Added spread and price movement properties to stocks. Refactored Stock Market implementation code

This commit is contained in:
2019-04-20 22:31:19 -07:00
committed by danielyxie
parent f91c5bd7b9
commit 6b3646e981
12 changed files with 1419 additions and 284 deletions

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@ -1648,42 +1648,9 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) {
if (stock == null) {
throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into buyStock()");
if (shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid 'shares' argument passed to buyStock()");
return 0;
shares = Math.round(shares);
if (shares === 0) {return 0;}
const res = buyStock(stock, shares, workerScript);
// Does player have enough money?
var totalPrice = stock.price * shares;
if ( + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission)) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Not enough money to purchase " + formatNumber(shares, 0) + " shares of " +
symbol + ". Need $" +
formatNumber(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, 2).toString());
return 0;
// Would this purchase exceed the maximum number of shares?
if (shares + stock.playerShares + stock.playerShortShares > stock.maxShares) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log(`You cannot purchase this many shares. ${stock.symbol} has a maximum of ` +
`${stock.maxShares} shares.`);
return 0;
var origTotal = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx;
Player.loseMoney(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission);
var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice;
stock.playerShares += shares;
stock.playerAvgPx = newTotal / stock.playerShares;
if (routing.isOn(Page.StockMarket)) {
if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.buyStock == null) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Bought " + formatNumber(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" +
formatNumber(stock.price, 2) + " per share");
return stock.price;
return res ? stock.price : 0;
sellStock : function(symbol, shares) {
if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
@ -1697,36 +1664,10 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) {
if (stock == null) {
throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid stock symbol passed into sellStock()");
if (shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Invalid 'shares' argument passed to sellStock()");
return 0;
shares = Math.round(shares);
if (shares > stock.playerShares) {shares = stock.playerShares;}
if (shares === 0) {return 0;}
var gains = stock.price * shares - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
// Calculate net profit and add to script stats
var netProfit = ((stock.price - stock.playerAvgPx) * shares) - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
if (isNaN(netProfit)) {netProfit = 0;}
workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += netProfit;
Player.scriptProdSinceLastAug += netProfit;
Player.recordMoneySource(netProfit, "stock");
const res = sellStock(stock, shares, workerScript);
stock.playerShares -= shares;
if (stock.playerShares == 0) {
stock.playerAvgPx = 0;
if (routing.isOn(Page.StockMarket)) {
if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sellStock == null) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sold " + formatNumber(shares, 0) + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at $" +
formatNumber(stock.price, 2) + " per share. Gained " +
"$" + formatNumber(gains, 2));
return stock.price;
return res ? stock.price : 0;
shortStock(symbol, shares) {
if (workerScript.checkingRam) {
@ -1745,7 +1686,8 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) {
if (stock == null) {
throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into shortStock()");
var res = shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript);
const res = shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript);
return res ? stock.price : 0;
sellShort(symbol, shares) {
@ -1765,7 +1707,8 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) {
if (stock == null) {
throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "ERROR: Invalid stock symbol passed into sellShort()");
var res = sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript);
const res = sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript);
return res ? stock.price : 0;
placeOrder(symbol, shares, price, type, pos) {

View File

@ -1,23 +1,7 @@
// tslint:disable:max-file-line-count
// This could actually be a JSON file as it should be constant metadata to be imported...
* Defines the minimum and maximum values for a range.
* It is up to the consumer if these values are inclusive or exclusive.
* It is up to the implementor to ensure max > min.
interface IMinMaxRange {
* The maximum bound of the range.
max: number;
* The minimum bound of the range.
min: number;
import { IMinMaxRange } from "../../types";
* The metadata describing the base state of servers on the network.

src/StockMarket/Order.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Represents a Limit or Buy Order on the stock market. Does not represent
* a Market Order since those are just executed immediately
import { Stock } from "./Stock";
import { OrderTypes } from "./data/OrderTypes";
import { PositionTypes } from "./data/PositionTypes";
import {
} from "../../utils/JSONReviver";
export class Order {
* Initializes a Order from a JSON save state
static fromJSON(value: any): Order {
return Generic_fromJSON(Order,;
readonly pos: PositionTypes;
readonly price: number;
readonly shares: number;
readonly stock: Stock;
readonly type: OrderTypes;
constructor(stk: Stock = new Stock(), shares: number=0, price: number=0, typ: OrderTypes=OrderTypes.LimitBuy, pos: PositionTypes=PositionTypes.Long) {
this.stock = stk;
this.shares = shares;
this.price = price;
this.type = typ;
this.pos = pos;
* Serialize the Order to a JSON save state.
toJSON(): any {
return Generic_toJSON("Order", this);
Reviver.constructors.Order = Order;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,57 @@
import { Generic_fromJSON, Generic_toJSON, Reviver } from "../../utils/JSONReviver";
import { IMinMaxRange } from "../types";
import {
} from "../../utils/JSONReviver";
import { getRandomInt } from "../../utils/helpers/getRandomInt";
export interface IConstructorParams {
b: boolean;
initPrice: number | IMinMaxRange;
marketCap: number;
mv: number | IMinMaxRange;
name: string;
otlkMag: number;
spreadPerc: number | IMinMaxRange;
shareTxForMovement: number | IMinMaxRange;
symbol: string;
const defaultConstructorParams: IConstructorParams = {
b: true,
initPrice: 10e3,
marketCap: 1e12,
mv: 1,
name: "",
otlkMag: 0,
spreadPerc: 0,
shareTxForMovement: 1e6,
symbol: "",
// Helper function that convert a IMinMaxRange to a number
function toNumber(n: number | IMinMaxRange): number {
let value: number;
switch (typeof n) {
case "number": {
return n;
case "object": {
value = getRandomInt(n.min, n.max);
throw Error(`Do not know how to convert the type '${typeof n}' to a number`);
if (typeof n === "object" && typeof n.divisor === "number") {
return value / n.divisor;
return value;
* Represents the valuation of a company in the World Stock Exchange.
