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synced 2025-03-14 14:22:32 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,6 +3,109 @@
v0.56.0 - 2021-10-11 Trimming the backlog (hydroflame & community)
* The 'write' function is now async. This helps when making scripts that write scripts.
** Terminal **
* 'grow' and 'weaken' have been added as terminal command. This should help player transition
from commands to scripts. The tutorial also talks about it.
* 'cp' command added
* Improved performance by rate limiting refresh.
** IP vs Hostname **
* The game now uses hostname as primary key for it's servers (yeah believe it or not IPs were
used until then). This has caused some issues with purchased servers (they couldn't be sold).
You might need to soft reset for the game to fully convert itself.
** Sleeve **
* Fixed bug where they couldn't train at Volhaven.
* No longer consume all bonus time at once, making it look buggy.
** SF9 **
* Now boosts hacknet production by 8/12/14%
** Hacknet Servers **
* production nerfed by 10%
* Max money increase gets weaker above 10t max money
** Corporation **
* Warehouse tooltip now also displays the amount of space taken by products.
* Changed research box completely to avoid dependency on Treant (Treant is a pita)
* All textbox should accept MAX/MP case insensitive.
* Fixed export popup not refreshing dropdowns correctly.
* Fixed product mku becoming zero
* Increased scaling of Wilson to avoid feedback loop.
* Can no longer get in debt by buying real estate
* Bonus time is consumed faster.
** Netscript **
* isBusy takes bitverse and infiltration into account
* hospitalize can't be called when in infiltration.
* setToCommitCrime now accepts crime rough name instead of perfect name.
* disableLog All now works for bladeburner functions.
* Fixed netscript port for ns1.
** Augmentation **
* Added augmentation to Ti Di Hui that removes penalty for being unfocused.
* Neuroflux no longer appears in special factions.
** Script Editor **
* Ram check is debounced instead of refreshed every second.
* Added the vscode extension documentation to the game (it doesn't work well, thought)
* Fixed issue where autocomplete list would grow forever
* Added semi-monokai as theme.
* Fixed issue where modifying filename would mess it up.
* Font size can be changed now.
** Infiltration **
* Fixed issue where game controls would become unfocused.
** Misc. **
* Fixed loader incorrectly assuming some null values are incorrect.
* installBackdoor trigger Bitverse sequence
* Some improvements to the theme editor
* Improved documentation about where to learn javascript.
* Added some instructions for contributors.
* Fixed typo in corporation sell shares modal (@Saynt_Garmo)
* Fixed pagination being black on black in Active Scripts
* Create Script tab renamed to Script Editor
* Fixed an issue where corp some textbox wouldn't update when changing city.
* Fixed an issue where hacknet online time was always 0.
* Netscript function prompt fixed.
* Fixed miscalculation in growth.
* Script with syntax errors will try to be a tad more helpful.
* Corporations can no longer bribe bladeburners.
* Augmentation Graphene Branchiblade renamed to Brachi, like the rest of them.
* All ram is displayed in GB/TB/PB now.
* Game now saves when saving a file, this can be turned off.
* Several improvement to log window.
* Bladeburner current action returns General type instead of the name of the action.
* Bladeburner travel and Sleeve travel respect disable ASCII.
* Tutorial fits on small screens.
* Import is much slower but more consistent now.
* Fix intelligence not updating properly.
* Added SF -1: Time Compression
* ReadTheDoc theme now matches the game.
* Logbox should wrap text better
* Logbox behavior should feel better.
