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synced 2025-03-14 14:22:32 +01:00
Almost done implementing work functionality.Theres an issue with Player finishWork() i think bc its an anonymous function so it doesnt work to call this.finishWork(), idk
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#work-in-progress-container {
color: #66ff33;
position: fixed;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-left: 10px;
height: 100%;
#work-in-progress-text {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styles.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/terminal.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/menupages.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/workinprogress.css" />
<!-- We'll add in the jQuery library here - direct from
the Google CDN (Content Delivery Network). -->
@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ displayLocationContent = function() {
var waiterJob = document.getElementById("location-waiter-job");
var work = document.getElementById("location-work");
var jobTitle = document.getElementById("location-job-title");
var jobReputation = document.getElementById("location-job-reputation");
var gymTrainStr = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-str");
var gymTrainDef = document.getElementById("location-gym-train-def");
@ -141,7 +144,7 @@ displayLocationContent = function() {
employeeJob.style.display = "none";
waiterJob.style.display = "none";
work.style.display = "block";
work.style.display = "none";
gymTrainStr.style.display = "none";
gymTrainDef.style.display = "none";
@ -169,12 +172,11 @@ displayLocationContent = function() {
//Check if the player is employed at this Location. If he is, display the "Work" button,
//update the job title, etc.
if (pos == Player.companyName) {
var company = Companies[pos];
if (loc == Player.companyName) {
var company = Companies[loc];
jobTitle = document.getElementById("location-job-title");
jobTitle.innerHTML = "Job Title: " + Player.companyPosition.positionName;
jobReputation = document.getElementById("location-job-reputation");
jobReputation.innerHTML = "Company reputation: " + company.playerReputation;
work.style.display = "block";
@ -182,7 +184,10 @@ displayLocationContent = function() {
return false;
} else {
jobTitle.style.display = "none";
jobReputation.style.display = "none";
switch (loc) {
@ -79,8 +79,17 @@ function PlayerObject() {
this.startAction = false;
this.actionTime = 0;
//Flags for working
//Flags/variables for working
this.isWorking = false;
this.workHackExpGainRate = 0;
this.workStrExpGainRate = 0;
this.workDefExpGainRate = 0;
this.workDexExpGainRate = 0;
this.workAgiExpGainRate = 0;
this.workRepGainRate = 0;
this.workMoneyGainRate = 0;
this.workHackExpGained = 0;
this.workStrExpGained = 0;
this.workDefExpGained = 0;
@ -88,7 +97,10 @@ function PlayerObject() {
this.workAgiExpGained = 0;
this.workRepGained = 0;
this.workMoneyGained = 0;
this.timeWorked = 0; //in ms
this.work_money_mult = 1;
//Used to store the last update time.
this.lastUpdate = new Date().getTime();
@ -121,6 +133,7 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.calculateSkill = function(exp) {
PlayerObject.prototype.updateSkillLevels = function() {
//TODO Account for total and lifetime stats for achievements and stuff
this.hacking_skill = this.calculateSkill(this.hacking_exp);
this.strength = this.calculateSkill(this.strength_exp);
this.defense = this.calculateSkill(this.defense_exp);
@ -197,8 +210,63 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.gainMoney = function(money) {
/* Working */
PlayerObject.prototype.finishWork = function(cancelled) {
//Since the work was cancelled early, player only gains half of what they've earned so far
var cancMult = 1;
if (cancelled) {
cancMult = 2;
this.hacking_exp += Math.round(this.workHackExpGained / cancMult);
this.strength_exp += Math.round(this.workStrExpGained / cancMult);
this.defense_exp += Math.round(this.workDefExpGained / cancMult);
this.dexterity_exp += Math.round(this.workDexExpGained / cancMult);
this.agility_exp += Math.round(this.workAgiExpGained / cancMult);
var company = Companies[this.companyName];
company.playerReputation += (this.workRepGained / cancMult);
this.gainMoney(this.workMoneyGained / cancMult);
var txt = "";
if (cancelled) {
txt = "You worked a short shift of " + convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(this.timeWorked) + " <br><br> " +
"Since you cancelled your work early, you only gained half of the experience, money, and reputation you earned. <br><br>" +
"You earned a total of: <br>" +
"$" + (this.workMoneyGained / cancMult) + "<br>" +
(this.workRepGained / cancMult) + " reputation for the company <br>" +
(this.workHackExpGained / cancMult) + " hacking exp <br>" +
(this.workStrExpGained / cancMult) + " strength exp <br>" +
(this.workDefExpGained / cancMult) + " defense exp <br>" +
(this.workDexExpGained / cancMult) + " dexterity exp <br>" +
(this.workAgiExpGained / cancMult) + " agility exp <br>";
} else {
txt = "You worked a full shirt of 8 hours! <br><br> " +
"You earned a total of: <br>" +
"$" + (this.workMoneyGained / cancMult) + "<br>" +
(this.workRepGained / cancMult) + " reputation for the company <br>" +
(this.workHackExpGained / cancMult) + " hacking exp <br>" +
(this.workStrExpGained / cancMult) + " strength exp <br>" +
(this.workDefExpGained / cancMult) + " defense exp <br>" +
(this.workDexExpGained / cancMult) + " dexterity exp <br>" +
(this.workAgiExpGained / cancMult) + " agility exp <br>";
PlayerObject.prototype.startWork = function() {
this.isWorking = true;
this.workHackExpGainRate = this.getWorkHackExpGain();
this.workStrExpGainRate = this.getWorkStrExpGain();
this.workDefExpGainRate = this.getWorkDefExpGain();
this.workDexExpGainRate = this.getWorkDexExpGain();
this.workAgiExpGainRate = this.getWorkAgiExpGain();
this.workRepGainRate = this.getWorkRepGain();
this.workMoneyGainRate = this.getWorkMoneyGain();
this.workHackExpGained = 0;
this.workStrExpGained = 0;
this.workDefExpGained = 0;
@ -206,62 +274,101 @@ PlayerObject.prototype.startWork = function() {
this.workAgiExpGained = 0;
this.workRepGained = 0;
this.workMoneyGained = 0;
this.timeWorked = 0;
var cancelButton = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-cancel-button");
cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
//Display Work In Progress Screen
PlayerObject.prototype.work = function(numCycles) {
this.workHackExpGained += this.workHackExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workStrExpGained += this.workStrExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workDefExpGained += this.workDefExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workDexExpGained += this.workDexExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workAgiExpGained += this.workAgiExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workRepGained += this.workRepGainRate * numCycles;
this.workMoneyGained += this.workMoneyGainRate * numCycles;
var cyclesPerSec = 1000 / Engine._idleSpeed;
this.timeWorked += Engine._idleSpeed * numCycles;
//TODO If timeWorked == 8 hours, then finish
if (this.timeWorked >= 28800000) {
var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text");
txt.innerHTML = "You are currently working as a " + this.companyPosition.positionName +
" at " + Player.companyName + "<br><br>" +
"You have been working for " + convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(this.timeWorked) + "<br><br>" +
"You have earned: <br><br>" +
"$" + this.workMoneyGained + " ("
"$" + this.workMoneyGained + " (" + this.workMoneyGainRate * cyclesPerSec + " / sec) <br><br>" +
this.workRepGained + " (" + this.workRepGainRate * cyclesPerSec + " / sec) reputation for this company <br>" +
this.workHackExpGained + " (" + this.workHackExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec + " / sec) hacking exp <br>" +
this.workStrExpGained + " (" + this.workStrExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec + " / sec) strength exp <br>" +
this.workDefExpGained + " (" + this.workDefExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec + " / sec) defense exp <br>" +
this.workDexExpGained + " (" + this.workDexExpGainRate * cyclesPerSec + " / sec) dexterity exp <br>" +
this.workAgiExpGained + " (" + this.workAgiExpGainrate * cyclesPerSec + " / sec) agility exp <br> " +
"You will automatically finish after working for 8 hours. You can cancel earlier if you wish, <br><br>" +
"but you will only gain half of the experience, money, and reputation you've earned so far."
//Money gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkMoneyGain() {
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkMoneyGain = function() {
var company = Companies[this.companyName];
var salary = this.companyPosition.baseSalary;
return salary * company.salaryMultiplier;
return this.companyPosition.baseSalary * company.salaryMultiplier * this.work_money_mult;
//Hack exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkHackExpGain() {
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkHackExpGain = function() {
var company = Companies[this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.hackingExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.hacking_exp_mult;
//Str exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkStrExpGain() {
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkStrExpGain = function() {
var company = Companies[this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.strengthExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.str_exp_mult;
//Def exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkDefExpGain() {
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkDefExpGain = function() {
var company = Companies[this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.defenseExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.def_exp_mult;
//Dex exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkDexExpGain() {
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkDexExpGain = function() {
var company = Companies[this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.dexterityExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.dex_exp_mult;
//Agi exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkAgiExpGain() {
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkAgiExpGain = function() {
var company = Companies[this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.agilityExpGain * company.expMultiplier * this.agi_exp_mult;
//Reputation gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkRepGain() {
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkRepGain = function() {
return this.companyPosition.calculateJobPerformance(this.hacking_skill, this.strength,
this.defense, this.dexterity,
this.agility, this.charisma);
//Functions for saving and loading the Player data
PlayerObject.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("PlayerObject", this);
PlayerObject.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(PlayerObject, value.data);
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ var Engine = {
augmentationsContent: null,
tutorialContent: null,
locationContent: null,
workInProgressContent: null,
//Character info
characterInfo: null,
@ -221,6 +222,16 @@ var Engine = {
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Location;
loadWorkInProgressContent: function() {
var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container");
mainMenu.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.visibility = "visible";
//Helper function that hides all content
hideAllContent: function() {
Engine.Display.terminalContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
@ -233,8 +244,8 @@ var Engine = {
Engine.Display.factionContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.augmentationsContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.tutorialContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.locationContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
//Location lists
Engine.aevumLocationsList.style.display = "none";
@ -662,6 +673,10 @@ var Engine = {
//Location page (page that shows up when you visit a specific location in World)
Engine.Display.locationContent = document.getElementById("location-container");
Engine.Display.locationContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
//Work In Progress
Engine.Display.workInProgressContent = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-container");
Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
//Init Location buttons
Reference in New Issue
Block a user