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synced 2025-03-28 13:12:37 +01:00
Fix tests that rely on UTF-8 literals
and the lowercase function
This commit is contained in:
@ -701,8 +701,8 @@ bool PathStartsWith(const std::string &path, const std::string &prefix)
char pathchar = path[pathpos+len];
char prefixchar = prefix[prefixpos+len];
pathchar = tolower(pathchar);
prefixchar = tolower(prefixchar);
pathchar = my_tolower(pathchar);
prefixchar = my_tolower(prefixchar);
if(pathchar != prefixchar)
return false;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void TestSettings::runTests(IGameDef *gamedef)
const char *TestSettings::config_text_before =
"leet = 1337\n"
u8"leet = 1337\n"
"leetleet = 13371337\n"
"leetleet_neg = -13371337\n"
"floaty_thing = 1.1\n"
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ const char *TestSettings::config_text_before =
const std::string TestSettings::config_text_after =
"leet = 1337\n"
u8"leet = 1337\n"
"leetleet = 13371337\n"
"leetleet_neg = -13371337\n"
"floaty_thing = 1.1\n"
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ void TestSettings::testAllSettings()
// Not sure if 1.1 is an exact value as a float, but doesn't matter
UASSERT(fabs(s.getFloat("floaty_thing") - 1.1) < 0.001);
UASSERT(s.get("stringy_thing") == "asd /( ¤%&(/\" BLÖÄRP");
UASSERT(s.get("stringy_thing") == u8"asd /( ¤%&(/\" BLÖÄRP");
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").X - 1.0) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").Y - 2.0) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").Z - 4.5) < 0.001);
@ -183,9 +183,11 @@ void TestUtilities::testWrapDegrees_0_360_v3f()
void TestUtilities::testLowercase()
UASSERT(lowercase("Foo bAR") == "foo bar");
UASSERT(lowercase("eeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaààààà") == "eeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaààààà");
UASSERT(lowercase("MINETEST-powa") == "minetest-powa");
UASSERTEQ(auto, lowercase("Foo bAR"), "foo bar");
UASSERTEQ(auto, lowercase(u8"eeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaààààà"), u8"eeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaààààà");
// intentionally won't handle Unicode, regardless of locale
UASSERTEQ(auto, lowercase(u8"ÜÜ"), u8"ÜÜ");
UASSERTEQ(auto, lowercase("MINETEST-powa"), "minetest-powa");
@ -309,18 +311,21 @@ void TestUtilities::testAsciiPrintableHelper()
void TestUtilities::testUTF8()
UASSERT(utf8_to_wide("¤") == L"¤");
UASSERT(utf8_to_wide(u8"¤") == L"¤");
UASSERT(wide_to_utf8(L"¤") == "¤");
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(L"¤"), u8"¤");
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide("")), "");
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide("the shovel dug a crumbly node!")),
"the shovel dug a crumbly node!");
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide("-ä-")),
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide("-\xF0\xA0\x80\x8B-")),
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide(u8"-ä-")),
UASSERTEQ(std::string, wide_to_utf8(utf8_to_wide(u8"-\U0002000b-")),
if constexpr (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) {
const auto *literal = U"-\U0002000b-";
UASSERT(utf8_to_wide(u8"-\U0002000b-") == reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(literal));
void TestUtilities::testRemoveEscapes()
@ -643,7 +648,7 @@ void TestUtilities::testSanitizeDirName()
UASSERTEQ(auto, sanitizeDirName(" a ", "~"), "_a_");
UASSERTEQ(auto, sanitizeDirName("COM1", "~"), "~COM1");
UASSERTEQ(auto, sanitizeDirName("COM1", ":"), "_COM1");
UASSERTEQ(auto, sanitizeDirName("cOm\u00B2", "~"), "~cOm\u00B2");
UASSERTEQ(auto, sanitizeDirName(u8"cOm\u00B2", "~"), u8"~cOm\u00B2");
UASSERTEQ(auto, sanitizeDirName("cOnIn$", "~"), "~cOnIn$");
UASSERTEQ(auto, sanitizeDirName(" cOnIn$ ", "~"), "_cOnIn$_");
@ -101,6 +101,21 @@ bool parseColorString(const std::string &value, video::SColor &color, bool quiet
unsigned char default_alpha = 0xff);
std::string encodeHexColorString(video::SColor color);
* Converts a letter to lowercase, with safe handling of the char type and non-ASCII.
* @param c input letter
* @returns same letter but lowercase
inline char my_tolower(char c)
// By design this function cannot handle any Unicode (codepoints don't fit into char),
// but make sure to pass it through unchanged.
// tolower() can mangle it if the POSIX locale is not UTF-8.
if (static_cast<unsigned char>(c) > 0x7f)
return c;
// toupper(3): "If the argument c is of type char, it must be cast to unsigned char"
return tolower(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
* Returns a copy of \p str with spaces inserted at the right hand side to ensure
@ -173,7 +188,7 @@ inline bool str_equal(std::basic_string_view<T> s1,
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s1.size(); ++i)
if(tolower(s1[i]) != tolower(s2[i]))
if (my_tolower(s1[i]) != my_tolower(s2[i]))
return false;
return true;
@ -212,7 +227,7 @@ inline bool str_starts_with(std::basic_string_view<T> str,
return str.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < prefix.size(); ++i)
if (tolower(str[i]) != tolower(prefix[i]))
if (my_tolower(str[i]) != my_tolower(prefix[i]))
return false;
return true;
@ -253,7 +268,7 @@ inline bool str_ends_with(std::basic_string_view<T> str,
return str.compare(start, suffix.size(), suffix) == 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < suffix.size(); ++i)
if (tolower(str[start + i]) != tolower(suffix[i]))
if (my_tolower(str[start + i]) != my_tolower(suffix[i]))
return false;
return true;
@ -305,7 +320,7 @@ inline std::string lowercase(std::string_view str)
std::string s2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
s2[i] = tolower(str[i]);
s2[i] = my_tolower(str[i]);
return s2;
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