Update 1.1.0

This commit is contained in:
Noodlemire 2020-07-19 19:45:20 -05:00
parent 60a102ca3d
commit 6a8de591af
26 changed files with 961 additions and 290 deletions

api.lua Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
Research N' Duplication
Copyright (C) 2020 Noodlemire
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
--This function registers a weapon able to shoot projectiles
function projectile.register_weapon(name, def)
--either create a groups table for the definition, or use the provided one
def.groups = def.groups or {}
--Every projectile weapon belongs to the projectile_weapon group.
def.groups.projectile_weapon = 1
--Charge time defaults to 1 second
def.charge_time = def.charge_time or 1
--The weapon's damage multiplier defaults to 1.
def.damage = def.damage or 1
--The weapon's speed multiplier defaults to 1.
def.speed = def.speed or 1
--A function that determines when a weapon can fire. If none is provided in a definition, a weapon can always fire.
--Note that it does not prevent the need for ammunition.
def.can_fire = def.can_fire or function() return true end
--If this weapons has to be charged...
if def.charge then
--Define a function to reset the weapon's sprite and delete the player's charge data.
local uncharge = function(wep, user, cancelled)
--If nothing was fired and the weapon defines an on_cancel function, call it.
if cancelled and def.on_cancel then
def.on_cancel(wep, user)
--Delete charge data.
projectile.charge_levels[user:get_player_name()] = nil
--Change the name of the stack to transform it back to its uncharged form.
return wep
--A function that begins a new charge, or fires a shot if the player is charging.
local charge = function(wep, user)
--If it is allowed to fire...
if def.can_fire(wep, user) then
local pname = user:get_player_name()
--If there is no charge data yet...
if not projectile.charge_levels[pname] then
local inv = user:get_inventory()
--Look for ammo in the player's inventory, starting from the first slot.
for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do
--Get the itemstack of the current slot.
local ammo = inv:get_stack("main", i)
--If the stack is there, and it's registered as ammo that this weapon can use...
if not ammo:is_empty() and projectile.registered_projectiles[def.rw_category][ammo:get_name()] then
--Create new charge data. Store the inventory slot of the weapon, and start the charge at 0
projectile.charge_levels[pname] = {slot = user:get_wield_index(), charge = 0}
--As feedback for the charge beginning, change the weapon's sprite to show it loaded.
--I originally wanted the item to be shown loaded with specific ammo, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
wep = ItemStack({name = name.."_2", wear = wep:get_wear()})
--Once ammo is found, the search can be stopped.
--If no ammo was found, a charge won't start at all. No dry-firing allowed.
--Otherwise, if there is charge data...
if def.on_fire then
def.on_fire(wep, user)
--Shoot out the projectile
projectile.shoot(wep, user, projectile.charge_levels[pname].charge)
if def.after_fire then
def.after_fire(wep, user)
--Then, end the charge
uncharge(wep, user, false)
return wep
--Right-click to start a charge. Right-click again to fire.
def.on_place = charge
def.on_secondary_use = charge
--Left-click to cancel a charge without firing.
def.on_use = uncharge
--Start the creating of the partially and fully charged versions of this item, first by copying the definition.
local def2 = table.copy(def)
local def3 = table.copy(def)
--The partially and fully-charged versions have specific inventory images
def2.inventory_image = def.inventory_image_2
def3.inventory_image = def.inventory_image_3
--The projectile_weapon group rating increases with charge level
def2.groups.projectile_weapon = 2
def3.groups.projectile_weapon = 3
--Partially charged weapons cannot be grabbed from the creative inventory.
def2.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
def3.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
--Weapons that need charging can only be fired before fully charging if def.fire_while_charging is set to true.
if def.charge and not def.fire_while_charging then
def2.on_place = nil
def2.on_secondary_use = nil
--Some versions store the names of different versions, for convenience.
--The partially-charged version stores the name of the fully charged version, to be used when transitioning to the fully charged version.
def2.full_charge_name = name.."_3"
--Full and partial charge versions can both be cancelled, so they remember the name of the uncharged version
def2.no_charge_name = name
def3.no_charge_name = name
--Finally, register the partially and fully charged projectile weapons.
minetest.register_tool(name.."_2", def2)
minetest.register_tool(name.."_3", def3)
--Otherwise, right-click simply shoots the projectile.
def.on_place = function(wep, user)
--If it is allowed to fire...
if def.can_fire(wep, user) then
--Shoot every time on_place is called.
projectile.shoot(wep, user)
def.on_secondary_use = def.on_place
--Finally, register the projectile weapon here.
--This is the only thing that happens regardless of if the weapon has to charge or not.
minetest.register_tool(name, def)
--Register a projectile that can be fired by a weapon.
--Note that it also has to define what kind of weapon can fire it, and the item version of itself.
function projectile.register_projectile(name, usable_by, ammo, def)
--First, check that a table exists for that particular weapon category. If not, make it.
projectile.registered_projectiles[usable_by] = projectile.registered_projectiles[usable_by] or {}
--Then, add this projectile to said table.
projectile.registered_projectiles[usable_by][ammo] = name
--Default initial properties for the projectile
--Including the table itself, if it wasn't already created.
def.initial_properties = def.initial_properties or {}
--The projectile is always physical. It has to hit stuff, after all.
def.initial_properties.physical = true
--The projectile also definitely has to be able to hit other entities.
def.initial_properties.collide_with_objects = true
--By default, the projectile's hitbox is half a block in size.
def.initial_properties.collisionbox = def.initial_properties.collisionbox or {-.25, 0, -.25, .25, .5, .25}
--The projectile can't be hit by players.
def.initial_properties.pointable = false
--By default, the projectile is a flat image, provided by the "image" field.
