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Singularity.workForCompany() method

Work for a company.


workForCompany(companyName: CompanyName, focus?: boolean): boolean;


Parameter Type Description
companyName CompanyName Name of company to work for. Must be an exact match. Optional. If not specified, this argument defaults to the last job that you worked.
focus boolean (Optional) Acquire player focus on this work operation. Optional. Defaults to true.



True if the player starts working, and false otherwise.


RAM cost: 3 GB * 16/4/1

This function will set you to start working at your current job at a specified company at which you are employed. If you are already in the middle of some “working” action (such as working for a faction, training at a gym, or creating a program), then running this function will cancel that action.

This function will return true if the player starts working, and false otherwise.


const companyName = "Noodle Bar";
const success = ns.singularity.workForCompany(companyName);
if (!success) ns.tprint(`ERROR: Failed to start work at ${companyName}.`);