Make string to v3f parsing consistent, replace core.setting_get_pos() by core.settings:get_pos() ()

Co-authored-by: sfan5 <>
Co-authored-by: Lars Müller <>
This commit is contained in:
2024-12-04 18:19:46 +01:00
committed by GitHub
parent 18caf3a18d
commit e545e96d2b
17 changed files with 162 additions and 45 deletions

@ -36,11 +36,7 @@ end
function core.setting_get_pos(name)
local value = core.settings:get(name)
if not value then
return nil
return core.string_to_pos(value)
return core.settings:get_pos(name)

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
local static_spawnpoint_string = core.settings:get("static_spawnpoint")
if static_spawnpoint_string and
static_spawnpoint_string ~= "" and
not core.setting_get_pos("static_spawnpoint") then
not core.settings:get_pos("static_spawnpoint") then
error('The static_spawnpoint setting is invalid: "' ..
static_spawnpoint_string .. '"')

@ -6180,7 +6180,7 @@ Setting-related
* `core.settings`: Settings object containing all of the settings from the
main config file (`minetest.conf`). See [`Settings`].
* `core.setting_get_pos(name)`: Loads a setting from the main settings and
parses it as a position (in the format `(1,2,3)`). Returns a position or nil.
parses it as a position (in the format `(1,2,3)`). Returns a position or nil. **Deprecated: use `core.settings:get_pos()` instead**
@ -9051,6 +9051,9 @@ means that no defaults will be returned for mod settings.
* Is currently limited to mapgen flags `mg_flags` and mapgen-specific
flags like `mgv5_spflags`.
* Returns `nil` if `key` is not found.
* `get_pos(key)`:
* Returns a `vector`
* Returns `nil` if no value is found or parsing failed.
* `set(key, value)`
* Setting names can't contain whitespace or any of `="{}#`.
* Setting values can't contain the sequence `\n"""`.
@ -9061,6 +9064,9 @@ means that no defaults will be returned for mod settings.
* `set_np_group(key, value)`
* `value` is a NoiseParams table.
* Also, see documentation for `set()` above.
* `set_pos(key, value)`
* `value` is a `vector`.
* Also, see documentation for `set()` above.
* `remove(key)`: returns a boolean (`true` for success)
* `get_names()`: returns `{key1,...}`
* `has(key)`:

@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ Hud::Hud(Client *client, LocalPlayer *player,
tsrc = client->getTextureSource();
v3f crosshair_color = g_settings->getV3F("crosshair_color");
v3f crosshair_color = g_settings->getV3F("crosshair_color").value_or(v3f());
u32 cross_r = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.X), 0, 255);
u32 cross_g = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.Y), 0, 255);
u32 cross_b = rangelim(myround(crosshair_color.Z), 0, 255);
u32 cross_a = rangelim(g_settings->getS32("crosshair_alpha"), 0, 255);
crosshair_argb = video::SColor(cross_a, cross_r, cross_g, cross_b);
v3f selectionbox_color = g_settings->getV3F("selectionbox_color");
v3f selectionbox_color = g_settings->getV3F("selectionbox_color").value_or(v3f());
u32 sbox_r = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.X), 0, 255);
u32 sbox_g = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.Y), 0, 255);
u32 sbox_b = rangelim(myround(selectionbox_color.Z), 0, 255);

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void PlayerDatabaseFiles::deSerialize(RemotePlayer *p, std::istream &is,
try {
} catch (SettingNotFoundException &e) {}
try {

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ GUIChatConsole::GUIChatConsole(
} else {
v3f console_color = g_settings->getV3F("console_color");
v3f console_color = g_settings->getV3F("console_color").value_or(v3f());