def.initial_properties.visual = def.initial_properties.visual or "sprite"
def.initial_properties.textures = def.initial_properties.textures or {def.image}
--By default, the projectile's visual size is also half size.
def.initial_properties.visual_size = def.initial_properties.visual_size or {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}
--The projectile won't be saved if it becomes unloaded.
def.initial_properties.static_save = false
--collide_self allows projectiles fired by the same person to strike each other. This is true by default.
if def.collide_self == nil then
def.collide_self = true
--"visible" can be used as a shorthand to set itself in initial_properties.
if def.visible == false then
def.initial_properties.is_visible = false
--During each of this entity's steps...
def.on_step = function(self, dtime, info)
--Let projectiles define their own on_step if they need to
if self._on_step then
self._on_step(self, dtime, info)
--A little shorthand
local selfo = self.object
--By default, assume nothing was hit this step.
local hit = false
--selfo:get_pos() is used to know if remove() was called in the _on_step function.
if not selfo:get_pos() then
--For each collision that was found...
for k, c in pairs(info.collisions) do
--If it's a node, don't do anything more than acknowledging that something was hit.
if c.type == "node" then
hit = true
--If it's an object...
--As long as that object isn't the player who fired this projectile and the target isn't already dead...
--And the target isn't a projectile owned by the same player when collide_self is disabled...
--And the target isn't in the same party as this projectile's owner...
if not (c.object:is_player() and self.owner == c.object:get_player_name()) and c.object:get_hp() > 0
and not (self.collide_self == false and not c.object:is_player() and self.owner == c.object:get_luaentity().owner)
and not projectile.in_same_party(self, c.object) then
--Acknowledge the hit
hit = true
--Deal damage to the target.
c.object:punch(selfo, 1, {full_punch_interval = 1, damage_groups = {fleshy = def.damage * self.level * self.damage}}, vector.normalize(selfo:get_velocity()))
--Otherwise, pass by the object as best as possible.
--If this projectile hit something...
if hit then
--Grant the entity an on_impact function that it can define
if self.on_impact then
--Make the projectile destroy itself.
--Finally, register the entity.
minetest.register_entity(name, def)
--A function that creates and launches a function out of a player's side when they use a projectile weapon.
function projectile.shoot(wep, user, level)
--Some useful shorthands
local pname = user:get_player_name()
local inv = user:get_inventory()
local def = wep:get_definition()
--A projectile isn't spawned directly inside a player, and it doesn't come from the center of the screen.
--It does start directly in front of the player...
local pos = user:get_look_dir()
--But then it's shifted to the right of the player, where it looks like the weapon is held.
pos = vector.rotate(pos, {x=0 , y = -math.pi / 4, z=0})
--Then it's shifted up by the player's face.
pos.y = 1
--The user's actual position is added last, to make rotating easier.
pos = vector.add(pos, user:get_pos())
--Charge level depends on how long the player waited before firing. 1 = 100% charge.
level = math.min(level / def.charge_time, 1)
--Look through each inventory slot...
for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do
--get the stack itself
local ammo = inv:get_stack("main", i)
--If there is an item stack, and it's registered as an ammo type that this weapon can use...
if not ammo:is_empty() and projectile.registered_projectiles[def.rw_category][ammo:get_name()] then
local adef = minetest.registered_entities[ammo:get_name()]
--Fire an amount of projectiles at once according to the ammo's defined "count".
for n = 1, (adef.count or 1) do
--Create the projectile entity at the determined position
local projectile = minetest.add_entity(pos, projectile.registered_projectiles[def.rw_category][ammo:get_name()])
--A shorthand of the luaentity version of the projectile, where data can easily be stored
local luapro = projectile:get_luaentity()
--Set velocity according to the direction it was fired. Speed is determined by the weapon, ammo, and how long the weapon was charged.
projectile:set_velocity(vector.multiply(user:get_look_dir(), luapro.speed * level * def.speed))
--An acceleration of -9.81y is how gravity is applied.
projectile:set_acceleration({x=0, y=-9.81, z=0})
--If the ammo defines a spread, randomly rotate the direction of velocity by that given radius.
if adef.spread then
local rx = (math.random() * adef.spread * 2 - adef.spread) * math.pi / 180
local ry = (math.random() * adef.spread * 2 - adef.spread) * math.pi / 180
projectile:set_velocity(vector.rotate(projectile:get_velocity(), {x = rx, y = ry, z = 0}))
--Store level for later, to determine impact damage
luapro.level = level
--Also store the projectile's damage itself.
luapro.damage = def.damage
--The player's name is stored to prevent hitting yourself
--And by "hitting yourself" I mean accidentally being hit by the arrow just by firing it at a somewhat low angle, the moment it spawns.
luapro.owner = pname
--Store the initial velocity for passing by objects when needed.
luapro.oldvel = projectile:get_velocity()
--If the player isn't in creative mode, some weapon durability and ammo is consumed.
if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(pname) then
inv:set_stack("main", i, ammo)
wep:add_wear(65536 / (def.durability or 100))
--Once the ammo is found, the search is stopped.
return wep
--A helper function to know when the party of a projectile's owner and target is the same.
function projectile.in_same_party(projectile, target)
--Automatically return false if:
--The parties mod isn't included.
--The target isn't a player.
--The projectile's target and/or owner isn't in a party/
if not parties or not target:is_player() or not parties.is_player_in_party(projectile.owner) or not parties.is_player_in_party(target:get_player_name()) then
return false
--Return true only if the projectile's owner and target and under the same party leadership.
return parties.get_party_leader(projectile.owner) == parties.get_party_leader(target:get_player_name())
--A helper functions for arrows in general, as they rotate themselves according to how they move.
function projectile.autorotate_arrow(self)
--Shorthand for velocity
local v = self.object:get_velocity()
--Set calculate rotation according to velocity
local rot = vector.dir_to_rotation(v)
--Define a timer for itself. Based on how fast its currently moving, and how far the timer has progressed,
--this makes it seem to spin through the air, with the tip still always pointing forward.
self.timer = (self.timer or 0) + (v.x + v.y + v.z) / 30
rot.z = rot.z + self.timer
--Apply the calculated rotation.
