mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 06:12:32 +01:00
Merge branch 'feature/add-infiltration-faction' of github.com:phyzical/bitburner into feature/add-infiltration-faction
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
name: Check for Generated Files
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the dev branch
branches: [dev]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
name: Check Files
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout files
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Check bundle files
id: changed-bundle-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v18.4
files: |
- name: Check documentation changes
id: changed-markdown-doc-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v18.4
files: |
- name: Warn when bundle files were changed
id: warn-bundles-changed
if: steps.changed-bundle-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
run: |
echo "One or more files in the bundle files were changed." >> warnings.txt
- name: Warn when documentation markdown files were changed
id: warn-markdown-changed
if: steps.changed-markdown-doc-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
run: |
echo "One or more files in the markdown documentation were changed." >> warnings.txt
- name: Print Warnings
id: get-warnings
run: |
if [ -f warnings.txt ]
echo "::set-output name=has_warnings::true"
echo "::set-output name=has_warnings::false"
touch warnings.txt
- name: Get Comment Body
id: get-comment-body
if : steps.get-warnings.outputs.has_warnings == 'true'
run: |
cat warnings.txt > comment.txt
echo "" >> comment.txt
echo "Please do not commit files generated by webpack or generated markdown" >> comment.txt
echo "" >> comment.txt
echo "See [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/danielyxie/bitburner/blob/dev/doc/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details." >> comment.txt
body=$(cat comment.txt)
echo ::set-output name=body::$body
- name: Add github comment on problem
if : steps.get-warnings.outputs.has_warnings == 'true'
uses: peter-evans/commit-comment@v1
body: ${{ steps.get-comment-body.outputs.body }}
- name: Flag as error
if : steps.get-warnings.outputs.has_warnings == 'true'
run: |
COMMIT_WARNINGS=$(cat warnings.txt)
echo "::warning:: $COMMIT_WARNINGS"
exit 1
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
.staneksgift_row {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.staneksgift_cell {
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
background-color: #808080;
font-color: white;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
border: 1px solid black;
float: left;
.staneksgift_cell:first-child {
clear: left;
.staneksgift_container {
position: fixed;
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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//# sourceMappingURL=engineStyle.bundle.js.map
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
/*! normalize.css v8.0.0 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */
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* 1. Correct the line height in all browsers.
* 2. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS.
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* Remove the margin in all browsers.
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* Correct the font size and margin on `h1` elements within `section` and
* `article` contexts in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
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* 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox.
* 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE.
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* Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.
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* 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.
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* Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
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* 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.
* 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
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* Show the overflow in IE.
* 1. Show the overflow in Edge.
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* 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox.
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* 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out
* `fieldset` elements in all browsers.
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* 2. Remove the padding in IE 10.
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* 2. Correct the outline style in Safari.
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* Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
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* 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
* 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari.
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* Add the correct display in Edge, IE 10+, and Firefox.
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* Add the correct display in all browsers.
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* Add the correct display in IE 10+.
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* Add the correct display in IE 10.
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/*# sourceMappingURL=vendor.css.map*/
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
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body {
background-color: black;
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" />
body {
background-color: black;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ cp -r dist/ext .package/dist
cp -r dist/icons .package/dist
cp -r dist/images .package/dist
# The css files
cp dist/vendor.css .package/dist
cp main.css .package/main.css
# The js files.
cp dist/vendor.bundle.js .package/dist/vendor.bundle.js
cp main.bundle.js .package/main.bundle.js
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import { BladeburnerConstants } from "../data/Constants";
import { formatNumber } from "../../utils/StringHelperFunctions";
import { IBladeburner } from "../IBladeburner";
import Typography from "@mui/material/Typography";
import { BitNodeMultipliers } from "../../BitNode/BitNodeMultipliers";
interface IProps {
bladeburner: IBladeburner;
@ -23,8 +22,7 @@ export function SkillPage(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
<strong>Skill Points: {formatNumber(props.bladeburner.skillPoints, 0)}</strong>
You will gain one skill point every{" "}
{BladeburnerConstants.RanksPerSkillPoint * BitNodeMultipliers.BladeburnerSkillCost} ranks.
You will gain one skill point every {BladeburnerConstants.RanksPerSkillPoint} ranks.
<br />
Note that when upgrading a skill, the benefit for that skill is additive. However, the effects of different
skills with each other is multiplicative.