@ -73,6 +124,28 @@ export class Stock {
price: number;
* Percentage by which the stock's price changes for a transaction-induced
* price movement.
readonly priceMovementPerc: number;
* How many shares need to be transacted in order to trigger a price movement
readonly shareTxForMovement: number;
* How many share transactions remaining until a price movement occurs
shareTxUntilMovement: number;
* Spread percentage. The bid/ask prices for this stock are N% above or below
* the "real price" to emulate spread.
readonly spreadPerc: number;
* The stock's ticker symbol
@ -85,36 +158,48 @@ export class Stock {
readonly totalShares: number;
constructor(name: string = "",
symbol: string = "",
mv: number = 1,
b: boolean = true,
otlkMag: number = 0,
initPrice: number = 10e3,
marketCap: number = 1e12) { = name;
this.symbol = symbol;
this.price = initPrice;
this.playerShares = 0;
this.playerAvgPx = 0;
this.playerShortShares = 0;
this.playerAvgShortPx = 0; = mv;
this.b = b;
this.otlkMag = otlkMag;
this.cap = getRandomInt(initPrice * 1e3, initPrice * 25e3);
constructor(p: IConstructorParams = defaultConstructorParams) { =;
this.symbol = p.symbol;
this.price = toNumber(p.initPrice);
this.playerShares = 0;
this.playerAvgPx = 0;
this.playerShortShares = 0;
this.playerAvgShortPx = 0; = toNumber(;
this.b = p.b;
this.otlkMag = p.otlkMag;
this.cap = getRandomInt(this.price * 1e3, this.price * 25e3);
this.spreadPerc = toNumber(p.spreadPerc);
this.priceMovementPerc = this.spreadPerc / (getRandomInt(10, 30) / 10);
this.shareTxForMovement = toNumber(p.shareTxForMovement);
this.shareTxUntilMovement = this.shareTxForMovement;
// Total shares is determined by market cap, and is rounded to nearest 100k
let totalSharesUnrounded: number = (marketCap / initPrice);
let totalSharesUnrounded: number = (p.marketCap / this.price);
this.totalShares = Math.round(totalSharesUnrounded / 1e5) * 1e5;
// Max Shares (Outstanding shares) is a percentage of total shares
const outstandingSharePercentage: number = 0.2;
const outstandingSharePercentage: number = 0.15;
this.maxShares = Math.round((this.totalShares * outstandingSharePercentage) / 1e5) * 1e5;
this.posTxtEl = null;
* Return the price at which YOUR stock is bought (market ask price). Accounts for spread
getAskPrice(): number {
return this.price * (1 + (this.spreadPerc / 100));
* Return the price at which YOUR stock is sold (market bid price). Accounts for spread
getBidPrice(): number {
return this.price * (1 - (this.spreadPerc / 100));
* Serialize the Stock to a JSON save state.

View File

@ -1,20 +1,31 @@
import {Stock} from "./Stock";
import { getStockMarket4SDataCost,
getStockMarket4STixApiCost } from "./StockMarketCosts";
import {
} from "./Order";
import { Stock } from "./Stock";
import {
} from "./StockMarketCosts";
import { StockSymbols } from "./data/StockSymbols";
import {CONSTANTS} from "../Constants";
import { LocationName } from "../Locations/data/LocationNames";
import {hasWallStreetSF, wallStreetSFLvl} from "../NetscriptFunctions";
import {WorkerScript} from "../NetscriptWorker";
import {Player} from "../Player";
import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants";
import { LocationName } from "../Locations/data/LocationNames";
import { hasWallStreetSF, wallStreetSFLvl } from "../NetscriptFunctions";
import { WorkerScript } from "../NetscriptWorker";
import { Player } from "../Player";
import {Page, routing} from ".././ui/navigationTracking";
import {numeralWrapper} from ".././ui/numeralFormat";
import { Page, routing } from ".././ui/navigationTracking";
import { numeralWrapper } from ".././ui/numeralFormat";
import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../../utils/DialogBox";
import {clearEventListeners} from "../../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners";
import {Reviver, Generic_toJSON,
Generic_fromJSON} from "../../utils/JSONReviver";
import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../../utils/DialogBox";
import { clearEventListeners } from "../../utils/uiHelpers/clearEventListeners";
import {
} from "../../utils/JSONReviver";
import {exceptionAlert} from "../../utils/helpers/exceptionAlert";
import {getRandomInt} from "../../utils/helpers/getRandomInt";
import {KEY} from "../../utils/helpers/keyCodes";
@ -27,19 +38,7 @@ import {yesNoBoxCreate, yesNoTxtInpBoxCreate,
yesNoTxtInpBoxGetInput, yesNoBoxClose,
yesNoTxtInpBoxClose, yesNoBoxOpen} from "../../utils/YesNoBox";
var OrderTypes = {
LimitBuy: "Limit Buy Order",
LimitSell: "Limit Sell Order",
StopBuy: "Stop Buy Order",
StopSell: "Stop Sell Order"
var PositionTypes = {
Long: "L",
Short: "S"
function placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, position, workerScript=null) {
export function placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, position, workerScript=null) {
var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof WorkerScript);
var order = new Order(stock, shares, price, type, position);
if (isNaN(shares) || isNaN(price)) {
@ -51,12 +50,12 @@ function placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, position, workerScript=null) {
return false;
if (StockMarket["Orders"] == null) {
var orders = {};
for (var name in StockMarket) {
const orders = {};
for (const name in StockMarket) {
if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var stock = StockMarket[name];
if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {continue;}
orders[stock.symbol] = [];
const stk = StockMarket[name];
if (!(stk instanceof Stock)) { continue; }
orders[stk.symbol] = [];
StockMarket["Orders"] = orders;
@ -68,8 +67,8 @@ function placeOrder(stock, shares, price, type, position, workerScript=null) {
return true;
//Returns true if successfully cancels an order, false otherwise
function cancelOrder(params, workerScript=null) {
// Returns true if successfully cancels an order, false otherwise
export function cancelOrder(params, workerScript=null) {
