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OfficeAPI interface

Corporation Office API


export interface OfficeAPI 


Requires the Office API upgrade from your corporation.


Method Description
buyTea(divisionName, city) Buy tea for your employees.
getHireAdVertCost(divisionName) Get the cost to hire AdVert.
getHireAdVertCount(divisionName) Get the number of times you have hired AdVert.
getOffice(divisionName, city) Get data about an office.
getOfficeSizeUpgradeCost(divisionName, city, size) Get the cost to upgrade an office.
getResearchCost(divisionName, researchName) Get the cost to unlock a research.
hasResearched(divisionName, researchName) Check if you unlocked a research.
hireAdVert(divisionName) Hire AdVert.
hireEmployee(divisionName, city, employeePosition) Hire an employee.
research(divisionName, researchName) Purchase a research.
setAutoJobAssignment(divisionName, city, job, amount) Set the job assignment for a job.
throwParty(divisionName, city, costPerEmployee) Throw a party for your employees.
upgradeOfficeSize(divisionName, city, size) Upgrade office size.