@ -3010,7 +3010,7 @@ void GUIFormSpecMenu::regenerateGui(v2u32 screensize)
m_tabheader_upper_edge = 0;
v3f formspec_bgcolor = g_settings->getV3F("formspec_fullscreen_bg_color");
v3f formspec_bgcolor = g_settings->getV3F("formspec_fullscreen_bg_color").value_or(v3f());
m_fullscreen_bgcolor = video::SColor(
(u8) clamp_u8(g_settings->getS32("formspec_fullscreen_bg_opacity")),

@ -295,10 +295,8 @@ std::string ItemStack::getWieldOverlay(const IItemDefManager *itemdef) const
v3f ItemStack::getWieldScale(const IItemDefManager *itemdef) const
std::string scale = metadata.getString("wield_scale");
if (scale.empty())
return getDefinition(itemdef).wield_scale;
return str_to_v3f(scale);
return str_to_v3f(scale).value_or(getDefinition(itemdef).wield_scale);
ItemStack ItemStack::addItem(ItemStack newitem, IItemDefManager *itemdef)

@ -103,8 +103,17 @@ void MapgenFractalParams::readParams(const Settings *settings)
settings->getS16NoEx("mgfractal_dungeon_ymax", dungeon_ymax);
settings->getU16NoEx("mgfractal_fractal", fractal);
settings->getU16NoEx("mgfractal_iterations", iterations);
settings->getV3FNoEx("mgfractal_scale", scale);
settings->getV3FNoEx("mgfractal_offset", offset);
std::optional<v3f> mgfractal_scale;
if (settings->getV3FNoEx("mgfractal_scale", mgfractal_scale) && mgfractal_scale.has_value()) {
scale = *mgfractal_scale;
std::optional<v3f> mgfractal_offset;
if (settings->getV3FNoEx("mgfractal_offset", mgfractal_offset) && mgfractal_offset.has_value()) {
offset = *mgfractal_offset;
settings->getFloatNoEx("mgfractal_slice_w", slice_w);
settings->getFloatNoEx("mgfractal_julia_x", julia_x);
settings->getFloatNoEx("mgfractal_julia_y", julia_y);

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "settings.h"
#include "noise.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "common/c_converter.h"
@ -177,6 +178,21 @@ int LuaSettings::l_get_flags(lua_State *L)
return 1;
// get_pos(self, key) -> vector or nil
int LuaSettings::l_get_pos(lua_State *L)
LuaSettings *o = checkObject<LuaSettings>(L, 1);
std::string key = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
std::optional<v3f> pos;
if (o->m_settings->getV3FNoEx(key, pos) && pos.has_value())
push_v3f(L, *pos);
return 1;
// set(self, key, value)
int LuaSettings::l_set(lua_State* L)
@ -227,6 +243,22 @@ int LuaSettings::l_set_np_group(lua_State *L)
return 0;
// set_pos(self, key, value)
int LuaSettings::l_set_pos(lua_State *L)
LuaSettings *o = checkObject<LuaSettings>(L, 1);
std::string key = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
v3f value = check_v3f(L, 3);
o->m_settings->setV3F(key, value);
return 0;
// remove(self, key) -> success
int LuaSettings::l_remove(lua_State* L)
@ -356,9 +388,11 @@ const luaL_Reg LuaSettings::methods[] = {
luamethod(LuaSettings, get_bool),
luamethod(LuaSettings, get_np_group),
luamethod(LuaSettings, get_flags),
luamethod(LuaSettings, get_pos),
luamethod(LuaSettings, set),
luamethod(LuaSettings, set_bool),
luamethod(LuaSettings, set_np_group),
luamethod(LuaSettings, set_pos),
luamethod(LuaSettings, remove),
luamethod(LuaSettings, get_names),
luamethod(LuaSettings, has),

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ private:
// get_flags(self, key) -> key/value table
static int l_get_flags(lua_State *L);
// get_pos(self, key) -> vector or nil
static int l_get_pos(lua_State *L);
// set(self, key, value)
static int l_set(lua_State *L);
@ -38,6 +41,9 @@ private:
// set_np_group(self, key, value)
static int l_set_np_group(lua_State *L);
// set_pos(self, key, value)
static int l_set_pos(lua_State *L);
// remove(self, key) -> success
static int l_remove(lua_State *L);