var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof WorkerScript);
if (StockMarket["Orders"] == null) {return false;}
if (params.order && params.order instanceof Order) {
@ -153,34 +152,20 @@ function executeOrder(order) {
function Order(stock, shares, price, type, position) {
this.stock = stock;
this.shares = shares;
this.price = price;
this.type = type;
this.pos = position;
Order.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("Order", this);
Order.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(Order,;
Reviver.constructors.Order = Order;
let StockMarket = {} //Full name to stock object
let StockSymbols = {} //Full name to symbol
let SymbolToStockMap = {}; //Symbol to Stock object
export let StockMarket = {}; // Maps full stock name -> Stock object
export let SymbolToStockMap = {}; // Maps symbol -> Stock object
let formatHelpData = {
longestName: 0,
longestSymbol: 0,
function loadStockMarket(saveString) {
for (const key in StockSymbols) {
formatHelpData.longestName = key.length > formatHelpData.longestName ? key.length : formatHelpData.longestName;
formatHelpData.longestSymbol = StockSymbols[key].length > formatHelpData.longestSymbol ? StockSymbols[key].length : formatHelpData.longestSymbol;
export function loadStockMarket(saveString) {
if (saveString === "") {
StockMarket = {};
} else {
@ -188,51 +173,7 @@ function loadStockMarket(saveString) {
function initStockSymbols() {
//Stocks for companies at which you can work
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumECorp] = "ECP";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12MegaCorp] = "MGCP";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12BladeIndustries] = "BLD";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumClarkeIncorporated] = "CLRK";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated] = "OMTK";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12FourSigma] = "FSIG";
StockSymbols[LocationName.ChongqingKuaiGongInternational] = "KGI";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumFulcrumTechnologies] = "FLCM";
StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaStormTechnologies] = "STM";
StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoDefComm] = "DCOMM";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenHeliosLabs] = "HLS";
StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoVitaLife] = "VITA";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12IcarusMicrosystems] = "ICRS";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12UniversalEnergy] = "UNV";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumAeroCorp] = "AERO";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenOmniaCybersystems] = "OMN";
StockSymbols[LocationName.ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems] = "SLRS";
StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals] = "GPH";
StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaNovaMedical] = "NVMD";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumWatchdogSecurity] = "WDS";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenLexoCorp] = "LXO";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumRhoConstruction] = "RHOC";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12AlphaEnterprises] = "APHE";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenSysCoreSecurities] = "SYSC";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenCompuTek] = "CTK";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumNetLinkTechnologies] = "NTLK";
StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaOmegaSoftware] = "OMGA";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12FoodNStuff] = "FNS";
//Stocks for other companies
StockSymbols["Sigma Cosmetics"] = "SGC";
StockSymbols["Joes Guns"] = "JGN";
StockSymbols["Catalyst Ventures"] = "CTYS";
StockSymbols["Microdyne Technologies"] = "MDYN";
StockSymbols["Titan Laboratories"] = "TITN";
for (const key in StockSymbols) {
formatHelpData.longestName = key.length > formatHelpData.longestName ? key.length : formatHelpData.longestName;
formatHelpData.longestSymbol = StockSymbols[key].length > formatHelpData.longestSymbol ? StockSymbols[key].length : formatHelpData.longestSymbol;
function initStockMarket() {
export function initStockMarket() {
for (var stk in StockMarket) {
if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(stk)) {
delete StockMarket[stk];
@ -387,7 +328,7 @@ function initStockMarket() {
StockMarket.lastUpdate = 0;
function initSymbolToStockMap() {
export function initSymbolToStockMap() {
for (var name in StockSymbols) {
if (StockSymbols.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var stock = StockMarket[name];
@ -401,7 +342,7 @@ function initSymbolToStockMap() {
function stockMarketCycle() {
export function stockMarketCycle() {
for (var name in StockMarket) {
if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var stock = StockMarket[name];
@ -415,78 +356,151 @@ function stockMarketCycle() {
//Returns true if successful, false otherwise
function buyStock(stock, shares) {
* Attempt to buy a stock in the long position
* @param {Stock} stock - Stock to buy
* @param {number} shares - Number of shares to buy
* @param {WorkerScript} workerScript - If this is being called through Netscript
* @returns {boolean} - true if successful, false otherwise
export function buyStock(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
const tixApi = (workerScript instanceof WorkerScript);
// Validate arguments
shares = Math.round(shares);
if (shares == 0 || shares < 0) { return false; }
if (stock == null || isNaN(shares)) {
dialogBoxCreate("Failed to buy stock. This may be a bug, contact developer");
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.log(`ERROR: buyStock() failed due to invalid arguments`);
} else {
dialogBoxCreate("Failed to buy stock. This may be a bug, contact developer");
return false;
// Does player have enough money?
