update mds, add missing deprecation notice


File List:
This commit is contained in:
2022-08-01 16:44:19 +08:00
parent 46c7cef25f
commit 2be7029b50
2 changed files with 54 additions and 55 deletions

dist/bitburner.d.ts vendored

@ -6800,6 +6800,7 @@ export declare interface TIX {
* Short stocks.
* @remarks
* @deprecated use sellShort
* RAM cost: 2.5 GB
* Attempts to purchase a short position of a stock using a Market Order.

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This API requires Source-File 4 to use. The RAM cost of all these functions is m
## Methods
| Method | Description |
| --- | --- |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| [applyToCompany(companyName, field)](./bitburner.singularity.applytocompany.md) | Apply for a job at a company. |
| [b1tflum3(nextBN, callbackScript)](./bitburner.singularity.b1tflum3.md) | b1t\_flum3 into a different BN. |
| [checkFactionInvitations()](./bitburner.singularity.checkfactioninvitations.md) | List all current faction invitations. |
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ This API requires Source-File 4 to use. The RAM cost of all these functions is m
| [getAugmentationRepReq(augName)](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationrepreq.md) | Get reputation requirement of an augmentation. |
| [getAugmentationsFromFaction(faction)](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationsfromfaction.md) | Get a list of augmentation available from a faction. |
| [getAugmentationStats(name)](./bitburner.singularity.getaugmentationstats.md) | Get the stats of an augmentation. |
| [getCharacterInformation()](./bitburner.singularity.getcharacterinformation.md) | Returns an object with various information about your character. |
| [getCompanyFavor(companyName)](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanyfavor.md) | Get company favor. |
| [getCompanyFavorGain(companyName)](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanyfavorgain.md) | Get company favor gain. |
| [getCompanyRep(companyName)](./bitburner.singularity.getcompanyrep.md) | Get company reputation. |
@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ This API requires Source-File 4 to use. The RAM cost of all these functions is m
| [getFactionFavorGain(faction)](./bitburner.singularity.getfactionfavorgain.md) | Get faction favor gain. |
| [getFactionRep(faction)](./bitburner.singularity.getfactionrep.md) | Get faction reputation. |
| [getOwnedAugmentations(purchased)](./bitburner.singularity.getownedaugmentations.md) | Get a list of owned augmentation. |
| [getStats()](./bitburner.singularity.getstats.md) | Returns an object with the Players stats. |
| [getUpgradeHomeCoresCost()](./bitburner.singularity.getupgradehomecorescost.md) | Get the price of upgrading home cores. |
| [getUpgradeHomeRamCost()](./bitburner.singularity.getupgradehomeramcost.md) | Get the price of upgrading home RAM. |
| [goToLocation(locationName)](./bitburner.singularity.gotolocation.md) | Go to a location. |