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synced 2025-03-21 01:32:30 +01:00
added inital augs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1582,6 +1582,123 @@ function initAugmentations(): void {
factions: [FactionNames.TianDiHui],
new Augmentation({
name: AugmentationNames.BagOfSand,
repCost: 100,
moneyCost: 1e9,
"You watched a youtube video about sword fighting, " +
"it suggested the best way to win a sword fight was to play dirty " +
"so you filled a bag full of sand from outside your house.",
stats: (
This augmentation autocompletes the Slash minigame.
factions: [FactionNames.Infiltrators],
new Augmentation({
name: AugmentationNames.IntellisenseModule,
repCost: 100,
moneyCost: 1e9,
"A brain implant with AI power that focuses in auto linting and intelisense, which " +
"provides the ability to perform code completion better than any exisiting " +
"IDE envronment on the market to date.",
stats: (
This augmentation autocompletes the Bracket minigame.
factions: [FactionNames.Infiltrators],
new Augmentation({
name: AugmentationNames.ReverseDictionary,
repCost: 100,
moneyCost: 1e9,
"An ancient dictionary with a thick layer of dust it looks like a differnet language, " +
"as you examine it further you relise that its actually just a normal dictonary but the words are " +
"written backwards if only you could take the book home, you think it would become like a second language.",
stats: (
This augmentation autocompletes the Backward minigame.
factions: [FactionNames.Infiltrators],
new Augmentation({
name: AugmentationNames.AmuletOfPersuasian,
repCost: 100,
moneyCost: 1e9,
"A fancy looking amulet that looks like something an Egyptian goddess would wear, " +
"you hear faint whispers that are trying to convince you to do things you wouldnt normaly do, " +
"apon touching it the voices stop how strange.",
stats: (
This augmentation autocompletes the Bribe minigame.
factions: [FactionNames.Infiltrators],
new Augmentation({
name: AugmentationNames.GameSharkRepository,
repCost: 100,
moneyCost: 1e9,
"You stumble accross an old opensource repository for a weird defunct version of gameshark, " +
"apon studing the source code it seems to just have a bunch of arrow key cheat codes. ",
stats: (
This augmentation autocompletes the Cheat Code minigame.
factions: [FactionNames.Infiltrators],
new Augmentation({
name: AugmentationNames.CyberDecoder,
repCost: 100,
moneyCost: 1e9,
"A cool looking do hickey that odly resembles Keanu Reeves face, " +
"it has a usb cable that looks like it plugs into something.",
stats: (
This augmentation autocompletes the Cyberpunk2077 minigame.
factions: [FactionNames.Infiltrators],
new Augmentation({
name: AugmentationNames.MineDetector,
repCost: 100,
moneyCost: 1e9,
"You stumble across an old mine detector at an army surplus store, " +
"on the side is inscribed 'X(' i wonder what happend to the orginal owner, " +
"its a bit beaten up but looks like it should still do the job.",
stats: (
This augmentation autocompletes the Minesweeper minigame.
factions: [FactionNames.Infiltrators],
new Augmentation({
name: AugmentationNames.WireCuttingManual,
repCost: 100,
moneyCost: 1e9,
"You found an old wire cutting for dummys book in the local library, " +
"how hard can it be to cut wires, right?",
stats: (
This augmentation autocompletes the Wire Cutting minigame.
factions: [FactionNames.Infiltrators],
// Special Bladeburner Augmentations
@ -111,6 +111,14 @@ export const AugmentationNames: {
StaneksGift1: string;
StaneksGift2: string;
StaneksGift3: string;
BagOfSand: string;
IntellisenseModule: string;
ReverseDictionary: string;
AmuletOfPersuasian: string;
GameSharkRepository: string;
CyberDecoder: string;
MineDetector: string;
WireCuttingManual: string;
} = {
Targeting1: "Augmented Targeting I",
Targeting2: "Augmented Targeting II",
@ -226,6 +234,15 @@ export const AugmentationNames: {
StaneksGift2: "Stanek's Gift - Awakening",
StaneksGift3: "Stanek's Gift - Serenity",
BagOfSand: "A Bag of Sand",
IntellisenseModule: "Intellisense Module",
ReverseDictionary: "Reverse Dictionary",
AmuletOfPersuasian: "Amulet of Persuasian",
GameSharkRepository: "Game Shark Repository",
CyberDecoder: "CyberDecoder",
MineDetector: "MineDetector",
WireCuttingManual: "WireCuttingManual",
//Wasteland Augs
//PepBoy: "P.E.P-Boy", Plasma Energy Projection System
//PepBoyForceField Generates plasma force fields
@ -641,9 +641,9 @@ export const FactionInfos: IMap<FactionInfo> = {
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