* Fix font for AutoLink.exe
* nerf noodle bar
v0.55.0 - 2021-09-20 Material UI (hydroflame & community)
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ documentation_title = '{0} Documentation'.format(project)
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '0.55'
version = '0.56'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '0.55.0'
release = '0.56.0'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "bitburner",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN license.txt",
"version": "0.53.0",
"version": "0.56.0",
"main": "electron-main.js",
"author": {
"name": "Daniel Xie"
@ -1,6 +1,114 @@
import { IMap } from "../../types";
export const AugmentationNames: IMap<string> = {
export const AugmentationNames: {
Targeting1: string;
Targeting2: string;
Targeting3: string;
SyntheticHeart: string;
SynfibrilMuscle: string;
CombatRib1: string;
CombatRib2: string;
CombatRib3: string;
NanofiberWeave: string;
SubdermalArmor: string;
WiredReflexes: string;
GrapheneBoneLacings: string;
BionicSpine: string;
GrapheneBionicSpine: string;
BionicLegs: string;
GrapheneBionicLegs: string;
SpeechProcessor: string;
TITN41Injection: string;
EnhancedSocialInteractionImplant: string;
BitWire: string;
ArtificialBioNeuralNetwork: string;
ArtificialSynapticPotentiation: string;
EnhancedMyelinSheathing: string;
SynapticEnhancement: string;
NeuralRetentionEnhancement: string;
DataJack: string;
ENM: string;
ENMCore: string;
ENMCoreV2: string;
ENMCoreV3: string;
ENMAnalyzeEngine: string;
ENMDMA: string;
Neuralstimulator: string;
NeuralAccelerator: string;
CranialSignalProcessorsG1: string;
CranialSignalProcessorsG2: string;
CranialSignalProcessorsG3: string;
CranialSignalProcessorsG4: string;
CranialSignalProcessorsG5: string;
NeuronalDensification: string;
NeuroreceptorManager: string;
NuoptimalInjectorImplant: string;
SpeechEnhancement: string;
FocusWire: string;
PCDNI: string;
PCDNIOptimizer: string;
PCDNINeuralNetwork: string;
PCMatrix: string;
ADRPheromone1: string;
ADRPheromone2: string;
ShadowsSimulacrum: string;
HacknetNodeCPUUpload: string;
HacknetNodeCacheUpload: string;
HacknetNodeNICUpload: string;
HacknetNodeKernelDNI: string;
HacknetNodeCoreDNI: string;
NeuroFluxGovernor: string;
Neurotrainer1: string;
Neurotrainer2: string;
Neurotrainer3: string;
Hypersight: string;
LuminCloaking1: string;
LuminCloaking2: string;
HemoRecirculator: string;
SmartSonar: string;
PowerRecirculator: string;
QLink: string;
TheRedPill: string;
SPTN97: string;
HiveMind: string;
CordiARCReactor: string;
SmartJaw: string;
Neotra: string;
Xanipher: string;
nextSENS: string;
OmniTekInfoLoad: string;
PhotosyntheticCells: string;
Neurolink: string;
TheBlackHand: string;
UnstableCircadianModulator: string;
CRTX42AA: string;
Neuregen: string;
CashRoot: string;
NutriGen: string;
INFRARet: string;
DermaForce: string;
GrapheneBrachiBlades: string;
GrapheneBionicArms: string;
BrachiBlades: string;
BionicArms: string;
SNA: string;
HydroflameLeftArm: string;
EsperEyewear: string;
EMS4Recombination: string;
OrionShoulder: string;
HyperionV1: string;
HyperionV2: string;
GolemSerum: string;
VangelisVirus: string;
VangelisVirus3: string;
BladeRunner: string;
BladeArmor: string;
BladeArmorPowerCells: string;
BladeArmorEnergyShielding: string;
BladeArmorUnibeam: string;
BladeArmorOmnibeam: string;
BladeArmorIPU: string;
BladesSimulacrum: string;
} = {
Targeting1: "Augmented Targeting I",
Targeting2: "Augmented Targeting II",
Targeting3: "Augmented Targeting III",
@ -87,7 +195,7 @@ export const AugmentationNames: IMap<string> = {
NutriGen: "NutriGen Implant",
INFRARet: "INFRARET Enhancement",
DermaForce: "DermaForce Particle Barrier",
GrapheneBrachiBlades: "Graphene BranchiBlades Upgrade",
GrapheneBrachiBlades: "Graphene BrachiBlades Upgrade",
GrapheneBionicArms: "Graphene Bionic Arms Upgrade",
BrachiBlades: "BrachiBlades",
BionicArms: "Bionic Arms",
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ export const CONSTANTS: {
TotalNumBitNodes: number;
LatestUpdate: string;
} = {
Version: "0.55.0",
Version: "0.56.0",
// Speed (in ms) at which the main loop is updated
_idleSpeed: 200,
@ -281,31 +281,107 @@ export const CONSTANTS: {
TotalNumBitNodes: 24,
LatestUpdate: `
v0.55.0 - 2021-09-20 Material UI (hydroflame & community)
v0.56.0 - 2021-10-11 Trimming the backlog (hydroflame & community)
** Global **
* The game is now 100% in typescript, react, and Material-UI
* The 'write' function is now async. This helps when making scripts that write scripts.
** Terminal **
* 'grow' and 'weaken' have been added as terminal command. This should help player transition
from commands to scripts. The tutorial also talks about it.
* 'cp' command added
* Improved performance by rate limiting refresh.
** IP vs Hostname **
* The game now uses hostname as primary key for it's servers (yeah believe it or not IPs were
used until then). This has caused some issues with purchased servers (they couldn't be sold).
You might need to soft reset for the game to fully convert itself.
** Sleeve **
* Fixed bug where they couldn't train at Volhaven.
* No longer consume all bonus time at once, making it look buggy.
** SF9 **
* Now boosts hacknet production by 8/12/14%
** Hacknet Servers **
* production nerfed by 10%
* Max money increase gets weaker above 10t max money
** Corporation **
* Warehouse tooltip now also displays the amount of space taken by products.
* Changed research box completely to avoid dependency on Treant (Treant is a pita)
* All textbox should accept MAX/MP case insensitive.
* Fixed export popup not refreshing dropdowns correctly.
