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synced 2025-03-14 14:22:32 +01:00
Added documentation for new features
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -851,6 +851,10 @@ let CONSTANTS = {
"Player.hacking<br>Player.strength<br>Player.defense<br>Player.dexterity<br>Player.agility<br>Player.charisma<br>Player.intelligence<br><br>" +
"Example: <br><br>" +
"res = getStats();<br>print('My charisma level is: ' + res.charisma);<br><br>" +
"<i>isBusy()</i><br>If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to run this " +
"function.<br><br>Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the player is currently performing an 'action'. " +
"These actions include working for a company/faction, studying at a univeristy, working out at a gym, " +
"creating a program, or committing a crime.<br><br>" +
"<i>upgradeHomeRam()</i><br>" +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.<br><br>" +
"This function will upgrade amount of RAM on the player's home computer. The cost is the same as if you were to do it manually.<br><br>" +
@ -912,6 +916,26 @@ let CONSTANTS = {
"BruteSSH.exe: 50<br>FTPCrack.exe: 100<br>relaySMTP.exe: 250<br>HTTPWorm.exe: 500<br>SQLInject.exe: 750<br>" +
"DeepscanV1.exe: 75<br>DeepscanV2.exe: 400<br>ServerProfiler.exe: 75<br>AutoLink.exe: 25<br><br>" +
"This function returns true if you successfully start working on the specified program, and false otherwise.<br><br>" +
"<i>commitCrime(crime)</i><br>" +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.<br><br>" +
"This function is used to automatically attempt to commit crimes. If you are already in the middle of some 'working' " +
"action (such as working for a company or training at a gym), then running this function will automatically cancel " +
"that action and give you your earnings.<br><br>" +
"The function takes a string that specifies what crime to attempt. This argument is not case-sensitive and is fairly " +
"lenient in terms of what inputs it accepts. Here is a list of valid inputs for all of the crimes:<br><br>" +
"shoplift, rob store, mug, larceny, deal drugs, bond forgery, traffick arms, homicide, grand theft auto, " +
"kidnap, assassinate, heist<br><br> " +
"This function returns the number of seconds it takes to attempt the specified crime (e.g It takes 60 seconds to attempt " +
"the 'Rob Store' crime, so running commitCrime('rob store') will return 60). Warning: I do not recommend using the time " +
"returned from this function to try and schedule your crime attempts. Instead, I would use the isBusy() Singularity function " +
"to check whether you have finished attempting a crime. This is because although the game sets a certain crime to be X amount of seconds, " +
"there is no guarantee that your browser will follow that time limit.<br><br>" +
"<i>getCrimeChance(crime)</i><br>If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to " +
"use this function.<br><br>" +
"This function returns your chance of success at commiting the specified crime. The chance is returned as a decimal " +
"(i.e. 60% would be returned as 0.6). The argument for this function is a string. It is not case-sensitive and is fairly " +
"lenient in terms of what inputs it accepts. Check the documentation for the commitCrime() Singularity Function to see " +
"examples of valid inputs.<br><br>" +
"<i>getOwnedAugmentations(purchased=false)</i><br>" +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.<br><br>" +
"This function returns an array of the names of all Augmentations you own as strings. It takes a single optional " +
@ -1051,7 +1075,7 @@ let CONSTANTS = {
"but that's not available yet. You can also download files to your real computer using the 'download' Terminal command<br>" +
"-Added a new Crime: Bond Forgery. This crime takes 5 minutes to attempt " +
"and gives $4,500,000 if successful. It is meant for mid game.<br>" +
"-Added commitCrime(), getCrimeChance(), and getStats() Singularity Functions.<br>" +
"-Added commitCrime(), getCrimeChance(), isBusy(), and getStats() Singularity Functions.<br>" +
"-Removed getIntelligence() Netscript function<br>" +
"-Added sprintf and vsprintf to Netscript. See <a href='https://github.com/alexei/sprintf.js' target='_blank'>this Github page for details</a><br>" +
"-Increased the amount of money gained from Infiltration by 20%, and the amount of faction reputation by 12%<br>" +
@ -6,73 +6,97 @@ import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../utils/DialogBox.js";
function commitShopliftCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeShoplift;
Player.startCrime(0, 0, 0, 2/div, 2/div, 0, 15000/div, 2000, singParams); //$7500/s, 1 exp/s