var totalPrice = stock.price * shares;
const totalPrice = stock.price * shares;
if ( + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission)) {
dialogBoxCreate("You do not have enough money to purchase this. You need " +
numeralWrapper.format(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + ".");
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.log(`ERROR: buyStock() failed because you do not have enough money to purchase this potiion. You need ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission)}`);
} else {
dialogBoxCreate(`You do not have enough money to purchase this. You need ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission)}`);
return false;
// Would this purchase exceed the maximum number of shares?
if (shares + stock.playerShares + stock.playerShortShares > stock.maxShares) {
dialogBoxCreate(`You cannot purchase this many shares. ${stock.symbol} has a maximum of ` +
`${numeralWrapper.formatBigNumber(stock.maxShares)} shares.`);
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.log(`ERROR: buyStock() failed because purchasing this many shares would exceed ${stock.symbol}'s maximum number of shares`);
} else {
dialogBoxCreate(`You cannot purchase this many shares. ${stock.symbol} has a maximum of ${numeralWrapper.formatBigNumber(stock.maxShares)} shares.`);
return false;
var origTotal = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx;
const origTotal = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx;
Player.loseMoney(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission);
var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice;
const newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice;
stock.playerShares = Math.round(stock.playerShares + shares);
stock.playerAvgPx = newTotal / stock.playerShares;
dialogBoxCreate("Bought " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " +
numeralWrapper.format(CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + " in commission fees.");
if (tixApi) {
if (workerScript.shouldLog("buyStock")) {
"Bought " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " +
numeralWrapper.format(CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + " in commission fees."
} else {
"Bought " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " +
numeralWrapper.format(CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + " in commission fees."
return true;
//Returns true if successful and false otherwise
function sellStock(stock, shares) {
if (shares == 0) {return false;}
* Attempt to sell a stock in the long position
* @param {Stock} stock - Stock to sell
* @param {number} shares - Number of shares to sell
* @param {WorkerScript} workerScript - If this is being called through Netscript
* returns {boolean} - true if successfully sells given number of shares OR MAX owned, false otherwise
export function sellStock(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
const tixApi = (workerScript instanceof WorkerScript);
// Sanitize/Validate arguments
if (stock == null || shares < 0 || isNaN(shares)) {
dialogBoxCreate("Failed to sell stock. This may be a bug, contact developer");
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.log(`ERROR: sellStock() failed due to invalid arguments`);
} else {
dialogBoxCreate("Failed to sell stock. This is probably due to an invalid quantity. Otherwise, this may be a bug, contact developer");
return false;
shares = Math.round(shares);
if (shares > stock.playerShares) {shares = stock.playerShares;}
if (shares === 0) {return false;}
const gains = stock.price * shares - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
const netProfit = ((stock.price - stock.playerAvgPx) * shares) - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
let netProfit = ((stock.price - stock.playerAvgPx) * shares) - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
if (isNaN(netProfit)) { netProfit = 0; }
Player.recordMoneySource(netProfit, "stock");
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.scriptRef.onlineMoneyMade += netProfit;
Player.scriptProdSinceLastAug += netProfit;
stock.playerShares = Math.round(stock.playerShares - shares);
if (stock.playerShares == 0) {
if (stock.playerShares === 0) {
stock.playerAvgPx = 0;
dialogBoxCreate("Sold " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
"a total of " + numeralWrapper.format(gains, '($0.000a)') + ".");
if (tixApi) {
if (workerScript.shouldLog("sellStock")) {
"Sold " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
"a total of " + numeralWrapper.format(gains, '($0.000a)') + "."
} else {
"Sold " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
"a total of " + numeralWrapper.format(gains, '($0.000a)') + "."
return true;
//Returns true if successful and false otherwise
function shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof WorkerScript);
* Attempt to buy a stock in the short position
* @param {Stock} stock - Stock to sell
* @param {number} shares - Number of shares to short
* @param {WorkerScript} workerScript - If this is being called through Netscript
* @returns {boolean} - true if successful, false otherwise
export function shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
const tixApi = (workerScript instanceof WorkerScript);
// Validate arguments
shares = Math.round(shares);
if (shares === 0 || shares < 0) { return false; }
if (stock == null || isNaN(shares)) {
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because of invalid arguments.");
workerScript.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because of invalid arguments.");
} else {
dialogBoxCreate("Failed to initiate a short position in a stock. This is probably " +
"due to an invalid quantity. Otherwise, this may be a bug, so contact developer");
@ -495,15 +509,15 @@ function shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
// Does the player have enough money?
var totalPrice = stock.price * shares;
const totalPrice = stock.price * shares;
if ( + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission)) {
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because you do not have enough " +
"money to purchase this short position. You need " +
numeralWrapper.format(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + ".");
workerScript.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because you do not have enough " +
"money to purchase this short position. You need " +
numeralWrapper.formatMoney(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission));
} else {
dialogBoxCreate("You do not have enough money to purchase this short position. You need " +
numeralWrapper.format(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + ".");
numeralWrapper.formatMoney(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission));
return false;
@ -512,55 +526,66 @@ function shortStock(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
// Would this purchase exceed the maximum number of shares?