@ -3863,9 +3863,14 @@ void Server::addShutdownError(const ModError &e)
v3f Server::findSpawnPos()
ServerMap &map = m_env->getServerMap();
v3f nodeposf;
if (g_settings->getV3FNoEx("static_spawnpoint", nodeposf))
return nodeposf * BS;
std::optional<v3f> staticSpawnPoint;
if (g_settings->getV3FNoEx("static_spawnpoint", staticSpawnPoint) && staticSpawnPoint.has_value())
return *staticSpawnPoint * BS;
v3f nodeposf;
bool is_good = false;
// Limit spawn range to mapgen edges (determined by 'mapgen_limit')

@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ v2f Settings::getV2F(const std::string &name) const
v3f Settings::getV3F(const std::string &name) const
std::optional<v3f> Settings::getV3F(const std::string &name) const
return str_to_v3f(get(name));
@ -626,7 +626,11 @@ bool Settings::getNoiseParamsFromGroup(const std::string &name,
group->getFloatNoEx("offset", np.offset);
group->getFloatNoEx("scale", np.scale);
group->getV3FNoEx("spread", np.spread);
std::optional<v3f> spread;
if (group->getV3FNoEx("spread", spread) && spread.has_value())
np.spread = *spread;
group->getS32NoEx("seed", np.seed);
group->getU16NoEx("octaves", np.octaves);
group->getFloatNoEx("persistence", np.persist);
@ -783,7 +787,7 @@ bool Settings::getV2FNoEx(const std::string &name, v2f &val) const
bool Settings::getV3FNoEx(const std::string &name, v3f &val) const
bool Settings::getV3FNoEx(const std::string &name, std::optional<v3f> &val) const
try {
val = getV3F(name);

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public:
float getFloat(const std::string &name) const;
float getFloat(const std::string &name, float min, float max) const;
v2f getV2F(const std::string &name) const;
v3f getV3F(const std::string &name) const;
std::optional<v3f> getV3F(const std::string &name) const;
u32 getFlagStr(const std::string &name, const FlagDesc *flagdesc,
u32 *flagmask) const;
bool getNoiseParams(const std::string &name, NoiseParams &np) const;
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public:
bool getU64NoEx(const std::string &name, u64 &val) const;
bool getFloatNoEx(const std::string &name, float &val) const;
bool getV2FNoEx(const std::string &name, v2f &val) const;
bool getV3FNoEx(const std::string &name, v3f &val) const;
bool getV3FNoEx(const std::string &name, std::optional<v3f> &val) const;
// Like other getters, but handling each flag individualy:
// 1) Read default flags (or 0)

