@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ interface SleeveWorkGains {
* /
interface SourceFileLvl {
/** The number of the source file */
n : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 ;
n : number ;
/** The level of the source file */
lvl : number ;
@ -2994,7 +2994,7 @@ interface CodingContract {
* @remarks 10 GB
* @param answer - Solution for the contract .
* @param fn - Filename of the contract .
* @param host - Host or IP of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @param host - Host of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @returns True if the solution was correct , false otherwise .
* /
attempt ( answer : string | string [ ] | number , fn : string , host? : string ) : boolean ;
@ -3005,7 +3005,7 @@ interface CodingContract {
* @remarks 10 GB
* @param answer - Solution for the contract .
* @param fn - Filename of the contract .
* @param host - Host or IP of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @param host - Host of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @param opts - Optional parameters for configuring function behavior .
* @returns True if the solution was correct , false otherwise . If the returnReward option is configured , then the function will instead return a string . If the contract is successfully solved , the string will contain a description of the contract ’ s reward . Otherwise , it will be an empty string .
* /
@ -3017,7 +3017,7 @@ interface CodingContract {
* @remarks RAM cost : 5 GB
* @param fn - Filename of the contract .
* @param host - Host or IP of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @param host - Host of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @returns Name describing the type of problem posed by the Coding Contract .
* /
getContractType ( fn : string , host? : string ) : CodingContractTypes ;
@ -3027,7 +3027,7 @@ interface CodingContract {
* @remarks RAM cost : 5 GB
* @param fn - Filename of the contract .
* @param host - Host or IP of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @param host - Host of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @returns Contract ’ s text description .
* /
getDescription ( fn : string , host? : string ) : string ;
@ -3039,7 +3039,7 @@ interface CodingContract {
* @remarks RAM cost : 5 GB
* @param fn - Filename of the contract .
* @param host - Host or IP of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @param host - Host of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @returns The specified contract ’ s data ;
* /
getData ( fn : string , host? : string ) : string ;
@ -3049,7 +3049,7 @@ interface CodingContract {
* @remarks RAM cost : 2 GB
* @param fn - Filename of the contract .
* @param host - Host or IP of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @param host - Host of the server containing the contract . Optional . Defaults to current server if not provided .
* @returns How many attempts are remaining for the contract ;
* /
getNumTriesRemaining ( fn : string , host? : string ) : number ;
@ -3507,6 +3507,9 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
readonly args : ( string | number ) [ ] ;
/ * *
* Steal a servers money .
* @remarks
* RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* Function that is used to try and hack servers to steal money and gain hacking experience .
* The runtime for this command depends on your hacking level and the target server ’ s
* security level . In order to hack a server you must first gain root access to that server
@ -3521,10 +3524,8 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* @example
* ` ` ` ts
* hack ( "foodnstuff" ) ;
* hack ( "" ) ;
* hack ( "foodnstuff" , { threads : 5 } ) ; // Only use 5 threads to hack
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Hostname of the target server to hack .
* @param opts - Optional parameters for configuring function behavior .
* @returns The amount of money stolen if the hack is successful , and zero otherwise .
@ -3532,6 +3533,9 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
hack ( host : string , opts? : BasicHGWOptions ) : Promise < number > ;
/ * *
* Spoof money in a servers bank account , increasing the amount available .
* @remarks
* RAM cost : 0.15 GB
* Use your hacking skills to increase the amount of money available on a server .
* The runtime for this command depends on your hacking level and the target server ’ s
* security level . When ` grow ` completes , the money available on a target server will
@ -3549,7 +3553,6 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* grow ( "foodnstuff" ) ;
* grow ( "foodnstuff" , { threads : 5 } ) ; // Only use 5 threads to grow
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.15 GB
* @param host - Hostname of the target server to grow .
* @param opts - Optional parameters for configuring function behavior .
* @returns The number by which the money on the server was multiplied for the growth .
@ -3557,6 +3560,9 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
grow ( host : string , opts? : BasicHGWOptions ) : Promise < number > ;
/ * *
* Reduce a server security level .
* @remarks
* RAM cost : 0.15 GB
* Use your hacking skills to attack a server ’ s security , lowering the server ’ s security level .
* The runtime for this command depends on your hacking level and the target server ’ s security
* level . This function lowers the security level of the target server by 0.05 .
@ -3570,7 +3576,6 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* weaken ( "foodnstuff" ) ;
* weaken ( "foodnstuff" , { threads : 5 } ) ; // Only use 5 threads to weaken
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.15 GB
* @param host - Hostname of the target server to weaken .
* @param opts - Optional parameters for configuring function behavior .
* @returns The amount by which the target server ’ s security level was decreased . This is equivalent to 0.05 multiplied by the number of script threads .
