It shows you your yaw (horizontal viewing angle) in degrees.=
It shows you your pitch (vertical viewing angle) in degrees.=
It shows you your current elevation (Y).=
It shows you the coordinates of your current position in the horizontal plane (X and Z).=
The GPS device shows you your coordinates (X, Y and Z), your yaw (horizontal viewing angle) and the time.=
It shows you your current horizontal (“hor.”) and vertical (“ver.”) speed in meters per second, where one meter is the side length of a single cube.=
It shows you the current time.=
This is the ultimate orientieering tool. It shows you your coordinates (X, Y and Z), shows your yaw and pitch (horizontal and vertical viewing angles), the current time, your current speed and it enables you to access the minimap.=
Binoculars allow you to zoom.=
Put this tool in your hotbar to see the data it provides.=