if (shares + stock.playerShares + stock.playerShortShares > stock.maxShares) {
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: shortStock() failed because purchasing this many short shares would exceed " +
`${stock.symbol}'s maximum number of shares.`);
workerScript.log(`ERROR: shortStock() failed because purchasing this many short shares would exceed ${stock.symbol}'s maximum number of shares.`);
} else {
dialogBoxCreate(`You cannot purchase this many shares. ${stock.symbol} has a maximum of ` +
`${stock.maxShares} shares.`);
dialogBoxCreate(`You cannot purchase this many shares. ${stock.symbol} has a maximum of ${stock.maxShares} shares.`);
return false;
var origTotal = stock.playerShortShares * stock.playerAvgShortPx;
const origTotal = stock.playerShortShares * stock.playerAvgShortPx;
Player.loseMoney(totalPrice + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission);
var newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice;
const newTotal = origTotal + totalPrice;
stock.playerShortShares = Math.round(stock.playerShortShares + shares);
stock.playerAvgShortPx = newTotal / stock.playerShortShares;
if (tixApi) {
if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.shortStock == null) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Bought a short position of " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " +
numeralWrapper.format(CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + " in commission fees.");
"Bought a short position of " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " +
numeralWrapper.format(CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + " in commission fees."
} else {
dialogBoxCreate("Bought a short position of " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " +
numeralWrapper.format(CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + " in commission fees.");
"Bought a short position of " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. Paid " +
numeralWrapper.format(CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission, '($0.000a)') + " in commission fees."
return true;
//Returns true if successful and false otherwise
function sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
var tixApi = (workerScript instanceof WorkerScript);
* Attempt to sell a stock in the short position
* @param {Stock} stock - Stock to sell
* @param {number} shares - Number of shares to sell
* @param {WorkerScript} workerScript - If this is being called through Netscript
* @returns {boolean} true if successfully sells given amount OR max owned, false otherwise
export function sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
const tixApi = (workerScript instanceof WorkerScript);
if (stock == null || isNaN(shares) || shares < 0) {
if (tixApi) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: sellShort() failed because of invalid arguments.");
workerScript.log("ERROR: sellShort() failed because of invalid arguments.");
} else {
dialogBoxCreate("Failed to sell a short position in a stock. This is probably " +
"due to an invalid quantity. Otherwise, this may be a bug, so contact developer");
return false;
shares = Math.round(shares);
if (shares > stock.playerShortShares) {shares = stock.playerShortShares;}
if (shares === 0) {return false;}
var origCost = shares * stock.playerAvgShortPx;
var profit = ((stock.playerAvgShortPx - stock.price) * shares) - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
if (isNaN(profit)) {profit = 0;}
const origCost = shares * stock.playerAvgShortPx;
let profit = ((stock.playerAvgShortPx - stock.price) * shares) - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
if (isNaN(profit)) { profit = 0; }
Player.gainMoney(origCost + profit);
Player.recordMoneySource(profit, "stock");
if (tixApi) {
@ -574,21 +599,25 @@ function sellShort(stock, shares, workerScript=null) {
if (tixApi) {
if (workerScript.disableLogs.ALL == null && workerScript.disableLogs.sellShort == null) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Sold your short position of " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
"a total of " + numeralWrapper.format(origCost + profit, '($0.000a)') + ".");
if (workerScript.shouldLog("sellShort")) {
"Sold your short position of " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
"a total of " + numeralWrapper.format(origCost + profit, '($0.000a)') + "."
} else {
dialogBoxCreate("Sold your short position of " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
"a total of " + numeralWrapper.format(origCost + profit, '($0.000a)') + ".");
"Sold your short position of " + numeralWrapper.format(shares, '0,0') + " shares of " + stock.symbol + " at " +
numeralWrapper.format(stock.price, '($0.000a)') + " per share. After commissions, you gained " +
"a total of " + numeralWrapper.format(origCost + profit, '($0.000a)') + "."
return true;
function processStockPrices(numCycles=1) {
export function processStockPrices(numCycles=1) {
if (StockMarket.storedCycles == null || isNaN(StockMarket.storedCycles)) { StockMarket.storedCycles = 0; }
StockMarket.storedCycles += numCycles;
@ -726,14 +755,15 @@ function processOrders(stock, orderType, posType) {
function setStockMarketContentCreated(b) {
export function setStockMarketContentCreated(b) {
stockMarketContentCreated = b;
var stockMarketContentCreated = false;
var stockMarketPortfolioMode = false;
var COMM = CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
function displayStockMarketContent() {
export function displayStockMarketContent() {
// Backwards compatibility
if (Player.hasWseAccount == null) {Player.hasWseAccount = false;}
if (Player.hasTixApiAccess == null) {Player.hasTixApiAccess = false;}
if (Player.has4SData == null) {Player.has4SData = false;}
@ -1341,9 +1371,9 @@ function setStockTickerClickHandlers() {
//'increase' argument is a boolean indicating whether the price increased or decreased
function updateStockTicker(stock, increase) {
if (!routing.isOn(Page.StockMarket)) {return;}
// 'increase' argument is a boolean indicating whether the price increased or decreased
export function updateStockTicker(stock, increase) {
if (!routing.isOn(Page.StockMarket)) { return; }
if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {
console.log("Invalid stock in updateStockTicker():");
@ -1378,8 +1408,8 @@ function updateStockTicker(stock, increase) {
function updateStockPlayerPosition(stock) {
if (!routing.isOn(Page.StockMarket)) {return;}
export function updateStockPlayerPosition(stock) {
if (!routing.isOn(Page.StockMarket)) { return; }
if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) {
console.log("Invalid stock in updateStockPlayerPosition():");
@ -1395,8 +1425,8 @@ function updateStockPlayerPosition(stock) {
removeElementById(tickerId + "-panel");
} else {
//If the ticker hasn't been created, create it (handles updating)
//If it has been created, continue normally
// If the ticker hasn't been created, create it (handles updating)
// If it has been created, continue normally
if (document.getElementById(tickerId + "-hdr") == null) {
@ -1413,7 +1443,7 @@ function updateStockPlayerPosition(stock) {
//Calculate returns
// Calculate returns
const totalCost = stock.playerShares * stock.playerAvgPx;
let gains = (stock.price - stock.playerAvgPx) * stock.playerShares;
let percentageGains = gains / totalCost;
