catloversg 72a63b15cb API: Return active SF levels in getOwnedSourceFiles and ResetInfo.ownedSF (#1761)
* DOCUMENTATION: Clarify getOwnedSourceFiles when player overrides active levels of SFs
* Return Player.activeSourceFiles instead of Player.sourceFiles
* Get rid of zeroes in the map
2024-11-10 22:56:57 -08:00

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Home > bitburner > ResetInfo

ResetInfo interface

Various info about resets


interface ResetInfo 


Property Modifiers Type Description
bitNodeOptions BitNodeOptions Current BitNode options
currentNode number The current BitNode
lastAugReset number Numeric timestamp (from of last augmentation reset
lastNodeReset number Numeric timestamp (from of last BitNode reset
ownedAugs Map<string, number> A map of owned augmentations to their levels. Keyed by the augmentation name. Map values are the augmentation level (e.g. for NeuroFlux governor).
ownedSF Map<number, number>

A map of owned source files. Its keys are the SF numbers. Its values are the active SF levels. This map takes BitNode options into account.

For example, let's say you have SF 1.3, but you overrode the active level of SF1 and set it to level 1. In this case, this map contains this entry: Key: 1 => Value: 1.

If the active level of a source file is 0, that source file won't be included in the result.