--A can_fire function for flintlock weapons that enforces a gunpowder requirement, in addition to the usual ammo needs
function projectile.needs_gunpowder(wep, user)
--Automatically return true if creative mode is enabled or the weapon is already firing.
if minetest.is_creative_enabled(user:get_player_name()) or projectile.charge_levels[user:get_player_name()] then
return true
--Shorthand to get the user's inventory
local inv = user:get_inventory()
--For each slot in the user's inventory...
for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do
--Get the current stack at this index.
local stack = inv:get_stack("main", i)
--If this stack contains gunpowder...
if stack:get_name() == "tnt:gunpowder" then
--Consume some.
--Update the inventory.
inv:set_stack("main", i, stack)
--Allow firing.
return true
--If no gunpowder could be consumed, disallow firing.
return false
--A flintlock's can_fire function consumes gunpowder before letting the weapon charge.
--So, if that charge was cancelled, gunpowder should be returned.
function projectile.return_gunpowder(wep, user)
--In creative mode, nothing gets taken, so nothing needs to be returned.
if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(user:get_player_name()) then
--Try adding the gunpowder back into the inventory. Store the leftover stack.
local leftover = user:get_inventory():add_item("main", ItemStack({name = "tnt:gunpowder"}))
--If the gunpowder couldn't be added due to the inventory being full...
if not leftover:is_empty() then
--Drop it on the ground instead.
minetest.add_item(user:get_pos(), leftover)

api.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
A per-category list of lists, the categories being types of ranged weapons like "bow", "slingshot", etc.
Within each category, key-value pairs are listed to link together the entity and item forms of ammo
The item's name is the key, the entity's name is the value.
A per-player list of lists that keeps track of data regarding ranged weapons that are currently being used.
Whenever a weapon charge-up is cancelled, the charge_levels entry for that player will be cleared.
When a weapon is being charged up, a table for that weapon's user is created containing the following:
slot = <index of wielded ranged weapon>,
charge = <number>
Regristration Functions
projectile.register_weapon(name, definition)
--Register a new ranged weapon
--Inherits from minetest.register_tool
description = "Description",
inventory_image = "image.png",
inventory_image_2 = "image_charged.png",
inventory_image_3 = "image_charged_full.png",
--When creating a weapon that can be charged, you should provide different sprites when charging the weapon
--and when the weapon is fully charged.
durability = 100,
--Defines how many times this weapon can be used before breaking.
rw_category = "category",
--A projectile weapon may only fire ammo types in the same category.
--This mod provides "bow", "flintlock", and "slingshot"
--You can use a custom category, as long as you also register custom ammo
charge = false,
--If true, right clicking will put the weapon in a charging state.
--Once charging, right-click again to fire, or left-click to cancel.
--If a weapon doesn't charge, right-clicking will always fire.
--Defaults to false
fire_while_charging = false,
--If true, the weapon doesn't need to be fully charged to be fired.
--A partially charged shot will still be weaker than a fully charged one, however.
--Does nothing if charge is false
--Defaults to false
charge_time = 1,
--The amount of time in seconds to finish charging.
--Does nothing if charge is false
--Defaults to false.
damage = 1,
--A damage multiplier applied to fired projectiles
speed = 1,
--A multiplier to the projectile's initial velocity
can_fire = function(weapon, user)
--Use this to create extra conditions for when a weapon can be fired.
--Can't be used to negate the need for ammo.
--Defaults to always return true.
on_cancel = function(weapon, user)
--This function is called whenever a charge is cut short, either by left-clicking, switching the selected hotbar index, or leaving the game.
--Has no return value.
on_fire = function(wep, user)
--This function is called just before the projectile is created.
--Has no return value.
after_fire = function(weapon, user)
--This function is called just after the projectile is created.
--Has no return value.
projectile.register_projectile(name, usable_by, ammo, definition)
--Register a new projectile entity and an associated ammo item.
--Note that this function will NOT register a new item for you. Use one of minetest's normal item registration functions instead.
--Inherits from minetest.register_entity.
--usable_by: This should match the rw_category of the weapon that you want to use this ammo.
--ammo: The name of the item that is consumed to create this projectile.
image = "image.png",
--A shortcut for initial_properties.texture. You can ignore this if you define a mesh for the projectile.
damage = 5,
--The base damage that this projectile deals.
speed = 15,
--The base initial velocity of this projectile, in meters/nodes per second.
count = 1,
--The amount of projectiles that is created per shot.
--Meant for shotgun-like effects.
--defaults to 1
spread = 0,
--The radius, in degrees, that projectiles can spread away from the player's look direction.
--Defaults to 0
collide_self = true,
--As long as its true, a player can shoot their own projectiles.
--If false, two projectiles owned by the same player will phase through each other.
--Defaults to true.
_on_step = function(self, dtime, moveresult)
--Use this function to give your projectile an on_step callback.
--If you try to use the regular on_step, it will be overwritten.
on_impact = function(self, collisions)
--This function is called when a node or object is struck.
--Has no return value.
--collisions is a table taken from on_step's moveresult, which contains the following:
type = string, -- "node" or "object",
axis = string, -- "x", "y" or "z"
node_pos = vector, -- if type is "node"
object = ObjectRef, -- if type is "object"
old_velocity = vector,
new_velocity = vector,
Misc Functions
projectile.shoot(wep, user, level)
--Shoot out a projectile at the user's position.
