mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 10:23:47 +01:00
Add /emergeblocks command and core.emerge_area() Lua API
This commit is contained in:
@ -554,6 +554,36 @@ assert(core.string_to_pos("10.0, 5, -2").x == 10)
assert(core.string_to_pos("( 10.0, 5, -2)").z == -2)
assert(core.string_to_pos("asd, 5, -2)") == nil)
function core.string_to_area(value)
local p1, p2 = unpack(value:split(") ("))
if p1 == nil or p2 == nil then
return nil
p1 = core.string_to_pos(p1 .. ")")
p2 = core.string_to_pos("(" .. p2)
if p1 == nil or p2 == nil then
return nil
return p1, p2
local function test_string_to_area()
local p1, p2 = core.string_to_area("(10.0, 5, -2) ( 30.2, 4, -12.53)")
assert(p1.x == 10.0 and p1.y == 5 and p1.z == -2)
assert(p2.x == 30.2 and p2.y == 4 and p2.z == -12.53)
p1, p2 = core.string_to_area("(10.0, 5, -2 30.2, 4, -12.53")
assert(p1 == nil and p2 == nil)
p1, p2 = core.string_to_area("(10.0, 5,) -2 fgdf2, 4, -12.53")
assert(p1 == nil and p2 == nil)
function table.copy(t, seen)
local n = {}
@ -51,6 +51,27 @@ core.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message)
return true -- Handled chat message
-- Parses a "range" string in the format of "here (number)" or
-- "(x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2)", returning two position vectors
local function parse_range_str(player_name, str)
local p1, p2
local args = str:split(" ")
if args[1] == "here" then
p1, p2 = core.get_player_radius_area(player_name, tonumber(args[2]))
if p1 == nil then
return false, "Unable to get player " .. player_name .. " position"
p1, p2 = core.string_to_area(str)
if p1 == nil then
return false, "Incorrect area format. Expected: (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2)"
return p1, p2
-- Chat commands
@ -415,40 +436,31 @@ core.register_chatcommand("set", {
core.register_chatcommand("emergeblocks", {
params = "(here [radius]) | (<pos1> <pos2>)",
description = "starts loading (or generating, if inexistent) map blocks "
.. "contained in area pos1 to pos2",
privs = {server=true},
func = function(name, param)
local p1, p2 = parse_range_str(name, param)
if p1 == false then
return false, p2
core.emerge_area(p1, p2)
return true, "Started emerge of area ranging from " ..
core.pos_to_string(p1, 1) .. " to " .. core.pos_to_string(p2, 1)
core.register_chatcommand("deleteblocks", {
params = "(here [radius]) | (<pos1> <pos2>)",
description = "delete map blocks contained in area pos1 to pos2",
privs = {server=true},
func = function(name, param)
local p1 = {}
local p2 = {}
local args = param:split(" ")
if args[1] == "here" then
local player = core.get_player_by_name(name)
if player == nil then
core.log("error", "player is nil")
return false, "Unable to get current position; player is nil"
p1 = player:getpos()
p2 = p1
if #args >= 2 then
local radius = tonumber(args[2]) or 0
p1 = vector.add(p1, radius)
p2 = vector.subtract(p2, radius)
local pos1, pos2 = unpack(param:split(") ("))
if pos1 == nil or pos2 == nil then
return false, "Incorrect area format. Expected: (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2)"
p1 = core.string_to_pos(pos1 .. ")")
p2 = core.string_to_pos("(" .. pos2)
if p1 == nil or p2 == nil then
return false, "Incorrect area format. Expected: (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2)"
local p1, p2 = parse_range_str(name, param)
if p1 == false then
return false, p2
if core.delete_area(p1, p2) then
@ -109,6 +109,25 @@ function core.get_connected_players()
return temp_table
-- Returns two position vectors representing a box of `radius` in each
-- direction centered around the player corresponding to `player_name`
function core.get_player_radius_area(player_name, radius)
local player = core.get_player_by_name(player_name)
if player == nil then
return nil
local p1 = player:getpos()
local p2 = p1
if radius then
p1 = vector.subtract(p1, radius)
p2 = vector.add(p2, radius)
return p1, p2
function core.hash_node_position(pos)
return (pos.z+32768)*65536*65536 + (pos.y+32768)*65536 + pos.x+32768
@ -1708,6 +1708,8 @@ Helper functions
* Convert position to a printable string
* `minetest.string_to_pos(string)`: returns a position
* Same but in reverse. Returns `nil` if the string can't be parsed to a position.