@ -1426,6 +1456,8 @@ function updateStockPlayerPosition(stock) {
stock.posTxtEl.innerHTML =
`Max Shares: ${numeralWrapper.format(stock.maxShares, "0.000a")}<br>` +
`<p class="tooltip">Ask Price: ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(stock.getAskPrice())}<span class="tooltiptext">See Investopedia for details on what this is</span></p><br>` +
`<p class="tooltip">Bid Price: ${numeralWrapper.formatMoney(stock.getBidPrice())}<span class="tooltiptext">See Investopedia for details on what this is</span></p><br>` +
"<h3 class='tooltip stock-market-position-text'>Long Position: " +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>Shares in the long position will increase " +
"in value if the price of the corresponding stock increases</span></h3>" +
@ -1493,7 +1525,7 @@ function updateStockOrderList(stock) {
//Remove everything from list
// Remove everything from list
while (orderList.firstChild) {
@ -1522,9 +1554,3 @@ function updateStockOrderList(stock) {
export {StockMarket, StockSymbols, SymbolToStockMap, initStockSymbols,
initStockMarket, initSymbolToStockMap, stockMarketCycle, buyStock,
sellStock, shortStock, sellShort, processStockPrices, displayStockMarketContent,
updateStockTicker, updateStockPlayerPosition, loadStockMarket,
setStockMarketContentCreated, placeOrder, cancelOrder, Order, OrderTypes, PositionTypes};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import { Stock } from "./Stock";
import { PositionTypes } from "./data/PositionTypes";
import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants";
* Calculate the total cost of a "buy" transaction. This accounts for spread,
* price movements, and commission.
* @param {Stock} stock - Stock being purchased
* @param {number} shares - Number of shares being transacted
* @param {PositionTypes} posType - Long or short position
* @returns {number | null} Total transaction cost. Returns null for an invalid transaction
export function getBuyTransactionCost(stock: Stock, shares: number, posType: PositionTypes): number | null {
if (isNaN(shares) || shares <= 0 || !(stock instanceof Stock)) { return null; }
const isLong = (posType === PositionTypes.Long);
// If the number of shares doesn't trigger a price movement, its a simple calculation
if (shares <= stock.shareTxUntilMovement) {
if (isLong) {
return (shares * stock.getAskPrice()) + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
} else {
return (shares * stock.getBidPrice()) + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
// Calculate how many iterations of price changes we need to account for
let remainingShares = shares - stock.shareTxUntilMovement;
let numIterations = 1 + Math.ceil(remainingShares / stock.shareTxForMovement);
// The initial cost calculation takes care of the first "iteration"
let currPrice = isLong ? stock.getAskPrice() : stock.getBidPrice();
let totalCost = (stock.shareTxUntilMovement * currPrice);
for (let i = 1; i < numIterations; ++i) {
const amt = Math.min(stock.shareTxForMovement, remainingShares);
totalCost += (amt * currPrice);
remainingShares -= amt;
// Price movement
if (isLong) {
currPrice *= (1 + (stock.priceMovementPerc / 100));
} else {
currPrice *= (1 - (stock.priceMovementPerc / 100));
return totalCost + CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
* Calculate the TOTAL amount of money gained from a sale (NOT net profit). This accounts
* for spread, price movements, and commission.
* @param {Stock} stock - Stock being sold
* @param {number} shares - Number of sharse being transacted
* @param {PositionTypes} posType - Long or short position
* @returns {number | null} Amount of money gained from transaction. Returns null for an invalid transaction
export function getSellTransactionGain(stock: Stock, shares: number, posType: PositionTypes): number | null {
if (isNaN(shares) || shares <= 0 || !(stock instanceof Stock)) { return null; }
const isLong = (posType === PositionTypes.Long);
// If the number of shares doesn't trigger a price mvoement, its a simple calculation
if (shares <= stock.shareTxUntilMovement) {
if (isLong) {
return (shares * stock.getBidPrice()) - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
} else {
// Calculating gains for a short position requires calculating the profit made
const origCost = shares * stock.playerAvgShortPx;
const profit = ((stock.playerAvgShortPx - stock.getAskPrice()) * shares) - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;
return origCost + profit;
// Calculate how many iterations of price changes we need to accoutn for
let remainingShares = shares - stock.shareTxUntilMovement;
let numIterations = 1 + Math.ceil(remainingShares / stock.shareTxForMovement);
// Helper function to calculate gain for a single iteration
function calculateGain(thisPrice: number, thisShares: number) {
if (isLong) {
return thisShares * thisPrice;
} else {
const origCost = thisShares * stock.playerAvgShortPx;
const profit = ((stock.playerAvgShortPx - thisPrice) * thisShares);
return origCost + profit;
// The initial cost calculation takes care of the first "iteration"
let currPrice = isLong ? stock.getBidPrice() : stock.getAskPrice();
let totalGain = calculateGain(currPrice, stock.shareTxUntilMovement);
for (let i = 1; i < numIterations; ++i) {
const amt = Math.min(stock.shareTxForMovement, remainingShares);
totalGain += calculateGain(currPrice, amt);
remainingShares -= amt;
// Price movement
if (isLong) {
currPrice *= (1 - (stock.priceMovementPerc / 100));
} else {
currPrice *= (1 + (stock.priceMovementPerc / 100));
return totalGain - CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
* Initialization metadata for all Stocks. This is used to generate the
* stock parameter values upon a reset
* Some notes:
* - Megacorporations have better otlkMags
* - Higher volatility -> Bigger spread
* - Lower price -> Bigger spread
* - Share tx required for movement used for balancing
import { StockSymbols } from "./StockSymbols";
import { IConstructorParams } from "../Stock";
import { LocationName } from "../../Locations/data/LocationNames";
export const InitStockMetadata: IConstructorParams[] = [
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 28e3,
min: 17e3,
marketCap: 2.4e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 50,
min: 40,
name: LocationName.AevumECorp,
otlkMag: 19,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 5,
min: 1,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumECorp],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 34e3,
min: 24e3,
marketCap: 2.4e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 50,
min: 40,
name: LocationName.Sector12MegaCorp,
otlkMag: 19,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 5,
min: 1,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12MegaCorp],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 25e3,
min: 12e3,
marketCap: 1.6e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 80,
min: 70,
name: LocationName.Sector12BladeIndustries,
otlkMag: 13,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 6,
min: 1,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12BladeIndustries],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 25e3,
min: 10e3,
marketCap: 1.5e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 75,
min: 65,
name: LocationName.AevumClarkeIncorporated,
otlkMag: 12,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 5,