--Afterwards, deplete the ammo used and add wear to the weapon used.
--level: The charge level at the time of firing.
function projectile.in_same_party(projectile, target)
--If the parties mod is enabled, this checks if the projectile's owner is in the same party as the target.
--Always returns false if the parties mod is not present.
--Meant to be given to an arrow projectile's _on_step method, when that arrow uses a mesh.
--This causes the arrow to spin as it travels.
--Spin speed is dependent on velocity.
projectile.needs_gunpowder(wep, user)
--Meant to be given to a flintlock's can_fire function.
--Searches the user's main inventory for tnt:gunpowder.
--If none is found, return false to prevent firing.
--If some is found, consume it and return true.
--If the player is already charging, skip this check and automatically return true. No need to take two gunpowder.
projectile.return_gunpowder(wep, user)
--Meant to be used with a flintlock's on_cancel function.
--projectile.needs_gunpowder takes gunpowder right before a charge is started.
--This means that gunpowder needs to be added back to the inventory if the charge is cancelled.
--If no space is left in the inventory for the gunpowder, drop it on the ground instead.

bugs.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
projectile isn't unloaded when player leaves

changelog.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Added flintlock weapons:
+Flintlock pistols, muskets, and blunderbusses
+Optional dependencies on mesecons_walllever, moreores, and pipeworks for crafting recipes.
Required musket balls as ammo, crafted from steel, diamond, or mithril.
Blunderbusses require shot piles, crafted from three musket balls.
Each requires gunpowder in order to fire, in addition to ammunition.
They have a loading period similar to bows and slingshots, but cannot be fired until fully charged.
+Optional dependency for the new parties mod by Zughy
+As long as two players are in the same party, their projectiles cannot hurt each other.
+Added an api.txt to describe functions that other mods can use to create their own projectile weapons.
+Normal arrows now light on fire if they pass through fire or lava.
+Fire arrows now extinguish if they pass through water.
-Issues with weapons thinking they're still charged if the player leaves the game, even though they shouldn't be.
-Possible crash if a projectile ever called self.object:remove() in its _on_step function.
-Dead players will no longer block projectiles.

@ -24,12 +24,10 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:arrow", {
--An arrow that burns flammable nodes that it touches
if fire then
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:arrow_fire", {
description = "Fire Arrow",
inventory_image = "projectile_arrow_fire.png",
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:arrow_fire", {
description = "Fire Arrow",
inventory_image = "projectile_arrow_fire.png",
--An arrow with exceptionally high velocity
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:arrow_high_velocity", {
@ -38,12 +36,46 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:arrow_high_velocity", {
--An arrow that explodes on contact, rather than dealing direct damage.
if tnt then
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:arrow_bomb", {
description = "Bomb Arrow",
inventory_image = "projectile_arrow_bomb.png",
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:arrow_bomb", {
description = "Bomb Arrow",
inventory_image = "projectile_arrow_bomb.png",
--Basic flintlock ammo, small steel balls
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:musket_ball", {
description = "Musket Ball",
inventory_image = "projectile_musket_ball.png",
--Easily shattered ammo with less direct damage than a musket ball, but much greater crowd control abilities.
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:musket_ball_diamond", {
description = "Diamond Musket Ball",
inventory_image = "projectile_musket_ball_diamond.png",
--An upgrade to regular musket balls
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:musket_ball_mithril", {
description = "Mithril Musket Ball",
inventory_image = "projectile_musket_ball_mithril.png",
--Standard shotgun ammo, a pile of 9 tiny balls
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:shot_pile", {
description = "Shot Pile",
inventory_image = "projectile_shot_pile.png",
--Easily shattered ammo with less direct damage than shot, but each ball splits into 2 in the initial blast, causing a total of 18 pellets to be spewed.
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:shot_pile_diamond", {
description = "Diamond Shot Pile",
inventory_image = "projectile_shot_pile_diamond.png",
--An upgrade to regular shot.
minetest.register_craftitem("projectile:shot_pile_mithril", {
description = "Mithril Shot Pile",
inventory_image = "projectile_shot_pile_mithril.png",
@ -69,9 +101,9 @@ minetest.register_craft({
output = "projectile:slingshot",
recipe = {
{"", "default:stick", "farming:string"},
{"", "default:stick", "default:stick"},
{"default:stick", "", ""}
{"", "group:stick", "farming:string"},
{"", "group:stick", "group:stick"},
{"group:stick", "", ""}
@ -90,8 +122,8 @@ minetest.register_craft({
output = "projectile:bow",
recipe = {
{"default:stick", "default:stick", "farming:string"},
{"default:stick", "farming:string", ""},
{"group:stick", "group:stick", "farming:string"},
{"group:stick", "farming:string", ""},
{"farming:string", "", ""}
@ -107,6 +139,38 @@ minetest.register_craft({
--Flintlocks are made from metal and steel, with a pipe segment for the barrel and a lever for the trigger.
output = "projectile:flintlock_pistol",
recipe = {
{"pipeworks:pipe_1_empty", ""},
{"mesecons_walllever:wall_lever_off", "default:steel_ingot"},
{"group:stick", ""}
--Muskets add an extra barrel because they're long.
output = "projectile:musket",
recipe = {
{"pipeworks:pipe_1_empty", "", ""},
{"", "pipeworks:pipe_1_empty", "default:steel_ingot"},
{"", "mesecons_walllever:wall_lever_off", "group:stick"}
--Blunderbusses are thucker, so a second steel ingot is used in place of a pipe segment.
output = "projectile:blunderbuss",
recipe = {
{"default:steel_ingot", ""},
{"mesecons_walllever:wall_lever_off", "default:steel_ingot"},
{"group:stick", ""}
--Regular arrows are made from flint, a stick, and a feather.
--The feather can be provided by multiple mob mods.
