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Bladeburner interface

Bladeburner API


export interface Bladeburner 


You have to be employed in the Bladeburner division and be in BitNode-7 or have Source-File 7 in order to use this API.


Method Description
getActionAutolevel(type, name) Get whether an action is set to autolevel.
getActionCountRemaining(type, name) Get action count remaining.
getActionCurrentLevel(type, name) Get the current level of an action.
getActionCurrentTime() Get the time elapsed on current action.
getActionEstimatedSuccessChance(type, name) Get estimate success chance of an action.
getActionMaxLevel(type, name) Get the maximum level of an action.
getActionRepGain(type, name, level) Get the reputation gain of an action.
getActionSuccesses(type, name) Get action successes.
getActionTime(type, name) Get the time to complete an action.
getBlackOpNames() List all black ops.
getBlackOpRank(name) Get black op required rank.
getBonusTime() Get bladeburner bonus time.
getCity() Get current city.
getCityChaos(city) Get chaos of a city.
getCityCommunities(city) Get number of communities in a city.
getCityEstimatedPopulation(city) Get estimated population in city.
getContractNames() List all contracts.
getCurrentAction() Get current action.
getGeneralActionNames() List all general actions.
getOperationNames() List all operations.
getRank() Get player bladeburner rank.
getSkillLevel(skillName) Get skill level.
getSkillNames() List all skills.
getSkillPoints() Get bladeburner skill points.
getSkillUpgradeCost(skillName, count) Get cost to upgrade skill.
getStamina() Get bladeburner stamina.
getTeamSize(type, name) Get team size.
inBladeburner() Returns whether player is a member of bladeburner division. Does not require API access.
joinBladeburnerDivision() Join the bladeburner division.
joinBladeburnerFaction() Join the bladeburner faction.
setActionAutolevel(type, name, autoLevel) Set an action autolevel.
setActionLevel(type, name, level) Set the level of an action.
setTeamSize(type, name, size) Set team size.
startAction(type, name) Start an action.
stopBladeburnerAction() Stop current action.
switchCity(city) Travel to another city in bladeburner.
upgradeSkill(skillName, count) Upgrade skill.