move CNC machine into its own mod

This commit is contained in:
Vanessa Dannenberg 2018-11-25 06:54:27 -05:00 committed by Nathanaël Courant
parent 51d7bd81ff
commit dc0689018d
59 changed files with 173 additions and 165 deletions

@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ Disabled =
%s Alloy Furnace = %s Legierungsofen
%s Battery Box = %s Batteriebox
%s Cable = %s Kabel
%s CNC Machine = %s CNC-Maschine
%s Compressor = %s Kompressor
%s Extractor = %s Extraktor
%s Forcefield Emitter = %s Kraftfeld-Emitter
@ -121,41 +120,6 @@ Digging finished =
Digging %d m above machine =
Digging %d m below machine =
## CNC
Cylinder = Zylinder
Element Cross = Halbes Kreuzelement
Element Cross Double = Kreuzelement
Element Edge = Halbes Eckelement
Element Edge Double = Eckelement
Element End = Halbes Endelement
Element End Double = Endelement
Element Straight = Halbes aufrechtes Element
Element Straight Double = Aufrechtes Element
Element T = Halbes T-Element
Element T Double = T-Element
Horizontal Cylinder = Liegender Zylinder
One Curved Edge Block = Block mit einer abgerundeten Kante
Pyramid = Pyramide
Slope = Schraege
Slope Edge = Schraege mit Ecke
Slope Inner Edge = Schraege mit Innenecke
Slope Lying = Liegende Schraege
Slope Upside Down = Umgedrehte Schraege
Slope Upside Down Edge = Umgedrehte Schraege mit Ecke
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Umgedrehte Schraege mit Innenecke
Sphere = Kugel
Spike = Spitze
Stick = Stange
Two Curved Edge Block = Block mit zwei abgerundeten Kanten
Brick = Ziegel:
Cobble = Pflasterstein:
Dirt = Erde:
Leaves = Laub:
Sandstone = Sandstein:
Stone = Stein:
Tree = Baumstamm:
Wooden = Holz:
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = %sstaub

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ Disabled =
%s Alloy Furnace = Horno de Aleacion %s
%s Battery Box = Caja de Bateria %s
%s Cable = Cable %s
%s CNC Machine = Maquina CNC %s
%s Compressor = Compresor %s
%s Extractor = Extractor %s
%s Forcefield Emitter = Emisor de Campo de Fuerza %s
@ -115,40 +114,6 @@ Digging finished =
Digging %d m above machine =
Digging %d m below machine =
## CNC Machine
Element Edge = Elemento Borde
Tree = Arbol
Element Cross Double = Elemento Cruz Doble
Spike = Pica
Element Edge Double = Elemento Borde Doble
Two Curved Edge Block = Dos Bloques de Borde Curvados
Pyramid = Piramide
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Borde Interno de Rampa Al Reves
Slope Upside Down Edge = Borde de Rampa Al Reves
Element Straight Double = Elemento Doble Recto
Sphere = Esfera
Element End Double = Doble Fin de Elemento
Element Straight = Recta de Elemento
Horizontal Cylinder = Cilindro Horizontal
Slope Inner Edge = Borde Interno de Rampa
One Curved Edge Block = Un Bloque de Borde Curvado
Element Cross = Cruce de Elementos
Stick = Varita
Element End = Fin de Elemento
Slope Lying = Rampa en Reposo
Slope Upside Down = Rampa Al Reves
Slope Edge = Borde de Rampa
Slope = Rampa
Element T = Elemento T
Cylinder = Cilindro
Cobble = Adoquines
Stone = Piedra
Brick = Ladrillo
Dirt = Tierra
Sandstone = Arenisca
Wooden = Madera
Leaves = Hojas
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = Polvo de %s

@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ Disabled = Disabilitato
%s Alloy Furnace = %s Fornace per leghe
%s Battery Box = %s Box batterie
%s Cable = Cavo %s
%s CNC Machine = Tornio CNC %s
%s Compressor = Compressore %s
%s Extractor = Estrattore %s
%s Forcefield Emitter = Emettitore di campo di forza %s
@ -118,41 +117,6 @@ Digging finished = Scavo finito
Digging %d m above machine = Scavo di %d m sopra la macchina
Digging %d m below machine = Scavo di %d m sotto la macchina
## CNC
Cylinder = Cilindro
Element Cross = Elemento a croce
Element Cross Double = Elemento a croce doppio
Element Edge = Elemento bordo
Element Edge Double = Elemento bordo doppio
Element End = Elemento finale
Element End Double = Elemento finale doppio
Element Straight = Elemento dritto
Element Straight Double = Elemento dritto doppio
Element T = Elemento a T
Element T Double = Elemento a T doppio
Horizontal Cylinder = Cilindro orizzontale
One Curved Edge Block = Blocco con bordo curvo
Pyramid = Piramide
Slope = Inclinato
Slope Edge = Bordo inclinato
Slope Inner Edge = Bordo interno inclinato
Slope Lying = Pendenza bugiarda
Slope Upside Down = Pendenza capovolta
Slope Upside Down Edge = Bordo inclinato capovolto
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Bordo interno inclinato capovolto
Sphere = Sfera
Spike = Spuntone
Stick = Bastone
Two Curved Edge Block = Blocco con bordo a doppia curva
Brick = Mattone
Cobble = Ciottolato
Dirt = Terra
Leaves = Foglie
Sandstone = Arenaria
Stone = Pietra
Tree = Albero
Wooden = Legno
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = Polvere di %s