--Arrows are also materials in the stronger ammo options for bows.
@ -114,7 +178,7 @@ minetest.register_craft({
output = "projectile:arrow",
recipe = {
{"default:flint", "", ""},
{"", "default:stick", ""},
{"", "group:stick", ""},
{"", "", "mobs:chicken_feather"}
@ -122,7 +186,7 @@ minetest.register_craft({
output = "projectile:arrow",
recipe = {
{"default:flint", "", ""},
{"", "default:stick", ""},
{"", "group:stick", ""},
{"", "", "animalmaterials:feather"}
@ -130,19 +194,17 @@ minetest.register_craft({
output = "projectile:arrow",
recipe = {
{"default:flint", "", ""},
{"", "default:stick", ""},
{"", "group:stick", ""},
{"", "", "creatures:feather"}
--Combining an arrow with a torch lights it on fire.
if fire then
type = "shapeless",
output = "projectile:arrow_fire",
recipe = {"projectile:arrow", "default:torch"}
type = "shapeless",
output = "projectile:arrow_fire",
recipe = {"projectile:arrow", "default:torch"}
--Gold tools are often fast, so gold arrows focus on being fast.
--A gold ingot can turn four arrows gold.
@ -158,3 +220,46 @@ minetest.register_craft({
output = "projectile:arrow_bomb",
recipe = {"projectile:arrow", "tnt:tnt_stick"}
--Converting applicable materials to 12 musket balls requires putting 4 of those materials into a ball-esque shape.
output = "projectile:musket_ball 12",
recipe = {
{"", "default:steel_ingot", ""},
{"default:steel_ingot", "", "default:steel_ingot"},
{"", "default:steel_ingot", ""},
output = "projectile:musket_ball_diamond 12",
recipe = {
{"", "default:diamond", ""},
{"default:diamond", "", "default:diamond"},
{"", "default:diamond", ""},
output = "projectile:musket_ball_mithril 12",
recipe = {
{"", "moreores:mithril_ingot", ""},
{"moreores:mithril_ingot", "", "moreores:mithril_ingot"},
{"", "moreores:mithril_ingot", ""},
--3 of any musket ball can be split into 9 smaller balls, known as a shot pile.
type = "shapeless",
output = "projectile:shot_pile",
recipe = {"projectile:musket_ball", "projectile:musket_ball", "projectile:musket_ball"}
type = "shapeless",
output = "projectile:shot_pile_diamond",
recipe = {"projectile:musket_ball_diamond", "projectile:musket_ball_diamond", "projectile:musket_ball_diamond"}
type = "shapeless",
output = "projectile:shot_pile_mithril",
recipe = {"projectile:musket_ball_mithril", "projectile:musket_ball_mithril", "projectile:musket_ball_mithril"}


@ -31,70 +31,32 @@ projectile.charge_levels = {}
--MP = Mod Path
local mp = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())..'/'
--In here is every publicly available function that this mod uses.
--In here is the registration of ammo items that this mod provides, as well as crafting recipes for weapons and ammo.
--A function that creates and launches a function out of a player's side when they use a projectile weapon.
function projectile.shoot(wep, user, level)
--Some useful shorthands
local pname = user:get_player_name()
local inv = user:get_inventory()
local def = wep:get_definition()
--A helper function to cancel a player's charge when necessary.
local function uncharge_player(player)
--Useful shorthand
local pname = player:get_player_name()
--A projectile isn't spawned directly inside a player, and it doesn't come from the center of the screen.
--It does start directly in front of the player...
local pos = user:get_look_dir()
--But then it's shifted to the right of the player, where it looks like the weapon is held.
pos = vector.rotate(pos, {x=0 , y = -math.pi / 4, z=0})
--Then it's shifted up by the player's face.
pos.y = 1
--The user's actual position is added last, to make rotating easier.
pos = vector.add(pos, user:get_pos())
--If there is charge data...
if projectile.charge_levels[pname] then
--Get store the previous slot for possible use after charge data deletion.
local old_slot = projectile.charge_levels[pname].slot
--Get the projectile weapon. get_wielded_item() can't be used, since the weapon may no longer be held.
local wep = player:get_inventory():get_stack("main", old_slot)
--Charge level depends on how long the player waited before firing. 1 = 100% charge.
level = math.min(level / def.charge_time, 1)
--Call the weapon's on_use function, which will cancel it.
wep:get_definition().on_use(wep, player, true)
--Look through each inventory slot...
for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do
--get the stack itself
local ammo = inv:get_stack("main", i)
--If there is an item stack, and it's registered as an ammo type that this weapon can use...
if not ammo:is_empty() and projectile.registered_projectiles[def.rw_category][ammo:get_name()] then
--Create the projectile entity at the determined position
local projectile = minetest.add_entity(pos, projectile.registered_projectiles[def.rw_category][ammo:get_name()])
--A shorthand of the luaentity version of the projectile, where data can easily be stored
local luapro = projectile:get_luaentity()
--Set velocity according to the direction it was fired. Speed is determined by the weapon, ammo, and how long the weapon was charged.
projectile:set_velocity(vector.multiply(user:get_look_dir(), luapro.speed * level * def.speed))
--An acceleration of -9.81y is how gravity is applied.
projectile:set_acceleration({x=0, y=-9.81, z=0})
--Store level for later, to determine impact damage
luapro.level = level
--Also store the projectile's damage itself.
luapro.damage = def.damage
--The player's name is stored to prevent hitting yourself
--And by "hitting yourself" I mean accidentally being hit by the arrow just by firing it at a somewhat low angle, the moment it spawns.
luapro.owner = pname
--If the player isn't in creative mode, some weapon durability and ammo is consumed.
if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(pname) then
inv:set_stack("main", i, ammo)
wep:add_wear(65536 / (def.durability or 100))
--Once the ammo is found, the search is stopped.
