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Corporation interface

Corporation API


export interface Corporation extends WarehouseAPI, OfficeAPI 

Extends: WarehouseAPI, OfficeAPI


Method Description
acceptInvestmentOffer() Accept investment based on you companies current valuation
bribe(factionName, amountCash) Bribe a faction
buyBackShares(amount) Buyback Shares
createCorporation(corporationName, selfFund) Create a Corporation
expandCity(divisionName, city) Expand to a new city
expandIndustry(industryType, divisionName) Expand to a new industry
getBonusTime() Get bonus time. “Bonus time” is accumulated when the game is offline or if the game is inactive in the browser. “Bonus time” makes the game progress faster.
getConstants() Get corporation related constants
getCorporation() Get corporation data
getDivision(divisionName) Get division data
getIndustryData(industryName) Get constant industry definition data for a specific industry
getInvestmentOffer() Get an offer for investment based on you companies current valuation
getMaterialData(materialName) Get constant data for a specific material
getUnlockUpgradeCost(upgradeName) Gets the cost to unlock a one time unlockable upgrade
getUpgradeLevel(upgradeName) Get the level of a levelable upgrade
getUpgradeLevelCost(upgradeName) Gets the cost to unlock the next level of a levelable upgrade
goPublic(numShares) Go public
hasCorporation() Returns whether the player has a corporation. Does not require API access.
hasUnlockUpgrade(upgradeName) Check if you have a one time unlockable upgrade
issueDividends(rate) Issue dividends
issueNewShares(amount) Issue new shares
levelUpgrade(upgradeName) Level an upgrade.
sellShares(amount) Sell Shares
unlockUpgrade(upgradeName) Unlock an upgrade