* `minetest.string_to_area("(X1, Y1, Z1) (X2, Y2, Z2)")`: returns two positions
* Converts a string representing an area box into two positions
* `minetest.formspec_escape(string)`: returns a string
* escapes the characters "[", "]", "\", "," and ";", which can not be used in formspecs
* `minetest.is_yes(arg)`
@ -2020,6 +2022,9 @@ and `minetest.auth_reload` call the authetification handler.
* `pos1` and `pos2` are optional and default to mapchunk minp and maxp.
* `minetest.clear_objects()`
* clear all objects in the environments
* `minetest.emerge_area(pos1, pos2)`
* queues all mapblocks in the area from pos1 to pos2, inclusive, for emerge
* i.e. asynchronously loads blocks from disk, or if inexistent, generates them
* `minetest.delete_area(pos1, pos2)`
* delete all mapblocks in the area from pos1 to pos2, inclusive
* `minetest.line_of_sight(pos1, pos2, stepsize)`: returns `boolean, pos`
@ -235,11 +235,13 @@ void EmergeManager::stopThreads()
bool EmergeManager::enqueueBlockEmerge(u16 peer_id, v3s16 p, bool allow_generate)
bool EmergeManager::enqueueBlockEmerge(u16 peer_id, v3s16 p,
bool allow_generate, bool force_queue_block)
std::map<v3s16, BlockEmergeData *>::const_iterator iter;
BlockEmergeData *bedata;
u16 count;
u16 count_global = 0;
u16 count_peer = 0;
u8 flags = 0;
int idx = 0;
@ -249,14 +251,17 @@ bool EmergeManager::enqueueBlockEmerge(u16 peer_id, v3s16 p, bool allow_generate
MutexAutoLock queuelock(queuemutex);
count = blocks_enqueued.size();
if (count >= qlimit_total)
return false;
count_global = blocks_enqueued.size();
count_peer = peer_queue_count[peer_id];
count = peer_queue_count[peer_id];
u16 qlimit_peer = allow_generate ? qlimit_generate : qlimit_diskonly;
if (count >= qlimit_peer)
return false;
if (!force_queue_block) {
if (count_global >= qlimit_total)
return false;
u16 qlimit_peer = allow_generate ? qlimit_generate : qlimit_diskonly;
if (count_peer >= qlimit_peer)
return false;
iter = blocks_enqueued.find(p);
if (iter != blocks_enqueued.end()) {
@ -270,7 +275,7 @@ bool EmergeManager::enqueueBlockEmerge(u16 peer_id, v3s16 p, bool allow_generate
bedata->peer_requested = peer_id;
blocks_enqueued.insert(std::make_pair(p, bedata));
peer_queue_count[peer_id] = count + 1;
peer_queue_count[peer_id] = count_peer + 1;
// insert into the EmergeThread queue with the least items
int lowestitems = emergethread[0]->blockqueue.size();
@ -289,6 +294,21 @@ bool EmergeManager::enqueueBlockEmerge(u16 peer_id, v3s16 p, bool allow_generate
return true;
v3s16 EmergeManager::getContainingChunk(v3s16 blockpos)
return getContainingChunk(blockpos, params.chunksize);
v3s16 EmergeManager::getContainingChunk(v3s16 blockpos, s16 chunksize)
s16 coff = -chunksize / 2;
v3s16 chunk_offset(coff, coff, coff);
return getContainerPos(blockpos - chunk_offset, chunksize)
