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NS.prompt() method

Prompt the player with an input modal.


    txt: string,
    options?: { type?: "boolean" | "text" | "select"; choices?: string[] },
  ): Promise<boolean | string>;


Parameter Type Description
txt string Text to appear in the prompt dialog box.
options { type?: "boolean" | "text" | "select"; choices?: string[] } (Optional) Options to modify the prompt the player is shown.


Promise<boolean | string>

True if the player clicks “Yes”; false if the player clicks “No”; or the value entered by the player.


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Prompts the player with a dialog box and returns a promise. If the player cancels this dialog box (press X button or click outside the dialog box), the promise is resolved with a default value (empty string or "false"). If this API is called again while the old dialog box still exists, the old dialog box will be replaced with a new one, and the old promise will be resolved with the default value.

Here is an explanation of the various options.

  • options.type is not provided to the function. If options.type is left out and only a string is passed to the function, then the default behavior is to create a boolean dialog box.

  • options.type has value undefined or "boolean". A boolean dialog box is created. The player is shown "Yes" and "No" prompts, which return true and false respectively. The script's execution is halted until the player presses either the "Yes" or "No" button.

  • options.type has value "text". The player is given a text field to enter free-form text. The script's execution is halted until the player enters some text and/or presses the "Confirm" button.

  • options.type has value "select". The player is shown a drop-down field. Choosing type "select" will require an array to be passed via the options.choices property. The array can be an array of strings, an array of numbers (not BigInt numbers), or a mixture of both numbers and strings. Any other types of array elements will result in an error or an undefined/unexpected behavior. The options.choices property will be ignored if options.type has a value other than "select". The script's execution is halted until the player chooses one of the provided options and presses the "Confirm" button.


// A Yes/No question. The default is to create a boolean dialog box.
const queryA = "Do you enjoy Bitburner?";
const resultA = await ns.prompt(queryA);
ns.tprint(`${queryA} ${resultA}`);

// Another Yes/No question. Can also create a boolean dialog box by explicitly
// passing the option {"type": "boolean"}.
const queryB = "Is programming fun?";
const resultB = await ns.prompt(queryB, { type: "boolean" });
ns.tprint(`${queryB} ${resultB}`);

// Free-form text box.
const resultC = await ns.prompt("Please enter your name.", { type: "text" });
ns.tprint(`Hello, ${resultC}.`);

// A drop-down list.
const resultD = await ns.prompt("Please select your favorite fruit.", {
  type: "select",
  choices: ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Pear", "Strawberry"]
ns.tprint(`Your favorite fruit is ${resultD.toLowerCase()}.`);