side culling\n\nThis setting should only be changed if you have performance problems.");
gettext("Enable Raytraced Culling");
gettext("Use raytraced occlusion culling in the new culler.\nThis flag enables use of raytraced occlusion culling test for\nclient mesh sizes smaller than 4x4x4 map blocks.");
gettext("Shaders allow advanced visual effects and may increase performance on some video\ncards.");
gettext("Translucent liquids");
gettext("Allows liquids to be translucent.");
gettext("Leaves style");
gettext("Leaves style:\n- Fancy: all faces visible\n- Simple: only outer faces\n- Opaque: disable transparency");
gettext("Connect glass");
gettext("Connects glass if supported by node.");
gettext("Smooth lighting");
gettext("Enable smooth lighting with simple ambient occlusion.");
gettext("Tradeoffs for performance");
gettext("Enables tradeoffs that reduce CPU load or increase rendering performance\nat the expense of minor visual glitches that do not impact game playability.");
gettext("Digging particles");
gettext("Adds particles when digging a node.");
gettext("Waving Nodes");
gettext("Waving leaves");
gettext("Set to true to enable waving leaves.");
@ -209,19 +208,17 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Set the exposure compensation in EV units.\nValue of 0.0 (default) means no exposure compensation.\nRange: from -1 to 1.0");
gettext("Enable Debanding");
gettext("Apply dithering to reduce color banding artifacts.\nDithering significantly increases the size of losslessly-compressed\nscreenshots and it works incorrectly if the display or operating system\nperforms additional dithering or if the color channels are not quantized\nto 8 bits.\nWith OpenGL ES, dithering only works if the shader supports high\nfloating-point precision and it may have a higher performance impact.");
gettext("Enable Bloom");
gettext("Set to true to enable bloom effect.\nBright colors will bleed over the neighboring objects.");
gettext("Enable Bloom Debug");
gettext("Set to true to render debugging breakdown of the bloom effect.\nIn debug mode, the screen is split into 4 quadrants:\ntop-left - processed base image, top-right - final image\nbottom-left - raw base image, bottom-right - bloom texture.");
gettext("Bloom Intensity");
gettext("Defines how much bloom is applied to the rendered image\nSmaller values make bloom more subtle\nRange: from 0.01 to 1.0, default: 0.05");
gettext("Bloom Strength Factor");
gettext("Defines the magnitude of bloom overexposure.\nRange: from 0.1 to 10.0, default: 1.0");
gettext("Bloom Radius");
gettext("Logical value that controls how far the bloom effect spreads\nfrom the bright objects.\nRange: from 0.1 to 8, default: 1");
gettext("Volumetric lighting");
gettext("Set to true to enable volumetric lighting effect (a.k.a. \"Godrays\").");
gettext("Other Effects");
gettext("Translucent foliage");
gettext("Simulate translucency when looking at foliage in the sunlight.");
gettext("Node specular");
gettext("Apply specular shading to nodes.");
gettext("Liquid reflections");
gettext("When enabled, liquid reflections are simulated.");
gettext("Volume of all sounds.\nRequires the sound system to be enabled.");
@ -233,8 +230,12 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Set the language. By default, the system language is used.\nA restart is required after changing this.");
gettext("Optimize GUI for touchscreens");
gettext("When enabled, the GUI is optimized to be more usable on touchscreens.\nWhether this is enabled by default depends on your hardware form-factor.");
gettext("GUI scaling");
gettext("Scale GUI by a user specified value.\nUse a nearest-neighbor-anti-alias filter to scale the GUI.\nThis will smooth over some of the rough edges, and blend\npixels when scaling down, at the cost of blurring some\nedge pixels when images are scaled by non-integer sizes.");
gettext("Smooth scrolling");
gettext("Enables smooth scrolling.");
gettext("Inventory items animations");
gettext("Enables animation of inventory items.");
gettext("Formspec Full-Screen Background Opacity");
@ -256,6 +257,12 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Modifies the size of the HUD elements.");
gettext("Show name tag backgrounds by default");
gettext("Whether name tag backgrounds should be shown by default.\nMods may still set a background.");
gettext("Show debug info");
gettext("Whether to show the client debug info (has the same effect as hitting F5).");
gettext("Block bounds HUD radius");
gettext("Radius to use when the block bounds HUD feature is set to near blocks.");