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ Disabled =
%s Alloy Furnace =
%s Battery Box =
%s Cable =
%s CNC Machine =
%s Centrifuge =
%s Compressor =
%s Extractor =
@ -127,40 +126,6 @@ Digging %d m above machine =
Digging %d m below machine =
@1 (@2 @3 -> @4 @5) =
## CNC
Cylinder =
Element Cross =
Element Cross Double =
Element Edge =
Element Edge Double =
Element End =
Element End Double =
Element Straight =
Element Straight Double =
Element T =
Element T Double =
Horizontal Cylinder =
One Curved Edge Block =
Pyramid =
Slope =
Slope Edge =
Slope Inner Edge =
Slope Lying =
Slope Upside Down =
Slope Upside Down Edge =
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge =
Sphere =
Spike =
Stick =
Two Curved Edge Block =
Brick =
Cobble =
Dirt =
Leaves =
Sandstone =
Stone =
Tree =
Wooden =
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name

@ -22,8 +22,3 @@ dofile(path.."/extractor.lua")

@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
-- I could imagine some form of API allowing modders to come with their own node
-- box definitions and easily stuff it in the this machine for production.
local S = technic.getter
local technic_modpath = minetest.get_modpath("technic")
local S = technic.getter
output = 'technic:cnc',
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ local run = function(pos, node)
-- The actual block inactive state
minetest.register_node("technic:cnc", {
minetest.register_node(":technic:cnc", {
description = S("%s CNC Machine"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_cnc_top.png", "technic_cnc_bottom.png", "technic_cnc_side.png",
"technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_front.png"},
@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ minetest.register_node("technic:cnc", {
-- Active state block
minetest.register_node("technic:cnc_active", {
minetest.register_node(":technic:cnc_active", {
description = S("%s CNC Machine"):format("LV"),
tiles = {"technic_cnc_top_active.png", "technic_cnc_bottom.png", "technic_cnc_side.png",
"technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_side.png", "technic_cnc_front_active.png"},

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_oblate_spheroid",
model = "technic_oblate_spheroid.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_oblate_spheroid.obj",
desc = S("Oblate spheroid"),
cbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -96,32 +96,32 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_sphere",
model = "technic_sphere.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_sphere.obj",
desc = S("Sphere")
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_cylinder_horizontal",
model = "technic_cylinder_horizontal.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_cylinder_horizontal.obj",
desc = S("Horizontal Cylinder")
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_cylinder",
model = "technic_cylinder.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_cylinder.obj",
desc = S("Cylinder")
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_twocurvededge",
model = "technic_two_curved_edge.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_two_curved_edge.obj",
desc = S("Two Curved Edge/Corner Block")
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_onecurvededge",
model = "technic_one_curved_edge.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_one_curved_edge.obj",
desc = S("One Curved Edge Block")
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_spike",
model = "technic_pyramid_spike.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_pyramid_spike.obj",
desc = S("Spike"),
cbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_pyramid",
model = "technic_pyramid.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_pyramid.obj",
desc = S("Pyramid"),
cbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_slope_inner_edge_upsdown",
model = "technic_innercorner_upsdown.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_innercorner_upsdown.obj",
desc = S("Slope Upside Down Inner Edge/Corner"),
sbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_slope_edge_upsdown",
model = "technic_outercorner_upsdown.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_outercorner_upsdown.obj",
desc = S("Slope Upside Down Outer Edge/Corner"),
cbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_slope_inner_edge",
model = "technic_innercorner.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_innercorner.obj",
desc = S("Slope Inner Edge/Corner"),
sbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_slope_edge",
model = "technic_outercorner.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_outercorner.obj",
desc = S("Slope Outer Edge/Corner"),
cbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_slope_upsdown",
model = "technic_slope_upsdown.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_slope_upsdown.obj",
desc = S("Slope Upside Down"),
cbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_slope_lying",
model = "technic_slope_horizontal.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_slope_horizontal.obj",
desc = S("Slope Lying"),
cbox = {
type = "fixed",
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ technic.cnc.programs = {
{ suffix = "technic_cnc_slope",
model = "technic_slope.obj",
model = "technic_cnc_slope.obj",
desc = S("Slope"),
cbox = {
type = "fixed",

