Product is the noun, while the correct part of speech here is the verb "produce".
Also of note, the limit doesn't change unless data is entered and then removed (otherwise the previous limit is kept) even if the button is clicked (which isn't the expected behavior based on the text). However, I'm not sure how to convey this succintly though and I'm not familiar enough with React to change the value when only the button is clicked (especially since it is probably the intended behavior to not change the value when the modal is closed by clicking outside of it).
* fixed the export material fix
* changed teh dev menu fund adjuster for more granular control
* added checks for smartSupply and setSmartSupply
* few random autolints
* added early out in UpgradeWarehouse when not enough cash
* added checks to enforce maxProducts
* added checks to enforce export material is valid for location
* added checks for market ti reasearches
* coupled some of the styles to avoid breaking this later on
* added tooltip incase its too long/ too small
* changes to use elipsis and RTL to read the end of file name
It is possible for a player to qualify for an aug through a faction and
not the gang, e.g. when the gang is newly formed and still getting up to
speed. So, we need to consider both gang qualifications and faction
qualifications when constructing the sleeve augmentation list.
After destroying a BitNode, the `resetIndustryResearchTrees` reset all
industries to the _base_ research tree, leaving the product industries
without the `uPgrade` researches in the graph. So corporations started
in the next BitNode were unable to expand product capacity.
This fixes that reset function to use the correct product industry tree.
Spanning {} across all three table columns in the Hacknet Node UI uses a bit less screen real estate, so that on larger font sizes you don't end up with e.g. "hacknet- " on one line and "node-11" on the next.
Initially just wanted to change "traffick" to "traffic" (as that supports both the American and British spelling), but then noticed there were a couple of other ones that could be made slightly less restrictive to improve detection. All changes make detection LESS RESTRICTIVE for the player (ie, they have more ways to provide the parameter), none are MORE RESTRICTIVE (ie, won't break any existing code, etc.
Anything that worked before will still work, but now a few things that may not have worked before - like "traffic arms" (without the k), "illegal arms", and "assassin" will work. (Also allowed for the common misspelling of "forgary")
Wraps the toX() functions of the Router to add a check to only run the
function when it is allowed.
The check is used in the import page to prevent user scripts from
redirecting away to a crime or something else.
Adds a channel to communicate between the main process & the renderer
process, so that the game can easily ship data back to the main process.
It uses the Electron contextBridge & ipcRenderer/ipcMain.
Connects those events to various save functions. Adds triggered events
on game save, game load, and imported game. Adds way for the Electron
app to ask for certain actions or data.
Hook handlers to disable automatic restore
Allows to temporarily disable restore when the game just did an import
or deleted a save game. Prevents looping screens.
This adds a new page reachable from the import save file
options menu. It shows the difference between the current save
and the data that is being imported, for confirmation.
Includes an "automatic" variant, which has different wording for when
Electron decides it has access to a newer version of the game.
While in this screen, the autosave is disabled.
This also adds a new BypassWrapper component around the game's tree.
It allows for content to be displayed without rendering the nested
pages (import, recovery). This prevents player scripts from messing
with the screen.
Adds a lot of metadata to be able to easily compare the new save to the
current player.
- Adds lastSaved & identifier to the PlayerObject
- Includes a hash method used to generate an identifier