--Update the player's inventory with any modifications.
player:get_inventory():set_stack("main", old_slot, wep)
return wep
--Globalsteps are used to either cancel a charge if a player switches weapons, or to update the weapon sprite when charging is complete.
@ -108,15 +70,8 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
if projectile.charge_levels[pname] then
--If the player's selected hotbar slot changed...
if player:get_wield_index() ~= projectile.charge_levels[pname].slot then
--Get the projectile weapon. get_wielded_item() can't be used, since the weapon is no longer held.
local wep = player:get_inventory():get_stack("main", projectile.charge_levels[pname].slot)
--Replace the weapon with the uncharged version
player:get_inventory():set_stack("main", projectile.charge_levels[pname].slot, wep)
--Delete the stored charge data for this player
projectile.charge_levels[pname] = nil
--Cancel their charge.
--Otherwise, as long as the player doesn't change weapon...
@ -151,114 +106,19 @@ minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(player, action, inv, in
--If a player leaves, cancel their charge.
--This function registers a weapon able to shoot projectiles
function projectile.register_weapon(name, def)
--either create a groups table for the definition, or use the provided one
def.groups = def.groups or {}
--Every projectile weapon belongs to the projectile_weapon group.
def.groups.projectile_weapon = 1
--Charge time defaults to 1 second
def.charge_time = def.charge_time or 1
--The weapon's damage multiplier defaults to 1.
def.damage = def.damage or 1
--The weapon's speed multiplier defaults to 1.
def.speed = def.speed or 1
--If this weapons has to be charged...
if def.charge then
--Define a function to reset the weapon's sprite and delete the player's charge data.
local uncharge = function(wep, user)
projectile.charge_levels[user:get_player_name()] = nil
return wep
--A function that begins a new charge, or fires a shot if the player is charging.
local charge = function(wep, user)
local pname = user:get_player_name()
--If there is no charge data yet...
if not projectile.charge_levels[pname] then
local inv = user:get_inventory()
--Look for ammo in the player's inventory, starting from the first slot.
for i = 1, inv:get_size("main") do
--Get the itemstack of the current slot.
local ammo = inv:get_stack("main", i)
--If the stack is there, and it's registered as ammo that this weapon can use...
if not ammo:is_empty() and projectile.registered_projectiles[def.rw_category][ammo:get_name()] then
--Create new charge data. Store the inventory slot of the weapon, and start the charge at 0
projectile.charge_levels[pname] = {slot = user:get_wield_index(), charge = 0}
--As feedback for the charge beginning, change the weapon's sprite to show it loaded.
--I originally wanted the item to be shown loaded with specific ammo, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
wep = ItemStack({name = name.."_2", wear = wep:get_wear()})
--Once ammo is found, the search can be stopped.
--If no ammo was found, a charge won't start at all. No dry-firing allowed.
--Otherwise, if there is charge data...
--Shoot out the projectile
projectile.shoot(wep, user, projectile.charge_levels[pname].charge)
--Then, end the charge
wep = uncharge(wep, user)
return wep
--Right-click to start a charge. Right-click again to fire.
def.on_place = charge
def.on_secondary_use = charge
--Left-click to cancel a charge without firing.
def.on_use = uncharge
--Start the creating of the partially and fully charged versions of this item, first by copying the definition.
local def2 = table.copy(def)
local def3 = table.copy(def)
--The partially and fully-charged versions have specific inventory images
def2.inventory_image = def.inventory_image_2
def3.inventory_image = def.inventory_image_3
--The projectile_weapon group rating increases with charge level
def2.groups.projectile_weapon = 2
def3.groups.projectile_weapon = 3
--Partially charged weapons cannot be grabbed from the creative inventory.
def2.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
def3.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
--Some versions store the names of different versions, for convenience.
--The partially-charged version stores the name of the fully charged version, to be used when transitioning to the fully charged version.
def2.full_charge_name = name.."_3"
--Full and partial charge versions can both be cancelled, so they remember the name of the uncharged version
def2.no_charge_name = name
def3.no_charge_name = name
--Finally, register the partially and fully charged projectile weapons.
minetest.register_tool(name.."_2", def2)
minetest.register_tool(name.."_3", def3)
--Otherwise, right-click simply shoots the projectile.
def.on_place = projectile.shoot
def.on_secondary_use = projectile.shoot
--If a server is shutdown, cancel all charges.
for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
--Finally, register the projectile weapon here.
--This is the only thing that happens regardless of if the weapon has to charge or not.
minetest.register_tool(name, def)
--The basic slingshot. Slingshots are weaker than bows, but the ammunition they use is way easier to find and create.
projectile.register_weapon("projectile:slingshot", {
@ -268,7 +128,8 @@ projectile.register_weapon("projectile:slingshot", {
inventory_image_3 = "projectile_slingshot_charged_full.png",
durability = 75,
rw_category = "slingshot",
charge = true
charge = true,
fire_while_charging = true
--An upgraded slingshot, which fires faster and harder, but is slightly harder to charge up. Metal wire is stiffer than string, after all.
