Reduce log level for the all achievements and player achievements listings

This commit is contained in:
Heikki Aitakangas
2022-01-13 01:59:38 +02:00
parent c7c303c551
commit f8e64a1b4f

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ async function enableAchievementsInterval(window) {
// This is backward but the game fills in an array called `document.achievements` and we retrieve it from
// here. Hey if it works it works.
const steamAchievements = greenworks.getAchievementNames();`All Steam achievements ${JSON.stringify(steamAchievements)}`);
log.debug(`All Steam achievements ${JSON.stringify(steamAchievements)}`);
const playerAchieved = (await Promise.all( => !!name);`Player has Steam achievements ${JSON.stringify(playerAchieved)}`);
log.debug(`Player has Steam achievements ${JSON.stringify(playerAchieved)}`);
const intervalID = setInterval(async () => {
try {
const playerAchievements = await window.webContents.executeJavaScript("document.achievements");