@ -3578,9 +3583,11 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
weaken ( host : string , opts? : BasicHGWOptions ) : Promise < number > ;
/ * *
* Predict the effect of weaken .
* @remarks
* RAM cost : 1 GB
* Returns the security decrease that would occur if a weaken with this many threads happened .
* @remarks RAM cost : 1 GB
* @param threads - Amount of threads that will be used .
* @param cores - Optional . The number of cores of the server that would run weaken .
* @returns The security decrease .
@ -3588,6 +3595,9 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
weakenAnalyze ( threads : number , cores? : number ) : number ;
/ * *
* Predict the effect of hack .
* @remarks
* RAM cost : 1 GB
* This function returns the number of script threads you need when running the hack command
* to steal the specified amount of money from the target server .
* If hackAmount is less than zero or greater than the amount of money available on the server ,
@ -3601,7 +3611,6 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* hackAnalyzeThreads ( "foodnstuff" , 1 e6 ) ;
* //If this function returns 50, this means that if your next hack call is run on a script with 50 threads, it will steal $1m from the foodnstuff server.
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 1 GB
* @param host - Hostname of the target server to analyze .
* @param hackAmount - Amount of money you want to hack from the server .
* @returns The number of threads needed to hack the server for hackAmount money .
@ -4058,10 +4067,10 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.6 GB
* @param files - Filename or an array of filenames of script / literature files to copy .
* @param destination - Host or IP of the destination server , which is the server to which the file will be copied .
* @param destination - Host of the destination server , which is the server to which the file will be copied .
* @returns True if the script / literature file is successfully copied over and false otherwise . If the files argument is an array then this function will return true if at least one of the files in the array is successfully copied .
* /
scp ( files : string | ReadonlyArray < string > , destination : string ) : boolean ;
scp ( files : string | string [ ] , destination : string ) : boolean ;
/ * *
* Copies a script or literature ( . lit ) file ( s ) to another server . The files argument can be either a string
@ -4080,12 +4089,12 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.6 GB
* @param files - Filename or an array of filenames of script / literature files to copy .
* @param source - Host or IP of the source server , which is the server from which the file will be copied . This argument is optional and if it ’ s omitted the source will be the current server .
* @param destination - Host or IP of the destination server , which is the server to which the file will be copied .
* @param source - Host of the source server , which is the server from which the file will be copied . This argument is optional and if it ’ s omitted the source will be the current server .
* @param destination - Host of the destination server , which is the server to which the file will be copied .
* @returns True if the script / literature file is successfully copied over and false otherwise . If the files argument is an array then this function will return true if at least one of the files in the array is successfully copied .
* /
scp (
files : string | ReadonlyArray < string > ,
files : string | string [ ] ,
source : string ,
// tslint:disable-next-line:unified-signatures
destination : string ,
@ -4096,7 +4105,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* ( as strings ) . The returned array is sorted in alphabetic order .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.2 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of the target server .
* @param host - Host of the target server .
* @param grep - A substring to search for in the filename .
* @returns Array with the filenames of all files on the specified server .
* /
@ -4117,7 +4126,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* }
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.2 GB
* @param host - Host or IP address of the target server . If not specified , it will be the current server ’ s IP by default .
* @param host - Host address of the target server . If not specified , it will be the current server ’ s IP by default .
* @returns Array with general information about all scripts running on the specified target server .
* /
ps ( host? : string ) : ProcessInfo [ ] ;
@ -4132,7 +4141,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* }
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.05 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of the target server
* @param host - Host of the target server
* @returns True if player has root access to the specified target server , and false otherwise .
* /
hasRootAccess ( host : string ) : boolean ;
@ -4206,7 +4215,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* getServerMoneyAvailable ( "home" ) ; //Returns player's money
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server
* @param host - Host of target server
* @returns Amount of money available on the server .
* /
getServerMoneyAvailable ( host : string ) : number ;
@ -4215,7 +4224,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* Returns the maximum amount of money that can be available on a server .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns Maximum amount of money available on the server .
* /
getServerMaxMoney ( host : string ) : number ;
@ -4229,7 +4238,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* higher percentage increase from grow .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns Parameter that affects the percentage by which the server ’ s money is increased when using the grow function .
* /
getServerGrowth ( host : string ) : number ;
@ -4240,7 +4249,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* ( but it can go above 100 ) .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns Security level of the target server .
* /
getServerSecurityLevel ( host : string ) : number ;
@ -4255,7 +4264,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* installing an Augmentation ( s ) .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns Base security level of the target server .
* /
getServerBaseSecurityLevel ( host : string ) : number ;
@ -4264,7 +4273,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* Returns the minimum security level of the target server .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns Minimum security level of the target server .