@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ const char *TestSettings::config_text_before =
"floaty_thing = 1.1\n"
"stringy_thing = asd /( ¤%&(/\" BLÖÄRP\n"
"coord = (1, 2, 4.5)\n"
"coord_invalid = (1,2,3\n"
"coord_invalid_2 = 1, 2, 3 test\n"
"coord_invalid_3 = (test, something, stupid)\n"
"coord_invalid_4 = (1, test, 3)\n"
"coord_invalid_5 = ()\n"
"coord_invalid_6 = (1, 2)\n"
"coord_invalid_7 = (1)\n"
"coord_no_parenthesis = 1,2,3\n"
" # this is just a comment\n"
"this is an invalid line\n"
"asdf = {\n"
@ -94,7 +102,15 @@ const char *TestSettings::config_text_after =
" spread = (250,250,250)\n"
"zoop = true\n"
"coord2 = (1,2,3.3)\n"
"coord2 = (1,2,3.25)\n"
"coord_invalid = (1,2,3\n"
"coord_invalid_2 = 1, 2, 3 test\n"
"coord_invalid_3 = (test, something, stupid)\n"
"coord_invalid_4 = (1, test, 3)\n"
"coord_invalid_5 = ()\n"
"coord_invalid_6 = (1, 2)\n"
"coord_invalid_7 = (1)\n"
"coord_no_parenthesis = 1,2,3\n"
"floaty_thing_2 = 1.25\n"
"groupy_thing = {\n"
" animals = cute\n"
@ -140,18 +156,33 @@ void TestSettings::testAllSettings()
// Not sure if 1.1 is an exact value as a float, but doesn't matter
UASSERT(fabs(s.getFloat("floaty_thing") - 1.1) < 0.001);
UASSERT(s.get("stringy_thing") == u8"asd /( ¤%&(/\" BLÖÄRP");
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").X - 1.0) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").Y - 2.0) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord").Z - 4.5) < 0.001);
UASSERT(s.getV3F("coord").value().X == 1.0);
UASSERT(s.getV3F("coord").value().Y == 2.0);
UASSERT(s.getV3F("coord").value().Z == 4.5);
// Test the setting of settings too
s.setFloat("floaty_thing_2", 1.25);
s.setV3F("coord2", v3f(1, 2, 3.3));
s.setV3F("coord2", v3f(1, 2, 3.25));
UASSERT(s.get("floaty_thing_2").substr(0,4) == "1.25");
UASSERT(fabs(s.getFloat("floaty_thing_2") - 1.25) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord2").X - 1.0) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord2").Y - 2.0) < 0.001);
UASSERT(fabs(s.getV3F("coord2").Z - 3.3) < 0.001);
UASSERT(s.getFloat("floaty_thing_2") == 1.25);
UASSERT(s.getV3F("coord2").value().X == 1.0);
UASSERT(s.getV3F("coord2").value().Y == 2.0);
UASSERT(s.getV3F("coord2").value().Z == 3.25);
std::optional<v3f> testNotExist;
UASSERT(!s.getV3FNoEx("coord_not_exist", testNotExist));
EXCEPTION_CHECK(SettingNotFoundException, s.getV3F("coord_not_exist"));
std::optional<v3f> testNoParenthesis = s.getV3F("coord_no_parenthesis");
UASSERT(testNoParenthesis.value() == v3f(1, 2, 3));
// Test settings groups
Settings *group = s.getGroup("asdf");

@ -1068,14 +1068,41 @@ void safe_print_string(std::ostream &os, std::string_view str)
v3f str_to_v3f(std::string_view str)
std::optional<v3f> str_to_v3f(std::string_view str)
v3f value;
Strfnd f(str);"(");
value.X = stof(","));
value.Y = stof(","));
value.Z = stof(")"));
return value;
str = trim(str);
if (str.empty())
return std::nullopt;
// Strip parentheses if they exist
if (str.front() == '(' && str.back() == ')') {
str = trim(str);
std::istringstream iss((std::string(str)));
const auto expect_delimiter = [&]() {
const auto c = iss.get();
return c == ' ' || c == ',';
v3f value;
if (!(iss >> value.X))
return std::nullopt;
if (!expect_delimiter())
return std::nullopt;
if (!(iss >> value.Y))
return std::nullopt;
if (!expect_delimiter())
return std::nullopt;
if (!(iss >> value.Z))
return std::nullopt;
if (!iss.eof())
return std::nullopt;
return value;

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <cctype>
#include <cwctype>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <optional>
class Translations;
@ -789,9 +790,9 @@ std::string sanitize_untrusted(std::string_view str, bool keep_escapes = true);
void safe_print_string(std::ostream &os, std::string_view str);
* Parses a string of form `(1, 2, 3)` to a v3f
* Parses a string of form `(1, 2, 3)` or `1, 2, 4` to a v3f
* @param str string
* @return float vector
v3f str_to_v3f(std::string_view str);
std::optional<v3f> str_to_v3f(std::string_view str);