gettext("Maximum hotbar width");
gettext("Maximum proportion of current window to be used for hotbar.\nUseful if there's something to be displayed right or left of hotbar.");
gettext("Recent Chat Messages");
gettext("Maximum number of recent chat messages to show");
@ -265,8 +272,6 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("In-game chat console background color (R,G,B).");
gettext("Console alpha");
gettext("In-game chat console background alpha (opaqueness, between 0 and 255).");
gettext("Maximum hotbar width");
gettext("Maximum proportion of current window to be used for hotbar.\nUseful if there's something to be displayed right or left of hotbar.");
gettext("Chat weblinks");
gettext("Clickable weblinks (middle-click or Ctrl+left-click) enabled in chat console output.");
gettext("Weblink color");
@ -277,9 +282,9 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("ContentDB URL");
gettext("The URL for the content repository");
gettext("Enable updates available indicator on content tab");
gettext("If enabled and you have ContentDB packages installed, Minetest may contact ContentDB to\ncheck for package updates when opening the mainmenu.");
gettext("If enabled and you have ContentDB packages installed, Luanti may contact ContentDB to\ncheck for package updates when opening the mainmenu.");
gettext("ContentDB Flag Blacklist");
gettext("Comma-separated list of flags to hide in the content repository.\n\"nonfree\" can be used to hide packages which do not qualify as 'free software',\nas defined by the Free Software Foundation.\nYou can also specify content ratings.\nThese flags are independent from Minetest versions,\nso see a full list at https://content.minetest.net/help/content_flags/");
gettext("Comma-separated list of flags to hide in the content repository.\n\"nonfree\" can be used to hide packages which do not qualify as 'free software',\nas defined by the Free Software Foundation.\nYou can also specify content ratings.\nThese flags are independent from Luanti versions,\nso see a full list at https://content.minetest.net/help/content_flags/");
gettext("ContentDB Max Concurrent Downloads");
gettext("Maximum number of concurrent downloads. Downloads exceeding this limit will be queued.\nThis should be lower than curl_parallel_limit.");
gettext("Client and Server");
@ -291,7 +296,7 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Enable split login/register");
gettext("If enabled, account registration is separate from login in the UI.\nIf disabled, new accounts will be registered automatically when logging in.");
gettext("Update information URL");
gettext("URL to JSON file which provides information about the newest Minetest release.\nIf this is empty the engine will never check for updates.");
gettext("URL to JSON file which provides information about the newest Luanti release.\nIf this is empty the engine will never check for updates.");
gettext("Admin name");
gettext("Name of the player.\nWhen running a server, clients connecting with this name are admins.\nWhen starting from the main menu, this is overridden.");
@ -306,6 +311,8 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Homepage of server, to be displayed in the serverlist.");
gettext("Announce server");
gettext("Automatically report to the serverlist.");
gettext("Send player names to the server list");
gettext("Send names of online players to the serverlist. If disabled only the player count is revealed.");
gettext("Serverlist URL");
gettext("Announce to this serverlist.");
gettext("Message of the day");
@ -322,7 +329,7 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Strict protocol checking");
gettext("Enable to disallow old clients from connecting.\nOlder clients are compatible in the sense that they will not crash when connecting\nto new servers, but they may not support all new features that you are expecting.");
gettext("Protocol version minimum");
gettext("Define the oldest clients allowed to connect.\nOlder clients are compatible in the sense that they will not crash when connecting\nto new servers, but they may not support all new features that you are expecting.\nThis allows for more fine-grained control than strict_protocol_version_checking.\nMinetest still enforces its own internal minimum, and enabling\nstrict_protocol_version_checking will effectively override this.");
gettext("Define the oldest clients allowed to connect.\nOlder clients are compatible in the sense that they will not crash when connecting\nto new servers, but they may not support all new features that you are expecting.\nThis allows for more fine-grained control than strict_protocol_version_checking.\nLuanti still enforces its own internal minimum, and enabling\nstrict_protocol_version_checking will effectively override this.");