min: 1,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumClarkeIncorporated],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 43e3,
min: 32e3,
marketCap: 1.8e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 70,
min: 60,
name: LocationName.VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated,
otlkMag: 12,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 6,
min: 1,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 80e3,
min: 50e3,
marketCap: 2e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 110,
min: 100,
name: LocationName.Sector12FourSigma,
otlkMag: 17,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 1,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12FourSigma],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 28e3,
min: 16e3,
marketCap: 1.9e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 85,
min: 75,
name: LocationName.ChongqingKuaiGongInternational,
otlkMag: 10,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 7,
min: 1,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.ChongqingKuaiGongInternational],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 36e3,
min: 29e3,
marketCap: 2e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 130,
min: 120,
name: LocationName.AevumFulcrumTechnologies,
otlkMag: 16,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 1,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumFulcrumTechnologies],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 25e3,
min: 20e3,
marketCap: 1.2e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 90,
min: 80,
name: LocationName.IshimaStormTechnologies,
otlkMag: 7,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 2,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 12e3,
min: 6e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaStormTechnologies],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 19e3,
min: 6e3,
marketCap: 900e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 70,
min: 60,
name: LocationName.NewTokyoDefComm,
otlkMag: 10,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 2,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 12e3,
min: 6e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoDefComm],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 18e3,
min: 10e3,
marketCap: 825e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 65,
min: 55,
name: LocationName.VolhavenHeliosLabs,
otlkMag: 9,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 2,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 12e3,
min: 6e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenHeliosLabs],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 14e3,
min: 8e3,
marketCap: 1e12,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 80,
min: 70,
name: LocationName.NewTokyoVitaLife,
otlkMag: 7,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 2,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 12e3,
min: 6e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoVitaLife],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 24e3,
min: 12e3,
marketCap: 800e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 70,
min: 60,
name: LocationName.Sector12IcarusMicrosystems,
otlkMag: 7.5,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 3,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 12e3,
min: 6e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12IcarusMicrosystems],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 29e3,
min: 16e3,
marketCap: 900e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 60,
min: 50,
name: LocationName.Sector12UniversalEnergy,
otlkMag: 10,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 2,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 12e3,
min: 6e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12UniversalEnergy],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 17e3,
min: 8e3,
marketCap: 640e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 65,
min: 55,
name: LocationName.AevumAeroCorp,
otlkMag: 6,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 3,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 14e3,
min: 7e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumAeroCorp],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 15e3,
min: 6e3,
marketCap: 600e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 75,
min: 65,
name: LocationName.VolhavenOmniaCybersystems,
otlkMag: 4.5,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 11,
min: 4,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 14e3,
min: 7e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenOmniaCybersystems],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 28e3,
min: 14e3,
marketCap: 705e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 80,
min: 70,
name: LocationName.ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems,
otlkMag: 8.5,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 12,
min: 4,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 14e3,
min: 7e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 30e3,
min: 12e3,
marketCap: 695e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 65,
min: 55,
name: LocationName.NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals,
otlkMag: 10.5,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 4,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 14e3,
min: 7e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 27e3,
min: 15e3,
marketCap: 600e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 80,
min: 70,
name: LocationName.IshimaNovaMedical,
otlkMag: 5,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 11,
min: 4,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 14e3,
min: 7e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaNovaMedical],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 8.5e3,
min: 4e3,
marketCap: 450e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 260,
min: 240,
name: LocationName.AevumWatchdogSecurity,
otlkMag: 1.5,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 12,
min: 5,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 6e3,
min: 2e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumWatchdogSecurity],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 8e3,
min: 4.5e3,
marketCap: 300e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 135,
min: 115,
name: LocationName.VolhavenLexoCorp,
otlkMag: 6,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 12,
min: 5,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 12e3,
min: 6e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenLexoCorp],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 7e3,
min: 2e3,
marketCap: 180e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 70,
min: 50,
name: LocationName.AevumRhoConstruction,
otlkMag: 1,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 3,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 20e3,
min: 10e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumRhoConstruction],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 8.5e3,
min: 4e3,
marketCap: 240e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 205,
min: 175,
name: LocationName.Sector12AlphaEnterprises,
otlkMag: 10,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 16,
