Reverted ToastVariant back to an enum internally. Still exposed to player as just possible strings.
Changed all 1-line documentation comments to actually be 1-line. Moved some because they were not providing documentation for the thing they were trying to.
Removed the themes buttons that were in the ThemeEditorModal and only
left a "Revert to Default" button along with a link to the ThemeBrowser
Split off the buttons into reusable components since they are now used
in two pages.
Display the themes in big cards with a zoomable screenshot. Applying the
theme now shows a toast with an option to undo the action.
The snackbar now allows ReactNode instead of only strings.
- Add link with details on how to create a new theme in the game.
- Add link to the theme-sharing discord channel.
- Add icons to the theme & style buttons in GameOptions
- Add "Theme Editor" button to ThemeBrowser
- Add "Style Editor" button to ThemeBrowser
- Move Styles related files into Themes folder
- Includes a modal that shows a bigger version of the screenshot.
- Change Snackbar to allow for ReactNode as the message