Tom Prince b277975656 EDITOR: Provide type definitions for React and ReactDOM in in-game editor. ()
* Fix the type declaration of `!!raw-loader!` modules.

Instead of declaring them to export an object with a single key
`default` which is a string, the modules have a default export, which
is a string.

Note, that this doesn't actually change the generated code, just the
types that typescript sees. The code worked before because the only
thing done to the values was to coerce the values to a string, which
turned into a no-op.

* Switch from using `raw-loader` to using a source asset module.

`raw-loader` was deprecated in webpack v5.
2024-07-07 00:08:33 -07:00
2022-04-06 19:30:08 -04:00
2022-04-06 19:30:08 -04:00
2023-10-07 18:44:28 -04:00
2022-05-25 11:43:43 -04:00


Pretty Save

Useful to analyze a player's save game for anomalies.

It decodes the save and prettifies the output. Cannot be used to modify a save game directly since it drops some properties.


node ./pretty-save.js 'C:\\Users\\martin\\Desktop\\bitburnerSave_1641395736_BN12x14.json' 'C:\\Users\\martin\\Desktop\\pretty.json'

Fetch Steam Achievements Data

Used to synchronize the achievements info in steamworks to the game's data.json


# Get your key here:
node fetch-steam-achievements-data.js DEVKEYDEVKEYDEVKEYDEVKEY

Fetch Changelog

Used to generate a changelog of merged pull requests & commits between A & B. The key is a personnal access token, from It requires the "gist" scope as the result is pushed to a secret gist.


cd ./tools/fetch-changelog
npm install
export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=tokenhere # this could go into your .bashrc or .profile etc.
node index.js --from=31ebdbb139981a604bd0e8fc1e364916762e11b9 > ../bump-version/

Bump Version

Used to update the game's various version identifier. Requires pandoc installed to convert .md to .rst


cd ./tools/bump-version
npm install
node index.js --version=1.10.3 --versionNumber=10 <