update patch notes

This commit is contained in:
Olivier Gagnon
2022-02-23 02:01:48 -05:00
parent 9ddb1c4379
commit b810e523ee
5 changed files with 179 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,153 @@
v1.5.0 - Steam Cloud integration
** Misc. **
* The file API now allows GET and DELETE (@lordducky)
* Fix bug with async.
* Update documentation / typo (@lethern, @Meowdoleon, @JohnnyUrosevic, @JosephDavidTalbot,
@pd, @lethern, @lordducky, @zeddrak, @fearnlj01, @reasonablytall)
* Fix bug with corp API (@pigalot)
* background now matches game primary color (@nickofolas)
* page title contains version (@MartinFourier)
* Major text editor improvements (@nickofolas)
* Force achievement calculation on BN completion (@SagePtr)
* Cleanup in repository (@MartinFourier)
* Several improvements to the electron version (@MartinFourier)
* Add 'printf' ns function (@Ninetailed)
* Display bonus time on sleeve page (@MartinFourier)
* Several UI improvements (@nickofolas, @smolgumball)
* Fix bug with casino roulette (@jamie-mac)
* Remove blob caching.
* Fix formulas access check (@Ornedan)
* Fix bug in exp calculation (@qcorradi)
* Fix NaN comparison (@qcorradi)
* Terminal history persists in savefile (@MartinFourier)
* Fix travelToCity with bad argument (@SlyCedix)
* Fix aug display in alpha (@Dominik Winter)
* Add smart supply func to corp API (@pd)
* Fix tests (@jamie-mac)
* Nerf noodle bar.
v1.4.0 - 2022-01-18 Sharing is caring
** Computer sharing **
* A new mechanic has been added, it's is invoked by calling the new function 'share'.
This mechanic helps you farm reputation faster.
** gang **
* Installing augs means losing a little bit of ascension multipliers.
** Misc. **
* Prevent gang API from performing actions for the type of gang they are not. (@TheMas3212)
* Fix donation to gang faction. (@TheMas3212)
* Fix gang check crashing the game. (@TheMas3212)
* Make time compression more robust.
* Fix bug with scp.
* Add zoom to steam version. (@MartinFourier)
* Fix donateToFaction accepts donation of NaN. (@woody-lam-cwl)
* Show correct hash capacity gain on cache level upgrade tooltip. (@woody-lam-cwl)
* Fix tests (@woody-lam-cwl)
* Fix cache tooltip (@woody-lam-cwl)
* Added script to prettify save file for debugging (@MartinFourier)
* Update documentation / typos (@theit8514, @thadguidry, @tigercat2000, @SlyCedix, @Spacejoker, @KenJohansson,
@Ornedan, @JustAnOkapi, @nickofolas, @philarmstead, @TheMas3212, @dcragusa, @XxKingsxX-Pinu,
@paiv, @smolgumball, @zeddrak, @stinky-lizard, @nickofolas, @Feodoric, @daanflore,
@markusariliu, @mstruebing, @erplsf, @waffleattack, @Dexalt142, @AIT-OLPE, @deathly809, @BuckAMayzing,
@MartinFourier, @pigalot, @lethern)
* Fix BN3+ achievement (@SagePtr)
* Fix reputation carry over bug (@TheMas3212)
* Add button to exit infiltrations (@TheMas3212)
* Add dev menu achievement check (@TheMas3212)
* Add 'host' config for electron server (@MartinFourier)
* Suppress save toast only works for autosave (@MartinFourier)
* Fix some achievements not triggering with 'backdoor' (@SagePtr)
* Update Neuroflux Governor description.
* Fix bug with electron server.
* Fix bug with corporation employee assignment function (@Ornedan)
* Add detailed information to terminal 'mem' command (@MartinFourier)
* Add savestamp to savefile (@MartinFourier)
* Dev menu can apply export bonus (@MartinFourier)
* Icarus message no longer applies on top of itself (@Feodoric)
* purchase augment via API can no longer buy Neuroflux when it shouldn't (@Feodoric)
* Syntax highlighter should be smarter (@neuralsim)
* Fix some miscalculation when calculating money stolen (@zeddrak)
* Fix max cache achievement working with 0 cache (@MartinFourier)
* Add achievements in the game, not just steam (@MartinFourier)
* Overflow hash converts to money automatically (@MartinFourier)
* Make mathjax load locally (@MartinFourier)
* Make favor calculation more efficient (@kittycat2002)
* Fix some scripts crashing the game on startup (@MartinFourier)
* Toasts will appear above tail window (@MartinFourier)
* Fix issue that can cause terminal actions to start on one server and end on another (@MartinFourier)
* Fix 'fileExists' not correctly matching file names (@TheMas3212)
* Refactor some code to be more efficient (@TheMas3212)
* Fix exp gain for terminal grow and weaken (@nickofolas)
* Refactor script death code to reject waiting promises instead of resolving (@Ornedan)
* HP recalculates on defense exp gain (@TheMas3212)
* Fix log for ascendMember (@TheMas3212)
* Netscript ports clear on reset (@TheMas3212)
* Fix bug related to company (@TheMas3212)
* Fix bug where corporation handbook would not be correctly added (@TheMas3212)
* Servers in hash upgrades are sorted alpha (@MartinFourier)
* Fix very old save not properly migrating augmentation renamed in 0.56 (@MartinFourier)
* Add font height and line height in theme settings (@MartinFourier)
* Fix crash when quitting job (@MartinFourier)
* Added save file validation system (@TheMas3212)
* React and ReactDOM are now global objects (@pigalot)
* 'nano' supports globs (@smolgumball)
* Character overview can be dragged (@MartinFourier)
* Job page updates in real time (@nickofolas)
* Company favor gain uses the same calculation as faction, this is just performance
the value didn't change (@nickofolas)
* ns2 files work with more import options (@theit8514)
* Allow autocomplete for partial executables (@nickofolas)
* Add support for contract completion (@nickofolas)
* 'ls' link are clickable (@smolgumball)
* Prevent steam from opening external LOCAL files (@MartinFourier)
* Fix a bug with autocomplete (@Feodoric)
* Optimise achievement checks (@Feodoric)
* Hacknet server achievements grant associated hacknet node achievement (@Feodoric)
* Fix display bug with hacknet (@Feodoric)
* 'analyze' now says if the server is backdoored (@deathly809)
* Add option to exclude running script from save (@MartinFourier)
* Game now catches more errors and redirects to recovery page (@MartinFourier)
* Fix bug with autocomplete (@nickofolas)
* Add tooltip to unfocus work (@nickofolas)
* Add detailst overview (@MartinFourier)
* Fix focus bug (@deathly809)
* Fix some NaN handling (@deathly809)
* Added 'mv' ns function (@deathly809)
* Add focus argument to some singularity functions (@nickofolas)
* Fix some functions not disabling log correctly (@deathly809)
* General UI improvements (@nickofolas)
* Handle steamworks errors gravefully (@MartinFourier)
* Fix some react component not unmounting correctly (@MartinFourier)
* 'help' autocompletes (@nickofolas)
* No longer push all achievements to steam (@Ornedan)
* Recovery page has more information (@MartinFourier)
* Added 'getGameInfo' ns function (@MartinFourier)
* SF3.3 unlocks all corp API (@pigalot)
* Major improvements to corp API (@pigalot)
* Prevent seed money outside BN3 (@pigalot)
* Fix bug where using keyboard shortcuts would crash if the feature is not available (@MartinFourier)\
* Sidebar remains opened/closed on save (@MartinFourier)
* Added tooltip to sidebar when closed (@MartinFourier)
* Fix bug where Formulas.exe is not available when starting BN5 (@TheMas3212)
* Fix CI (@tvanderpol)
* Change shortcuts to match sidebar (@MartinFourier)
* Format gang respect (@attrib)
* Add modal to text editor with ram details (@nickofolas)
* Fix several bugs with singularity focus (@nickofolas)
* Nerf noodle bar.
v1.3.0 - 2022-01-04 Cleaning up