gettext("Remote media");
gettext("Specifies URL from which client fetches media instead of using UDP.\n$filename should be accessible from $remote_media$filename via cURL\n(obviously, remote_media should end with a slash).\nFiles that are not present will be fetched the usual way.");
gettext("IPv6 server");
@ -336,8 +343,10 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("The privileges that new users automatically get.\nSee /privs in game for a full list on your server and mod configuration.");
gettext("Basic privileges");
gettext("Privileges that players with basic_privs can grant");
gettext("Disable anticheat");
gettext("If enabled, disable cheat prevention in multiplayer.");
gettext("Anticheat flags");
gettext("Server anticheat configuration.\nFlags are positive. Uncheck the flag to disable corresponding anticheat module.");
gettext("Anticheat movement tolerance");
gettext("Tolerance of movement cheat detector.\nIncrease the value if players experience stuttery movement.");
gettext("Rollback recording");
gettext("If enabled, actions are recorded for rollback.\nThis option is only read when server starts.");
gettext("Client-side Modding");
@ -828,7 +837,7 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Chat commands");
gettext("Instrument chat commands on registration.");
gettext("Global callbacks");
gettext("Instrument global callback functions on registration.\n(anything you pass to a minetest.register_*() function)");
gettext("Instrument global callback functions on registration.\n(anything you pass to a core.register_*() function)");
gettext("Instrument builtin.\nThis is usually only needed by core/builtin contributors");
@ -842,22 +851,24 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Ignore world errors");
gettext("If enabled, invalid world data won't cause the server to shut down.\nOnly enable this if you know what you are doing.");
gettext("Shaders are a fundamental part of rendering and enable advanced visual effects.");
gettext("Shader path");
gettext("Path to shader directory. If no path is defined, default location will be used.");
gettext("Video driver");
gettext("The rendering back-end.\nNote: A restart is required after changing this!\nOpenGL is the default for desktop, and OGLES2 for Android.\nShaders are supported by everything but OGLES1.");
gettext("The rendering back-end.\nNote: A restart is required after changing this!\nOpenGL is the default for desktop, and OGLES2 for Android.");
gettext("Transparency Sorting Distance");
gettext("Distance in nodes at which transparency depth sorting is enabled\nUse this to limit the performance impact of transparency depth sorting");
gettext("Distance in nodes at which transparency depth sorting is enabled.\nUse this to limit the performance impact of transparency depth sorting.\nSet to 0 to disable it entirely.");
gettext("Cloud radius");
gettext("Radius of cloud area stated in number of 64 node cloud squares.\nValues larger than 26 will start to produce sharp cutoffs at cloud area corners.");
gettext("Desynchronize block animation");
gettext("Whether node texture animations should be desynchronized per mapblock.");
gettext("Mesh cache");
gettext("Enables caching of facedir rotated meshes.");
gettext("Enables caching of facedir rotated meshes.\nThis is only effective with shaders disabled.");
gettext("Mapblock mesh generation delay");
gettext("Delay between mesh updates on the client in ms. Increasing this will slow\ndown the rate of mesh updates, thus reducing jitter on slower clients.");
gettext("Mapblock mesh generation threads");
gettext("Number of threads to use for mesh generation.\nValue of 0 (default) will let Minetest autodetect the number of available threads.");
gettext("Number of threads to use for mesh generation.\nValue of 0 (default) will let Luanti autodetect the number of available threads.");
gettext("Minimap scan height");
gettext("True = 256\nFalse = 128\nUsable to make minimap smoother on slower machines.");
gettext("World-aligned textures mode");
@ -870,6 +881,8 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Side length of a cube of map blocks that the client will consider together\nwhen generating meshes.\nLarger values increase the utilization of the GPU by reducing the number of\ndraw calls, benefiting especially high-end GPUs.\nSystems with a low-end GPU (or no GPU) would benefit from smaller values.");
