Blade action count replenishes more consistently

This commit is contained in:
Olivier Gagnon
2021-09-07 13:15:27 -04:00
parent faa6f75027
commit f7adadd671
9 changed files with 64 additions and 36 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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//# //#

dist/vendor.bundle.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ export interface IActionParams {
isStealth?: boolean; isStealth?: boolean;
isKill?: boolean; isKill?: boolean;
count?: number; count?: number;
countGrowth?: number;
weights?: StatsMultiplier; weights?: StatsMultiplier;
decays?: StatsMultiplier; decays?: StatsMultiplier;
teamCount?: number; teamCount?: number;
@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ export class Action implements IAction {
* Growth rate is an integer and the count will increase by that integer every "cycle" * Growth rate is an integer and the count will increase by that integer every "cycle"
*/ */
count: number = getRandomInt(1e3, 25e3); count: number = getRandomInt(1e3, 25e3);
countGrowth: number = getRandomInt(1, 5);
// Weighting of each stat in determining action success rate // Weighting of each stat in determining action success rate
weights: StatsMultiplier = { weights: StatsMultiplier = {
@ -122,7 +120,6 @@ export class Action implements IAction {
if (params && params.isKill) this.isKill = params.isKill; if (params && params.isKill) this.isKill = params.isKill;
if (params && params.count) this.count = params.count; if (params && params.count) this.count = params.count;
if (params && params.countGrowth) this.countGrowth = params.countGrowth;
if (params && params.weights) this.weights = params.weights; if (params && params.weights) this.weights = params.weights;
if (params && params.decays) this.decays = params.decays; if (params && params.decays) this.decays = params.decays;

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ export class BlackOperation extends Operation {
constructor(params: IOperationParams | null = null) { constructor(params: IOperationParams | null = null) {
super(params); super(params);
this.count = 1; this.count = 1;
this.countGrowth = 0;
} }
// To be implemented by subtypes // To be implemented by subtypes

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { IBladeburner } from "./IBladeburner";
import { IActionIdentifier } from "./IActionIdentifier"; import { IActionIdentifier } from "./IActionIdentifier";
import { ActionIdentifier } from "./ActionIdentifier"; import { ActionIdentifier } from "./ActionIdentifier";
import { ActionTypes } from "./data/ActionTypes"; import { ActionTypes } from "./data/ActionTypes";
import { Growths } from "./data/Growths";
import { BlackOperations } from "./BlackOperations"; import { BlackOperations } from "./BlackOperations";
import { BlackOperation } from "./BlackOperation"; import { BlackOperation } from "./BlackOperation";
import { Operation } from "./Operation"; import { Operation } from "./Operation";
@ -1857,7 +1858,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankGain: 0.3, rankGain: 0.3,
hpLoss: 0.5, hpLoss: 0.5,
count: getRandomInt(25, 150), count: getRandomInt(25, 150),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(5, 75) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0, hack: 0,
str: 0.05, str: 0.05,
@ -1890,7 +1890,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankGain: 0.9, rankGain: 0.9,
hpLoss: 1, hpLoss: 1,
count: getRandomInt(5, 150), count: getRandomInt(5, 150),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(5, 75) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0, hack: 0,
str: 0.15, str: 0.15,
@ -1923,7 +1922,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankGain: 0.6, rankGain: 0.6,
hpLoss: 1, hpLoss: 1,
count: getRandomInt(5, 150), count: getRandomInt(5, 150),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(5, 75) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0, hack: 0,
str: 0.2, str: 0.2,
@ -1960,7 +1958,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankGain: 2.2, rankGain: 2.2,
rankLoss: 0.2, rankLoss: 0.2,
count: getRandomInt(1, 100), count: getRandomInt(1, 100),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(10, 40) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0.25, hack: 0.25,
str: 0.05, str: 0.05,
@ -1996,7 +1993,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankLoss: 0.4, rankLoss: 0.4,
hpLoss: 2, hpLoss: 2,
count: getRandomInt(1, 100), count: getRandomInt(1, 100),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(10, 40) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0.2, hack: 0.2,
str: 0.05, str: 0.05,
@ -2030,7 +2026,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankLoss: 0.5, rankLoss: 0.5,
hpLoss: 2.5, hpLoss: 2.5,
count: getRandomInt(1, 150), count: getRandomInt(1, 150),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(3, 40) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0.25, hack: 0.25,
str: 0.05, str: 0.05,
@ -2065,7 +2060,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankLoss: 2.5, rankLoss: 2.5,
hpLoss: 50, hpLoss: 50,
count: getRandomInt(1, 150), count: getRandomInt(1, 150),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(2, 40) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0.1, hack: 0.1,
str: 0.2, str: 0.2,
@ -2100,7 +2094,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankLoss: 2, rankLoss: 2,
hpLoss: 10, hpLoss: 10,
count: getRandomInt(1, 150), count: getRandomInt(1, 150),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(1, 20) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0.1, hack: 0.1,
str: 0.1, str: 0.1,
@ -2136,7 +2129,6 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
rankLoss: 4, rankLoss: 4,
hpLoss: 5, hpLoss: 5,
count: getRandomInt(1, 150), count: getRandomInt(1, 150),
countGrowth: getRandomInt(1, 20) / 10,
weights: { weights: {
hack: 0.1, hack: 0.1,
str: 0.1, str: 0.1,
@ -2211,14 +2203,28 @@ export class Bladeburner implements IBladeburner {
// Count increase for contracts/operations // Count increase for contracts/operations
for (const contract of Object.values(this.contracts) as Contract[]) { for (const contract of Object.values(this.contracts) as Contract[]) {
let growthF = Growths[];
if (growthF === undefined)
throw new Error(
`growth formula for action '${}' is undefined`,
contract.count += contract.count +=
(seconds * contract.countGrowth) / (seconds * growthF()) / BladeburnerConstants.ActionCountGrowthPeriod;
BladeburnerConstants.ActionCountGrowthPeriod; console.log(
(seconds * growthF()) / BladeburnerConstants.ActionCountGrowthPeriod,
} }
for (const op of Object.values(this.operations) as Operation[]) { for (const op of Object.values(this.operations) as Operation[]) {
op.count += const growthF = Growths[];
(seconds * op.countGrowth) / if (growthF === undefined)
BladeburnerConstants.ActionCountGrowthPeriod; throw new Error(
`growth formula for action '${}' is undefined`,
if (growthF !== undefined) {
op.count +=
(seconds * growthF()) /
} }
// Chaos goes down very slowly // Chaos goes down very slowly