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ export class StaneksGift implements IStaneksGift {
fragments: ActiveFragment[] = [];
baseSize(): number {
return StanekConstants.BaseSize + BitNodeMultipliers.StaneksGiftExtraSize + Player.sourceFileLvl(13);
return StanekConstants.BaseSize + BitNodeMultipliers.StaneksGiftExtraSize + Player.sourceFileLvl(13)
width(): number {
return Math.floor(this.baseSize() / 2 + 1);
return Math.min(Math.floor(this.baseSize() / 2 + 1),StanekConstants.MaxSize);
height(): number {
return Math.floor(this.baseSize() / 2 + 0.6);
return Math.min(Math.floor(this.baseSize() / 2 + 0.6),StanekConstants.MaxSize);
charge(player: IPlayer, af: ActiveFragment, threads: number): void {
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
export const StanekConstants: {
RAMBonus: number;
BaseSize: number;
MaxSize: number;
} = {
RAMBonus: 0.1,
BaseSize: 9,
MaxSize: 25
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import { IRouter } from "../../ui/Router";
import { Faction } from "../Faction";
import { joinFaction } from "../FactionHelpers";
import { Factions } from "../Factions";
import { FactionNames } from "../data/FactionNames";
export const InvitationsSeen: string[] = [];
@ -80,6 +81,11 @@ export function FactionsRoot(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
const allFactions = Object.values(FactionNames).map(faction => faction as string)
const allJoinedFactions = props.player.factions.slice(0);
allJoinedFactions.sort((a, b) =>
allFactions.indexOf(a) - allFactions.indexOf(b));
return (
<Container disableGutters maxWidth="md" sx={{ mx: 0, mb: 10 }}>
<Typography variant="h4">Factions</Typography>
@ -92,11 +98,11 @@ export function FactionsRoot(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
<Typography variant="h5" color="primary" mt={2} mb={1}>
Factions you have joined:
{(props.player.factions.length > 0 && (
{(allJoinedFactions.length > 0 && (
<Paper sx={{ my: 1, p: 1, pb: 0, display: "inline-block" }}>
<Table padding="none" style={{ width: "fit-content" }}>
{props.player.factions.map((faction: string) => (
{allJoinedFactions.map((faction: string) => (
<TableRow key={faction}>
<Typography noWrap mb={1}>
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ import { Terminal } from "../Terminal";
import { calculateHackingTime } from "../Hacking";
import { Server } from "../Server/Server";
import { netscriptCanHack } from "../Hacking/netscriptCanHack";
import { FactionNames } from "../Faction/data/FactionNames";
import { FactionInfos } from "../Faction/FactionInfo";
export function NetscriptSingularity(
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// These should really be imported with the module that is presenting that UI, but because they very much depend on the
// cascade order, we'll pull them all in here.
import "normalize.css";
import "../css/styles.scss";
import "../css/tooltips.scss";
import "../css/buttons.scss";
import "../css/mainmenu.scss";
import "../css/characteroverview.scss";
import "../css/scripteditor.scss";
import "../css/hacknetnodes.scss";
import "../css/menupages.scss";
import "../css/augmentations.scss";
import "../css/redpill.scss";
import "../css/stockmarket.scss";
import "../css/workinprogress.scss";
import "../css/popupboxes.scss";
import "../css/gameoptions.scss";
import "../css/interactivetutorial.scss";
import "../css/loader.scss";
import "../css/missions.scss";
import "../css/companymanagement.scss";
import "../css/bladeburner.scss";
import "../css/gang.scss";
import "../css/sleeves.scss";
import "../css/resleeving.scss";
import "../css/treant.css";
import "../css/grid.min.css";
import "../css/dev-menu.css";
import "../css/casino.scss";
import "../css/milestones.scss";
import "../css/infiltration.scss";
import "../css/staneksgift.scss";
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export function AlertManager(): React.ReactElement {
{alerts.length > 0 && (
<Modal open={true} onClose={close}>
<Box overflow="scroll" sx={{ overflowWrap: "break-word", whiteSpace: "pre-line" }}>
<Typography component={'span'}>{alerts[0].text}</Typography>
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import { Theme } from "@mui/material";
import { findRunningScript } from "../../Script/ScriptHelpers";
import { Player } from "../../Player";
import { debounce } from "lodash";
import { WorkerScriptStartStopEventEmitter } from "../../Netscript/WorkerScriptStartStopEventEmitter";
let layerCounter = 0;
@ -128,6 +129,23 @@ function LogWindow(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
setRerender((old) => !old);
() =>
WorkerScriptStartStopEventEmitter.subscribe(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
const server = GetServer(script.server);
if (server === null) return;
const exisitingScript = findRunningScript(script.filename, script.args, server);
if (exisitingScript) {
exisitingScript.logs = script.logs.concat(exisitingScript.logs)
}, 100)
useEffect(() => {
const id = setInterval(rerender, 1000);