gettext("OpenGL debug");
gettext("Enables debug and error-checking in the OpenGL driver.");
gettext("Enable Bloom Debug");
gettext("Set to true to render debugging breakdown of the bloom effect.\nIn debug mode, the screen is split into 4 quadrants:\ntop-left - processed base image, top-right - final image\nbottom-left - raw base image, bottom-right - bloom texture.");
gettext("Sound Extensions Blacklist");
gettext("Comma-separated list of AL and ALC extensions that should not be used.\nUseful for testing. See al_extensions.[h,cpp] for details.");
@ -913,21 +926,19 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Spread of light curve boost range.\nControls the width of the range to be boosted.\nStandard deviation of the light curve boost Gaussian.");
gettext("Prometheus listener address");
gettext("Prometheus listener address.\nIf Minetest is compiled with ENABLE_PROMETHEUS option enabled,\nenable metrics listener for Prometheus on that address.\nMetrics can be fetched on");
gettext("Prometheus listener address.\nIf Luanti is compiled with ENABLE_PROMETHEUS option enabled,\nenable metrics listener for Prometheus on that address.\nMetrics can be fetched on");
gettext("Maximum size of the outgoing chat queue");
gettext("Maximum size of the outgoing chat queue.\n0 to disable queueing and -1 to make the queue size unlimited.");
gettext("Mapblock unload timeout");
gettext("Timeout for client to remove unused map data from memory, in seconds.");
gettext("Mapblock limit");
gettext("Maximum number of mapblocks for client to be kept in memory.\nSet to -1 for unlimited amount.");
gettext("Show debug info");
gettext("Whether to show the client debug info (has the same effect as hitting F5).");
gettext("Maximum simultaneous block sends per client");
gettext("Maximum number of blocks that are simultaneously sent per client.\nThe maximum total count is calculated dynamically:\nmax_total = ceil((#clients + max_users) * per_client / 4)");
gettext("Delay in sending blocks after building");
gettext("To reduce lag, block transfers are slowed down when a player is building something.\nThis determines how long they are slowed down after placing or removing a node.");
gettext("Max. packets per iteration");
gettext("Maximum number of packets sent per send step, if you have a slow connection\ntry reducing it, but don't reduce it to a number below double of targeted\nclient number.");
gettext("Maximum number of packets sent per send step in the low-level networking code.\nYou generally don't need to change this, however busy servers may benefit from a higher number.");
gettext("Map Compression Level for Network Transfer");
gettext("Compression level to use when sending mapblocks to the client.\n-1 - use default compression level\n0 - least compression, fastest\n9 - best compression, slowest");
@ -943,7 +954,7 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Whether to ask clients to reconnect after a (Lua) crash.\nSet this to true if your server is set up to restart automatically.");
gettext("Server/Env Performance");
gettext("Dedicated server step");
gettext("Length of a server tick (the interval at which everything is generally updated),\nstated in seconds.\nDoes not apply to sessions hosted from the client menu.");
gettext("Length of a server tick (the interval at which everything is generally updated),\nstated in seconds.\nDoes not apply to sessions hosted from the client menu.\nThis is a lower bound, i.e. server steps may not be shorter than this, but\nthey are often longer.");
gettext("Unlimited player transfer distance");
gettext("Whether players are shown to clients without any range limit.\nDeprecated, use the setting player_transfer_distance instead.");
gettext("Player transfer distance");
@ -1008,7 +1019,7 @@ fake_function() {
gettext("Display Density Scaling Factor");
gettext("Adjust the detected display density, used for scaling UI elements.");
gettext("Enable console window");
gettext("Windows systems only: Start Minetest with the command line window in the background.\nContains the same information as the file debug.txt (default name).");
gettext("Windows systems only: Start Luanti with the command line window in the background.\nContains the same information as the file debug.txt (default name).");
gettext("Max. clearobjects extra blocks");
gettext("Number of extra blocks that can be loaded by /clearobjects at once.\nThis is a trade-off between SQLite transaction overhead and\nmemory consumption (4096=100MB, as a rule of thumb).");
gettext("Map directory");