@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ export interface IAction {
* Growth rate is an integer and the count will increase by that integer every "cycle" * Growth rate is an integer and the count will increase by that integer every "cycle"
*/ */
count: number; count: number;
countGrowth: number;
// Weighting of each stat in determining action success rate // Weighting of each stat in determining action success rate
weights: IStatsMultiplier; weights: IStatsMultiplier;

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import { getRandomInt } from "../../../utils/helpers/getRandomInt";
export const Growths: {
[key: string]: (() => number) | undefined;
["Tracking"]: () => number;
["Bounty Hunter"]: () => number;
["Retirement"]: () => number;
["Investigation"]: () => number;
["Undercover Operation"]: () => number;
["Sting Operation"]: () => number;
["Raid"]: () => number;
["Stealth Retirement Operation"]: () => number;
["Assassination"]: () => number;
} = {
Tracking: () => getRandomInt(5, 75) / 10,
"Bounty Hunter": () => getRandomInt(5, 75) / 10,
Retirement: () => getRandomInt(5, 75) / 10,
Investigation: () => getRandomInt(10, 40) / 10,
"Undercover Operation": () => getRandomInt(10, 40) / 10,
"Sting Operation": () => getRandomInt(3, 40) / 10,
Raid: () => getRandomInt(2, 40) / 10,
"Stealth Retirement Operation": () => getRandomInt(1, 20) / 10,
Assassination: () => getRandomInt(1, 20) / 10,

@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ export function findCrime(roughName: string): Crime | null {
return Crimes.GrandTheftAuto; return Crimes.GrandTheftAuto;
} else if (roughName.includes("kidnap")) { } else if (roughName.includes("kidnap")) {
return Crimes.Kidnap; return Crimes.Kidnap;
} else if (roughName.includes("assassinate")) { } else if (
roughName.includes("assassinate") ||
) {
return Crimes.Assassination; return Crimes.Assassination;
} else if (roughName.includes("heist")) { } else if (roughName.includes("heist")) {
return Crimes.Heist; return Crimes.Heist;