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synced 2025-03-14 06:12:32 +01:00
* Use Compression Streams API instead of jszip or other libraries. * Remove usage of base64 in the new binary format. * Do not convert binary data to string and back. The type of save data is SaveData, it's either string (old base64 format) or Uint8Array (new binary format). * Proper support for interacting with electron-related code. Electron-related code assumes that save data is in the base64 format. * Proper support for other tools (DevMenu, pretty-save.js). Full support for DevMenu will be added in a follow-up PR. Check the comments in src\DevMenu\ui\SaveFileDev.tsx for details.
Pretty Save
Useful to analyze a player's save game for anomalies.
It decodes the save and prettifies the output. Cannot be used to modify a save game directly since it drops some properties.
node ./pretty-save.js 'C:\\Users\\martin\\Desktop\\bitburnerSave_1641395736_BN12x14.json' 'C:\\Users\\martin\\Desktop\\pretty.json'
Fetch Steam Achievements Data
Used to synchronize the achievements info in steamworks to the game's data.json
# Get your key here: https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
node fetch-steam-achievements-data.js DEVKEYDEVKEYDEVKEYDEVKEY
Fetch Changelog
Used to generate a changelog of merged pull requests & commits between A & B. The key is a personnal access token, from https://github.com/settings/tokens. It requires the "gist" scope as the result is pushed to a secret gist.
cd ./tools/fetch-changelog
npm install
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=tokenhere # this could go into your .bashrc or .profile etc.
node index.js --from=31ebdbb139981a604bd0e8fc1e364916762e11b9 > ../bump-version/changes.md
Bump Version
Used to update the game's various version identifier. Requires pandoc installed to convert .md to .rst
cd ./tools/bump-version
npm install
node index.js --version=1.10.3 --versionNumber=10 < changes.md