fix stock price estimate text when selling

This commit is contained in:
2022-04-02 00:37:42 +08:00
parent 50cfa99b24
commit 4224c7defd

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@ -34,16 +34,18 @@ export function SellSharesModal(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
function ProfitIndicator(props: { shares: number | null; corp: ICorporation }): React.ReactElement {
if (props.shares === null) return <></>;
if (isNaN(props.shares) || props.shares <= 0) {
return <>ERROR: Invalid value entered for number of shares to sell</>;
return <Typography>ERROR: Invalid value entered for number of shares to sell </Typography>;
} else if (props.shares > corp.numShares) {
return <>You don't have this many shares to sell!</>;
return <Typography>You don't have this many shares to sell! </Typography>;
} else {
const stockSaleResults = corp.calculateShareSale(props.shares);
const profit = stockSaleResults[0];
return (
Sell {props.shares} shares for a total of {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(profit)}
Sell {props.shares} shares for a total of {numeralWrapper.formatMoney(profit)}