View File

@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ documentation_title = '{0} Documentation'.format(project)
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '1.3'
version = '1.4'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '1.3.0'
release = '1.4.0'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "bitburner",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN license.txt",
"version": "1.3.0",
"version": "1.4.0",
"main": "electron-main.js",
"author": {
"name": "Daniel Xie & Olivier Gagnon"

View File

@ -273,22 +273,35 @@ export const CONSTANTS: {
TotalNumBitNodes: 24,
LatestUpdate: `
v1.4.0 - 2022-01-18 Sharing is caring
v1.5.0 - Steam Cloud integration
** Computer sharing **
** Misc. **
* A new mechanic has been added, it's is invoked by calling the new function 'share'.
This mechanic helps you farm reputation faster.
** gang **
* Installing augs means losing a little bit of ascension multipliers.
** There's more but I'm going to write it later. **
** Misc. **
* Nerf noodle bar.
* The file API now allows GET and DELETE (@lordducky)
* Fix bug with async.
* Update documentation / typo (@lethern, @Meowdoleon, @JohnnyUrosevic, @JosephDavidTalbot,
@pd, @lethern, @lordducky, @zeddrak, @fearnlj01, @reasonablytall)
* Fix bug with corp API (@pigalot)
* background now matches game primary color (@nickofolas)
* page title contains version (@MartinFourier)
* Major text editor improvements (@nickofolas)
* Force achievement calculation on BN completion (@SagePtr)
* Cleanup in repository (@MartinFourier)
* Several improvements to the electron version (@MartinFourier)
* Add 'printf' ns function (@Ninetailed)
* Display bonus time on sleeve page (@MartinFourier)
* Several UI improvements (@nickofolas, @smolgumball)
* Fix bug with casino roulette (@jamie-mac)
* Remove blob caching.
* Fix formulas access check (@Ornedan)
* Fix bug in exp calculation (@qcorradi)
* Fix NaN comparison (@qcorradi)
* Terminal history persists in savefile (@MartinFourier)
* Fix travelToCity with bad argument (@SlyCedix)
* Fix aug display in alpha (@Dominik Winter)
* Add smart supply func to corp API (@pd)
* Fix tests (@jamie-mac)
* Nerf noodle bar.

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export function getPurchaseServerCost(ram: number): number {
const upg = Math.max(0, Math.log(sanitizedRam) / Math.log(2) - 6);
return Math.round(
return (
sanitizedRam *
CONSTANTS.BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer *
BitNodeMultipliers.PurchasedServerCost *