@ -280,6 +141,7 @@ projectile.register_weapon("projectile:steel_slingshot", {
durability = 150,
rw_category = "slingshot",
charge = true,
fire_while_charging = true,
charge_time = 1.1,
damage = 1.25,
speed = 1.75
@ -294,6 +156,7 @@ projectile.register_weapon("projectile:bow", {
durability = 100,
rw_category = "bow",
charge = true,
fire_while_charging = true,
charge_time = 2
@ -306,85 +169,60 @@ projectile.register_weapon("projectile:steel_bow", {
durability = 200,
rw_category = "bow",
charge = true,
fire_while_charging = true,
charge_time = 2.1,
damage = 1.5,
speed = 1.9
--The basic flintlock weapon, which can fire fairly often and has fair damage, but can't be fired before it is fully loaded.
projectile.register_weapon("projectile:flintlock_pistol", {
description = "Flintlock Pistol",
inventory_image = "projectile_flintlock_pistol.png",
inventory_image_2 = "projectile_flintlock_pistol.png",
inventory_image_3 = "projectile_flintlock_pistol_charged.png",
durability = 250,
rw_category = "flintlock",
charge = true,
charge_time = 0.667,
can_fire = projectile.needs_gunpowder,
on_cancel = projectile.return_gunpowder
--A slowler, more powerful flintlock weapon.
projectile.register_weapon("projectile:musket", {
description = "Musket",
inventory_image = "projectile_musket.png",
inventory_image_2 = "projectile_musket.png",
inventory_image_3 = "projectile_musket_charged.png",
durability = 300,
rw_category = "flintlock",
charge = true,
charge_time = 1.333,
damage = 1.5,
speed = 1.1,
can_fire = projectile.needs_gunpowder,
on_cancel = projectile.return_gunpowder
--A flintlock weapon that fires bursts of shot, rather than individual musket balls.
projectile.register_weapon("projectile:blunderbuss", {
description = "Blunderbuss",
inventory_image = "projectile_blunderbuss.png",
inventory_image_2 = "projectile_blunderbuss.png",
inventory_image_3 = "projectile_blunderbuss_charged.png",
durability = 250,
rw_category = "flintlock_shot",
charge = true,
charge_time = 1,
can_fire = projectile.needs_gunpowder,
on_cancel = projectile.return_gunpowder
--Register a projectile that can be fired by a weapon.
--Note that it also has to define what kind of weapon can fire it, and the item version of itself.
function projectile.register_projectile(name, usable_by, ammo, def)
--First, check that a table exists for that particular weapon category. If not, make it.
projectile.registered_projectiles[usable_by] = projectile.registered_projectiles[usable_by] or {}
--Then, add this projectile to said table.
projectile.registered_projectiles[usable_by][ammo] = name
--Default initial properties for the projectile
--Including the table itself, if it wasn't already created.
def.initial_properties = def.initial_properties or {}
--The projectile is always physical. It has to hit stuff, after all.
def.initial_properties.physical = true
--The projectile also definitely has to be able to hit other entities.
def.initial_properties.collide_with_objects = true
--By default, the projectile's hitbox is half a block in size.
def.initial_properties.collisionbox = def.initial_properties.collisionbox or {-.25, 0, -.25, .25, .5, .25}
--The projectile can't be hit by players.
def.initial_properties.pointable = false
--By default, the projectile is a flat image, provided by the "image" field.
def.initial_properties.visual = def.initial_properties.visual or "sprite"
def.initial_properties.textures = def.initial_properties.textures or {def.image}
--By default, the projectile's visual size is also half size.
def.initial_properties.visual_size = def.initial_properties.visual_size or {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}
--The projectile should always have some kind of visual.
def.initial_properties.is_visible = true
--The projectile won't be saved if it becomes unloaded.
def.initial_properties.static_save = false
--During each of this entity's steps...
def.on_step = function(self, dtime, info)
--Let projectiles define their own on_step if they need to
if self._on_step then
self._on_step(self, dtime, info)
--A little shorthand
local selfo = self.object
--By default, assume nothing was hit this step.
local hit = false
--For each collision that was found...
for k, c in pairs(info.collisions) do
--If it's a node, don't do anything more than acknowledging that something was hit.
if c.type == "node" and minetest.get_node(c.node_pos).name ~= "default:glass" then
hit = true
--If it's an object...
--As long as that object isn't the player who fired this projectile...
if not (c.object:is_player() and self.owner == c.object:get_player_name()) then
hit = true
c.object:punch(selfo, 1, {full_punch_interval = 1, damage_groups = {fleshy = def.damage * self.level * self.damage}}, vector.normalize(selfo:get_velocity()))
--If this projectile hit something...
if hit then
--Grant the entity an on_impact function that it can define
if self.on_impact then
--Make the projectile destroy itself.
--Finally, register the entity.
minetest.register_entity(name, def)
--The basic slingshot projectile: rocks from hardtrees
projectile.register_projectile("projectile:rock", "slingshot", "hardtrees:rock", {
@ -437,22 +275,6 @@ projectile.register_projectile("projectile:obsidian", "slingshot", "default:obsi
speed = 25
--A helper functions for arrows in general, as they rotate themselves according to how they move.
local function arrow_on_step(self)
--Shorthand for velocity
local v = self.object:get_velocity()
--Set calculate rotation according to velocity
local rot = vector.dir_to_rotation(v)
--Define a timer for itself. Based on how fast its currently moving, and how far the timer has progressed,
--this makes it seem to spin through the air, with the tip still always pointing forward.
self.timer = (self.timer or 0) + (v.x + v.y + v.z) / 30
rot.z = rot.z + self.timer
--Apply the calculated rotation.
--The basic arrow, which has twice the power of a rock.
projectile.register_projectile("projectile:arrow", "bow", "projectile:arrow", {
damage = 10,
@ -464,7 +286,31 @@ projectile.register_projectile("projectile:arrow", "bow", "projectile:arrow", {
textures = {"projectile_arrow_texture.png"}
_on_step = arrow_on_step
_on_step = function(self, dtime)
projectile.autorotate_arrow(self, dtime)
if fire then
local selfo = self.object
local node = minetest.get_node(selfo:get_pos())
if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "lava") > 0 or minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "fire") > 0 then
local arrow = minetest.add_entity(selfo:get_pos(), "projectile:arrow_fire")
local arrowlua = arrow:get_luaentity()
arrowlua.level = self.level
arrowlua.damage = 12
arrowlua.owner = self.owner
arrowlua.oldvel = self.oldvel
arrowlua.timer = self.timer
--If the fire mod is present...
