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CorpConstants interface

Corporation related constants


interface CorpConstants 


Property Type Description
baseProductProfitMult number
bribeAmountPerReputation number
bribeThreshold number
coffeeCostPerEmployee number
dividendMaxRate number
employeeRaiseAmount number
employeeSalaryMultiplier number Conversion factor for employee stats to initial salary
gameCyclesPerCorpStateCycle number
gameCyclesPerMarketCycle number
industryNames CorpIndustryName[] Names of all industries
initialShares number
issueNewSharesCooldown number Cooldown for issue new shares cooldown in game cycles (1 game cycle = 200ms)
marketCyclesPerEmployeeRaise number
materialNames CorpMaterialName[] Names of all materials
maxProductsBase number Max products for a division without upgrades
officeInitialCost number
officeInitialSize number
officeSizeUpgradeCostBase number
researchNames CorpResearchName[] Names of all researches
researchNamesBase CorpResearchName[] Names of all researches common to all industries
researchNamesProductOnly CorpResearchName[] Names of all researches only available to product industries
secondsPerMarketCycle number
sellSharesCooldown number Cooldown for selling shares in game cycles (1 game cycle = 200ms)
sharesPerPriceUpdate number When selling large number of shares, price is dynamically updated for every batch of this amount
stateNames CorpStateName[] Names of all corporation game states
unlockNames CorpUnlockName[] Names of all one-time corporation-wide unlocks
upgradeNames CorpUpgradeName[] Names of all corporation-wide upgrades
warehouseInitialCost number
warehouseInitialSize number
warehouseSizeUpgradeCostBase number