var time = 2000;
Player.startCrime(0, 0, 0, 2/div, 2/div, 0, 15000/div, time, singParams); //$7500/s, 1 exp/s
return time;
function commitRobStoreCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeRobStore;
Player.startCrime(30/div, 0, 0, 45/div, 45/div, 0, 400000/div, 60000, singParams); //$6666,6/2, 0.5exp/s, 0.75exp/s
var time = 60000;
Player.startCrime(30/div, 0, 0, 45/div, 45/div, 0, 400000/div, time, singParams); //$6666,6/2, 0.5exp/s, 0.75exp/s
return time;
function commitMugCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeMug;
Player.startCrime(0, 3/div, 3/div, 3/div, 3/div, 0, 36000/div, 4000, singParams); //$9000/s, .66 exp/s
var time = 4000;
Player.startCrime(0, 3/div, 3/div, 3/div, 3/div, 0, 36000/div, time, singParams); //$9000/s, .66 exp/s
return time;
function commitLarcenyCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeLarceny;
Player.startCrime(45/div, 0, 0, 60/div, 60/div, 0, 800000/div, 90000, singParams) // $8888.88/s, .5 exp/s, .66 exp/s
var time = 90000;
Player.startCrime(45/div, 0, 0, 60/div, 60/div, 0, 800000/div, time, singParams) // $8888.88/s, .5 exp/s, .66 exp/s
return time;
function commitDealDrugsCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeDrugs;
Player.startCrime(0, 0, 0, 5/div, 5/div, 10/div, 120000/div, 10000, singParams); //$12000/s, .5 exp/s, 1 exp/s
var time = 10000;
Player.startCrime(0, 0, 0, 5/div, 5/div, 10/div, 120000/div, time, singParams); //$12000/s, .5 exp/s, 1 exp/s
return time;
function commitBondForgeryCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeBondForgery;
Player.startCrime(100/div, 0, 0, 150/div, 0, 15/div, 4500000/div, 300000, singParams); //$15000/s, 0.33 hack exp/s, .5 dex exp/s, .05 cha exp
var time = 300000;
Player.startCrime(100/div, 0, 0, 150/div, 0, 15/div, 4500000/div, time, singParams); //$15000/s, 0.33 hack exp/s, .5 dex exp/s, .05 cha exp
return time;
function commitTraffickArmsCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeTraffickArms;
Player.startCrime(0, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 40/div, 600000/div, 40000, singParams); //$15000/s, .5 combat exp/s, 1 cha exp/s
var time = 40000;
Player.startCrime(0, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 40/div, 600000/div, time, singParams); //$15000/s, .5 combat exp/s, 1 cha exp/s
return time;
function commitHomicideCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeHomicide;
Player.startCrime(0, 2/div, 2/div, 2/div, 2/div, 0, 45000/div, 3000, singParams); //$15000/s, 0.66 combat exp/s
var time = 3000;
Player.startCrime(0, 2/div, 2/div, 2/div, 2/div, 0, 45000/div, time, singParams); //$15000/s, 0.66 combat exp/s
return time;
function commitGrandTheftAutoCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeGrandTheftAuto;
Player.startCrime(0, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 80/div, 40/div, 1600000/div, 80000, singParams); //$20000/s, .25 exp/s, 1 exp/s, .5 exp/s
var time = 80000;
Player.startCrime(0, 20/div, 20/div, 20/div, 80/div, 40/div, 1600000/div, time, singParams); //$20000/s, .25 exp/s, 1 exp/s, .5 exp/s
return time;
function commitKidnapCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeKidnap;
Player.startCrime(0, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 3600000/div, 120000, singParams); //$30000/s. .66 exp/s
var time = 120000;
Player.startCrime(0, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 80/div, 3600000/div, time, singParams); //$30000/s. .66 exp/s
return time;
function commitAssassinationCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeAssassination;
Player.startCrime(0, 300/div, 300/div, 300/div, 300/div, 0, 12000000/div, 300000, singParams); //$40000/s, 1 exp/s
var time = 300000;
Player.startCrime(0, 300/div, 300/div, 300/div, 300/div, 0, 12000000/div, time, singParams); //$40000/s, 1 exp/s
return time;
function commitHeistCrime(div=1, singParams=null) {
if (div <= 0) {div = 1;}
Player.crimeType = CONSTANTS.CrimeHeist;
Player.startCrime(450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 120000000/div, 600000, singParams); //$200000/s, .75exp/s
var time = 600000;
Player.startCrime(450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 450/div, 120000000/div, time, singParams); //$200000/s, .75exp/s
return time;
function determineCrimeSuccess(crime, moneyGained) {
@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) {
getStats : function() {
if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) {
if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getStats(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 2) to run.");
throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run getStats(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
return {};
@ -1571,6 +1571,15 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) {
intelligence: Player.intelligence
isBusy : function() {
if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) {
if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 1)) {
throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Cannot run isBusy(). It is a Singularity Function and requires SourceFile-4 (level 1) to run.");
return Player.isWorking;
upgradeHomeRam() {
if (Player.bitNodeN != 4) {
if (!(hasSingularitySF && singularitySFLvl >= 2)) {
@ -1973,40 +1982,40 @@ function NetscriptFunctions(workerScript) {
crime = crime.toLowerCase();
if (crime.includes("shoplift")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to shoplift...");
commitShopliftCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitShopliftCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("rob") && crime.includes("store")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to rob a store...");
commitRobStoreCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitRobStoreCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("mug")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to mug someone...");
commitMugCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitMugCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("larceny")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to commit larceny...");
commitLarcenyCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitLarcenyCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("drugs")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to deal drugs...");
commitDealDrugsCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitDealDrugsCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("bond") && crime.includes("forge")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to forge corporate bonds...");
commitBondForgeryCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitBondForgeryCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("traffick") && crime.includes("arms")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to traffick illegal arms...");
commitTraffickArmsCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitTraffickArmsCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("homicide")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to commit homicide...");
commitHomicideCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitHomicideCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("grand") && crime.includes("auto")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to commit grand theft auto...");
commitGrandTheftAutoCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitGrandTheftAutoCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("kidnap")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to kidnap and ransom a high-profile target...");
commitKidnapCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitKidnapCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else if (crime.includes("assassinate")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to assassinate a high-profile target...");
commitAssassinationCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript})
return commitAssassinationCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript})
} else if (crime.includes("heist")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Attempting to pull off a heist...");
commitHeistCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
return commitHeistCrime(CONSTANTS.CrimeSingFnDivider, {workerscript: workerScript});
} else {
throw makeRuntimeRejectMsg(workerScript, "Invalid crime passed into commitCrime(): " + crime);
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import {clearEventListeners} from "../utils/HelperFunctions.j
import {createRandomIp} from "../utils/IPAddress.js";
import {Reviver, Generic_toJSON,
Generic_fromJSON} from "../utils/JSONReviver.js";
import numeral from "../utils/numeral.min.js";
import {formatNumber,
convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString} from "../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js";
@ -1602,6 +1603,9 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.singularityStopWork = function() {
case CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCreateProgram:
res = this.finishCreateProgramWork(true, true);
case CONSTANTS.WorkTypeCrime:
res = this.finishCrime(true);
console.log("ERROR: Unrecognized work type");
return "";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user