add additional clarification to some functions, add addNewsComment function and API, currently untested and not implemented in the client, fix a bunch of stuff that PHPStorm pointed out
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131 lines
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require_once "lib/account.php";
* Retrieves news articles based on the current user's privilege level.
* The function queries the NewsArticles and Users tables to fetch articles
* that the user has the privilege to view. Articles are joined with user
* information to include the author's nickname.
* @global mysqli $mysqli The mysqli database connection object.
* @return array Returns an associative array with a status key indicating the success or failure,
* and an 'Articles' key containing an array of articles if successful.
function getNewsArticles() :array
global $mysqli;
$output = ["Status" => "Fail"]; // Default Status is "Fail"
$articles = [];
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT NewsArticles.ID, NewsArticles.WrittenAt, NewsArticles.WrittenBy, NewsArticles.Title, NewsArticles.Body, NewsArticles.FileList, Users.Nickname FROM NewsArticles INNER JOIN Users ON NewsArticles.WrittenBy = Users.ID WHERE NewsArticles.PrivilegeLevel <= ?;");
$id = 0;
$writtenAt = "";
$writtenBy = 0;
$title = "";
$body = "";
$filelist = 0;
$writtenByName = "";
$stmt->bind_param("i", $_SESSION["privilege_level"]);
$stmt->bind_result($id, $writtenAt, $writtenBy, $title, $body, $filelist, $writtenByName);
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
$articles[] = [
'ID' => $id,
'WrittenAt' => $writtenAt,
'Title' => $title,
'Body' => $body,
'WrittenByName' =>$writtenByName
// Check if any results were fetched
if (!empty($articles)) {
$output["Status"] = "Success";
$output["Articles"] = $articles;
return $output;
* Adds a new news article to the database if the user is logged in and has the appropriate
* privilege level. The function sanitizes the title and body of the article to prevent XSS attacks.
* @global mysqli $mysqli The mysqli database connection object.
* @global array $routerConfig Configuration array that includes default permission settings.
* @param string $title The title of the news article. Default value is "Nazov".
* @param string $body The body of the news article. Default value is "Obsah".
* @param int $privilegeLevel The privilege level required to view the article. If set to 0, uses default from configuration.
* @return array Returns an associative array with a status key that indicates the success or failure of the operation.
function addNewsArticle(string $title="Nazov", string $body="Obsah", int $privilegeLevel=0) :array
global $mysqli;
global $routerConfig;
if ($privilegeLevel == 0){
$privilegeLevel = $routerConfig['newsarticle']['default_permissions'];
$output = ["Status" => "Fail"]; // Default Status is "Fail"
if (isLoggedIn() && $privilegeLevel <= $_SESSION["privilege_level"]) {
$query = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO NewsArticles (WrittenBy, Title, Body, FileList, PrivilegeLevel) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 0, ?);");
$minpriv = intval($privilegeLevel);
$query->bind_param("issi", $_SESSION["ID"], htmlspecialchars($title), htmlspecialchars($body), $minpriv);
if ($query->affected_rows > 0) {
$output["Status"] = "Success";
return $output;
* Adds a comment to a news article.
* @param int $userId User who is commenting.
* @param int $newsArticleId ID of the news article.
* @param string $commentText The content of the comment.
* @param int|null $parentId ID of the parent comment if it's a reply.
* @return array Status array indicating success or failure.
* @global mysqli $mysqli The mysqli database connection object.
function addNewsComment(int $userId, int $newsArticleId, string $commentText, ?int $parentId = null): array {
global $mysqli;
$output = ["Status" => "Fail"]; // Default Status is "Fail"
if (!isLoggedIn()) {
$output['Error'] = "User must be logged in.";
return $output;
// Prepare the SQL statement to prevent SQL injection
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO NewsComments (ParentID, UserID, NewsArticleID, CommentText) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);");
// Bind parameters. 'i' denotes an integer and 's' denotes a string.
$stmt->bind_param("iiis", $parentId, $userId, $newsArticleId, $commentText);
// Execute the query
if ($stmt->execute()) {
// Check if any rows were affected
if ($stmt->affected_rows > 0) {
$output["Status"] = "Success";
} else {
$output["Error"] = "No rows affected.";
} else {
$output["Error"] = $stmt->error;
// Close statement
return $output;