* chunksize + chunk_offset;
int EmergeManager::getGroundLevelAtPoint(v2s16 p)
@ -109,9 +109,13 @@ public:
static void getMapgenNames(std::list<const char *> &mgnames);
void startThreads();
void stopThreads();
bool enqueueBlockEmerge(u16 peer_id, v3s16 p, bool allow_generate);
bool enqueueBlockEmerge(u16 peer_id, v3s16 p, bool allow_generate,
bool force_queue_block=false);
//mapgen helper methods
v3s16 getContainingChunk(v3s16 blockpos);
static v3s16 getContainingChunk(v3s16 blockpos, s16 chunksize);
// mapgen helper methods
Biome *getBiomeAtPoint(v3s16 p);
int getGroundLevelAtPoint(v2s16 p);
bool isBlockUnderground(v3s16 blockpos);
@ -2259,14 +2259,9 @@ bool ServerMap::initBlockMake(BlockMakeData *data, v3s16 blockpos)
bool enable_mapgen_debug_info = m_emerge->mapgen_debug_info;
EMERGE_DBG_OUT("initBlockMake(): " PP(blockpos) " - " PP(blockpos));
s16 chunksize = m_emerge->params.chunksize;
s16 coffset = -chunksize / 2;
v3s16 chunk_offset(coffset, coffset, coffset);
v3s16 blockpos_div = getContainerPos(blockpos - chunk_offset, chunksize);
v3s16 blockpos_min = blockpos_div * chunksize;
v3s16 blockpos_max = blockpos_div * chunksize + v3s16(1,1,1)*(chunksize-1);
blockpos_min += chunk_offset;
blockpos_max += chunk_offset;
s16 csize = m_emerge->params.chunksize;
v3s16 blockpos_min = EmergeManager::getContainingChunk(blockpos, csize);
v3s16 blockpos_max = blockpos_min + v3s16(1, 1, 1) * (csize - 1);
v3s16 extra_borders(1,1,1);
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "util/pointedthing.h"
#include "content_sao.h"
#include "treegen.h"
#include "emerge.h"
#include "pathfinder.h"
#define GET_ENV_PTR ServerEnvironment* env = \
@ -751,6 +752,29 @@ int ModApiEnvMod::l_line_of_sight(lua_State *L)
return 1;
// emerge_area(p1, p2)
// emerge mapblocks in area p1..p2
int ModApiEnvMod::l_emerge_area(lua_State *L)
EmergeManager *emerge = getServer(L)->getEmergeManager();
v3s16 bpmin = getNodeBlockPos(read_v3s16(L, 1));
v3s16 bpmax = getNodeBlockPos(read_v3s16(L, 2));
sortBoxVerticies(bpmin, bpmax);
for (s16 z = bpmin.Z; z <= bpmax.Z; z++)
for (s16 y = bpmin.Y; y <= bpmax.Y; y++)
for (s16 x = bpmin.X; x <= bpmax.X; x++) {
v3s16 chunkpos(x, y, z);
emerge->enqueueBlockEmerge(PEER_ID_INEXISTENT, chunkpos, false, true);
return 0;
// delete_area(p1, p2)
// delete mapblocks in area p1..p2
int ModApiEnvMod::l_delete_area(lua_State *L)
@ -954,6 +978,7 @@ void ModApiEnvMod::Initialize(lua_State *L, int top)
@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ private:
// nodenames: eg. {"ignore", "group:tree"} or "default:dirt"
static int l_find_nodes_in_area_under_air(lua_State *L);
// emerge_area(p1, p2)
static int l_emerge_area(lua_State *L);
// delete_area(p1, p2) -> true/false
static int l_delete_area(lua_State *L);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user