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NS.args property

Arguments passed into the script.


readonly args: ScriptArg[];


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Arguments passed into a script can be accessed as a normal array by using the [] operator (args[0], args[1], etc...). Arguments can be string, number, or boolean. Use args.length to get the number of arguments that were passed into a script.


run example.js 7 text true

// example.js
export async function main(ns) {
  ns.tprint(ns.args.length) // 3
  ns.tprint(ns.args[0]); // 7 (number)
  ns.tprint(ns.args[1]); // "text" (string)
  ns.tprint(ns.args[2]); // true (boolean)
  ns.tprint(ns.args[3]); // undefined, because only 3 arguments were provided