@ -198,7 +216,7 @@ function LogWindow(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
const node = draggableRef?.current;
if (!node) return;
if(!isOnScreen(node)) {
if (!isOnScreen(node)) {
}, 100);
@ -207,25 +225,25 @@ function LogWindow(props: IProps): React.ReactElement {
const bounds = node.getBoundingClientRect();
return !(bounds.right < 0 ||
bounds.bottom < 0 ||
bounds.left > innerWidth ||
bounds.top > outerWidth);
bounds.bottom < 0 ||
bounds.left > innerWidth ||
bounds.top > outerWidth);
const resetPosition = (): void => {
const node = rootRef?.current;
if (!node) return;
const state = node.state as {x: number; y: number};
const state = node.state as { x: number; y: number };
state.x = 0;
state.y = 0;
const boundToBody = (e: any): void | false => {
if(e.clientX < 0 ||
e.clientY < 0 ||
e.clientX > innerWidth ||
e.clientY > innerHeight) return false;
if (e.clientX < 0 ||
e.clientY < 0 ||
e.clientX > innerWidth ||
e.clientY > innerHeight) return false;
return (
@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
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// "number-no-trailing-zeros": true,
"order/order": [
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// "order/properties-order": [
// []
// ],
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"scss/at-function-pattern": /.+/,
"scss/at-if-closing-brace-newline-after": "always-last-in-chain",
"scss/at-import-no-partial-leading-underscore": true,
"scss/at-import-partial-extension-blacklist": [
"scss/at-import-partial-extension-whitelist": [
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"scss/at-mixin-named-arguments": "never",
"scss/at-mixin-parentheses-space-before": "never",
"scss/at-mixin-pattern": /.+/,
"scss/at-rule-no-unknown": [
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"scss/dollar-variable-colon-newline-after": "always-multi-line",
"scss/dollar-variable-colon-space-after": "always-single-line",
"scss/dollar-variable-colon-space-before": "never",
"scss/dollar-variable-default": [
ignore: "local"
"scss/dollar-variable-empty-line-before": "never",
"scss/dollar-variable-no-missing-interpolation": true,
"scss/dollar-variable-pattern": /.+/,
"scss/percent-placeholder-pattern": /.+/,
"scss/double-slash-comment-inline": [
ignore: [
"scss/double-slash-comment-whitespace-inside": "always",
"scss/declaration-nested-properties": "never",
"scss/media-feature-value-dollar-variable": "always",
"scss/operator-no-newline-after": true,
"scss/operator-no-newline-before": true,
"scss/operator-no-unspaced": true,
"scss/partial-no-import": true,
"scss/selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector": true,*/
"selector-attribute-brackets-space-inside": "never",
"selector-attribute-operator-blacklist": [],
"selector-attribute-operator-space-after": "never",
"selector-attribute-operator-space-before": "never",
"selector-attribute-operator-whitelist": ["="],
"selector-attribute-quotes": "always",
"selector-class-pattern": ".+",
//"selector-combinator-blacklist": [],
"selector-combinator-space-after": "always",
"selector-combinator-space-before": "always",
//"selector-combinator-whitelist": [],
"selector-descendant-combinator-no-non-space": true,
"selector-id-pattern": ".+",
"selector-list-comma-newline-after": "always-multi-line",
"selector-list-comma-newline-before": "never-multi-line",
"selector-list-comma-space-after": "always-single-line",
"selector-list-comma-space-before": "never",
"selector-max-attribute": 99,
"selector-max-class": 99,
"selector-max-combinators": 99,
"selector-max-compound-selectors": 99,
"selector-max-empty-lines": 1,
"selector-max-id": 1,
//"selector-max-specificity": "0,0,0",
"selector-max-type": 99,
"selector-max-universal": 1,
"selector-nested-pattern": ".+",
"selector-no-qualifying-type": [
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"selector-no-vendor-prefix": true,
"selector-pseudo-class-blacklist": [],
"selector-pseudo-class-case": "lower",
"selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown": true,
"selector-pseudo-class-parentheses-space-inside": "never",
"selector-pseudo-class-whitelist": [
//"selector-pseudo-element-blacklist": [],
"selector-pseudo-element-case": "lower",
// "selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation": "double",
"selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown": true,
//"selector-pseudo-element-whitelist": [],
"selector-type-case": "lower",
"selector-type-no-unknown": true,
// "shorthand-property-no-redundant-values": true,
// "sh-waqar/declaration-use-variable": [
// [
// "color",
// "background-color",
// "font-family"
// ]
// ],
// "string-quotes": "double",
"time-min-milliseconds": 50,
"unit-blacklist": [],
"unit-case": "lower",
"unit-no-unknown": true,
"unit-whitelist": ["deg", "fr", "px", "rem", "ms", "s", "vw", "%"],
// "value-keyword-case": "lower",
"value-list-max-empty-lines": 0,
"value-no-vendor-prefix": true,
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