@ -480,7 +326,29 @@ if fire then
textures = {"projectile_arrow_fire_texture.png"}
_on_step = arrow_on_step,
_on_step = function(self, dtime)
projectile.autorotate_arrow(self, dtime)
local selfo = self.object
local node = minetest.get_node(selfo:get_pos())
if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "water") > 0 then
local arrow = minetest.add_entity(selfo:get_pos(), "projectile:arrow")
local arrowlua = arrow:get_luaentity()
arrowlua.level = self.level
arrowlua.damage = 10
arrowlua.owner = self.owner
arrowlua.oldvel = self.oldvel
arrowlua.timer = self.timer
--On impact...
on_impact = function(self, collisions)
@ -507,7 +375,7 @@ projectile.register_projectile("projectile:arrow_high_velocity", "bow", "project
textures = {"projectile_arrow_high_velocity_texture.png"}
_on_step = arrow_on_step
_on_step = projectile.autorotate_arrow
--If the tnt mod is present...
@ -525,7 +393,7 @@ if tnt then
textures = {"projectile_arrow_bomb_texture.png"}
_on_step = arrow_on_step,
_on_step = projectile.autorotate_arrow,
--Upon impact, create a small explosion.
on_impact = function(self, collisions)
@ -533,3 +401,108 @@ if tnt then
--Basic flintlock ammunition with decent damage, and extremely high speed, and slight spread.
projectile.register_projectile("projectile:musket_ball", "flintlock", "projectile:musket_ball", {
damage = 10,
speed = 250,
spread = 2.5,
image = "projectile_dot.png^[multiply:#AEAEAE"
--A weaker flintlock ammunition that bursts on impact, striking all enemies in a small radius.
--Note that damage of the initial hit is set to 0 so that the radius damage doesn't cause this bullet to hit the same enemy twice.
projectile.register_projectile("projectile:musket_ball_diamond", "flintlock", "projectile:musket_ball_diamond", {
damage = 0,
speed = 275,
spread = 5,
image = "projectile_dot.png^[multiply:#5AAFE7",
on_impact = function(self, collisions)
--Center the blast on the first node or object that the projectile hit.
local pos = collisions[1].node_pos or collisions[1].object:get_pos()
--For each object in a radius of 2.5 meters/nodes...
for _, target in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2.5)) do
--As long as this wouldn't be self-damage or friendly fire...
if not target:is_player() or (self.owner ~= target:get_player_name() and projectile.in_same_party(self, target)) then
--Punch that target for 6 damage.
--The direction is just 0, so affected targets won't be knocked anywhere.
--Instead, they'll just freeze in place for a moment.
target:punch(self.object, 1, {full_punch_interval = 1, damage_groups = {fleshy = 6}}, {x=0, y=0, z=0})
--Then, create 16 little particles.
for i = 1, 16 do
--ps = particle speed.
local ps = 25
--Make a completely random velocity for each particle.
local vel = {x = math.random(-ps, ps), y = math.random(-ps, ps), z = math.random(-ps, ps)}
--Multiply and normalize are used so that every particle has exactly 25 velocity
vel = vector.multiply(vector.normalize(vel), ps)
--Add the particle so that it lasts only long enough to travel 2.5 meters. Have it look like a smaller version of the bullet fired.
minetest.add_particle(pos, vel, {x=0, y=0, z=0}, 2.5 / ps, 1, false, "projectile_dot.png^[multiply:#5AAFE7")
--An upgrade to the musket ball that deals nearly double damage and is slightly faster and more accurate.
projectile.register_projectile("projectile:musket_ball_mithril", "flintlock", "projectile:musket_ball_mithril", {
damage = 18,
speed = 300,
spread = 2,
image = "projectile_dot.png^[multiply:#8282D5"
--A standard shotgun blast, with smaller than average pellets that basically tickle enemies if only one or two land.
projectile.register_projectile("projectile:shot_pile", "flintlock_shot", "projectile:shot_pile", {
damage = 3,
speed = 250,
count = 9,
spread = 22.5,
collide_self = false,
initial_properties = {
collisionbox = {-.125, 0, -.125, .125, .25, .125},
visual_size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.25}
image = "projectile_dot.png^[multiply:#AEAEAE"
--A massive burst of shot that deals less damage at range, but much more damage up close. Has a lot wider spread as well.
projectile.register_projectile("projectile:shot_pile_diamond", "flintlock_shot", "projectile:shot_pile_diamond", {
damage = 2,
speed = 275,
count = 18,
spread = 30,
collide_self = false,
initial_properties = {
collisionbox = {-.125, 0, -.125, .125, .25, .125},
visual_size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.25}
image = "projectile_dot.png^[multiply:#5AAFE7"
--Stronger shot than steel with nearly double the damage and slightly better speed as well.
projectile.register_projectile("projectile:shot_pile_mithril", "flintlock_shot", "projectile:shot_pile_mithril", {
damage = 5,
speed = 300,
count = 9,
spread = 22.5,
collide_self = false,
initial_properties = {
collisionbox = {-.125, 0, -.125, .125, .25, .125},
visual_size = {x = 0.25, y = 0.25, z = 0.25}
image = "projectile_dot.png^[multiply:#8282D5"

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
name = projectile
description = Adds a small slingshot that can launch certain small objects as projectiles, such as rocks.
optional_depends = animalmaterials, creatures, default, farming, fire, hardtrees, mesecons, mobs, tnt
optional_depends = animalmaterials, creatures, default, farming, fire, hardtrees, mesecons_walllever, mesecons, mobs, moreores, parties, pipeworks, tnt

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