technic_cnc/depends.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

technic_cnc/init.lua Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("technic_cnc")
technic_cnc = {}
if rawget(_G, "intllib") then
technic_cnc.getter = intllib.Getter()
technic_cnc.getter = function(s,a,...)if a==nil then return s end a={a,...}return s:gsub("(@?)@(%(?)(%d+)(%)?)",function(e,o,n,c)if e==""then return a[tonumber(n)]..(o==""and c or"")else return"@"..o..n..c end end) end

technic_cnc/locale/de.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
## CNC
%s CNC Machine = %s CNC-Maschine
Cylinder = Zylinder
Element Cross = Halbes Kreuzelement
Element Cross Double = Kreuzelement
Element Edge = Halbes Eckelement
Element Edge Double = Eckelement
Element End = Halbes Endelement
Element End Double = Endelement
Element Straight = Halbes aufrechtes Element
Element Straight Double = Aufrechtes Element
Element T = Halbes T-Element
Element T Double = T-Element
Horizontal Cylinder = Liegender Zylinder
One Curved Edge Block = Block mit einer abgerundeten Kante
Pyramid = Pyramide
Slope = Schraege
Slope Edge = Schraege mit Ecke
Slope Inner Edge = Schraege mit Innenecke
Slope Lying = Liegende Schraege
Slope Upside Down = Umgedrehte Schraege
Slope Upside Down Edge = Umgedrehte Schraege mit Ecke
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Umgedrehte Schraege mit Innenecke
Sphere = Kugel
Spike = Spitze
Stick = Stange
Two Curved Edge Block = Block mit zwei abgerundeten Kanten
Brick = Ziegel:
Cobble = Pflasterstein:
Dirt = Erde:
Leaves = Laub:
Sandstone = Sandstein:
Stone = Stein:
Tree = Baumstamm:
Wooden = Holz:

technic_cnc/locale/es.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
## CNC
%s CNC Machine = Maquina CNC %s
Element Edge = Elemento Borde
Tree = Arbol
Element Cross Double = Elemento Cruz Doble
Spike = Pica
Element Edge Double = Elemento Borde Doble
Two Curved Edge Block = Dos Bloques de Borde Curvados
Pyramid = Piramide
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Borde Interno de Rampa Al Reves
Slope Upside Down Edge = Borde de Rampa Al Reves
Element Straight Double = Elemento Doble Recto
Sphere = Esfera
Element End Double = Doble Fin de Elemento
Element Straight = Recta de Elemento
Horizontal Cylinder = Cilindro Horizontal
Slope Inner Edge = Borde Interno de Rampa
One Curved Edge Block = Un Bloque de Borde Curvado
Element Cross = Cruce de Elementos
Stick = Varita
Element End = Fin de Elemento
Slope Lying = Rampa en Reposo
Slope Upside Down = Rampa Al Reves
Slope Edge = Borde de Rampa
Slope = Rampa
Element T = Elemento T
Cylinder = Cilindro
Cobble = Adoquines
Stone = Piedra
Brick = Ladrillo
Dirt = Tierra
Sandstone = Arenisca
Wooden = Madera
Leaves = Hojas

technic_cnc/locale/it.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
## CNC
%s CNC Machine = Tornio CNC %s
Cylinder = Cilindro
Element Cross = Elemento a croce
Element Cross Double = Elemento a croce doppio
Element Edge = Elemento bordo
Element Edge Double = Elemento bordo doppio
Element End = Elemento finale
Element End Double = Elemento finale doppio
Element Straight = Elemento dritto
Element Straight Double = Elemento dritto doppio
Element T = Elemento a T
Element T Double = Elemento a T doppio
Horizontal Cylinder = Cilindro orizzontale
One Curved Edge Block = Blocco con bordo curvo
Pyramid = Piramide
Slope = Inclinato
Slope Edge = Bordo inclinato
Slope Inner Edge = Bordo interno inclinato
Slope Lying = Pendenza bugiarda
Slope Upside Down = Pendenza capovolta
Slope Upside Down Edge = Bordo inclinato capovolto
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Bordo interno inclinato capovolto
Sphere = Sfera
Spike = Spuntone
Stick = Bastone
Two Curved Edge Block = Blocco con bordo a doppia curva
Brick = Mattone
Cobble = Ciottolato
Dirt = Terra
Leaves = Foglie
Sandstone = Arenaria
Stone = Pietra
Tree = Albero
Wooden = Legno

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
## CNC
%s CNC Machine =
Cylinder =
Element Cross =
Element Cross Double =
Element Edge =
Element Edge Double =
Element End =
Element End Double =
Element Straight =
Element Straight Double =
Element T =
Element T Double =
Horizontal Cylinder =
One Curved Edge Block =
Pyramid =
Slope =
Slope Edge =
Slope Inner Edge =
Slope Lying =
Slope Upside Down =
Slope Upside Down Edge =
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge =
Sphere =
Spike =
Stick =
Two Curved Edge Block =
Brick =
Cobble =
Dirt =
Leaves =
Sandstone =
Stone =
Tree =
Wooden =


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