min: 5,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12AlphaEnterprises],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 8e3,
min: 3e3,
marketCap: 200e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 170,
min: 150,
name: LocationName.VolhavenSysCoreSecurities,
otlkMag: 3,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 12,
min: 5,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenSysCoreSecurities],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 6e3,
min: 1e3,
marketCap: 185e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 100,
min: 80,
name: LocationName.VolhavenCompuTek,
otlkMag: 4,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 12,
min: 4,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 15e3,
min: 10e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenCompuTek],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 5e3,
min: 1e3,
marketCap: 58e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 430,
min: 400,
name: LocationName.AevumNetLinkTechnologies,
otlkMag: 1,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 20,
min: 5,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 6e3,
min: 3e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumNetLinkTechnologies],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 8e3,
min: 1e3,
marketCap: 60e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 110,
min: 90,
name: LocationName.IshimaOmegaSoftware,
otlkMag: 0.5,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 13,
min: 4,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 10e3,
min: 5e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaOmegaSoftware],
b: false,
initPrice: {
max: 4.5e3,
min: 500,
marketCap: 45e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 80,
min: 70,
name: LocationName.Sector12FoodNStuff,
otlkMag: 1,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 6,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 20e3,
min: 10e3,
symbol: StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12FoodNStuff],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 3.5e3,
min: 1.5e3,
marketCap: 30e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 300,
min: 260,
name: "Sigma Cosmetics",
otlkMag: 0,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 14,
min: 6,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 8e3,
min: 4e3,
symbol: StockSymbols["Sigma Cosmetics"],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 1.5e3,
min: 250,
marketCap: 42e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 400,
min: 360,
name: "Joes Guns",
otlkMag: 1,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 14,
min: 6,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 7e3,
min: 3e3,
symbol: StockSymbols["Joes Guns"],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 1.5e3,
min: 250,
marketCap: 100e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 175,
min: 120,
name: "Catalyst Ventures",
otlkMag: 13.5,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 14,
min: 5,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 8e3,
min: 4e3,
symbol: StockSymbols["Catalyst Ventures"],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 30e3,
min: 15e3,
marketCap: 360e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 80,
min: 70,
name: "Microdyne Technologies",
otlkMag: 8,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 3,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 25e3,
min: 15e3,
symbol: StockSymbols["Microdyne Technologies"],
b: true,
initPrice: {
max: 24e3,
min: 12e3,
marketCap: 420e9,
mv: {
divisor: 100,
max: 70,
min: 50,
name: "Titan Laboratories",
otlkMag: 11,
spreadPerc: {
divisor: 10,
max: 10,
min: 2,
shareTxForMovement: {
max: 25e3,
min: 15e3,
symbol: StockSymbols["Titan Laboratories"],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
export enum OrderTypes {
LimitBuy = "Limit Buy Order",
LimitSell = "Limit Sell Order",
StopBuy = "Stop Buy Order",
StopSell = "Stop Sell Order"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export enum PositionTypes {
Long = "L",
Short = "S"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { IMap } from "../../types";
import { LocationName } from "../../Locations/data/LocationNames";
export const StockSymbols: IMap<string> = {};
// Stocks for companies at which you can work
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumECorp] = "ECP";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12MegaCorp] = "MGCP";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12BladeIndustries] = "BLD";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumClarkeIncorporated] = "CLRK";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated] = "OMTK";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12FourSigma] = "FSIG";
StockSymbols[LocationName.ChongqingKuaiGongInternational] = "KGI";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumFulcrumTechnologies] = "FLCM";
StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaStormTechnologies] = "STM";
StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoDefComm] = "DCOMM";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenHeliosLabs] = "HLS";
StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoVitaLife] = "VITA";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12IcarusMicrosystems] = "ICRS";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12UniversalEnergy] = "UNV";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumAeroCorp] = "AERO";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenOmniaCybersystems] = "OMN";
StockSymbols[LocationName.ChongqingSolarisSpaceSystems] = "SLRS";
StockSymbols[LocationName.NewTokyoGlobalPharmaceuticals] = "GPH";
StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaNovaMedical] = "NVMD";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumWatchdogSecurity] = "WDS";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenLexoCorp] = "LXO";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumRhoConstruction] = "RHOC";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12AlphaEnterprises] = "APHE";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenSysCoreSecurities] = "SYSC";
StockSymbols[LocationName.VolhavenCompuTek] = "CTK";
StockSymbols[LocationName.AevumNetLinkTechnologies] = "NTLK";
StockSymbols[LocationName.IshimaOmegaSoftware] = "OMGA";
StockSymbols[LocationName.Sector12FoodNStuff] = "FNS";
// Stocks for other companies
StockSymbols["Sigma Cosmetics"] = "SGC";
StockSymbols["Joes Guns"] = "JGN";
StockSymbols["Catalyst Ventures"] = "CTYS";
StockSymbols["Microdyne Technologies"] = "MDYN";
StockSymbols["Titan Laboratories"] = "TITN";

View File

@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ import {
@ -1085,7 +1084,6 @@ const Engine = {
Engine.init(); // Initialize buttons, work, etc.
initAugmentations(); // Also calls Player.reapplyAllAugmentations()
if (Player.hasWseAccount) {
@ -1215,7 +1213,6 @@ const Engine = {

View File

@ -44,3 +44,25 @@ export interface IReturnStatus {
res: boolean;
msg?: string;
* Defines the minimum and maximum values for a range.
* It is up to the consumer if these values are inclusive or exclusive.
* It is up to the implementor to ensure max > min.
export interface IMinMaxRange {
* Value by which the bounds are to be divided for the final range
divisor?: number;
* The maximum bound of the range.
max: number;
* The minimum bound of the range.
min: number;