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local m = mtimer
local S = m.translator
local esc = minetest.formspec_escape
-- Get a button with icon
-- This function returns a fully formatted button with icon.
-- The provided ID is set as the button’s ID as well as the button’s image.
-- When set as image all colons are replaced with underscores and the id then
-- is formatted: `mtimer_ID.png` where `ID` is the given ID.
-- The definition table sets up the button’s parameters and is fully optional
-- even if it makes no sense.
-- definition = {
-- label = 'My Cool Button label' or '',
-- width = 5, or 3,
-- image_size = 1, or 0.5,
-- container = { left = 1, top = 1} or pos_container
-- exit_button = true or false
-- }
-- The container table is used to position the button. If the `container` sub
-- table is unset, the following table is used, causing the button to be in the
-- top left corner of the formspec if not contained in another container.
-- pos_container = {
-- left = 0,
-- top = 0
-- }
-- @param id The ID for the button
-- @param definition The definition table as described
-- @return string The created button as formspec code
mtimer.get_icon_button = function (id, definition)
local def = definition or {}
-- Set button defaults
local b_width = def.width or 3
local i_size = def.image_size or 0.5
local c_left = (def.container or {}).left or 0
local c_top = (def.container or {}).top or 0
-- Calculate button parameters
local b_padding = i_size / 4
local b_height = (b_padding * 2) + i_size
local l_top_pos = i_size / 2
local l_left_pos = i_size + (i_size / 4)
-- Create/Return the button
return (table.concat({
' container[+buttonPadding,+buttonPadding]',
' image[0,0;+imageSize,+imageSize;+icon]',
' label[+labelLeftPos,+labelTopPos;+label]',
' container_end[]',
' +buttonType[0,0;+buttonWidth,+buttonHeight;+id;]',
}, ' '):gsub('%+%w+', {
['+containerLeft'] = c_left,
['+containerTop'] = c_top,
['+buttonType'] = def.exit_button==true and 'button_exit' or 'button',
['+buttonWidth'] = b_width,
['+buttonHeight'] = b_height,
['+buttonPadding'] = b_padding,
['+imageSize'] = i_size,
['+icon'] = 'mtimer_'..id:gsub(':', '_')..'.png',
['+labelLeftPos'] = l_left_pos,
['+labelTopPos'] = l_top_pos,
['+id'] = id,
['+label'] = esc(def.label or '')
-- Build the formspec frame
-- This function builds and displays a formspec based on the input.
-- The `id` is the usual formspec ID (for example `mymod:my_formspec`) and
-- has to be provided as a simple string all other parameters are provided via
-- the `def` table. The following table is an example.
-- {
-- title = 'Nice Title' -- Automatically prefixed for orientation
-- prefix = '[Blarb] ' -- Optional title prefix
-- width = 8, -- Optional width of the content container
-- height = 3, -- Optional height of the content container
-- show_to = 'Playername', -- Name of the player to show the formspec to
-- hide_buttons = true, -- Optionally hide buttons
-- hide_title = true, -- Optionally hide title
-- icon_size = 0.5, -- Optionally set title icon size
-- content_offset = 0, -- Optionally Offset content height position
-- formspec = {} -- Table with formspec definition
-- }
-- When set the title is prefixed with the prefix value. If omitted “[mTimer] ”
-- is used. The example creates “[Blarb] Nice Title” as title. Translated
-- strings can be used here. The Title and prefix are “formspec-safe” so
-- strings that are formspec elements can be used to show them literal.
-- The default buttons can be hidden by adding `hide_buttons = true` to the
-- definition table. If omitted the buttons are shown. When not shown the
-- formspec size will be reduced by the amout of units the buttons would
-- have taken place. Same for the title with `hide_title = true`.
-- Some formspec elements do not properly start at 0,0 even if set so. The
-- `content_offset` attribute offsets the content vertically by the given
-- amount of units. Formspec height and button positions are adapted to the
-- given value.
-- The table entries for `formspec` are the usual formspec elements that
-- define what a formspec looks like. You can write all definition in one entry
-- or split the definition into multiple entries.
-- The definition defines the CONTENT of the formspec not the whole formspec so
-- you can easily start at 0,0 for your definition. The function automatically
-- places everything in relation to the formspec frame and default buttons.
-- The minimum formspec width and height are 10 units in width and 5 units in
-- height. So `width` and `height` can be omitted when all of your content fits
-- into the default size.
-- All formspec table entries can contain the following variables. Variables
-- start with a plus sign (+) and are read until any character that is not
-- a letter. Some variables are useless, some can be used quite well.
-- Variable Name Value Type
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- +width Width of the formspec
-- +height Height of the formspec
-- +iconSize Size of the title icon
-- +labelPositionLeft Position of the title label from left side
-- +labelPositionTop Position of the title label from top
-- +linePosition Position of the title separator line
-- +titleText The text of the title label (the dialog title)
-- +titleIcon The icon that is used in the dialog title
-- +contentPosition Position of the actual content of the dialog
-- +buttonsPosition The position where the buttons are
-- @param id The ID of the formspec
-- @param def The definition table as described
-- @return string the constructed “frame”
mtimer.show_formspec = function (id, def)
local title_text = def.title or ''
local title_prefix = def.prefix or '[mTimer] '
local content_offset = def.content_offset or 0
local width = (def.width or 0) <= 10 and 10 or def.width
local height = ((def.height or 0) <= 4 and 5 or def.height)+content_offset
local icon_size = def.icon_size or 0.5
local line_position = 0
local buttons = ''
local title = ''
-- Set up title
if def.hide_title ~= true then
line_position = icon_size + 0.25
content_offset = content_offset + line_position + (icon_size / 2) + 0.1
height = height + content_offset + (icon_size / 2)
title = table.concat({
' image[0,0;+iconSize,+iconSize;+titleIcon]',
' label[+labelPositionLeft,+labelPositionTop;+titleText]',
' box[0,+linePosition;+contentWidth,0.04;#ffffff]',
}, ' ')
-- Set up buttons
if def.hide_buttons ~= true then
height = height + 1
buttons = table.concat({
mtimer.get_icon_button('main_menu', {
label = S('Main Menu'),
width = 2.5, container = { top = 0.25 }
mtimer.get_icon_button('exit', {
label = S('Exit'),
exit_button = true,
width = 2.5,
container = { left = -2.5 }
mtimer.get_icon_button('default', {
label = S('Default'),
width = 2.5,
container = { left = -5.25 }
'container_end[]', -- right side buttons
'container_end[]' -- buttons
}, ' ')
-- Build formspec
local formspec = table.concat({
table.concat(def.formspec, ' '),
}, ' '):gsub('%+%a+', {
-- Formspec frame
['+width'] = width + 0.5,
['+height'] = height + 0.5,
['+contentWidth'] = width,
['+contentPosition'] = content_offset + 0.25,
['+iconSize'] = icon_size,
-- Title-related settings
['+labelPositionLeft'] = icon_size + (icon_size / 4),
['+labelPositionTop'] = (icon_size / 2),
['+linePosition'] = line_position,
['+titleText'] = minetest.formspec_escape(title_prefix..title_text),
['+titleIcon'] = 'mtimer_'..id:gsub('mtimer:', '')..'.png',
-- Buttons-related settings
['+buttonsPosition'] = height - 0.75,
-- Show formspec to the plauyer
minetest.show_formspec(def.show_to, id, formspec)