* /
getServerMinSecurityLevel ( host : string ) : number ;
@ -4273,7 +4282,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* Returns the required hacking level of the target server .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns The required hacking level of the target server .
* /
getServerRequiredHackingLevel ( host : string ) : number ;
@ -4282,7 +4291,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* Returns the number of open ports required to successfully run NUKE . exe on the specified server .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns The number of open ports required to successfully run NUKE . exe on the specified server .
* /
getServerNumPortsRequired ( host : string ) : number ;
@ -4300,7 +4309,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* ramUsed = res [ 1 ] ;
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns Array with total and used memory on the specified server .
* /
getServerRam ( host : string ) : [ number , number ] ;
@ -4309,7 +4318,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* Returns a boolean denoting whether or not the specified server exists .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns True if specified server exists , and false otherwise .
* /
serverExists ( host : string ) : boolean ;
@ -4335,7 +4344,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param filename - Filename of file to check .
* @param host - Host or IP of target server . This is optional . If it is not specified then the function will use the current server as the target server .
* @param host - Host of target server . This is optional . If it is not specified then the function will use the current server as the target server .
* @returns True if specified file exists , and false otherwise .
* /
fileExists ( filename : string , host? : string ) : boolean ;
@ -4361,7 +4370,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param script - Filename of script to check . This is case - sensitive .
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @param args - Arguments to specify / identify which scripts to search for .
* @returns True if specified script is running on the target server , and false otherwise .
* /
@ -4550,7 +4559,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* @remarks RAM cost : 1 GB
* @param name - Filename of file to remove . Must include the extension .
* @param host - Host or IP Address of the server on which to delete the file . Optional . Defaults to current server .
* @param host - Host Address of the server on which to delete the file . Optional . Defaults to current server .
* @returns True if it successfully deletes the file , and false otherwise .
* /
rm ( name : string , host? : string ) : boolean ;
@ -4574,18 +4583,18 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* ` ` `
* @remarks RAM cost : 1 GB
* @param script - Filename of script to check . This is case - sensitive .
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns True if the specified script is running , and false otherwise .
* /
scriptRunning ( script : string , host : string ) : boolean ;
/ * *
* Kills all scripts with the specified filename on the target server specified by hostname / ip ,
* Kills all scripts with the specified filename on the target server specified by hostname ,
* regardless of arguments .
* @remarks RAM cost : 1 GB
* @param script - Filename of script to kill . This is case - sensitive .
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @returns true if one or more scripts were successfully killed , and false if none were .
* /
scriptKill ( script : string , host : string ) : boolean ;
@ -4604,7 +4613,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.1 GB
* @param script - Filename of script . This is case - sensitive .
* @param host - Host or IP of target server the script is located on . This is optional , If it is not specified then the function will se the current server as the target server .
* @param host - Host of target server the script is located on . This is optional , If it is not specified then the function will se the current server as the target server .
* @returns Amount of RAM required to run the specified script on the target server , and 0 if the script does not exist .
* /
getScriptRam ( script : string , host? : string ) : number ;
@ -4614,7 +4623,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* The function takes in an optional hackLvl parameter that can be specified to see what the hack time would be at different hacking levels .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.05 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @param hackLvl - Optional hacking level for the calculation . Defaults to player ’ s current hacking level .
* @param intLvl - Optional intelligence level for the calculation . Defaults to player ’ s current intelligence level . ( Intelligence is unlocked after obtaining Source - File 5 ) .
* @returns Returns the amount of time in seconds it takes to execute the hack Netscript function . Returns Infinity if called on a Hacknet Server .
@ -4626,7 +4635,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* The function takes in an optional hackLvl parameter that can be specified to see what the grow time would be at different hacking levels .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.05 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @param hackLvl - Optional hacking level for the calculation . Defaults to player ’ s current hacking level .
* @param intLvl - Optional intelligence level for the calculation . Defaults to player ’ s current intelligence level . ( Intelligence is unlocked after obtaining Source - File 5 ) .
* @returns Returns the amount of time in seconds it takes to execute the grow Netscript function . Returns Infinity if called on a Hacknet Server .
@ -4638,7 +4647,7 @@ export interface NS extends Singularity {
* The function takes in an optional hackLvl parameter that can be specified to see what the weaken time would be at different hacking levels .
* @remarks RAM cost : 0.05 GB
* @param host - Host or IP of target server .
* @param host - Host of target server .
* @param hackLvl - Optional hacking level for the calculation . Defaults to player ’ s current hacking level .
* @param intLvl - Optional intelligence level for the calculation . Defaults to player ’ s current intelligence level . ( Intelligence is unlocked after obtaining Source - File 5 ) .
* @returns Returns the amount of time in seconds it takes to execute the grow Netscript function . Returns Infinity if called on a Hacknet Server .