* Fixed product mku becoming zero
* Increased scaling of Wilson to avoid feedback loop.
* Can no longer get in debt by buying real estate
* Bonus time is consumed faster.
** Netscript **
* isBusy takes bitverse and infiltration into account
* hospitalize can't be called when in infiltration.
* setToCommitCrime now accepts crime rough name instead of perfect name.
* disableLog All now works for bladeburner functions.
* Fixed netscript port for ns1.
** Augmentation **
* Added augmentation to Ti Di Hui that removes penalty for being unfocused.
* Neuroflux no longer appears in special factions.
** Script Editor **
* Ram check is debounced instead of refreshed every second.
* Added the vscode extension documentation to the game (it doesn't work well, thought)
* Fixed issue where autocomplete list would grow forever
* Added semi-monokai as theme.
* Fixed issue where modifying filename would mess it up.
* Font size can be changed now.
** Infiltration **
* Fixed issue where game controls would become unfocused.
** Misc. **
* Corporations can no longer bribe special factions
* Infiltration can no longer lose focus of the keyboard.
* Fix terminal line limit
* Added theme editor
* Theme applies on game load (@Nolshine)
* Sleeves no longer consume all bonus time for some actions
* Fix a bug where the autocomlete list would get duplicates
* Fix tutorial not scaling properly on small screens
* Import should be more consistent
* Typo with 'help' command
* Fix infinite loop in casino
* Fixed loader incorrectly assuming some null values are incorrect.
* installBackdoor trigger Bitverse sequence
* Some improvements to the theme editor
* Improved documentation about where to learn javascript.
* Added some instructions for contributors.
* Fixed typo in corporation sell shares modal (@Saynt_Garmo)
* Fixed pagination being black on black in Active Scripts
* Create Script tab renamed to Script Editor
* Fixed an issue where corp some textbox wouldn't update when changing city.
* Fixed an issue where hacknet online time was always 0.
* Netscript function prompt fixed.
* Fixed miscalculation in growth.
* Script with syntax errors will try to be a tad more helpful.
* Corporations can no longer bribe bladeburners.
* Augmentation Graphene Branchiblade renamed to Brachi, like the rest of them.
* All ram is displayed in GB/TB/PB now.
* Game now saves when saving a file, this can be turned off.
* Several improvement to log window.
* Bladeburner current action returns General type instead of the name of the action.
* Bladeburner travel and Sleeve travel respect disable ASCII.
* Tutorial fits on small screens.
* Import is much slower but more consistent now.
* Fix intelligence not updating properly.
* Added SF -1: Time Compression
* ReadTheDoc theme now matches the game.
* Logbox should wrap text better
* Logbox behavior should feel better.
* Fix font for AutoLink.exe
* nerf noodle bar
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ export function Augmentations(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
function queueAllAugs(): void {
for (const i in AugmentationNames) {
const augName = AugmentationNames[i];
for (const augName of Object.keys(AugmentationNames)) {
@ -4182,8 +4182,6 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript: WorkerScript): NS {
joinBladeburnerDivision: function (): any {
updateDynamicRam("joinBladeburnerDivision", getRamCost("bladeburner", "joinBladeburnerDivision"));
const bladeburner = Player.bladeburner;
if (bladeburner === null) throw new Error("Should not be called without Bladeburner");
if (Player.bitNodeN === 7 || SourceFileFlags[7] > 0) {
if (Player.bitNodeN === 8) {
return false;
@ -141,6 +141,18 @@ function evaluateVersionCompatibility(ver: string): void {
delete anyPlayer.companyPosition;
if (ver < "0.56.0") {
for (const q of anyPlayer.queuedAugmentations) {
if (q.name === "Graphene BranchiBlades Upgrade") {
q.name = "Graphene BrachiBlades Upgrade";
for (const q of anyPlayer.augmentations) {
if (q.name === "Graphene BranchiBlades Upgrade") {
q.name = "Graphene BrachiBlades Upgrade";
function loadGame(saveString: string): boolean {
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ export const Settings: ISettings & ISelfInitializer & ISelfLoading = {
SuppressBladeburnerPopup: defaultSettings.SuppressBladeburnerPopup,
MonacoTheme: "vs-dark",
MonacoInsertSpaces: false,
MonacoFontSize: 10,
MonacoFontSize: 20,
theme: {
primarylight: defaultSettings.theme.primarylight,
@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ import { updateSourceFileFlags } from "./SourceFile/SourceFileFlags";
import { initSymbolToStockMap, processStockPrices } from "./StockMarket/StockMarket";
import { Terminal } from "./Terminal";
import { Sleeve } from "./PersonObjects/Sleeve/Sleeve";
import { Locations } from "./Locations/Locations";
import { LocationName } from "./Locations/data/LocationNames";
import { Money } from "./ui/React/Money";
import { Hashes } from "./ui/React/Hashes";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user